I am working on a function that returns a film object based on the name of the film passed in.
I am new to linq2entities and I don't know how to resolve the compiler error I am getting.
public Film GetFilm(string FilmName)
Film temp = FilmEntity.Films.Where(f => f.FilmTitle == FilmName);
return temp;
Error 1 Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.IQueryable' to 'FilmWebApplication.Models.Film'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) C:\Users\newWorkPC\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\FilmWebApplication\FilmWebApplication\Content\DataHandling.cs 26 25 FilmWebApplication
In this code it feels like f is not defined, but I don't know if that is the case or not.
The problem is that Where doesn't return Film but an IQueryable<Film>
What you should do is this
public Film GetFilm(string FilmName)
Film temp = FilmEntity.Films.Where(f => f.FilmTitle == FilmName).Single();
return temp;
or this
public Film GetFilm(string FilmName)
Film temp = FilmEntity.Films.Single(f => f.FilmTitle == FilmName);
return temp;
This all assuming you only have one with this name in the db. If there might be more you can use First or FirstOrDefault (this one will not return an exception if it doesn't find anything). Same goes for Single. You can also use SingleOrDefault if there might be ONE or NONE
Where returns a IQueryable of Films however you're assigning it to a single Film.
If you're only expecting one result there are better methods than Where you can use. The common ones I use are
First (takes the first of a collection, throws if there aren't any)
FirstOrDefault (takes the first and returns null if there aren't any)
Single (returns one if there is only one, otherwise it will throw)
SingleOrDefault (if there's more than one returns null).
Assuming FilmTitle is unique you should be safe to use Single(), if it isn't then you need to consider what happens if there's more than one with the same title.
public Film GetFilm(string FilmName)
Film temp = FilmEntity.Films.Single(f => f.FilmTitle == FilmName);
return temp;
An alternative (if you're expecting multiple films) may be
public IEnumerable<Film> FindFilms(string searchString)
return FilmEntity.Films.Where(f => f.FilmTitle.Contains(searchString));
I have to do multi-part sorts and want to do it dynamically.
I found this question but do not know how to use func in a dbquery statement.
No generic method 'ThenBy' on type 'System.Linq.Queryable'
If I could get the code in the thread to work it would be nirvana.
All the examples I have seen use then within a where statement, but I need to use the function to do sorting.
I have written extensions using IQueryable, including ones for orderby and orderbydescending. The problem is thenby and thenbydescending use iorderedqueryable.
The error I get when using ThenByProperty is
Object of type 'System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbQuery1[ORMModel.v_Brand]' cannot be converted to type 'System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable1[ORMModel.v_Brand]'.
Do not get such an error when I use a comparable OrderByProperty extension.
what a mess, obviously I do not post often here. Anyway I am stumped and clueless so any tips are very appreciated.
Tried to post code but kept getting format errors so gave up. But help me anyways :)
If you use method syntax, you'll see func quite often, for instance in Where, GroupBy, Join, etc
Every method with some input parameters and one return value can be translated to a Func<...> as follows
MyReturnType DoSomething(ParameterType1 p1, ParameterType2, p2) {...}
Func<ParameterType1, ParameterType2, MyReturnType> myFunc = (x, y) => DoSomething(x, y);
The part Func<ParameterType1, ParameterType2, MyReturnType> means: a function with two input parameters and one return value. The input parameters are of type ParameterType1 and ParameterType2, in this order. The return value is of MyReturnType.
You instantiate an object of Func<ParameterType1, ParameterType2, MyReturnType> using a lambda expression. Before the => you type a declaration for the input parameters, after the => you call the function with these input parameters. If you have more than one input parameter you make them comma separated surrounded by brackets.
