XSLT or BizTalk-Mapping generated from Excel - converters

Does anybody know if there is a tool which can convert an Excel document (or something similiar, it really does not have to be Excel) to an XSLT document or to a BizTalk Mapping (actually here it also must not be a BizTalk specific document).
If there is no tool for this, does anybody know references about this theme? I know this is a really common question, but unfortunatelly I can not be more specific. I need this for research and preparing to develop a software.
Or at least maybe someone has any keywords which might help me to research, because actually I really don't know how this problem can be described.

No, what you are asking for does not exist.
In practice, the crosswalk is maintained by a Business user using a tool appropriate for them, almost always Excel.
The developer then takes this and implements a BizTalk Map based on the information provided by the Business. It is never a direct translation so realistically, a tool is simply not possible.
What you can use at ship time is the BizTalk Map Documenter: http://biztalkmapdoc.codeplex.com/


Algorithm for most commonly used items

I'm working on a site which allows contractors to upload blueprints and place various assemblies on it for estimating purposes. I'd like to use an algorithm so that if they place an assembly on a blueprint, and click on the assembly, they can see other assemblies that are most commonly used with that one (e.g. if they place a breaker box it could show that 50' of electrical wire is commonly also used) based using data from all the blueprints currently saved in the system.
Based on the research I've done, it appears that affinity analysis would be the best way to determine which other assemblies are most commonly used with each assembly. I was wondering if anyone can provide any feedback if this would be the best algorithm to use or if there is a better one. All the blueprint/assembly data is stored in an MS SQL database and the backend of the website is written in C# with the data provided to the site via a REST service.
Any information or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
The problem, as you described it, does not require any particular algorithm. It is a simple counting operation, and can be performed by any decent database using COUNT(), GROUP_BY, and WHERE.

VSTO: How to implement Office Standard Custom Task Pane TabContainer

I'm looking for a simple way to implement the standard office custom Task pane TabContainer which looks like this one:
Standard Office TabContainer
(1) is easy to implement
(2) with the TabContainer there is a way to use Icons also - but they don't look so nice like in this one with mouse over effect etc.
(3) I didn't found in the standard TabContainer a setting to enable such a line with a marker
Is this a separate component or does anybody has an example what all is needed to have such a control?
Office has a history of using controls that it doesn't expose to third party devs. The recent files lists for example, are not re-usable, among others.
But maybe they didn't do that this time, maybe they did make it available. They'd probably include it in some release notes, right? But it's not listed in What's new for developers for either Word 2013 or Office 2013 in general.
Okay, maybe they just forgot to include it there? I also took a look through intellisense where I might expect to find it but did not. A bit of googling isn't coming up with anything either.
I don't think this is something you can re-use.
You can of course re-create it. It might be easiest with WPF, but only relatively speaking, It's probably not going to be easy, overall. Also, if you go this route, you need separate and more specific questions than "How do I do this?" Go try to do it, and ask questions related to the roadblocks you run into.

Visual Studio graphic modules designer

I want to create a smart and easy way to produce and generate code automatically.
It's not easy to explain, but what I want to do is something like what codefluent software (http://www.softfluent.com/) does. So design graphically a model and what is generated is a collection of classes in according with some rules defined for my context. Otherwise, also a tool like Telerik which is integrate in Visual Studio and through a custom menu it's possible to manage particular behaviours of the application.
I know that my request is not clear and so general, but also my acutal ideas are in an embrional state. I see that Visual Studio support a DSL SDK (vsvmsdk) which permits to specify and design an own language. But I can't understand if it is exactly what I need.
Anyone can suggest me a different tool or maybe a documentation about what I can do in Visual Studio to reach my goal?
CodeFluent Entities is a custom-made tool, it's not relying on any 3rd party software. The graphical surface is using WPF with special algorithms and specific lightweight treeviews. (disclaimer: I work for this company, and I helped develop that software).
That being said, if you want to quickly develop something, you could indeed start with the http://archive.msdn.microsoft.com/vsvmsdk you mention (VSVMSDK is the successor of the DSL SDK, aka 'DSL Tools'). It has the big advantage of being free. Note however the future of this component at Microsoft is unclear, as they seem to prefer 'Code-first' over 'Model-first' now.

Where is the LightSwitch Reporting Capability

Just what good is a tool for building business systems that provdes alot of ways to get data in and no way to get data out?!?
Am I missing something here? I'm just delving into LightSwitch.
Did Microsoft seriously provide a tool for creating depertmental business systems (a more enterprise / backup friendly replacement for all the little Access apps floating around) and NOT provide any kind of reporting solution?
It almost seems impossily ignorant given the fact that this is all based on SQL Server and SSRS is at their fingertips?
In all my searches I find discussion of 3rd party components and workarounds to achieve what is surely a key required feature of such a tool.
Someone please point me in the direction of the canned reporting functionality that I am overlooking or help me to understand the logic in a one way (data goes in but never out) business system.
For reasons that many of us can't even begin to fathom, Microsoft did indeed leave reporting out of LS V1. So you're not "missing" anything obvious.
From your searches, you've probably seen most of the "workarounds" that people have come up with, including the $99 DevExpress offering (which I can't personally recommend, but I've seen others say they think it's worth the money spent).
We're HOPING that this will have been adressed by V2, but there's no guarantee that will be the case. There must have been a "good reason" that SOMEONE thought was OK to leave out reporting, but the rest of us are just as dumbfounded by the decision as you are.
Microsoft have certainly HEARD what all of us have had to say about it, it's now up to them to do something about the situation. We'll just have to wait & see.

Resources for excel in Visual studio

I have been tasked to rewrite an old excel workbook that is full of ugly vb macros. It is mostly some simple data entry, and some reporting functionality on top of that. I am not super experienced with Excel, but I can get around.
I know that visual studio has project types for excel, but I am not really sure what is possible. I am a c# developer, and would greatly prefer that to crappy vb macros.
Are there any resources for learning to write plugins and workbooks in c#? Google does not seem to be helping me very much. I really just need a few good examples and I should be good to go?
I generally can't find many good resources for excel in general either? Most are old or unhelpful. Any recommendations?
I do a lot of spreadsheet manipulation in c# via the COM interface. You can find examples and more information from MS here.
If your spreadsheets are simple, you can also use ADO.Net interfaces (described here) but I never could figure out how this would work for non-simple worksheets.
Here is a Microsoft knowledge base article on using interop to automate Excel.
I just stumbled across Excel-Dna yesterday, and it looks like a very promising way to use VB.NET/C# in a UDF/macro capacity within Excel. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but it seems to be actively maintained and has an active mailing list.
