Programmatically convert multiple midi files to wave using timidity, ffmpeg, and bash - bash

I am trying to build a script to do as the title says, but I am somewhat unfamiliar with Bash and other online resources have only been so helpful.
#! /bin/bash
function inout #Create Function inout
output[0]=" " #Initialize variables
input[0]=" "
while [ "$count" -lt 10 ]; #Start loop to get all filenames
echo "Grabbing filename" #User feedback
input=$(ls | grep 0$count | grep MID | sed 's/ /\\ /g') #Grab filename
#Replace ' ' character with '\ '
output=$(echo $input | tr 'MID' 'mp3')
#set output filename
echo $count #Output variables for testing
echo $input
echo $output
let count+=1 #Increment counter
echo "converting $input to $output." #User feedback
foo="timidity $input -Ow -o - | ffmpeg -i - -acodec libmp3lame -ab 320k $output"
echo $foo
#The last two lines are for the purpose of testing the full output
#I can get the program to run if I copy and paste the output from above
#but if I run it directly with the script it fails
I am trying to figure out why I can't just run it from inside the script, and why I must copy/paste the output of $foo
Any ideas?

It's impossible to tell from your code how the input files are named; I'll assume something like song_02.MID:
inout () {
for input in song_*.MID; do
timidity "$input" -Ow -o - | ffmpeg -i - -acodec libmp3lame -ab 320k "$output"
They key is to define an appropriate pattern to match your input files, then iterate over the matching files with a for loop.
Also, your use of tr is incorrect: that call would replace any occurrence of M, I, or D with m, p, and 3, respectively; it does not replace occurrences of the 3-character string MID with mp3.


ffmpeg command exports flac with wrong 'length' metadata, works fine for mp3

I have some audio recorded in Audacity 3.2.3 that I have exported as an mp3 and a flac. Then I have this file
Which has hardcoded input path values that take an input file, split it by detecting silence, and then finally run an ffmpeg command to split the files. If you save the below code into a file, you can call it with the command $ ./ "value1" "value2"
# ./ "full_lowq.flac" %03d_output.flac
IN="/mnt/e/martinradio/rips/vinyl/WIP/Dogs On Fire (1983, Vinyl)/dog on fire.flac"
OUTPUT_LOCATION="/mnt/e/martinradio/rips/vinyl/WIP/Dogs On Fire (1983, Vinyl)/"
true ${SD_PARAMS:="-18dB"};
if [ -z "$OUT" ]; then
echo "Usage: full.mp3 output_template_%03d.mp3"
echo "Depends on FFmpeg, Bash, Awk, Perl 5. Not tested on Mac or Windows."
echo ""
echo "Environment variables (with their current values):"
echo " SD_PARAMS=$SD_PARAMS Parameters for FFmpeg's silencedetect filter: noise tolerance and minimal silence duration"
echo " MIN_FRAGMENT_DURATION=$MIN_FRAGMENT_DURATION Minimal fragment duration"
exit 1
# get comma separated list of split points (use ffmpeg to determine points where audio is at SD_PARAMS [-18db] )
echo "_______________________"
echo "Determining split points..." >& 2
ffmpeg -v warning -i "$IN" -af silencedetect="$SD_PARAMS",ametadata=mode=print:file=-:key=lavfi.silence_start -vn -sn -f s16le -y /dev/null \
| grep lavfi.silence_start= \
| cut -f 2-2 -d= \
| perl -ne '
our $prev;
INIT { $prev = 0.0; }
if (($_ - $prev) >= $ENV{MIN_FRAGMENT_DURATION}) {
print "$_,";
$prev = $_;
' \
| sed 's!,$!!'
# Add 5 seconds to each of the comma separated numbers
# Convert the comma-separated string into an array
arr=($(echo $SPLITS | tr ',' '\n'))
# Initialize a new array to store the results
# Iterate through each element and add 5 seconds of padding
for i in "${arr[#]}"; do
result=$(echo "$i + 5" | bc -l)
# Convert the array back into a comma-separated string
NEW_SPLITS=$(IFS=,; echo "${new_arr[*]}")
# Print the result
# Print how many tracks should be exported
num=$((CHARCOUNT + 2))
echo "Exporting $num tracks"
echo "_______________________"
# Split audio into individual tracks
echo "Running ffmpeg command: "
ffmpeg -i "$IN" -c copy -map 0 -f segment -segment_times "$SPLITS" "$OUT"
#ffmpeg -i "full_lowq.flac" -c copy -map 0 -f segment -segment_times "302.825,552.017" "%03d_output.flac"
echo "Done."
cd $current_directory
echo "running flac command"
# check flac file intrgrity
If I call this code for my flac file:
IN="/mnt/e/martinradio/rips/vinyl/WIP/Dogs On Fire (1983, Vinyl)/dog on fire.flac"
The outputted files have an incorrect metadata for the length. They all report as having the same length, but if i import any of them into audacity, the file has a correct length.
but if i run this for my mp3 file, we can see the correct length metadata:
IN="/mnt/e/martinradio/rips/vinyl/WIP/Dogs On Fire (1983, Vinyl)/dogs on fire.mp3"
So there is something with my ffmpeg command that causes it to export flac files with wrong 'length' metadata
ffmpeg -i "$IN" -c copy -map 0 -f segment -segment_times "$SPLITS" "$OUT"
I've tried with the flac example to change -c copy to -c:a flac, but that just gives every output flac file a length of 00:00:00
is it a problem with my ffmpeg command? Or my files?
it works for mp3 files just fine, why does it have this issue with flac?

