Git pushes files to github with wrong username - macos

I'm trying to push my committed changes to Github using Terminal on Mac OS but
it keeps saying that the access to the repository is denied to my old github user
Permission to myuser/test1.git denied to "OldUser".
fatal: unable to access '"NewUser"/test1.git/': The requested URL returned error: 403
I found some similar problems but none of the answers worked for me:
First of all Iv'e removed all the SSH keys from my mac and created a new one which I then synced with my github account.
Second, I have set the Global config for git to my new username and email using
git config --global AND
When I changed the user and email in the git local config file in my project dir (thinking at least that would work), I was surprised to see the same error when pushing, with my old user name popping out again.. (I really thought a local config would override any old global values) I just don't know where to look anymore..
There are no git environment variables defined and the SSH keys were all re-created.
seems that the last option is to re-install git which would be a really ugly way out..
Oh! BTW when i'm trying to push to github using the dedicated MacOS app it works just fine! I wasn't surprised a bit because all users reporting this problem said that the app worked for them just fine.. Just thought I mention it!
So, if anyone got an answer (or at least a hunch) it would help me a lot.

BTW when I'm trying to push to github using the dedicated MacOS app it works just fine!
It is possible the gitHub for Mac is using https url, with your GitHub login/password (which GitHub for Mac is caching).
Check the url associated with your remote origin:
git remote -v
If it is an https url (like your error message suggests "unable to access '"NewUser"/test1.git/'"), no amount of SSH fiddling will change that error.
Maybe, for http url, the Credential Caching on Mac OS X has still the old credentials.

I had the exact same error on Windows and apparently it's a Git problem. Thanks to ayan4m1 at github forums ( I finally fixed this issue in Windows using notepad in admin mode to delete the credential.helper = manager lines from the C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\etc.gitconfig file. Nothing else worked.
Apparently since I was in non-elevated mode in Git bash from my IDE none of my global commands were able to overwrite the global file. Hope this helps and saves time for someone else with this issue.


GitHub - Using multiple deploy keys on a single server

I have a system where when I push changes to my Repository, A web hook sends a request to my site which runs a bash script to pull the changes and copy any updated files.
I added a second repository with its own deploy key but after doing so i was getting a permission denied error when trying to pull changes.
Is there a way to use 2 deploy key's on the same server?
Environment Details
Site uses Laravel 5.6, Symfony used to run shell script
Git 1.7
Go Daddy web hosting (Basic Linux one)
Script just runs git pull command
Error given is " Permission denied (publickey) "
SHH is used as a deploy key so only read access, there is one other project also using a deploy key on the same server
Thank you in advance for you help! Any other suggestions are welcome!
Edit #1
Edited post to reflect true problem as it was different to what I though (Feel free to revert if this is bad practice), please see answer below for details and solution
What i though was an issue with authentication what actually an issue with the git service not knowing which ssh key to use as i had multiple on the server.
The solution was to use a config file in the .ssh folder and assign alias to specify which ssh key to use for git operations in separate repositories.
Solution is here: Gist with solution
This gist explains the general idea, it suggests using sub-domains however a comment further down uses alias which seems neater.
I have now resolved the issue and the system is working fine with a read-only, passphrase-less deploy key.
This can be done by customizing the GIT_SSH_COMMAND. As ssh .config only gets the host, you have to create aliases to handle different paths. Alternatively, as the git CLI sends the path of the repo to the GIT_SSH_COMMAND, you can intercept the request in a custom script, added in between git and ssh.
You can create a solution where you extract the path and add in the related identity file, if available on the server.
One approach to do this can be found here.
cp deploy_key_file ~/.ssh/git-keys/github-practice
GIT_SSH_COMMAND=custom_keys_git_ssh git clone

