Jmeter:Load Test Using Recorded Script - jmeter

I have a recorded script in J meter and now i want to test the recorded script with more number of virtual users.Is there anyway to test?

In your case, you must create a thread group and specify the number of conccurent user in Thread Properties>Number of Thread(users)
In your thread group, put your recorded script
You can find more details here


JMeter handle "test-completed" event

I calculate some statistics (e.g. average request duration) while my tests are running using code similar to this:
However, I want to know when the test is done running (all the samplers have executed), so that I act upon the statistics then, and not before that. Essentially, I want to assert on the average duration of the requests when all requests are done.
Is there a way to execute code when the test is about to finish?
You must probably be looking for the tearDown Thread Group. It is some form of "special" thread group, the difference from "normal" Thread Groups is that the tearDown Thread Group is being executed after all other Thread Groups therefore you will be able to perform your "near the end" actions there.
More information: How to Use the SetUp Thread Group in JMeter When Preparing a Load Test

Get number of threads (defined via BlazeMeter) in a thread group from the setup thread group (jmeter)

I have a JMeter test plan which performs a simple action once. When I upload the test to BlazeMeter, I can then choose the number of threads I want for my thread group and run the test.
The problem I am having is that my test setup needs to know how many threads the thread group will have. To make things clearer, here is a simple representation of the test plan:
setUp Thread Group
needs to know the number of threads in the below thread group
Thread Group
The number of threads for this thread group is determined via BlazeMeter test configuration
Within the non-setup thread group, I can dynamically get the number of threads assigned via BlazeMeter, but I can't find any way of getting this number from within the setup thread group.
Any ideas?
You can do it using the following Groovy code:
def numberOfThreads = ctx.getThreadGroup().getNumThreads()
The approach is environment-agnostic so you can use it anywhere. It may be more handy to use __groovy() function like: ${__groovy(ctx.getThreadGroup().getNumThreads(),)}
See Groovy Is the New Black article for more information on using Groovy scripting in JMeter tests.

JMeter - Thread Group

Is it possible to specify programmatically the number of threads from within the Thread Group?
My scenario: I need to run two Thread Groups. Each group will read files that specify the number of threads for that group to run. The groups should run concurrently.
You can use properties.
For ex:
In the number of threads field, you can set like this
When you run the test through command line, you can pass the value as shown here
jmeter -n -t test.jmx -Jusercount=10
Now the test will run for 10 users.
You can also use $(__P(usercount,5)}
That is, if the property value is passed to the test, then it will use it, otherwise, it will take the default value which is 5.

load test with varying number of threads in JMeter

I am have been exploring JMeter for the last couple of days. And I am try to achieve the following:
I am trying to create a load test for a service such that, in the first loop 'n' threads are created and in the second loop 'n+m' threads are created and in the third loop 'n+2m' threads, in the fourth 'n+3m' threads and so on. I did find many solutions here and I tried replicating them, but somehow it is not working for me. The test plan I created looks something like this:
Step 1: Add a user defined variable called USERCOUNT = 0
Step 2: Create a thread group. I have used __intSum to increment USERCOUNT by one and storing the result back in USERCOUNT for future reference.
Ideally what I am expecting here is, in the first loop one thread is created, in second loop 2 thread are created and in the third loop 3 threads are created. So in total there should be 6 thread created. However the results show up something like this:
Not sure if I am missing something silly or my approach itself is completely wrong. Any help from the community would be appreciated. :)
I believe what you are trying to do is impossible. When JMeter starts a thread group for the first time it initializes the number of threads.
What you are essentially trying to do is re-run the same test three times with different numbers of users each time. JMeter cannot re-run a thread group once started, it can only re-run ("loop") a thread in a thread group. It is not possible to add threads to a running thread group once the ramp up and threads are initialized. (Let me know if I should try to explain that further).
If you want one thread group to populate the run-time settings of another thread group, you must have two thread groups in the test plan. At the test plan level, check off the option "Run Thread Groups Sequentially."
With that option, JMeter will not initialize the number of threads on the second thread group until the first one finishes. The first thread group can set a global property, and the second thread group can reference it in the number of threads.
How to set a property in beanshell: (this would be in Thread Group 1)
How to reference that value in Thread Group 2:
If this does not help, maybe try to describe your end goal. What are you trying to learn about the thing you are testing?
Edit: Perhaps using the plugin package "Stepping Thread Group" will allow you to achieve the scenario you are trying in a single thread group. Check this out:
JMeter currently doesn't provide possibility to change number of threads on-the-fly during test execution so I would suggest to go with the following alternatives:
Use i.e. Ultimate Thread Group available via JMeter Plugins which adds some extra features to JMeter's Thread Group so you will be able to implement your scenario
Consider so called "goal oriented scenario" when load is based on requests per second rather than on number of virtual users. You can precisely set desired throughput rate and even change it during test run using Constant Throughput Timer

JMeter Include controller

First script
|--Http Sampler
|--Include Controller <second script>
Second script
| |--Http Sampler
|--Http Sampler
I run the first script which does few steps and uses include controller to call the next script. I need the second script Thread groups (Thread-2 and Thread-3) run simultaneously and not consecutively.
I understand the thread run concurrently by default. But when I execute my code i see:
Thread-1 successful
Thread-2 successful
Execution never gets to thread-3
Can you please help me? I want to know how to run the second script's thread group simultaneously?
You are misusing IncludeController, you need to use Test Fragment element in the included test plan (second script)
First and second script are separate test plans.
First Test Plan contains one thread, which contains a include controller to call the second script or the second Test plan
Second test plan contains 2 thread groups
In both the Test Plan untick "Run threads consecutively"
In the second test plan tick "Delayed thread creation" - this means that the memory requirements are proportional to the number of concurrent active threads, rather than the total thread count
Threads in JMeter run simultaneously by default.
Understand the difference between concurrency and simultaneous. Here is a helpful link: How to generate Concurrent User load in Jmeter