How does FFmpeg concat videos and output same file prefix

I have a lot of videos cut into three parts, and I want to concat them.
I now have the following bash to output videos in the folder to a file named mergedVideo.mp4.
for f in *.mp4 ; do echo file \'$f\' >> fileList.txt;done
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i fileList.txt -c copy mergedVideo.mp4
All my input files are like Something part1.mp4, Something part2.mp4, Something part3.mp4
What I want is to output a file named Something.mp4
It is possible?
How can I modify my bash to achieve that~?
Would you please try the following:
for f in *.mp4; do
echo file \'$f\' >> fileList.txt
[[ $f =~ $pat ]] && mergedvideo="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}.mp4"
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i fileList.txt -c copy "$mergedvideo"
Explanation of the regex $pat:
^([^[:space:]]+) matches a non-space substring from the beginning of the
string $f and is assigned to the shell variable BASH_REMATCH[1].
As for the provided example filenames, BASH_REMATCH[1] will be assigned to Something.
[[:space:]]* matches a zero or more whitespace(s).
part[[:digit:]]+ matches a string "part" followed by digit(s).
\.mp4 matches the suffix.
If you are familiar with sed as well, the following may be more readable and maintainable:
mergedvideo=$(sed -E 's/[[:space:]]*part[[:digit:]]+//' <<< "$f")
I extend tshiono's answer to be able to manipulate all the files in the same folders (just like Marinos An mentioned, the idea is to merge files with the same prefix)
Cases like a folder with the following files:
Monday Blue part1.mp4
Monday Blue part2.mp4
Wednesday part1.mp4
Wednesday part2.mp4
Wednesday part3.mp4
Expected Output:
Monday Blue.mp4
for f in *.mp4; do
if [[ $f =~ $pat ]]; then
echo file \'$f\' >> "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}.txt"
for f in *.txt; do
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i "${f%%.*}.txt" -c copy "${f%%.*}.mp4"

ffmpeg - bash script fadeout audio file

I am trying to write a bash script to get the duration of an audiofile and then apply a 5 second fade-out.
f="$*" # all args
p="${f##*/}" # file
fn="${p%.*}" # name only
e="${p##*.}" # extension
echo $f
echo $p
echo $fn
echo $e
_t=$(ffmpeg -i "$f" 2>&1 | grep "Duration" | grep -o " [0-9:.]*, " )
ffmpeg -i "$f" -af "afade=t=out:st=$_t:d=500" "$fn $sec sec fade-out.$e"
I getting an Invalid argument error.
Thanks for all the help - here is my solution. Pretty sure there are more elegant ways, but I am a beginner.
f="$*" # all args
p="${f##*/}" # file
fn="${p%.*}_fade" # name only
e="${p##*.}" # extension
dur=$(ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 "$f")
t=$(echo "$dur - $sec" | bc)
ffmpeg -i "$f" -af "afade=t=out:st=$t:d=5" "$fn $sec sec.$e"