Github Mac Permission Issue

I'm using the latest Github for Mac as a new Git user. When I try to sync a repo (that I first cloned, then created a new branch, commited changes, and then merged with master), I got the error:
Authentication Failed.
You may not have permission to access repo111. Check Preferences to make sure you’re still logged in.
I searched for similar questions, but the answer seemed to be add SSH keys to github, so I followed:
When I do ssh -T, I get:
Hi User111! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
I'm logged in as the correct user, and have rights to the repo, so I'm not sure why I'm not authenticated?
It could be that you entered a password incorrectly and it's stored in your keychain.
For my situation, I was using GitHub for Mac to work with a BitBucket repository. Long story short, I mistyped my BitBucket password and GitHub for Mac could not authenticate (because the password stored in my keychain was wrong).
Thanks to the helpful folks at GitHub, they quickly responded when I asked for help:
Open Keychain (in /Applications/Utilities) and search for "GitHub for Mac." There should be an entry like "GitHub for Mac —". Delete that entry
Steps to fix if using GitHub for Mac to manage a BitBucket repo
If you see this:
… then you might have a BitBucket keychain/password problem.
Open Keychain (in /Applications/Utilities) and search for bitbucket:
Right-click on the entry and get info:
Click on "Access Control" to confirm that it's truly the GitHub for Mac BitBucket password/login keychain item:
Rather than deleting the keychain entry/item, I just edited my password:
You should now be able to use GitHub for Mac without authentication failures. :)
Had the same problem, but it was not a password problem, since other repositories worked just fine.
Finally compared .git/config with a working repository and found this:
This failed:
[remote "origin"]
url =
This worked:
[remote "origin"]
url =
Still have no idea how or why this changed.
I had to try some other stuff after the solutions above didn't work out for me.
Dont know why I got this issue, or why was fixed after:
deleting the existing keys:
restarting GitHub Desktop, which automatically regens the keys
add new keys to repo host (bitbucket etc)
I had the same problem, then I followed this steps:
Login to BitBucket and go to the repository you want to use
Click the “Clone” button, and change the drop down option to HTTPS.
Copy the command that appears (something like: git clone
Open terminal in your mac and navigate to wherever you want the theme files to be stored.
Paste the clone command in the terminal, press enter and then enter your password when requested.
In Github for Mac go to the repositories screen and click the + sign in the status bar.
Select Add Local Repository – and then select the repository of the folder you want to add.
If you have created remote repository on GitHub and merged with local repository or project .
you can add that local repository to GitHub desktop app
than go to Repository > repository settings > Remote >
under remote You'll find primary remote repository (origin)
there's a ssh remote url delete that And
Go to your GitHub account.
Open Your Remote repository
click on Clone or Download
Copy the https URL
paste that in the GitHub desktop app
click on fetch in the Desktop GitHub App
It'll work Great :)
If your password is correct and you still see have this problem, chances are your .git/config file has some miss configuration.
In my case, it had a pushurl value under [remote "origin"] which was not needed (I was working on a cloned project).
Comment that line by adding a # before it and you are good to go :)
Also, if you get an error saying:
This repository is configured for Git LFS but 'git-lfs' was not found on your path. If you no longer wish to use Git LFS, remove this hook by deleting .git/hooks/pre-push
just delete that by doing
rm .git/hooks/pre-push
now you are all set. This happened to me also using github desktop app for mac, with a remote bitbucket repo.
hint: if you commit changes and refresh bitbucket to see the changes, those might not show, but navigate to the root of the project and then back to the file and you'll see the changes. Probably some cache issue but it can drive you mad if you don't know this hint.

Pycharm GitHub 'Push failed: fatal: Authentication failed'

