Contest Challenge: "Maximize number of races one can take part in" - algorithm

While practising problems from hackerearth I came across following problem( not from active contest ) and have been unsuccessful in solving it after many attempts.
Chandler is participating in a race competition involving N track
races. He wants to run his old car on these tracks having F amount of
initial fuel. At the end of each race, Chandler spends si fuel and
gains some money using which he adds ei amount of fuel to his car.
Also for participating in race i at any stage, Chandler should have
more than si amount of fuel. Also he can participate in race i once.
Help Chandler in maximizing the number of races he can take part in if
he has a choice to participate in the given races in any order.
How can I approach the problem. My approach was to sort by (ei-si) but than I couldn't incorporate condition that fuel present is greater than required for race.
EDIT I tried to solve using following algorithm but it fails,I also can't think of any inputs which fail the algorithm. Please help me out figuring whats wrong or give some input where my algorithm fails.
Sort (ei-si) in non-increasing order;
start iterating through sorted (ei-si) and find first element such that fuel>=si
update fuel=fuel+(ei-si);
update count;
erase that element from list, and start searching again;
if fuel was not updated than we can't take part in any races so stop searching
and output count.
EDIT And here is my code as requested.
using namespace std;
struct race{
int ei;
int si;
int earn;
bool compareByEarn(const race &a, const race &b)
return a.earn <= b.earn;
int main(){
int t;
vector<struct race> fuel;
int f,n;
int si,ei;
list<struct race> temp;
std::copy( fuel.rbegin(), fuel.rend(), std::back_inserter(temp ) );
int count=0;
int flag=0;
for (list<struct race>::iterator ci = temp.begin(); ci != temp.end(); ++ci){
EDIT As noted in answer below, the above greedy approach dosen't always work. So now any alternative method would be useful

Here is my solution, which gets accepted by the judge:
Eliminate those races which have a profit (ei>si)
Sort by ei (in decreasing order)
Solve the problem using a dynamic programming algorithm. (It is similar to a pseudo-polynomial solution for the 0-1 knapsack.)
It is clear that the order in which you eliminate profitable races does not matter. (As long as you process them until no more profitable races can be entered.)
For the rest, I will first prove that if a solution exists, you can perform the same set of races in decreasing order of ei, and the solution will still be feasible. Imagine we have a solution in which k races were chosen and let's say these k races have starting and ending fuel values of s1,...,sk and e1,...,ek. Let i be the first index where ei < ej (where j=i+1). We will show that we can swap i and i+1 without violating any constraints.
It is clear that swapping i and i+1 will not disrupt any constraints before i or after i+1, so we only need to prove that we can still perform race i if we swap its order with race i+1 (j). In the normal order, if the fuel level before we start on race i was f, after race i it will be f-si+ei, and this is at least sj. In other words, we have: f-si+ei>=sj, which means f-sj+ei>=si. However, we know that ei < ej so f-sj+ej >= f-sj+ei >= si, and therefore racing on the jth race before the ith race will still leave at least si fuel for race i.
From there, we implement a dynamic programming algorithm in which d[i][j] is the maximum number of races we can participate in if we can only use races i..n and we start with j units of fuel.
Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
const int maxn = 110;
const int maxf = 110*1000;
int d[maxn][maxf];
struct Race {
int s, e;
bool used;
inline bool operator < (const Race &o) const {
return e > o.e;
} race[maxn];
int main() {
int t;
for (cin >> t; t--;) {
memset(d, 0, sizeof d);
int f, n;
cin >> f >> n;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cin >> race[i].s >> race[i].e;
race[i].used = false;
sort(race, race + n);
int count = 0;
bool found;
do {
found = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (!race[i].used && race[i].e >= race[i].s && race[i].s >= f) {
race[i].used = true;
f += race[i].s - race[i].e;
found = true;
} while (found);
for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
for (int j = 0; j < maxf; j++) {
d[i][j] = d[i + 1][j];
if (!race[i].used && j >= race[i].s) {
int f2 = j - race[i].s + race[i].e;
if (f2 < maxf)
d[i][j] = max(d[i][j], 1 + d[i + 1][f2]);
cout << d[0][f] + count << endl;
return 0;

