Invalid Resource Id when batch inserting - google-api

I am doing a batch insert into the Google Calendar using the .NET API. I have the following code.
var request = new BatchRequest(calendarService);
new Event
Id = String.Format("yot-{0}", item.AppointmentId),
Summary = item.Title,
Description = item.Description,
Start = new EventDateTime() { DateTime = item.Date },
End = new EventDateTime() { DateTime = item.Date.AddHours(item.Length) }
}, calendar.Id),
(content, error, i, message) =>
//Log error
When I execute and try and insert I get the error "Invalid resource id". What does this error mean?

You have to follow the guidelines defined here :
Basically, the id has to be between 5 and 1024 characters long and consist solely from characters in this alphabet : 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv.
Try with a simple Guid.NewGuid() or use a Base32 Encoder if you don't want random IDs


get googlesheets cells with name sheet with accents

I try to use the gradle exemple to get googlessheets cells and get error with the tab name with diacritics ("Opérations 2023") because the name is in french.
the error is below.
"code": 400,
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"message": "Unable to parse range: Op%C3%A9rations%202023!A2%3AE2",
"reason": "badRequest"
"message": "Unable to parse range: Op%C3%A9rations%202023!A2%3AE2",
The request is
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
// Build a new authorized API client service.
final NetHttpTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();
final String spreadsheetId = "ID";
final String range = "Opérations 2023!A2:E2";
Sheets service =
new Sheets.Builder(HTTP_TRANSPORT, JSON_FACTORY, getCredentials(HTTP_TRANSPORT))
ValueRange response = service.spreadsheets().values()
.get(spreadsheetId, range)
List<List<Object>> values = response.getValues();
if (values == null || values.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("No data found.");
} else {
System.out.println("Name, Major");
for (List row : values) {
// Print columns A and E, which correspond to indices 0 and 4.
System.out.printf("%s, %s\n", row.get(0), row.get(4));
What can I do please ?
I'm writing this answer as a community wiki, since the issue was resolved from the comments section, in order to provide a proper response to the question.
I tested with Sheets API Method: spreadsheets.values.get and I had no issues using it with sheet named "Opérations 2023" so it seems is not issue with the API but character encoding in Java.
I'm not an expert in Java, but while doing research, I found a similar thread and it shows the same error when using Java while doing it with Python it seems to work with no issue.
As a workaround, if the sheet you're aiming to is the first one in your Worksheet, then you can just omit the name of the Sheet and set the range to: "A2:E2", this will aim the default sheet which is the first one in your Worksheet.

Chat app list last messages of each peer using parse server

I am doing a chat app using parse server, everything is great but i tried make to list just last message for every remote peer. i didn't find any query limitation how to get just one message from every remote peer how can i make this ?
Query limitation with Parse SDK
To limit the number of object that you get from a query you use limit
Here is a little example:
const Messages = Parse.Object.extend("Messages");
const query = new Parse.Query(Messages);
query.limit(1); // Get only one result
Get the first object of a query with Parse SDK
In you case as you really want only one result you can use Query.first.
Like Query.find the method Query.first make a query and will return only the first result of the Query
Here is an example:
const Messages = Parse.Object.extend("Messages");
const query = new Parse.Query(Messages);
const message = await query.first();
I hope my answer help you 😊
If you want to do this using a single query, you will have to use aggregate:
Try something like this:
var query = new Parse.Query("Messages");
var pipeline = [
{ match: { local: '_User$' + userID } },
{ sort: { createdAt: 1 } },
{ group: { remote: '$remote', lastMessage: { $last: '$body' } } },
.then(function(results) {
// results contains unique score values
.catch(function(error) {
// There was an error.

SuiteScript 2.0 Filter Operator AnyOf Not Working

I have a SuiteScript 2.0 that load and search transaction saved search with posting period filter. In my filter I am using 'anyof' operator which is not working for 'postingperiod' field
below is sample of my code:
function getTransactionData(datain)
var objSearch = search.load(
id: datain.savedsearchid
objSearch.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: "postingperiod", operator: "ANYOF", values: ["42", "43"]}));
//above filter filters only record with internalid 42
result = readAllData(objSearch);
return result;
catch (ex)
log.error("getTransactionData", ex);
throw ex;
let me know if I am missing something here.
Please note above issue is occurring only for saved search, if I search other object for example 'account' object with internalid filter using 'anyof' operator, works fine.
Update: Today after more testing, found that its only happening for 'postingperiod' filter.
Try this code in Netsuite Debugger, Create a SavedSearch in Netsuite, don't add any filter in that , save that and get the id of saved search and use in below script against id value.
Also replace the Period Id with yours.
function (runtime,search) {
var invoiceSearchObj = search.load({
type: "invoice",
id: '<your search id>',
name: "trandate",
sort: search.Sort.ASC,
label: "Date"
invoiceSearchObj.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: "postingperiod", operator: "ANYOF", values: ["<your period value>"]}));
invoiceSearchObj.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: "mainline", operator: "is", values : "T"}));
var searchResultCount = invoiceSearchObj.runPaged().count;
log.debug("invoiceSearchObj result count",searchResultCount);{
// .run().each has a limit of 4,000 results
return true;
var a=0;

In Nest 1.7.1 Delete or DeleteByQuery nothing works

In Nest 1.7.1 Delete or DeleteByQuery nothing works for me.
I am trying to delete below documents:
Article article1 = new Article()
Id = 1111,
Title = "Title - Test Elastic Search",
Summary = "Summary - Test Elastic Search",
Body = "Body - Test Elastic Search",
ArticleDate = _dateToday,
Author = new Author() { Id = 100, Name = "Mikey" },
Article article2 = new Article()
Id = 2222,
Title = "Title - Test Elastic Search",
Summary = "Summary - Test Elastic Search",
Body = "Body - Test Elastic Search",
ArticleDate = _dateToday,
Author = new Author() { Id = 100, Name = "Mikey" },
Published = true
I was expecting below queries would delete single document and all documents in an index but no query is deleting.
_elasticClient.DeleteByQuery<Article>(q => q.Query(t => t.Term(m => m.OnField(f => f.Id).Value(articleId))))
_elasticClient.DeleteByQuery<Article>(q => q.MatchAll()).IsValid;
Please correct me if i am doing anything wrong.
Here's a working example
void Main()
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"), "articles");
var client = new ElasticClient(settings);
if (client.IndexExists("articles").Exists)
client.CreateIndex("articles", c => c
.AddMapping<Article>(m => m
var today = DateTime.Now.Date;
var article1 = CreateArticle(1111, today);
var article2 = CreateArticle(2222, today);
var article3 = CreateArticle(3333, today);
var article4 = CreateArticle(4444, today);
var bulkRequest = new BulkDescriptor();
bulkRequest.Index<Article>(i => i.Document(article1));
bulkRequest.Index<Article>(i => i.Document(article2));
bulkRequest.Index<Article>(i => i.Document(article3));
bulkRequest.Index<Article>(i => i.Document(article4));
var searchResponse = client.Search<Article>(q => q.MatchAll());
Console.WriteLine("Documents from search: {0}. Expect 4", searchResponse.Documents.Count());
client.Delete(article1, d => d.Refresh());
searchResponse = client.Search<Article>(q => q.MatchAll());
Console.WriteLine("Documents from search {0}. Expect 3", searchResponse.Documents.Count());
client.Delete(article2, d => d.Refresh());
searchResponse = client.Search<Article>(q => q.MatchAll());
Console.WriteLine("Documents from search {0}. Expect 2", searchResponse.Documents.Count());
client.DeleteByQuery<Article>(q => q.MatchAll());
searchResponse = client.Search<Article>(q => q.MatchAll());
Console.WriteLine("Documents from search {0}. Expect 0", searchResponse.Documents.Count());
private Article CreateArticle(int id, DateTime articleDate)
return new Article()
Id = id,
Title = "Title - Test Elastic Search",
Summary = "Summary - Test Elastic Search",
Body = "Body - Test Elastic Search",
ArticleDate = articleDate,
Author = new Author() { Id = 100, Name = "Mikey" },
Published = true
public class Article
public int Id { get; set;}
public string Title{ get; set;}
public string Summary { get; set;}
public string Body { get; set;}
public DateTime ArticleDate { get; set; }
public Author Author { get; set; }
public bool Published { get; set;}
public class Author
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set;}
results in
Documents from search: 4. Expect 4
Documents from search 3. Expect 3
Documents from search 2. Expect 2
Documents from search 0. Expect 0
as expected.
Something to bear in mind is that Elasticsearch is eventually consistent meaning that a document that is indexed does not appear in search results until after a refresh interval (by default, 1 second); Likewise, with a delete query, a document marked for deletion will appear in search results until the refresh interval has elapsed.
A GET request on a given document with a given id will however return the document before the refresh interval.
If you need documents to be searchable (or to not show in search results after deletion), you can refresh the index after an operation as I did with the bulk and delete calls above, using .Refresh(). You might be tempted to call refresh after every operation, however I would recommend using it only when you really need to as it adds overhead to the cluster and called all the time would likely degrade performance.
I got it working finally.
The delete request which is sent via NEST in fiddler is DELETE /articlestest/article/_query and the query which worked in plugin is this DELETE /articlestest/articles/_query ( the document type name was misspelled in the code).That's the reason ,query was not deleting the documents via NEST.And the bad thing is ,it doesn't even complain about the non-existent document type :( It took me a while to found that issue. doesn't return the datas

I'm currently testing kendoUI and developping a little webapp.
For some reason I need to pass my dataSource.datas from a view to another. In order to do this I use sessionStorage and when I try to put my in sessionStorage, the return is empty.
See here when I put a log to test if my is correctly inserted/returned
However, when I put a log to test ma dataSource I can clearly see that _data is not empty as it is showed in the follow picture :
Did someone know the origin of my problem ?
here is the code that shows how I add my dataSource to sessionStorage :
var qui = (e.view.params.qui) ? e.view.params.qui : "";
var quoi = (e.view.params.quoi) ? e.view.params.quoi : "";
dataSourceFournisseurs = new{
transport : {
read : {
schema : {
data : "data",
model : {
DISTANCE: function() {
var lat = this.get("LATITUDE");
var lng = this.get("LONGITUDE");
var distance = APP.distanceBetweenCoords(lat, lng);
return "à " + distance + "km";
sort : {
field : "LIBELLE",
dir : "asc"
filter: [
{ field: "LIBELLE", operator: "contains", value: qui },
{ field: "NAFLIBELLE", operator: "contains", value: quoi }
And here is how I retrieve it :
var datas = session.getValueObject("liste");
PS :
setValueObject and getValueObject are two methods I wrote in order to Stringify the datas I set and Parse the retrieved datas (there are fully functionnal I use them for over a year)
the two console.log are those that represent the picture above (picture 1 with second log and picture 2 with first log)
Try using dataSourceFournisseurs.view(). This should give you the all of the data. Using data is meant for initial configuration, and is not meant to be used as a method for retrieving data.
Bonne chance!