For a Where you need a Func<TSource, bool>. So a function that has as input one source element, and as result a bool:
Where(x => x.Name == "John Doe")
For a GroupJoin you need a resultSelector of type Func<TOuter,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TInner>,TResult> resultSelector
So this is a function with as input one element of the outer sequence, and a sequence of elements of the inner sequence. For example, to query Teachers with their Students:
var result = Teachers.GroupJoin(Students,
teacher => teacher.Id, // from every Teacher take the Id,
student => student.TeacherId, // from every Student take the TeacherId,
(teacher, students) => new
Id = teacher.Id,
Name = teacher.Name,
Students = students.Select(student => new
Id = student.Id,
Name = student.Name,
Here you see several Funcs. TOuter is Teacher, TInner is Student, TKey is int
OuterKeySelector: Func<TOuter, TKey>: teacher => teacher.Id
InnerKeySelector: Func<TInner, TKey>: student => student.TeacherId
ResultSelector: Func<Touter, IEnumerable<TInner>, TResult>
The resultSelector is a function that takes one TOuter (a Teacher), and a sequence of TInner (all students of this Teacher) and creates one object using the input parameters
(teacher, students) => new {... use teacher and students }
When creating the lambda expression it is often helpful if you use plurals to refer to collections (teachers, students) and singulars if you refer one element of a collection (student).
Use the => to start defining the func. You can use input parameters that were defined before the => to define the result after the =>
How do I check if a Guid value is inside a LIST of Structures?
public struct Info
public Guid EntityTypeID;
public String Name;
List<Info> InfoList = <function which populates the list of Struct>
var values = ctx.EntityValues.Where(v => v.EntityID == e.ID
&& InfoList.Contains(v.EntityTypeItemID)).ToList(); <=== problem here!
//or something like: InfoList[i].EntityTypeID.Contains(v.EntityTypeItemID)).ToList();
Thank you
I suspect you're looking for Any:
... InfoList.Any(x => x.EntityTypeID == v.EntityTypeItemID)
You can't use Contains, because you're looking for something which matches part of the item.
(I'd also strongly discourage using public fields and indeed having mutable structures at all, but that's a different matter.)
Another option would be to create a list of the GUIDs you're interested in:
var guids = InfoList.Select(x => x.EntityTypeID).ToList();
Then you can use:
... guids.Contains(v.EntityTypeItemID)
That may work where the previous code didn't, as it moves the extraction of the type ID out of the main query.
I've read ALL of:
Unable to create a constant value of type 'System.Object' in Entity Framework
Entity Framework - "Unable to create a constant value of type 'Closure type'..." error
Entity Framework - Union causes "Unable to create a constant value of type.."
Only primitive types ('such as Int32, String, and Guid') are supported in this context
and searched a bit more, but still no solution. I've seen that this happens on EF 3.5 and in 4.0 the Contains method should be supported, but I'm in EF 4 but I'm getting this error. I have a photo gallery, where albums can have any number of different photos, and each photo can belong to any number of albums. So this is a many-to-many relationship.
I've got a VisibleObjects property which is used by about 100 other methods that work well, but I'm pasting it anyway: (I'm definitely sure the problem is not caused by something here)
static IQueryable<GlobalObject> VisibleObjects
return from obj in db.GlobalObjectSet where obj.IsVisible && !obj.SiteUser.IsDeactivated orderby obj.ID descending select obj;
I've tried several different queries:
I have a VisiblePhotos property:
This wasn't working:
static IQueryable<Photo> VisiblePhotos(this Album a)
return from p in VisibleObjects.OfType<Photo>() where a.Photos.Contains(p) select p;
Changed to this:
static IQueryable<Photo> VisiblePhotos(this Album a)
return from p in VisibleObjects.OfType<Photo>() where a.Photos.Any(other => p.ID == other.ID) select p;
Still didn't work.