You need to change your compareByEarn function
bool compareByEarn(const race &a, const race &b)
if(a.earn == b.earn) return <;
return a.earn < b.earn;
Above comparison means, choose the track with more earning (or lesser loss). But if there are 2 tracks with same earning, prefer the track which requires more fuel.
Consider the example
Initially fuel in the car = 4
track 1 : s = 2, e = 1
track 2 : s = 3, e = 2
track 3 : s = 4, e = 3
Expected answer = 3
Received answer = 2 or 3 depending on whether sorting algorithm is stable or unstable and the order of input\.
As a side note:
Also for participating in race i at any stage, Chandler should have
more than si amount of fuel
Should translate to
if(ci->si < f){ // and not if(ci->si<=f){
You can check if my observation is right or problem author chose incorrect sentence to describe the constraint.
EDIT With more reasoning I realized you can not do it with only greedy approach.
Consider the following input.
Initially fuel in the car = 9
track 1 : s = 9, e = 6
track 2 : s = 2, e = 0
track 3 : s = 2, e = 0
track 4 : s = 2, e = 0
Expected answer = 4
Received answer = 3


Binary Lifting | Planet Queries 1 | TLE

I am solving this problem on CSES.
Given n planets, with exactly 1 teleporter on each planet which teleports us to some other planet (possibly the same), we have to solve q queries. Each query is associated with a start planet, x and a number of teleporters to traverse, k. For each query, we need to tell where we would reach after going through k teleporters.
I have attempted this problem using the binary lifting concept.
For each planet, I first saved the planets we would reach by going through 20, 21, 22,... teleporters.
Now, as per the constraints (esp. for k) provided in the question, we need only store the values till 231.
Then, for each query, starting from the start planet, I traverse through the teleporters using the data in the above created array (in 1) to mimic the binary expansion of k, the number of teleporters to traverse.
For example, if k = 5, i.e. (101)2, and the initial planet is x, I first go (001)2 = 1 planet ahead, using the array, let's say to planet y, and then (100)2 = 4 planets ahead. The planet now reached is the required result to the query.
Unfortunately, I am receiving TLE (time limit exceeded) error in the last test case (test 12).
Here's my code for reference:
#define inp(x) ll x; scanf("%lld", &x)
void solve()
// Inputting the values of n, number of planets and q, number of queries.
// Inputting the location of next planet the teleporter on each planet points to, with correction for 0 - based indexing
vector<int> adj(n);
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
scanf("%d", &(adj[i]));
// maxN stores the maximum value till which we need to locate the next reachable plane, based on constraints.
// A value of 32 means that we'll only ever need to go at max 2^31 places away from the planet in query.
int maxN = 32;
// This array consists of the next planet we can reach from any planet.
// Specifically, par[i][j] is the planet we get to, on passing through 2^j teleporters starting from planet i.
vector<vector<int>> par(n, vector<int>(maxN, -1));
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
par[i][0] = adj[i];
for(int i = 1; i < maxN; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < n; j++)
ll p1 = par[j][i-1];
par[j][i] = par[p1][i-1];
// This task is done for each query.
for(int i = 0; i < q; i++)
// x is the initial planet, corrected for 0 - based indexing.
// k is the number of teleporters to traverse.
// cur is the planet we currently are at.
int cur = x;
// For every i'th bit in k that is 1, the current planet is moved to the planet we reach to by moving through 2^i teleporters from cur.
for(int i = 0; (1 << i) <= k ; i++)
if(k & (1 << i))
cur = par[cur][i];
// Once the full binary expansion of k is used up, we are at cur, so (cur + 1) is the result because of the judge's 1 - based indexing.
cout<<(cur + 1)<<endl;
The code gives the correct output in every test case, but undergoes TLE in the final one (the result in the final one is correct too, just a TLE occurs). According to my observation the complexity of the code is O(32 * q + n), which doesn't seem to exceed the 106 bound for linear time code in 1 second.
Are there any hidden costs in the algorithm I may have missed, or some possible optimization?
Any help appreciated!
It looks to me like your code works (after fixing the scanf), but your par map could have 6.4M entries in it, and precalculating all of those might just get you over the 1s time limit.
Here are a few things to try, in order of complexity:
replace par with a single vector<int> and index it like par[i*32+j]. This will remove a lot of double indirections.
Buffer the output in a std::string and write it in one step at the end, in case there's some buffer flushing going on that you don't know about. I don't think so, but it's easy to try.
Starting at each planet, you enter a cycle in <= n steps. In O(n) time, you can precalculate the distance to the terminal cycle and the size of the terminal cycle for all planets. Using this information you can reduce each k to at most 20000, and that means you only need j <= 16.

why prim`s algorithm needs distance array?