Every time I try to push a repository in GitHub with Pycharm the it fails.
Push failed: fatal: Authentication failed for ' github repository)/'
In Settings->Version Control->GitHub, I filled the fields Host, Loging and Password (Auth Type: Password). Testing it: "Connection successful"
In Settings->Version Control->Git, Path to Git executable is seted with the full path, SSH executable: Buil-in
Pycharm version 3.1.1
Git version 1.8.4.msysgit.0
On Win 7.
I tried all but it worked me charm :
The problem I had : Every thing was working from terminal and from Github desktop as well.
But when I tried to PUSH/PULL from pycharm it wasn't working.
Reason : It happens because by-default pycharm save password locally in DB.
Work around: Go to File > Settings > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings> Passwords, clicked on 'Do not save..", restarted IntelliJ and VCS asked for password again.
It seems there is some issue (if using https) if username or password contains "some" special characters.
So, I've generated a secondary password ("personal access token") in GitHub's application settings page (using the "Create new token" button), I did copy this token. Then I've selected Auth Type: Token in Settings->Version Control->GitHub, and pasted the token.
Testing it: Connection successful for user . Now the git push works perfectly.
I struggled with this problem for half a day using Git in PyCharm.
Solution: Settings => Version Control => Git => ticked "Use credential helper" and then it worked perfect.
If your username or password has special characters, you can replace it with the Percent-encoding for theses characters.
for example, if your password is "test#2010", you will write it as "test%402010" and the config command will be like this
git config remote.origin.url https://{username}{repo_username}/{repo_name}.git
So I found the solution to my problem, and I hope this helps:
If you are using KDE, or Gnome, your "KDE Wallet", or "Gnome Keyring" manager will save your password when you push for the first time. However, if you enter the password wrong, these managers (ksshaskpass for KDE) will store the wrong password and will send the wrong password every time.
To fix this, open the appropriate manager and change the password. With KDE, it is in: Kick-off-menu > System Settings > Account Details > KDE Wallet, then click "Launch Wallet Manager", and find "ksshaskpass", expand it, and then expand "Passwords", then find your github registered email address there, click it, and on the right, click on "Show Contents". Now change that value (in case wrong password), then hit save. and you're done!
Now that means you don't have to type in your password each time for https push, and you don't have to use SSH keys either ;)
I came across this once. Turned out that the Web Credentials in the Credentials Manager stored an incorrect password for and
I removed that and it gave me the option to log in when I added a new repository.
Ok guys, I tried all suggested solutions and they did not worked for me.
I use git bash and bitbucket.
Finally I turned it upsidedown, and it worked - at least that way. I know this is difficult and foolish solution, but it worked.
So the steps:
you have your code on your local machine.
you have your repo /on bitbucket/
Delete your repo or make a new one with new name
Make a with the help of the /bitbucket's/ dashbord
clone the new repo
copy your files into this new folder which you want to push
do the git bash work (add,commit) and push it to the repo.
In PyCharm go to:
Settings > Version Control > Github > +
add credentials
Check your open browsers, when logging in from pycharm into GitHub a tab is opened to authorize Jetbrains the access to your Github account.
I am using High Sierra on an old iMac and originally tried to push a new local project to a new remote.
Unable to get authentication working on Terminal I then tried to use PyCharm as a vehicle to save the authentication token from Github.
In the past I was accustomed to the IDE prompting for the use of a token and even suggesting me to open to generate the appropriate one.
PyCharm was not able to push a new branch but it did not give any such hints for a solution in the error message
12:56 Push failed Permission denied (publickey).
Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Show details in console
My solution was to go into the settings and there I found the connection to Github unset - and I was able to link a token.
But I also had to set the remote with the HTTPS link. When I tried with the SSH URI it did not work.

Using SSH Keys on different Mac

I have GIT and my repos setup on a MacBook Air. I'm trying to clone the repo on my iMac. My understanding was that I needed to copy my key over from the /.ssh folder on the MBA to the same folder iMac.
However, when I try and clone the repo on the iMac, I get the following error:
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
I've done a little research already and have verified that...
I have the latest version of GIT and that my and variables are configured correctly. (New Mac - new SSH keys for github?)
the ownership & permissions on the .gitconfig file and parent folder are r/w and owned by my user. (Trouble setting up Tower with my GitHub Account - error: could not lock config file)
my $HOME environment variable points to my users working directory. (Trouble setting up git with my GitHub Account error: could not lock config file)
At this point, I am all out of ideas and could really use some advice.
Can't believe I found the solution right after I got done posting this, but for those who are copying keys to new machines, you have to let SSH know the keys are there. See this answer for details:

git push heroku master Permission denied (publickey)