Here is the calling method:
public static List<Photo> GetLatestPhotosByAlbum(Album alb, int count = 3)
lock (sync)
return alb.VisiblePhotos().OrderByDescending(p => p.ID).Take(count).ToList();
Wasn't working, changed to this:
public static List<Photo> GetLatestPhotosByAlbum(Album alb, int count = 3)
lock (sync)
return (from p in VisibleObjects.OfType<Photo>()
where alb.Photos.Any(ph => ph.ID == ph.ID)
select p).ToList();
Still isn't working. Complaining about not being able to create a constant of my Photo object type, which is an Entity object with an ID property, if it helps. I am not sure of the real cause of the error and I don't have any other ideas of queries in my mind. I think the method name is pretty self explanatory: I'm trying to get the photos in a given album. Loading album entries into memory is not a solution, the query should run on database, not memory. I need an explanation of this exception, why it is occuring here, and how can I get my query to work.
It will not work because you want to use local Album in linq-to-entities query. You must either use navigation property on p to get its album:
var query = from p in VisibleObjects.OfType<Photo>()
where p.Album.Id == alb.Id
select p;
or you must build complex query with some join between photos and albums. You cannot pass local object and any its relation to the query. Only simple properties can be passed.
I think that EF is trying to convert where a.Photos.Contains(p) into SQL like WHERE p IN (a.Photos), but it doesn't know how to express a.Photos in SQL. The SQL you want probably looks like WHERE p.Id IN (1, 2, 3), so you could try doing that in C#:
static IQueryable<Photo> VisiblePhotos(this Album a)
var photoIds = a.Photos.Select(p => p.Id).ToArray();
return from p in VisibleObjects.OfType<Photo>() where photoIds.Contains(p.Id) select p;
I ran into a similar problem, and instead of IQueryable, I tried using List, and it worked. May be of some help.
I tried another way around and it worked:
static IQueryable<Photo> VisiblePhotos(this Album a)
return from p in VisibleObjects.OfType<Photo>()
where p.Albums.Any(alb => a.ID == alb.ID)
select p;
Quite weird to see this works but the other one not. But I'm still wondering why Contains is not working.
What I'd like to be able to do is construct a LINQ query that retrieved me a few values from some DataRows when one of the fields changes. Here's a contrived example to illustrate:
Observation Temp Time
------------- ---- ------
Cloudy 15.0 3:00PM
Cloudy 16.5 4:00PM
Sunny 19.0 3:30PM
Sunny 19.5 3:15PM
Sunny 18.5 3:30PM
Partly Cloudy 16.5 3:20PM
Partly Cloudy 16.0 3:25PM
Cloudy 16.0 4:00PM
Sunny 17.5 3:45PM
I'd like to retrieve only the entries when the Observation changed from the previous one. So the results would include:
Cloudy 15.0 3:00PM
Sunny 19.0 3:30PM
Partly Cloudy 16.5 3:20PM
Cloudy 16.0 4:00PM
Sunny 17.5 3:45PM
Currently there is code that iterates through the DataRows and does the comparisons and construction of the results but was hoping to use LINQ to accomplish this.
What I'd like to do is something like this:
var weatherStuff = from row in ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable()
where row.Field<string>("Observation") != weatherStuff.ElementAt(weatherStuff.Count() - 1) )
select row;
But that doesn't work - and doesn't compile since this tries to use the variable 'weatherStuff' before it is declared.
Can what I want to do be done with LINQ? I didn't see another question like it here on SO, but could have missed it.
Here is one more general thought that may be intereting. It's more complicated than what #tvanfosson posted, but in a way, it's more elegant I think :-). The operation you want to do is to group your observations using the first field, but you want to start a new group each time the value changes. Then you want to select the first element of each group.
This sounds almost like LINQ's group by but it is a bit different, so you can't really use standard group by. However, you can write your own version (that's the wonder of LINQ!). You can either write your own extension method (e.g. GroupByMoving) or you can write extension method that changes the type from IEnumerable to some your interface and then define GroupBy for this interface. The resulting query will look like this:
var weatherStuff =
from row in ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable().AsMoving()
group row by row.Field<string>("Observation") into g
select g.First();
The only thing that remains is to define AsMoving and implement GroupBy. This is a bit of work, but it is quite generally useful thing and it can be used to solve other problems too, so it may be worth doing it :-). The summary of my post is that the great thing about LINQ is that you can customize how the operators behave to get quite elegant code.