I have some questions about Prim`s algorithm.
Prim algorithms can find MST. In general implementation, It needs initialize all Nodes as INF. but i don`t know why this initialize needs.
Here is my implementation
using namespace std;
typedef tuple<int,int,int> ti;
int main(void)
bool vis[1005];
vector<pair<int,int>> vertex[1005];
int V,E;
int u,v,w;
int sum = 0;
int cnt = 0;
priority_queue<ti,vector<ti>,greater<ti>> pq;
cin >> V >> E;
for(int i = 0; i < E; i++)
cin >> u >> v >> w;
for(auto i : vertex[1]){
vis[1] = true;
tie(w,u,v) =; pq.pop();
if(vis[v]) continue;
vis[v] = true;
sum += w;
for(auto i : vertex[v]){
if(cnt == V-1) break;
// VlogV
cout << sum;
return 0;
plz ignore indentation (code paste error)
In this code, you can find sum of the MST. O(VlogV), Also we can find some Vertex Parent node (vis[v] = true, pre[v] = u) so we can know order of MST.
When we don`t need distance array, we can implement prim algorithm O(VlogV), In almost case(not in MST case) it always faster than Kruskal.
I know I'm something wrong, so i want to know what point I am wrong.
So is there any reason why we use distance array??
Your conclusion that this algorithm works in O(Vlog(V)) seems to be wrong. Here is why:
while(!pq.empty()) // executed |V| times
tie(w,u,v) =;
pq.pop(); // log(|V|) for each pop operation
if(vis[v]) continue;
vis[v] = true;
sum += w;
for(auto i : vertex[v]){ // check the vertices of edge v - |E| times in total
pq.push({i.second,v,i.first}); // log(|V|) for each push operation
if(cnt == V-1) break;
First of all notice that, you have to implement the while loop |V| times, since there are |V| number of vertices stored in the pq.
However, also notice that you have to traverse all the vertices in the line:
for(auto i : vertex[v])
Therefore it takes |E| number of operations in total.
Notice that push and pop operations takes |V| number of operations for each approximately.
So what do we have?
We have |V| many iterations and log(|V|) number of push/pop operations in each iteration, which makes V * log(V) number of operations.
On the other hand, we have |E| number of vertex iteration in total, and log(|V|) number of push operation in each vertex iteration, which makes E * log(V) number of operations.
In conclusion, we have V*log(V) + E*log(V) total number of operations. In most cases, V < E assuming a connected graph, therefore time complexity can be shown as O(E*log(V)).
So, time complexity of Prim's Algorithm doesn't depend on keeping a distance array. Still, you have to make the iterations mentioned above.

Not intersecting chords on circle

I'm trying to implement the task. We have 2*n points on circle. So we can create n chords between them. Print all ways to draw n not intersecting chords.
For example: if n = 6. We can draw (1->2 3->4 5->6), (1->4, 2->3, 5->6), (1->6, 2->3, 4->5), (1->6, 2->5, 3->4)
I've developed a recursive algorithms by creating a chord from 1-> 2, 4, 6 and generating answers for 2 remaining intervals. But I know there is more efficient non-recursive way. May be by implementing NextSeq function.
Does anyone have any ideas?
UPD: I do cache intermediate results, but what I really want is to find GenerateNextSeq() function, which can generate next sequence by previous and so generate all such combinations
This is my code by the way
struct SimpleHash {
size_t operator()(const std::pair<int, int>& p) const {
return p.first ^ p.second;
struct Chord {
int p1, p2;
Chord(int x, int y) : p1(x), p2(y) {};
void MergeResults(const vector<vector<Chord>>& res1, const vector<vector<Chord>>& res2, vector<vector<Chord>>& res) {
if (res2.empty()) {
res = res1;
for (int i = 0; i < res1.size(); i++) {
for (int k = 0; k < res2.size(); k++) {
vector<Chord> cur;
for (int j = 0; j < res1[i].size(); j++) {
for (int j = 0; j < res2[k].size(); j++) {
int rec = 0;
int cached = 0;
void allChordsH(vector<vector<Chord>>& res, int st, int end, unordered_map<pair<int, int>, vector<vector<Chord>>, SimpleHash>& cach) {
if (st >= end)
if (cach.count( {st, end} )) {
res = cach[{st, end}];
vector<vector<Chord>> res1, res2, res3, curRes;
for (int i = st+1; i <=end; i += 2) {
res1 = {{Chord(st, i)}};
allChordsH(res2, st+1, i-1, cach);
allChordsH(res3, i+1, end, cach);
MergeResults(res1, res2, curRes);
MergeResults(curRes, res3, res1);
for (auto i = 0; i < res1.size(); i++) {
cach[{st, end}] = res1;
res1.clear(); res2.clear(); res3.clear(); curRes.clear();
void allChords(vector<vector<Chord>>& res, int n) {
unordered_map<pair<int, int>, vector<vector<Chord>>, SimpleHash> cach; // intrval => result
allChordsH(res, 1, n, cach);
Use dynamic programming. That is, cache partial results.
Basically, start from 1 chord, compute all answers and add them to cache.
Then take 2 chords, compute all answers using the cache whenever you can.
Recursive way is O(n!) (at least n!, I'm bad with complexity calculation).
This way is n/2-1 operations for each step and n steps, therefore O(n^2), which is much better. However, this solution depends on memory, as it has to hold all the combinations in the cache. 15 chords easily uses 1GB of memory (Java solution).
Example solution:
Completes 12 chord computation in ~306ms.
Given 1GB of RAM it computes 15 chords in ~8sec.
Cache is saved in specific format to optimize performance: number saved in array means how much further is the link. For example [1,0,3,1,0,0] means:
1 0 3 1 0 0
|--| | |--| |
You can transform it in a separate step to whatever format you want.

Optimal solution for the "celebrity" algorithm

Among n persons,a "celebrity" is defined as someone
who is known by everyone but does not know anyone. The
problem is to identify the celebrity, if one exists, by asking the
question only of the form, "Excuse me, do you know the person
over there?" (The assumption is that all the answers are correct,
and even that celebrity will also answer.)
The goal is to minimize the number of questions.
Is there a solution of the order less than the obvious O(n^2) here?
Using the analysis of the celebrity problem here
Brute-force solution. The graph has at most n(n-1) edges, and we can compute it by asking a question for each potential edge. At this
point, we can check whether a vertex is a sink by computing its
indegree and its outdegree. This brute-force solution asks n(n-1)
questions. Next we show how to to do this with at most 3(n-1)
questions and linear place.
An elegant solution. Our algorithm consists of two phases: in the elimination phase, we eliminate all but one person from being the
celebrity; in the verification phase we check whether this one
remaining person is indeed a celebrity. The elimination phase
maintains a list of possible celebrities. Initially it contains all n
people. In each iteration, we delete one person from the list. We
exploit the following key observation: if person 1 knows person 2,
then person 1 is not a celebrity; if person 1 does not know person 2,
then person 2 is not a celebrity. Thus, by asking person 1 if he knows
person 2, we can eliminate either person 1 or person 2 from the list
of possible celebrities. We can use this idea repeatedly to eliminate
all people but one, say person p. We now verify by brute force
whether p is a celebrity: for every other person i , we ask person p
whether he knows person i , and we ask persons i whether they know
person p . If person p always answers no, and the other people always
answer yes, the we declare person p as the celebrity. Otherwise, we
conclude there is no celebrity in this group.
Divide all the people in pairs.
For every pair (A, B), ask A if he knows B.
if the answer is yes, A can not be the celebrity, discard him.
if the answer is no, B can not be the celebrity, discard him.
Now, only half the people remains.
Repeat from 1 until just one person remains.
Cost O(N).
Here is O(N) time algorithm
Push all the elements into stack.
Remove top two elements(say A and B), and keep A if B knows A and A does not know B.
Remove both A,B is both know each other or both does not know each other
This question can be solved using graphs (indegree and outdegree concept) in O(N^2) Time complexity.
We can also solve this question in O(N) time and O(1) space using a simple two-pointer concept.
We are going to compare two persons at a time one from beginning and other from the end and we will remove that person from consideration which cannot be a celebrity. For example, if there are two persons X and Y and X can identify person Y then surely X cannot be a celebrity as it knows a person inside this party. Another case would be when X does not know Y and in this case, Y cannot be a celebrity as there is at least one person who does not know him/her inside a party. Using this intuition two-pointer concept can be applied to find the celebrity inside this party.
I found a good explanatory video on Youtube by algods.
You can refer to this video for a better explanation.
Video Link:
Here is my solution.
using namespace std;
int main(){
int n;
//number of celebrities
int a[n][n];
for(int i = 0;i < n;i++){
for(int j = 0;j < n;j++){
int count = 0;
for(int i = 0;i < n;i++){
int pos = 0;
for(int j = 0;j < n;j++){
if(a[i][j] == 0){
count = count + 1;
count = 0;
if(count == n){
pos = i;
return 0;
This is how I did it :)
Question - A celebrity is defined someone whom everyone else knows of, but do not know anyone. Given N people (indexed 0...(N-1)), and a function knowsOf defined
as follows: knowsOf(int person0, int person1) = true if person 0 knows person 1, and false otherwise
Find out the celebrity in the N given people if there is any.
// return -1 if there is no celeb otherwise return person index/number.
public int celeb(int n) {
int probaleCeleb = 0;
for(int i =1 ; i < n; i++) {
if(knowsOf(probaleCeleb , i)) { // true /false
probaleCeleb = i;
for(int i =0 ; i < n; i++) {
if( i != probaleCeleb &&
(!knowsOf( i , probaleCeleb) || (knowsOf( probaleCeleb , i)) ) {
probaleCeleb = -1;
return probaleCeleb;
public class Solution {
public int findCelebrity(int n) {
if (n <= 1) {
return -1;
int left = 0;
int right = n - 1;
// First find the right candidate known by everyone, but doesn't know anyone.
while (left < right) {
if (knows(left, right)) {
} else {
// Validate if the candidate knows none and everyone knows him.
int candidate = right;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (i != candidate && (!knows(i, candidate) || knows(candidate, i))) {
return -1;
return candidate;
int findCelebrity(int n) {
int i=0;
for(int j=1;j<n;j++){
for(int j=0;j<n;j++){
if(j!=i && (knows(i,j)|| !knows(j,i))){
return -1;
return i;

find minimum step to make a number from a pair of number

Let's assume that we have a pair of numbers (a, b). We can get a new pair (a + b, b) or (a, a + b) from the given pair in a single step.
Let the initial pair of numbers be (1,1). Our task is to find number k, that is, the least number of steps needed to transform (1,1) into the pair where at least one number equals n.
I solved it by finding all the possible pairs and then return min steps in which the given number is formed, but it taking quite long time to compute.I guess this must be somehow related with finding gcd.can some one please help or provide me some link for the concept.
Here is the program that solved the issue but it is not cleat to me...
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define INF 1000000000
int n,r=INF;
int f(int a,int b){
if(b<=0)return INF;
if(a>1&&b==1)return a-1;
return f(b,a-a/b*b)+a/b;
int main(){
for(int i=1;i<=n/2;i++){
My approach to such problems(one I got from is to calculate the first few terms of the sequence and then search in oeis for a sequence with the same terms. This can result in a solutions order of magnitude faster. In your case the sequence is probably: but unfortunately it has no easy to use formula.
As the constraint for n is relatively small you can do a dp on the minimum number of steps required to get to the pair (a,b) from (1,1). You take a two dimensional array that stores the answer for a given pair and then you do a recursion with memoization:
int mem[5001][5001];
int solve(int a, int b) {
if (a == 0) {
return mem[a][b] = b + 1;
if (mem[a][b] != -1) {
return mem[a][b];
if (a == 1 && b == 1) {
return mem[a][b] = 0;
int res;
if (a > b) {
if (mem[a][b%a] == -1) { // not yet calculated
res = solve(a, b%a);
} else { // already calculated
res = mem[a][b%a];
res += b/a;
return mem[a][b] = res;
int main() {
memset(mem, -1, sizeof(mem));
int n;
cin >> n;
int best = -1;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
int temp = solve(n, i);
if (best == -1 || temp < best) {
best = temp;
cout << best << endl;
In fact in this case there is not much difference between dp and BFS, but this is the general approach to such problems. Hope this helps.
EDIT: return a big enough value in the dp if a is zero
You can use the breadth first search algorithm to do this. At each step you generate all possible NEXT steps that you havent seen before. If the set of next steps contains the result you're done if not repeat. The number of times you repeat this is the minimum number of transformations.
First of all, the maximum number you can get after k-3 steps is kth fibinocci number. Let t be the magic ratio.
Now, for n start with (n, upper(n/t) ).
If x>y:
NumSteps(x,y) = NumSteps(x-y,y)+1
NumSteps(x,y) = NumSteps(x,y-x)+1
Iteratively calculate NumSteps(n, upper(n/t) )
PS: Using upper(n/t) might not always provide the optimal solution. You can do some local search around this value for the optimal results. To ensure optimality you can try ALL the values from 0 to n-1, in which worst case complexity is O(n^2). But, if the optimal value results from a value close to upper(n/t), the solution is O(nlogn)