Edit #3
Updating this at the top because it solved my issue and gave me a good troubleshooting step I didn't know about (and could save you some time, too)
Try getting the output of ssh -vvv For me, ssh was getting hung up on trying keys in /c/Program Files (x86)/Emacs/.ssh when my public key was in /c/Users/NumberOverZero/.ssh
Deleting the Emacs ssh folder (which was empty) fixed my issue since ssh would then check my Users .ssh folder.
I'm getting Permission denied (publickey) when trying to git push heroku master.
A few things that makes this different from the posts below:
I have ssh working for github
I was able to successfully push to heroku last night
Since that push, I've made a single-line change to one js file, and committed and pushed. There have been no other changes.
The closest I could find was this post:
git clone heroku ssh permission denied
I've looked through the related issues (there's quite a few):
git push heroku master Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
git push heroku master permission denied
git clone heroku ssh permission denied
heroku - rails - Permission denied (publickey)
I've tried:
heroku keys:clear
heroku keys:add
heroku keys:clear
*delete every key in .ssh*
heroku keys:add
*delete my application on heroku*
heroku keys:clear
heroku login (adds key for me)
heroku create
git push heroku master
*delete the app on heroku*
delete keys in .ssh
heroku keys:clear
copy all files into a new repository
push new repository to github successfully
heroku login (adds github key for me)
heroku create
git push heroku master
*delete the app on heroku*
heroku keys:clear
heroku login (adds key for me)
heroku create
heroku git:clone app app
Any ideas? I've gone through all of the steps in the linked SOs - most of which were just people not running heroku:add or setting up ssh keys (which I've done in each of these).
I let heroku take the wheel most of the time, (instead of directly creating ssh keys) assuming that the built-in commands would do what they needed when there were no ssh keys present. It seems not.
EDIT: And now that I deleted the app, the new relic addon is alarming that the website is down. Trying to log in through their website asks me to log in through heroku. Which I can't find a way to do, since the app is gone. Is there a way to delete that addon now that I can't get to the app? heroku addons gives an error, so I don't think I'm getting to it through there.
EDIT #2: Added another step I tried - moved files into new repository and push to new application.
I had the same problem for Windows 7 box and found the solution here:
Solution: Typically once you create the keys as mentioned above, two files – “id_rsa” and “” – are stored in the “.ssh” folder
within the user’s home folder. If you are working with linux that
seems to be good enough. But for the windows version of git that
doesn’t seem to cut it. It wants the keys to be stored inside the
“.ssh” folder within the “msysgit” installation folder as well. If you
don’t find a “.ssh” folder inside the “msysgit” installation folder,
feel free to create one. Once you drop these two key files there and
repeat the entire process, everything went as smooth and my
application got deployed in the heroku cloud and the world is again a
better place to live in.
In my case, I have to find where git.exe was installed, which is C:\Program Files\Git\. So here are the steps:
Create .ssh folder inside C:\Program Files\Git\
Copy id_rsa and from your home folder (C:\Users\username\.ssh\) to C:\Program Files\Git\.ssh\.
Try again with C:\dev\heroku\sample-app> git push heroku master.
Nice job linking to all the other things you've looked at and tried! (that will improve the responses you get, but still you should be prepared for a lot of 'have you tried...', and 'maybe it's ...' because this is a system/env issue that isn't on the normal flow)
You might have had something working in your local terminal session that has since been lost. (I've had this happen a bunch of times)
Things it might be:
your ssh keys on heroku
your ability to push up to heroku from that computer/network
something about your git repo
I ran into this once and it was driving me crazy. I hopped on my (FREE) cloud9 account, cloned some simple rails app from github and pushed it out to heroku, which helped me prove that my heroku account was fine, heroku itself was fine, but my local laptop had some issues in my configuration.
I think the issue was my username, but I don't remember. (moving to a different env and starting from scratch helped me realize the issue though)
The main reason you get this message is because you do not have ssh-keygen added to your environment variables.
This command is located in the bin-directory of Git program files.
You should add that bin directory to your environment variables.
