Set Perforce MaxResults from command line - shell

I am getting cryptic error messages from a perforce server. I am checking out a Depot.
p4 sync
Request too large (over 3000000); see 'p4 help maxresults'.
I understand the issue, but the p4 help maxresults is a zero content manpage. Because it at no point makes reference how I can set this limit at the client.
export MaxResults=3000000
Is there any way to checkout the Depot?

In general, you can't override max results; it's been set that way for a reason by your administrator. Here's the documentation:
Do you really need to sync more than 3 million files? If so, you may need to ask your administrator to add you to a user group which has a higher resource limit.
Alternatively, you can reduce the scope of your workspace by defining a more precise view mapping in your workspace definition. Rather than
//depot/... //my-client/...
set your workspace view mapping to something more like:
//depot/main/my-project/... //my-client/main/my-project/...
That way, you will only sync the portion of the repository that is actually necessary for your project.


Oracle 12c startup error: ORA-00093: _shared_pool_reserved_min_alloc must be between 4000 and 0

We have a number of databases at our company. Among them an oracle 12c ( to be precise), but we have no (qualified) oracle DBAs. The performance has deteriorated drastically in the last 6 months or so and I now have the task of finding out why. My research suggested that I should up some memory parameters in the initDBN.ora file. Here's what the original looked like:
DBN.__oracle_base='/orabin/app/oracle'#ORACLE_BASE set from environment
Please don't blame me for this, because I did not write it. It certainly doesn't look like the sample init.ora and I am not at all certain where the syntax came from. The values I changed were:
DBN.__pga_aggregate_target=384m and *.pga_aggregate_target=384m
That's the order in which I made the changes. After each change I used sqlplus to firstly recreate the spffile with:
create spfile='spfileDBN.ora' from pfile='initDBN.ora';
This was followed by an attempt to startup the database with startup nomount. In each case I got an error message which lead me to make the next change.
Finally I got the error which is in the title of this post. When I tried to search for information on this, the findings were grim. Mostly the information dealt with other parameters and did not explain what this error actually meant. The only thing that gave any real background was this link from Burleson Consulting. It didn't really help me solve the problem, so I decided to revert the initDBN.ora file and do some more research. A slow database is generally better than no database.
But Hey! I still get that same error, even after reerting to the original init file. I'm getting desperate now. I have no idea how to fix this. From what I've read to date, setting "underscore variables" in your init file is a "NO NO".
Can anybody provide me with some helpful tips as to how to get rid of this error?
We don't know if the apps running on this database need specific block sizes, but if the priority is getting the database open, you can shrink the init.ora down the smallest, simplest set of parameters that gets you moving forward.
should get you an open database. Notice I have bumped up the sga_target to 1000m which is about the minimum you need to get a database started. The true values for sga_target and pga_aggregate_target really need to be set based on your expected usage, and the server configuration. But the init.ora above should get your database running.
I am not sure that this really qualifies as a "solution", but it does fix the initial problem. As mentioned in my reply to Connor McDonald, I set the parameter _shared_pool_reserved_min_alloc to 3000 in the initDBN.ora file, which I copied from Connor's example (thanks for that). After recreating the spfile and trying to restart the database, I got the following error:
ORA-00093: _shared_pool_reserved_min_alloc must be between 4000 and 11953766
That got me thinking that the value 0 in the original error was probably a standin value which really means "the maximum allowed". By actually setting the parameter, I have apparently managed to generate an error which is more meaningful.
The value of _shared_pool_reserved_min_alloc is now set to 4200, which is a value I recall reading in one of the less helpful posts. (No, that post did not say that this is a value that should be used, just that it could be used.) This time, after re-creating the spfile I was able to start the database.
Before I do any more fiddling with parameters, I will do a bit more research... or maybe a lot more.

Parameterise Parm File name In Informatatica

I want to know how to (or can I) parameterize the parm file name in informatica?
little bit of background. I am building a standard map in informatica. Which business users can call directly after selecting the standard filters they want to apply in the map using a GUI.
The parm file name will be given by business users and all the filters that he/she selected will be in parm. The file will be dropped in the parm folder in informatica server.
This is a good case scenario, when only 1 users is using it at 1 point of time.
Also, I want to find out what should I do when multiple users are working on GUI and generating the parm files and invoking the informatica map. How do I get multiple instences of the same map running at the same time?
I hope I am making sense here....
You can achieve this by using concurrent execution of the workflow. Read about it and understand how can you implement it.
Once you know how to implement it, use a backend script/code by the gui to assign an instance name to each call through GUI. For each instance name, you can have an individual parameter file. (I believe that there would be a finite set of combination of variable values in your case). You can use below command to call individual instances, (either through you GUI or by any other backend code.
pmcmd %workflow_name% %informatica_folder_name%
-paramfile %paramfilepathandname% -rin %instance_name%
It might sound a bit confusing, but once you understand how concurrent workflows work, you can build on it based on the above input.
It'll be only possible if you call the Informatica from external tool, not the Client tools. One way is described by #Utsav, the other is when you use Informatica WSH to call a Workflow - you can indicate the parameterfile you want to be used with the workflow, as well as desired instance name.
I Think this guide to concurrent workflows May be what you are looking for:

Apache Nifi GetTwitter

I have a simple question, as I am new to NiFi.
I have a GetTwitter processor set up and configured (assuming correctly). I have the Twitter Endpoint set to Sample Endpoint. I run the processor and it runs, but nothing happens. I get no input/output
How do I troubleshoot what it is doing (or in this case not doing)?
A couple things you might look at:
What activity does the processor show? You can look at the metrics to see if anything has been attempted (Tasks/Time) as well as if it succeeded (Out)
Stop the downstream processor temporarily to make any output FlowFiles visible in the connection queue.
Are there errors? Typically these appear in the top-left corner as a yellow icon
Are there related messages in the logs/nifi-app.log file?
It might also help us help you if you describe the GetTwitter Property settings a bit more. Can you share a screenshot (minus keys)?
In my case its because there are two sensitive values set. According to the documentation when a sensitive value is set, the file's nifi.sensitive.props.key value must be set - it is an empty string by default using HortonWorks DataPlatform distribution. I set this to some random string (literally random_STRING but you can use anything) and re-created my process from the template and it began working.
In general I suppose this topic can be debugged by setting the loglevel to DEBUG.
However, in my case the issue was resolved more easily:
I just set up a new cluster, and decided to copy all twitter keys and secrets to notepad first.
It turns out that despite carefully copying the keys from twitter, one of them had a leading tab. When pasting directly into the GetTwitter processer, this would not show, but fortunately it showed up in notepad and I was able to remove it and make this work.

block a command in ubuntu(in shell)

I am working on ubuntu server with 10 users at any point of time. We usually keep our code there and use the server to make builds. The build usually takes 30 to 50 minutes based on concurrency defined. The build command is make -jX where X can be anything from 1 to 24.
My problem starts when many users start giving make command with higher X value. Is there any way to block these commands or to put any limit.
For example, if someone gives make -jX (X>4), I should be able to override the command as make -j4.
I know one way is to use alias but I have no idea how to interpret the argument value through alias (like alias ll='ls -la' in .bashrc file is ok but how to interpret ll -lha through bashrc).
Also is there any way to make the alias work for all the users without editing the bashrc files of all the users?
Thanks in advance.
Although limiting the parameters to a particular command (in this case make) in a way that cannot be circumvented is generally hard, you can configure system-level process limits on each user using /etc/security/limits.conf.
If you open this file on your system, you will see in the comments that you can limits various user resources such as nproc and memory. If you play with these limits, you may be able to get something reasonable to get fair resource sharing among your developers.

Modify the default WorkManager in WebSphere 7 using a wsadmin script

I want to raise the maximum number of threads in the default work manager's thread pool using a wsadmin (Jython) script. What is the best approach?
I can't seem to find documentation of a fine-grained control that would let me modify just this property. The closest I can find to what I want is AdminTask.applyConfigProperties, which requires passing a file. The documentation explains that if you want to modify an existing property, you must extract the existing properties file, edit it in an editor, and then pass the edited file to applyConfigProperties.
I want to avoid the manual step of extracting the existing properties file and editing it. The scripts needs to run completely unattended. In fact, I'd prefer to not use a file at all, but just set the property to a value directly in the script.
Something like the following pseudo-code:
defaultwmId = AdminConfig.getid("wm/default")
AdminTask.setProperty(defaultwmId, ['-propertyName', maxThreads, '-propertyValue', 20])
The following represents a fairly simplistic wsadmin approach to updating the max threads on the default work managers:
workManagers = AdminConfig.getid("/WorkManagerInfo:DefaultWorkManager/").splitlines()
for workManager in workManagers :
AdminConfig.modify(workManager, '[[maxThreads "20"]]')
Note that the first line will retrieve all of the default work managers across all scopes, so if you want to only choose one (for example, if you only one to modify a particular application server or cluster's work manager properties), you will need to refine the containment path further. Also, you may need to synchronize the nodes and restart the modified servers in order for the property to be applied at runtime.
More information on the use of the AdminConfig scripting object can be found in the WAS InfoCenter:
