Method list dropdown no longer functional - visual-studio

The method list dropdown, as well as the project and class view drop down boxes are no longer working within the editor window with VS2013 update 2.
I suspect that this issue began after the update, but I cannot be certain ( I didn't pay much attention to it until this morning, although I performed the update when it was released)
For example, I expect VS to look like like
(from the screenshot posted in the accepted answer here however it looks like:
I've tried the following:
Run as administrator and regular user
Remove and readd the toolbar via Option -> Text Editor -> C# -> Navigation Bar
I've also noted that
issue occurs across all files
it affects all parts of the navigation bar
The dropdown's do update to reflect the current position of the editor
Any ideas on how I can resolve this?


Visual Studio Navigation Bar Object Drop Down does not work

For some reason the Object Drop Down Combo Box (The middle combo box on navigation bar) no longer works in Visual Studio. I recently installed the latest update, but the problem occurred after that.
(I have already looked at the Question regarding multiple monitors - the problem occurs regardless of what monitor I use)
I have tried a Visual Studio Repair
I have reset ALL VS settings
I have deleted the Local/Roaming folders
I have checked and un-checked the Navigation bar tool setting
Nothing works...
Symptom description -
Load a simple VB Form Project and add a textbox
In the center combo nav drop down, select the very first item (Form1 Events)
The far right combo does NOT fill with the events for that selection.
Or, in the code window, select some code in an object event like TextBox1_MouseUp -
The center nav combo dropdown WILL show the TextBox1 as the selection and the far right combo will display the events correctly.
Click on any other object in the center combo - nothing happens, no list of events is shown.
I am willing to do a complete uninstall and re-install, but it takes hours due to lousy internet connections in Japan, so this is my last hope for an answer before I waste an entire day...
This has now been fixed in v16.10.3

Clean up member history view?

Is there a way in MKS Integrity to clean up the member view? We have files that when you open the Member History view just look like massive spider webs. It would be nice if we could click a revision, hit a magic button, and only see the revisions directly tied to that revision (i.e., one level out from it). Does anything like that exist in MKS? (obvious: I'm new to MKS)
From the Member History window, go to menu -> View -> Change Filter to bring up the Filter Revisions dialog.
Modify the Filter Revisions based on whatever criteria you care about--in this case, probably based On Branch.
Click OK.
The member history should now display a filtered member history.
Unfortunately, there is no functionality for a "single button filter by current branch". If your organization has a current maintenance contract with PTC, you could have an appropriate contact log a feature request for this functionality on usability grounds.
Disclaimer: I work in PTC Technical Support.
As far as I know all my colleagues have the same problem. I can only give you the hint that when you have the Member History window you can set a filter in the menu [View].
Better would be to have some right-click menu for that - but this might be something related to an external script?
If you are using dynamic Member History views you might also consider having always 2 dynamic Member History views open.
One as list that shows all.
One graphical with a filter enabled with View -> Change Filter
If you never close that graphical history view the filter will remain active
even if you restart the Integrity client.

How to make Solution Explorer return to its previous state after clearing search?

I currently have a VS installation with no extensions to see how that works out. For navigation that means making heavy use of Ctrl+; aka Search Solution Explorer. While the search itself is ok, it has one major drawback for me that makes it a pain to use for me (both with keyboard and mouse):
Solution with two projects, one collapsed, one opened:
Use Ctrl+; and start typing until match found from collapsed project
What I want now is to simply clear the search and return to the previous view. Seems like a pretty standard requirement, no? But there seems to be no such functionality built in. Problem with the current commands that come close (pressing Esc, clicking Back or Home buttons in Solution Explorer Toolbar) is all the same: they have the extremely annoying behaviour that they insist on suddenly uncollapsing the previously collapsed project and track the match found! (Btw the Track Active Item in Solution Explorer option is turned of in the options). This makes no sense from a UX point of view? You select some kind of 'undo' command, the search box clears which is expected, but then suddenly there's an item visible from a previous search:
So if the collapsed project has like 50 items in it, solution explorer is now useless visually since it litters the screen with stuff you don't want to see, and worse you have to manually collapse the project again to return to the previous view.
Is there a way around this? I thought maybe keyboard shortcuts for Back/Home would be different, but the commands do not seem to be registered. I looked into EnvDTE80.DTE2.ToolWindows.SolutionExplorer but it has no properties/methods that have anything to do with this issue. And somewhere in the tree there is a Microsoft.VisualStudio.PlatformUI.SolutionPivotNavigator which is probably the class responsible for this behaviour, but I have no idea how to access it?
Recently updated to VS2013 SP3 and I have the impression there was a change (or I didn't notice this properly earlier, though my question says otherwise): if I use the Back button in the Solution Explorer view it properly takes me back to the previous view without expanding anything that wasn't expanded before. Using Esc or clearing the search box still behave the same which is a pitty, but at least if I remember to use just the back button it's workable.
update Not really an answer but since I started using Edit.NavigateTo (which is basically 'Go to Anything' including symbols/files) bound to a keyboard shortcut I found no reason to use Window.SolutionExplorerSearch anymore.

C# menustrip designer

I'm not sure when this happened but when I was trying to edit a menustrip in my program (in the VS designer), I noticed that the menu items had to be grouped or merged. Like:
File Edit Format Insert ...
Instead of being able to click each menu item and add sub-items to them in the designer, they all were grouped together so I couldn't edit the menu items separately, it's quite painful.
I couldn't find any properties related to this, so how could I ungroup the menu items in the designer?
Nevermind, it turns out the designer became weird. When I wanted to add an event to the main menustrip, nothing even happened. Restarting VS seemed to have fixed it. Still quite odd.

Customizing toolbar items in VS2010

Has the menu & toolbar customization functionality in VS2010 been reduced?
I can't seem to be able to select an icon for an added command, nor set it to be icon-only. Previous versions of Visual Studio supported this functionality and even allowed the creation/editing of custom icons.
Is this something that has suffered as a result of the move to the WPF-authored UI or am I missing something?
Seems like this functionality was cut from Visual Studio 2010. This post has some info in the comments: Customizing Visual Studio 2010
Specifically - "Unfortunately assigning or editing icons to commands through Customize dialog is not possible in VS2010. It is one of the features got cut for lack of time. This is however something we'll consider adding back in next version."
The reply also has a longer explanation of a workaround.
As noted in the link mentioned in the answer from #Gordon Mackie JoanMiro, the REASON for the reduced functionality is that the VS Shell team migrated the entire UI (shell and command system) from Win32 to one based solely on WPF. This was a gargantuan task, I would imagine. However, a couple workarounds are now available:
You can export previously saved settings from VS 2008 and import them into VS 2010. That includes command bar customizations (as noted by #Don)
A more recent blog-post contains detailed instructions for using a new extension to VS2010 (available on Visual Studio Gallery) that allows users to change the images on the command UI. (Note that the old drag&drop customization interface is still not supported in this new extension.)
If you have custom icons, any attempt to make ANY changes to the tool bar will result in the custom icons disappearing and being replaced by text when you restart VS2010.
The only way I found to get my custom icons without text into VS2010 is to open VS2008, set up all of the tool bars the way I want, including custom icons, then export the settings (Tools| Import and Export Settings). Then open VS2010 and import those settings. Tedious, I know, but it allows me to have a down arrow icon that searches for the next instance of the word my cursor is on.
I have been trying to customize VS2010 toolbars/keyboard and what took a few minutes in previous versions takes hours now. The new system looks real pretty but is useless in practice. Apart from the fact you just can't do (like change the appearance of buttons as mentioned above) the things you can do are extremely time-consuming and annoying.
Why is it every new version of VS loses something really useful? Other examples:
VC++5 introduced a new HTML help system. Pressing F1 on a function name used to immediately show help for that function. After VC++5 getting context help became annoyingly much slower, and is still very slow (and inaccurate).
VS.Net (aka VS2002 or VC++7) had a useless bookmark system compared to VC++6. VS2010 bookmarks are better but not perfect.
VS.Net removed the search state buttons "whole word", "case sensitive" etc. These were possibly the most useful buttons ever as they quickly allowed you to see why a search may have failed.
I found a great extension: CommandingImage
It does not have an icon editor, but you can create your images as 16x16 png format (for transparency) and import it (I recommend Paint.Net)
Dave, here's how to add toolbar buttons:
1) in the IDE, find the down arrow looking thing on the far right of a toolbar and click on Add Remove Buttons, Customize
2) in the Customize window select the Menu Bar radio button then select the appropriate menu bar that you want to add a button to
3) click the "Add Command..." button
4) select the appropriate Category and Command button that you want to add, then click OK.
The command button you selected will be added to the menu bar you selected. You can move the button up or down.
I think this is what you are looking for.
Good luck!