Bash - calculate length of all mp3 files in one folder

I have the following command which returns the filenames and lengths of mp3s files:
mp3info -p "%f: %m:%02s\n" *.mp3
How can I use this in a bash script to return the total length (sum) of all mp3 files in a given directory? I would like to have the following notation: mm:ss
I'd go for a three step approach:
instead of printing filename.mp3: mm:ss\n, omit the file name and print the overall seconds
Build arithmetic expression from result, giving you total seconds
divide by 60, round down to get minutes, calculate remainder of seconds.
The first step is easy
mp3info -o '%S'
will do the job. Now, we want things to give us a valid numerical expression of the form
mp3info -o '%S + '
would seem wise.
Then, because the last thing mp3info prints will then be a +, let's add a zero:
"$(mp3info -o '%S + ') 0"
and use that string in an arithmetic expression:
total_seconds=$(( $(mp3info -o '%S + ' *.mp3) 0 ))
Now, get the full minutes:
full_minutes=$(( total_seconds / 60 ))
and the remaining seconds
seconds=$(( total_seconds % 60 ))
So the total script would look like
# This code is under GPLv2
# Author: Marcus Müller
total_seconds=$(( $(mp3info -o '%S + ' *.mp3) 0 ))
printf "%02d:%02d\n" $((total_seconds / 60)) $((total_seconds % 60))
Base calculation in mp3info is error prone, as metadata is not real data. Using sox (swiss army tool for audio) you can get directly from mp3 file.
for a in *.mp3
T="$(soxi -D $a 2>-)"
echo $T
[[ "$T" != "" ]] && R="$R + $T"
echo $R | bc
if you want hours
echo "($R) / 60" | bc
For long list of mp3 would be better to sum duration at each loop
This Bourne shell one-liner, when used inside a directory containing only music files, will output their total length in seconds with a very high degree of precision:
LENGTH=0; for file in *; do LENGTH="$LENGTH+$(ffprobe -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 "$file" 2>/dev/null)"; done; echo "$LENGTH" | bc
Modified to only output the length of .mp3 files (and thus avoid breaking on the innocuous .docx sitting within our music directory), it would look like this:
LENGTH=0; for file in *.mp3; do if [ -f "$file" ]; then LENGTH="$LENGTH+$(ffprobe -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 "$file" 2>/dev/null)"; fi; done; echo "$LENGTH" | bc
And if, for example, we wanted to output the total length of audio with only several different file extensions, we can do that as well by adding a second wildcard, still avoiding the dreadful, scary .docx:
LENGTH=0; for file in *.mp3 *.ogg; do if [ -f "$file" ]; then LENGTH="$LENGTH+$(ffprobe -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 "$file" 2>/dev/null)"; fi; done; echo "$LENGTH" | bc
Naturally, ffmpeg has to be installed to use either of these.
Here's a variation of #albfan's kind answer with descriptive variable names and syntax highlighting. It works for an entire directory of directories (albums).
for ALBUM in *
if [ -d "${ALBUM}" ] ; then
echo ${ALBUM}
# Make `cd` quiet
cd "${ALBUM}" &>/dev/null
for TRACK in *.mp3; do
TRACK_TIME="$(soxi -D "${TRACK}" 2>/dev/null)"
# noisy
# echo "Track duration: $TRACK_TIME"
# Convert summation to a single number for efficiency
# This has to be two stmts?
echo -n "Album time (min): "; echo 'scale=2;' ${ALBUM_TIME} / 60 | bc
echo # line break
cd ..
# Evaluate the expression
TOTAL=`echo $TOTAL | bc`
echo -n "Total time (hrs): "; echo 'scale=2;' ${TOTAL} / 3600 | bc
A one-liner to rule them all:
mp3info -p '%S\n' *.mp3 | awk '{s+=$1} END {printf"%d:%02d:%02d\n",s/3600,s%3600/60,s%3600%60}'

Shell Script to download youtube files from playlist

I'm trying to write a bash script that will download all of the youtube videos from a playlist and save them to a specific file name based on the title of the youtube video itself. So far I have two separate pieces of code that do what I want but I don't know how to combine them together to function as a unit.
This piece of code finds the titles of all of the youtube videos on a given page:
curl -s "$1" | grep '<span class="title video-title "' | cut -d\> -f2 | cut -d\< -f1
And this piece of code downloads the files to a filename given by the youtube video id (e.g. the filename given by would be CsBVaJelurE.flv)
curl -s "$1" | grep "watch?" | cut -d\" -f4| while read video;
do youtube-dl "$video";
I want a script that will output the youtube .flv file to a filename given by the title of the video (in this case BASH lesson 2.flv) rather than simply the video id name. Thanks in advance for all the help.
OK so after further research and updating my version of youtube-dl, it turns out that this functionality is now built directly into the program, negating the need for a shell script to solve the playlist download issue on youtube. The full documentation can be found here: ( but the simple solution to my original question is as follows:
1) youtube-dl will process a playlist link automatically, there is no need to individually feed it the URLs of the videos that are contained therein (this negates the need to use grep to search for "watch?" to find the unique video id
2) there is now an option included to format the filename with a variety of options including:
id: The sequence will be replaced by the video identifier.
url: The sequence will be replaced by the video URL.
uploader: The sequence will be replaced by the nickname of the person who uploaded the video.
upload_date: The sequence will be replaced by the upload date in YYYYMMDD format.
title: The sequence will be replaced by the literal video title.
ext: The sequence will be replaced by the appropriate extension (like
flv or mp4).
epoch: The sequence will be replaced by the Unix epoch when creating
the file.
autonumber: The sequence will be replaced by a five-digit number that
will be increased with each download, starting at zero.
the syntax for this output option is as follows (where NAME is any of the options shown above):
youtube-dl -o '%(NAME)s'
As an example, to answer my original question, the syntax is as follows:
youtube-dl -o '%(title)s.%(ext)s'
Thanks again to those who responded to my question, your help is greatly appreciated.
If you want to use the title from youtube page as a filename, you could use -t option of youtube-dl. If you want to use the title from your "video list" page and you sure that there is exactly one watch? URL for every <span class="title video-title" title, then you can use something like this:
onexit() {
rm -f $TMPFILE
trap onexit EXIT
curl -s "$1" -o $TMPFILE
grep '<span class="title video-title "' $TMPFILE | cut -d\> -f2 | cut -d\< -f1 | while read title; do
grep "watch?" $TMPFILE | cut -d\" -f4 | while read url; do
i=0; while (( i < ${#urls[#]} )); do
youtube-dl -o "${titles[$i]}.%(ext)" "${urls[$i]}"
I did not tested it because I have no "video list" page example.
this following method work and play you titanic from youtube
decode() {
printf "%b" `echo $1 | sed 's:&:\n:g' | grep "^$2" | cut -f2 -d'=' | sed -r $to_decode`
data=`wget$1\&hl=pt_BR -q -O-`
url_encoded_fmt_stream_map=`decode $data 'url_encoded_fmt_stream_map' | cut -f1 -d','`
signature=`decode $url_encoded_fmt_stream_map 'sig'`
url=`decode $url_encoded_fmt_stream_map 'url'`
test $2 && name=$2 || name=`decode $data 'title' | sed 's:+: :g;s:/:-:g'`
test "$name" = "-" && name=/dev/stdout || name="$name.vid"