I haven't tested it, but the implementation should look like this:
// Interface & simple implementation so that we can change GroupBy
interface IMoving<T> : IEnumerable<T> { }
class WrappedMoving<T> : IMoving<T> {
public IEnumerable<T> Wrapped { get; set; }
public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator() {
return Wrapped.GetEnumerator();
public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator() {
return ((IEnumerable)Wrapped).GetEnumerator();
// Important bits:
static class MovingExtensions {
public static IMoving<T> AsMoving<T>(this IEnumerable<T> e) {
return new WrappedMoving<T> { Wrapped = e };
// This is (an ugly & imperative) implementation of the
// group by as described earlier (you can probably implement it
// more nicely using other LINQ methods)
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> GroupBy<T, K>(this IEnumerable<T> source,
Func<T, K> keySelector) {
List<T> elementsSoFar = new List<T>();
IEnumerator<T> en = source.GetEnumerator();
if (en.MoveNext()) {
K lastKey = keySelector(en.Current);
do {
K newKey = keySelector(en.Current);
if (newKey != lastKey) {
yield return elementsSoFar;
elementsSoFar = new List<T>();
} while (en.MoveNext());
yield return elementsSoFar;
You could use the IEnumerable extension that takes an index.
var all = ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable();
var weatherStuff = all.Where( (w,i) => i == 0 || w.Field<string>("Observation") != all.ElementAt(i-1).Field<string>("Observation") );
This is one of those instances where the iterative solution is actually better than the set-based solution in terms of both readability and performance. All you really want Linq to do is filter and pre-sort the list if necessary to prepare it for the loop.
It is possible to write a query in SQL Server (or various other databases) using windowing functions (ROW_NUMBER), if that's where your data is coming from, but very difficult to do in pure Linq without making a much bigger mess.
If you're just trying to clean the code up, an extension method might help:
public static IEnumerable<T> Changed(this IEnumerable<T> items,
Func<T, T, bool> equalityFunc)
if (equalityFunc == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("equalityFunc");
T last = default(T);
bool first = true;
foreach (T current in items)
if (first || !equalityFunc(current, last))
yield return current;
last = current;
first = false;
Then you can call this with:
var changed = rows.Changed((r1, r2) =>
r1.Field<string>("Observation") == r2.Field<string>("Observation"));
I think what you are trying to accomplish is not possible using the "syntax suggar". However it could be possible using the extension method Select that pass the index of the item you are evaluating. So you could use the index to compare the current item with the previous one (index -1).
You could useMorelinq's GroupAdjacent() extension method
GroupAdjacent: Groups the adjacent elements of a sequence according to
a specified key selector function...This method has 4 overloads.
You would use it like this with the result selector overload to lose the IGrouping key:-
var weatherStuff = ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable().GroupAdjacent(w => w.Field<string>("Observation"), (_, val) => val.Select(v => v));
This is a very popular extension to default Linq methods, with more than 1M downloads on Nuget (compared to MS's own Ix.net with ~40k downloads at time of writing)
I ran into a scenario where LINQ to SQL acts very strangely. I would like to know if I'm doing something wrong. But I think there is a real possibility that it's a bug.
The code pasted below isn't my real code. It is a simplified version I created for this post, using the Northwind database.
A little background: I have a method that takes an IQueryable of Product and a "filter object" (which I will describe in a minute). It should run some "Where" extension methods on the IQueryable, based on the "filter object", and then return the IQueryable.
The so-called "filter object" is a System.Collections.Generic.List of an anonymous type of this structure: { column = fieldEnum, id = int }
The fieldEnum is an enum of the different columns of the Products table that I would possibly like to use for the filtering.
