Axure not adding viewport tag to HTML - viewport

I have set up the Generate HTML settings so that the viewport width="device-width" tag is added to generated HTML.
When viewing the generated HTML, the viewport meta tag is missing:
Why is this not working?

Turns out this is a bug in Axure 7. You must specify "Without Sitemap" in the Preview Options in order to get this to work. It won't work if you choose "With Sitemap" or "With Sitemap Minimised". Annoying bug and will hopefully get fixed soon.


TinyMCE 4 Ignores HTML Formatting For Outlook

When I try to use an HTML source for an email template, for some reason TinyMCE ignores all the tags that are supposed to prepare the email body to be rendered properly in Outlook desktop. An example of the mentioned tags is: <!--[if !mso]>...
Does anyone know a solution for this?
For anyone else who has run into the same problem, the solution that worked for me was to add allow_conditional_comments: true to the options of the TinyMCE control.

Panel collapse icon is not displayed properly

As you can see below, the icon (in the right corner) is not displayed properly.
Usually, it is an arrow down, as you can see in the showcase of BootsFaces.
My <b:panel> looks like:
<b:panel title="Beiträge (1)" collapsible="true"look="info">
How can I display the correct icon?
I am not using any specific theme and I am using BootsFaces 0.7.0.
We've had a lot of trouble with this. Most likelely the Glyphicons rource file can't be loaded.
Make sure you've added a <h:head></h:head> tag (even if it's empty). Do not use the HTML tag (<head />).
Check the URL pattern of the web.xml. Many tutorials recommend to put the JSF files into a virtual folder, such as <url-pattern>/pages/</url-pattern> . Don't do that. There's nothing wrong with simple patterns like <url-pattern>*.jsf</url-pattern>. By the way, this is the default, so you can safely omit the url-pattern altogether.
If that fails, add the CombinedResourceHandler of OmniFaces. This always does the trick for me.
Check the URL in your browser. Maybe you entered localhost:8080/index.xhtml instead of localhost:8080/index.jsf?
If you're still stuck, open an issue on the BootsFaces GitHub repository ( But first read - your problem is probably already fixed there.

Joomla TinyMCE Editor removes <link> from html

My code is this:
When i toggle the editor I have:
Where have I got it wrong?
From your title, I am assuming any <link> tag is being stripped.
Link tags are only valid in the head of the page, and TinyMCE is set to use the HTML5 specification by default when it tidies code, so presumably it is removing them due to their invalidity in the body of the page.
You could probably configure the code of TinyMCE to do what you want (see:, but as that does not seem to be possible via Joomla's plug-in parameters, it would mean overriding a core file, which may then cause problems should you patch the site.
One alternative would be to turn off Tiny MCE, and add the code via the blank editor.
Ideally, it sounds like you should be creating a bespoke module in which the link element can go in the head of the page as it should be.

How to resolve “Validation (): Element ‘x’ is not supported” warning in Visual Studio 2010

I have been getting all of these "Validation (): Element 'x' is not supported" warnings and I can't seem to find a way to get rid of them. Here are two examples:
Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): Attribute 'name' is not a valid attribute of element 'ul'.
Validation (CSS 2.1): 'border-radius' is not a known CSS property name.
I have searched on the web and all solutions point to removing the following folder:
C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming \Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\ReflectedSchemas
Which seems to fix 90% of people's issues, however I don't have that folder anywhere on my computer!
I am using Visual Studio 10 SP1 and this project is an MVC 3 project using Razor and HTML5.
So can anyone else suggest what else might be causing the issue?
Thanks very much.
I was encountering the same problem and ALL classic html elements (div, a, p, table..) in every page had green underlines. Intellisense did not give any help with these elements, as if they didn't exist. But all asp controls were fine and valid.
The error was the xmlns="" in the html tag in my master page. Html 5 does not seem to work well together with the xmlns declaration so I removed it, and voila - everything magically works again!
Those are valid warnings, not a bug or other sort of "issue." The list of valid attributes for <ul> is given in the W3C standards, and it doesn't include name. Meanwhile, border-radius was introduced in CSS 3, which means if you validate against CSS 2.1 it's not going to work.
You can either ignore them or figure out how to suppress those particular warnings in VS2010 (I know how to do that for VC++, but I haven't used VS for HTML before; there should be some section in the Properties window for it).
First of all you need to know it's not an error!
Steps to resolve the warning message for an element.
Right click the warning area, you will see a context menu.
Click "Formatting and Validation..." basically it's at the bottom of the menu.
Go to "Validation" in "HTML or HTML (Web Forms)" section. You'll see a checkbox with "Show errors" is checked to true with header "Options". Just unchecke it.
enter image description here
enter image description here
That's it, you are done...
You have to remove
let it remain
<!DocType Html>
only above

ckeditor: mediaembed plugin won't work

I'm using CKEditor for my site.
Now I found the plugin called "MediaEmbed". I need it for embedding YouTube videos.
I installed it and the integration worked fine, but embedding won't work.
When you paste the code into the text area in the embedding dialog and then click on OK in IE and Chrome nothing happens and in Firefox it just adds a image as a flash-content-placeholder.
Let's say the flash-content-placeholder image would be just in the wysiwyg interface, but then i should get the embed code when I click on "view source" - but no, there you just see the source of the placeholder image div and img tag.
Then let's say the embed code is saved internally, so I save the file I create with CKEditor, and the out I get is just what I entered without the stuff the MediaEmbed plugin has generated at all.
How to fix this?
Please help!
Yours Joern.
use firebug and see, it'll be giving a cross domain error. the plugin has a bug. use try catch in the place where is accesses the property for a workaround.
Try istead ckeditor youtube plugin