wget "${url}&signature=${signature}" -O "$name"
#!/usr/bin/env /bin/bash
function youtube-video-url {
local field=
local data=
local split="s:&:\n:g"
local decode_str='s:%([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]):\\x\1:g'
local yt_url="$1"
local grabber=`command -v curl`
local args="-sL"
if [ ! "$grabber" ]; then
grabber=`command -v wget`
if [ ! "$grabber" ]; then
echo 'No downloader available.' >&2
test x"${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" = x"$0" && exit 1 || return 1
function decode {
data="`echo $1`"
if [ ! "$field" ]; then
data="`cat /dev/stdin`"
data=`echo $data | sed $split | grep "^$field" | cut -f2 -d'=' | sed -r $decode_str`
printf "%b" $data
local map=`$grabber $args $yt_url | decode 'url_encoded_fmt_stream_map' | cut -f1 -d','`
echo `decode $map 'url'`\&signature=`decode $map 'sig'`
[ $SHLVL != 1 ] && export -f youtube-video-url
bash saalGKY7ifU
decode() {
printf "%b" `echo $1 | sed 's:&:\n:g' | grep "^$2" | cut -f2 -d'=' | sed -r $to_decode`
data=`wget$1\&hl=pt_BR -q -O-`
url_encoded_fmt_stream_map=` decode $data 'url_encoded_fmt_stream_map' | cut -f1 -d','`
signature=` decode $url_encoded_fmt_stream_map 'sig'`
url=`decode $url_encoded_fmt_stream_map 'url'`
test $2 && name=$2 || name=`decode $data 'title' | sed 's:+: :g;s:/:-:g'`
test "$name" = "-" && name=/dev/stdout || name="$name.mp4"
# // wget "${url}&signature=${signature}" -O "$name"
mplayer -zoom -fs "${url}&signature=${signature}"
It uses decode and bash, that you may have installed.
I use this bash script to download a given set of songs from a given youtube's playlist
downloadDirectory = <directory where you want your videos to be saved>
playlistURL = <URL of the playlist>
for i in {<keyword 1>,<keyword 2>,...,<keyword n>}; do
youtube-dl -o ${downloadDirectory}"/youtube-dl/%(title)s.%(ext)s" ${playlistURL} --match-title $i
Note: "keyword i" is the title (in whole or part; if part, it should be unique to that playlist) of a given video in that playlist.
Edit: You can install youtube-dl by pip install youtube-dl
# Coded by Biki Teron
# String replace command in linux
echo "Enter youtube url:"
read url1
wget -c -O index.html $url1
################################### Linux string replace ##################################################
sed -e 's/%3A%2F%2F/:\/\//g' index.html > youtube.txt
sed -i 's/%2F/\//g' youtube.txt
sed -i 's/%3F/?/g' youtube.txt
sed -i 's/%3D/=/g' youtube.txt
sed -i 's/%26/\&/g' youtube.txt
sed -i 's/%252/%2/g' youtube.txt
sed -i 's/sig/&signature/g' youtube.txt
## command to get filename
nawk '/<title>/,/<\/title>/' youtube.txt > filename.txt ## Print the line between containing <title> and <\/title> .
sed -i 's/.*content="//g' filename.txt
sed -i 's/">.*//g' filename.txt
sed -i 's/.*<title>//g' filename.txt
sed -i 's/<.*//g' filename.txt
######################################## Coding to get all itag list ########################################
nawk '/"fmt_list":/,//' youtube.txt > fmt.html ## Print the line containing "fmt_list": .
sed -i 's/.*"fmt_list"://g' fmt.html
sed -i 's/, "platform":.*//g' fmt.html
sed -i 's/, "title":.*//g' fmt.html
# String replace command in linux to get correct itag format
sed -i 's/\\\/1920x1080\\\/99\\\/0\\\/0//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/1920x1080\/99\/0\/0 by blank .
sed -i 's/\\\/1920x1080\\\/9\\\/0\\\/115//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/1920x1080\/9\/0\/115 by blank.
sed -i 's/\\\/1280x720\\\/99\\\/0\\\/0//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/1280x720\/99\/0\/0 by blank.
sed -i 's/\\\/1280x720\\\/9\\\/0\\\/115//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/1280x720\/9\/0\/115 by blank.
sed -i 's/\\\/854x480\\\/99\\\/0\\\/0//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/854x480\/99\/0\/0 by blank.
sed -i 's/\\\/854x480\\\/9\\\/0\\\/115//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/854x480\/9\/0\/115 by blank.
sed -i 's/\\\/640x360\\\/99\\\/0\\\/0//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/640x360\/99\/0\/0 by blank.
sed -i 's/\\\/640x360\\\/9\\\/0\\\/115//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/640x360\/9\/0\/115 by blank.
sed -i 's/\\\/640x360\\\/9\\\/0\\\/115//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/640x360\/9\/0\/115 by blank.
sed -i 's/\\\/320x240\\\/7\\\/0\\\/0//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/320x240\/7\/0\/0 by blank.
sed -i 's/\\\/320x240\\\/99\\\/0\\\/0//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/320x240\/99\/0\/0 by blank.
sed -i 's/\\\/176x144\\\/99\\\/0\\\/0//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/176x144\/99\/0\/0 by blank.
# Command to cut a part of a file between any two strings
nawk '/"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map":/,//' youtube.txt > url.txt
sed -i 's/.*url_encoded_fmt_stream_map"://g' url.txt
#Display video resolution information
echo ""
echo "Video resolution:"
echo "[46=1080(.webm)]--[37=1080(.mp4)]--[35=480(.flv)]--[36=180(.3gpp)]"
echo "[45=720 (.webm)]--[22=720 (.mp4)]--[34=360(.flv)]--[17=144(.3gpp)]"
echo "[44=480 (.webm)]--[18=360 (.mp4)]--[5=240 (.flv)]"
echo "[43=360 (.webm)]"
echo ""
echo "itag list= "`cat fmt.html`
echo "Enter itag number: "
read fmt
####################################### Coding to get required resolution #################################################
## cut itag=?
sed -e "s/.*,itag=$fmt//g" url.txt > "$fmt"_1.txt
sed -e 's/\u0026quality.*//g' "$fmt"_1.txt > "$fmt".txt
sed -i 's/.*u0026url=//g' "$fmt".txt ## Ignore all lines before \u0026url= but print all lines after \u0026url=.
sed -e 's/\u0026type.*//g' "$fmt".txt > "$fmt"url.txt ## Ignore all lines after \u0026type but print all lines before \u0026type.
sed -i 's/\\/\&/g' "$fmt"url.txt ## replace \ by &
sed -e 's/.*\u0026sig//g' "$fmt".txt > "$fmt"sig.txt ## Ignore all lines before \u0026sig but print all lines after \u0026sig.
sed -i 's/\\/\&ptk=machinima/g' "$fmt"sig.txt ## replace \ by &
echo `cat "$fmt"url.txt``cat "$fmt"sig.txt` > "$fmt"url.txt ## Add string at the end of a line
echo `cat "$fmt"url.txt` > link.txt ## url and signature content to 44url.txt
rm "$fmt"sig.txt
rm "$fmt"_1.txt
rm "$fmt".txt
rm "$fmt"url.txt
rm youtube.txt
########################################### Coding for filename with correct extension #####################################
if [ $fmt -eq 46 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.webm > filename.txt
elif [ $fmt -eq 45 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.webm > filename.txt
elif [ $fmt -eq 44 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.webm > filename.txt
elif [ $fmt -eq 43 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.webm > filename.txt
elif [ $fmt -eq 37 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.mp4 > filename.txt
elif [ $fmt -eq 22 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.mp4 > filename.txt
elif [ $fmt -eq 18 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.mp4 > filename.txt
elif [ $fmt -eq 35 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.flv > filename.txt
elif [ $fmt -eq 34 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.flv > filename.txt
elif [ $fmt -eq 5 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.flv > filename.txt
elif [ $fmt -eq 36 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.3gpp > filename.txt
echo `cat filename.txt`.3gpp > filename.txt
rm fmt.html
rm url.txt
filename=`cat filename.txt`
linkdownload=`cat link.txt`
wget -c -O "$filename" $linkdownload
echo "Download Finished!"
