I am trying to draw an image like this using d3. Can someone please guide me on how I can determine the x and y coordinates of each of the small circles?
I need to make axis with curves at its edges in d3, and it can be scrolled down and show more data.
Is it possible with d3?
Tried to use d3-radial-axis library, but without success.
They only have example for radial scale and for spiral scale.
Is it possible to get all rect elements using another rect element ID, within a distance or a specified radius using D3. If it is possible, can someone share an example for the same. Following is my scenario:
Here, using the MainRect, i need to get all the ID's of small rects around the MainRect.
You can calculate the distance between to points by formula Math.sqrt(Math.pow(X1 - X2, 2)+ Math.pow(Y1 - Y2, 2))
Here is my fiddle with example. Hover on red square to find little squares which center within a circle
I'm programming this for my class
Is a group of squares and I need to paint its with different shapes.
But I don't know how to draw a diagonal just by passing 2 coordinates (x1,y1)(x2,y2)
Does anybody know an algorithm/pseudo-code for this?
P.S. I'm using typescript
I have a 3D matrix in Matlab that was created using a volume MRI scan. I then use matlab toolbox iso2mesh (vol2surf) to convert this volume to a surface mesh and then extract the nodes/vertex coordinates and faces of this mesh.
However I find that this mesh is in the wrong coordinate system. I have tried to use the imrotate to rotate the matrix as well as rot90 to rotate the nodes matrix but it rotates the image only around the y-axis while I need rotation around both x and y axes.
Does anyone have any advice on what function I can use for this?
I'm trying to make a rubik cube game in webgl using three.js (you can try it here).
And I have problems to detect on witch axis I have to rotate my cube according the rotation of the cube. For instance, if the cube is in original position/rotation, if I want to rotate the left layer from down to up, I must make a rotation on the Y axis. But I rotate my cube 90 degrees on Y, I will have to rotate It on the Z axis to rotate my left layer from down to up.
I'm trying to find a way to get the correct rotation axis according the orientation of the cube.
For the moment I check witch vector of the axis of the rotation matrix of the cube is most parallel with the vector(0,1,0) if I want to move a front layer from down to up. But it do not works in edge cases like this for instance :
I guess there is some simple way to do that, but I'm not good enough in matrix and mathematical stuff :)
An AxisHelper can show the aixs of the scene which you could determine the orientation with.
var axishelper = new THREE.AxisHelper(40);
axishelper.position.y = 300;
You could also log your cube and check the position and rotation properties with Chrome Developer Tools or Firebug.
You can store the orientation of each cube in its own 4x4 matrix (i.e. a "model" matrix) that tells you how to get from the cube's local coordinates to the world's coordinates. Now, since you want to rotate the cube around to an axis (i.e. vector) in world coordinates, you need to translate the axis into cube coordinates. This is exactly what the inverse of the model matrix yields.