First I download crystal report, next iTextSharp and I cant use program after publish(activation problem). So I uninstal crystal report and iTextSharp and remove from solution but I still have problem with activation my own program... Download from OneDrive version prior to 2 days. Try bulish and have same problem. Please help me this program is my my diploma work that I must soon submit and i dont know waths going on :/
Here i past error code:
I try delete all non original references and try publish with default manifest or without. But finally nothing changed.
When I open WebMatrix it works without problem and shows the start page.
When I click 'My sites' and choose my site or choose My site by click 'Open'=> My site or create new site (and choose the site type: Empty, App Gallery or Template Gallery) WebMatrix crashes. Note: It crashes when it needs to show the site pages.
I tried to re-install WebMatrix but that didn't help. I also tried to change the Workspace(by clicking 'Options' on the start page).
When it crashes, I get the message 'Windows is looking for a solution to the problem.' (My computer isn't in English so that might not exactly be the words) and then I am asked if I want to close/debug the program. I click 'Debug' and choose Visual Studio. I don't know how to debug a program, but I tried and it says to me that:
System.NullReferenceException was unhandled
Message: An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in Microsoft.WebMatrix.Core.dll
Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object [-translated].
I have searched on the internet and here and I didn't find any solution to my problem.
Actual Answer
This bug is in the market for a time now. I have seen similar issue on another forum too, where the user was facing the same issue and same thing he tried but all in vain.
I think you need to wait for the next Update for your System, or try removing each and every component that WebMatrix installed, that means all the .NET Frameworks (4th version), Sql Dependencies Sql Server Ce, and all other files that were shipped along with WebMatrix to your computer. Remove them, and start the installing process once again freshly.
If nothing does the job, please uninstall WebMatrix 3 and install WebMatrix 2: Click here for link. I know it is awkward to go back a version, but you'll have to. Secondly you can mention this bug on their support/suggestion page. They would fix it.
I hope that would help you. And you'd be back in developing the apps :-)
Just for information
Secondly, do you understand what is meant by debug? Debugging is a method or process to remove the bugs from a software or an application etc. When you chose Visual Studio, it provided you or not provided you with the WebMatrix source code, I am not sure I never tried it. And you tried out debugging it. The exception is gave you, was a message saying that the parameter you're passing onto the next stage is a null. Which means it doesn't even exist and thus the value or the method cannot be executed and it breaks.
I must be missing something. After downloading AntlrWorks2 I found the executable bin/antlrworks2.exe and bin/antlrworks264.exe. Aren't these supposed to be the standalone version of the tool? Neither works for me; after a NetBeans splash screen, the first times around I got an error message on missing packages; after a couple of times I chose to go on regardless, but now (still after the initial spash screen) there is simply nothing happening at all.
I can't find any tutorial or manual detailing how to run AntlrWorks stand-alone, so any help is much appreciated.
This is due to a bug in the NetBeans platform. I filed a report but it hasn't received a reply yet:
Cannot launch platform application after moving installation folder
Here is a workaround that does not delete any preferences you have customized:
I found that deleting just the var folder under the user's generated
.antlrworks2 settings folder resolves the issue...
Still an issue as of date of this post. Deleting the .antlrworks2 folder from \users\username\AppData\Roaming does work - you can find this folder by putting %APPDATA% into your file explorer address bar (exactly as shown) - that will go to the app data folder for your current user login session. Delete the .antlrworks2 folder and then re-run the app.
I am trying to develop QRCode reader application in iPhone.
I am trying to use ZXing SDK. i have successfully run the sample application given by ZXing. But i ma trying to develope new application as per instructions in Readme given by Zxing. but when i am trying to add ZxingWidget in build phases. it going add but it shows like below
I think it will getting problem to me. When i am trying to run application it will give erros like Lexical or Prepocessor issue File not found.
Is am doing any thing wrong when am added to files to application.
Actaully first of all i added ZxingWidget.xcodeproj to my application by drag and drop. But it wont give any alert window would you like copy like similar when we adding images or files to xcode. and next i added cpp and iphone folders to xcode application. and later i added the frameworks as per read me.
Please any one help me in this issue.
Thanks in advance
Pretty hard to help without the real error message. In the Issue Navigator, you can Right Click > Reveal in Log to see the complete error that you can copy and paste.
That said, it sounds a bit like it can't find the headers (though I'm just guessing without the real error message.) If so, double check steps 4 and 5 of the readme.
if you run on real device, the problem will be solved.
I don't know the reason.
But I guess It's related to Build Products Path.
I get the infamous "Dialogs must be user-initiated" Security Exception when I try to print some stuff in Silverlight. As you can see, the dialog is as user-initiated as can be:
John Papa couldn't help me much out neither, because I don't have any breakpoint set. Mr MSDN thinks it could also be that I'm just taking too long, but this is a demo application just as simple as can be.
Any ideas? I guess it's a Visual Studio quirk, maybe some extensions interfering, as things seems to work when I launch the application outside of it. I first thought maybe the Code Contracts are interfering with their IL weaving, but they are deactivated for this project.
Update: This is just a simple Silverlight application that runs locally from the file system. When I do "Start debugging", Visual Studio creates a hosting HTML file containing the Silverlight app in the Debug resp. Release folder of the project, launches the Internet Explorer with that HTML file and attaches the debugger to it.
Update 2: I also get the same error when I create a web project to host the Silverlight app and create a virtual directory for it on IIS.
I might also want to add that I don't have problems with printing in other Silverlight projects regardless of their hosting scenarios.
Update 3: I downloaded FireFox and it works, I don't get the error when I debug with it. So it seems to have to do with my IE8. I uploaded the solution:
I wonder if anyone can reproduce?
Anyone got an idea to which team I should file a bug report? Silverlight team? IE team? VS Debugger team?
I'm able to reproduce this. You have handled the Click twice, once in XAML another time in code. See your MainPage.xaml
<Button x:Name="PrintButton"
Content="Gotta print 'em!" Margin="8"
Click="PrintButton_Click" />
Don't feel bad about it. I did it last time through a misplaced Print inside a loop.
I've also experienced this strange behaviour. A standard button click event immediately invoking an OpenFileDialog. It would frequently generate the same error when being debugged but would eventually be coaxed in to working when the button is clicked several times.
However when built as a release (or perhaps simply by running the same Xap without a debugger attached to the browser) the problem would go away.
Try to remove
if(SightPaleceListBox.Items.Count > 0)
I had the same problem and found out that the reason was this following line:
cnvMain is on the page that the user pushed the Print button on (I was trying to remove it from that page in order to add it to the canvas that I was going to print).
My tip: try to comment rows one by one, until you find what row causes the problem. Than try to work around it.
After installing VS2005 VB6 lost F1 function to MSDN Oct/2001 lib.
Suggestions to re-install MSDN did not work.
The only thing F1 works on now are ADO statements in VB6. Example ado1.recordset.recordcount If I highlight recordcount and press F1 I do get the ADO help information. If I highlight "recordset", I get "Help not found" dialog.
Same with say any regular VB tools property. lblEvent.Caption Get error trying to find help on say caption. If I highlight say Next in a for next loop I get a dialog that wants to know ... Multiple instances of the selected word have been found. Please select a topic and press Help. In this case VBA is one, Excel is one MSComctlLib is one. If I highlight FOR in a statement I get the "Help Not Found" error again.
This happened to me once. The only thing I could do to fix it was a complete re-install of VB6 (wasn't caused by installing VS2005, but installing a component that added its own doc to Help). Probably not what you want to hear.
This happened to me after a Windows Update, or maybe it was one of the XP service packs. Un-installing hotfix 896358 solved my problem.
Something similar happened to me, trying to compile a vb6 dll wasn't working.
Turns out that an update had been installed in the background and i needed to reboot before it would allow me to compile it again.