Instead of explaining further how my code works, it's easier if you just take a look at it. It's simple to follow.
enum filterType { supplier = 1, category }
public IQueryable<Product> getIQueryableProducts()
NorthwindDataClassesDataContext db = new NorthwindDataClassesDataContext();
IQueryable<Product> query = db.Products.AsQueryable();
//this section is just for the example. It creates a Generic List of an Anonymous Type
//with two objects. In real life I get the same kind of collection, but it isn't hard coded like here
var filter1 = new { column = filterType.supplier, id = 7 };
var filter2 = new { column = filterType.category, id = 3 };
var filterList = (new[] { filter1 }).ToList();
foreach(var oFilter in filterList)
switch (oFilter.column)
case filterType.supplier:
query = query.Where(p => p.SupplierID == oFilter.id);
case filterType.category:
query = query.Where(p => p.CategoryID == oFilter.id);
return query;
So here is an example. Let's say the List contains two items of this anonymous type, { column = fieldEnum.Supplier, id = 7 } and { column = fieldEnum.Category, id = 3}.
After running the code above, the underlying SQL query of the IQueryable object should contain:
WHERE SupplierID = 7 AND CategoryID = 3
But in reality, after the code runs the SQL that gets executed is
WHERE SupplierID = 3 AND CategoryID = 3
I tried defining query as a property and setting a breakpoint on the setter, thinking I could catch what's changing it when it shouldn't be. But everything was supposedly fine. So instead I just checked the underlying SQL after every command. I realized that the first Where runs fine, and query stays fine (meaning SupplierID = 7) until right after the foreach loop runs the second time. Right after oFilter becomes the second anonymous type item, and not the first, the 'query' SQL changes to Supplier = 3. So what must be happening here under-the-hood is that instead of just remembering that Supplier should equal 7, LINQ to SQL remembers that Supplier should equal oFilter.id. But oFilter is a name of a single item of a foreach loop, and it means something different after it iterates.
I have only glanced at your question, but I am 90% sure that you should read the first section of On lambdas, capture, and mutability (which includes links to 5 similar SO questions) and all will become clear.
The basic gist of it is that the variable oFilter in your example has been captured in the closure by reference and not by value. That means that once the loop finishes iterating, the variable's reference is to the last one, so the value as evaluated at lambda execution time is the final one as well.
The cure is to insert a new variable inside the foreach loop whose scope is only that iteration rather than the whole loop:
foreach(var oFilter in filterList)
var filter = oFilter; // add this
switch (oFilter.column) // this doesn't have to change, but can for consistency
case filterType.supplier:
query = query.Where(p => p.SupplierID == filter.id); // use `filter` here
Now each closure is over a different filter variable that is declared anew inside of each loop, and your code will run as expected.
Working as designed. The issue you are confronting is the clash between lexical closure and mutable variables.
What you probably want to do is
foreach(var oFilter in filterList)
var o = oFilter;
switch (o.column)
case filterType.supplier:
query = query.Where(p => p.SupplierID == o.id);
case filterType.category:
query = query.Where(p => p.CategoryID == o.id);
When compiled to IL, the variable oFilter is declared once and used multiply. What you need is a variable declared separately for each use of that variable within a closure, which is what o is now there for.
While you're at it, get rid of that bastardized Hungarian notation :P.
I think this is the clearest explanation I've ever seen: http://blogs.msdn.com/ericlippert/archive/2009/11/12/closing-over-the-loop-variable-considered-harmful.aspx:
Basically, the problem arises because we specify that the foreach loop is a syntactic sugar for
IEnumerator<int> e = ((IEnumerable<int>)values).GetEnumerator();
m = (int)(int)e.Current;
if (e != null) ((IDisposable)e).Dispose();
If we specified that the expansion was
int m; // INSIDE
m = (int)(int)e.Current;
then the code would behave as expected.
The problem is that you're not appending to the query, you're replacing it each time through the foreach statement.
You want something like the PredicateBuilder - http://www.albahari.com/nutshell/predicatebuilder.aspx