Why can't get process id that more than 65535 by 'ntQuerySystemInformation' in Win7 64bit? - windows

I used the 'ntQuerySystemInformation' to get all the handle information like:
NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemHandleInformation, pHandleInfor, ulSize,NULL);//SystemHandleInformation = 16
struct of pHandleInfor is:
ULONG ProcessId;
UCHAR ObjectTypeNumber;
UCHAR Flags;
USHORT Handle;
PVOID Object;
ACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess;
It works well in xp 32bit, but in Win7 64bit can only get the right pid that less than 65535. The type of processId in this struct is ULONG, I think it can get more than 65535. What's wrong with it? Is there any other API instead?

There are two enum values for NtQuerySystemInformation to get handle info:
The definitions for these structs are:
short UniqueProcessId;
short CreatorBackTraceIndex;
char ObjectTypeIndex;
char HandleAttributes; // 0x01 = PROTECT_FROM_CLOSE, 0x02 = INHERIT
short HandleValue;
size_t Object;
int GrantedAccess;
size_t Object;
size_t UniqueProcessId;
size_t HandleValue;
int GrantedAccess;
short CreatorBackTraceIndex;
short ObjectTypeIndex;
int HandleAttributes;
int Reserved;
As You can see, the first struct really can only contain 16-bit process id-s...
See for example ProcessExplorer project's source file ntexapi.h for more information.
Note also that the field widths for SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION_EX in my struct definitions might be different from theirs (that is, in my definition some field widths vary depending on the bitness), but I think I tested the code both under 32-bit and 64-bit and found it to be correct.
Please recheck if necessary and let us know if You have additional info.

From Raymond Chen's article Processes, commit, RAM, threads, and how high can you go?:
I later learned that the Windows NT folks do try to keep the numerical values of process ID from getting too big. Earlier this century, the kernel team experimented with letting the numbers get really huge, in order to reduce the rate at which process IDs get reused, but they had to go back to small numbers, not for any technical reasons, but because people complained that the large process IDs looked ugly in Task Manager. (One customer even asked if something was wrong with his computer.)


Create array of struct scatterlist from buffer

I am trying to build an array of type "struct scatterlist", from a buffer pointed by a virtual kernel address (I know the byte size of the buffer, but it may be large). Ideally I would like to have function like init_sg_array_from_buf:
void my_function(void *buffer, int buffer_length)
struct scatterlist *sg;
int sg_count;
sg_count = init_sg_array_from_buf(buffer, buffer_length, sg);
Which function in the scatterlist api, does something similar? Currently the only possibility I see, is to manually determine the amount of pages, spanned by the buffer. Windows has a kernel macro called "ADDRESS_AND_SIZE_TO_SPAN_PAGES", but I didn't even manage to find something like this in the linux kernel.

How can i know the minor on Linux module initialisation

I am writing a linux kernel module.
Here is what i've done in module's init function:
register_chrdev(300 /* major */, "mydev", &fops);
It works fine. But i need to know the minor number.
I have read we cannot set this minor number. It is the kernel which gives us this number. If so, how can i know it in module's init function ?
register_chrdev calls __register_chrdev internally.
static inline int register_chrdev(unsigned int major, const char *name,
const struct file_operations *fops)
return __register_chrdev(major, 0, 256, name, fops);
If you will see __register_chrdev function signature, it is
int __register_chrdev(unsigned int major, unsigned int baseminor,
unsigned int count, const char *name,
const struct file_operations *fops)
register_chrdev will pass your major number(300) and a base minor number 0 with a count of 256. So, it will reserve 0-255 minor number range for your device.
Also, in the definition of __register_chrdev, dev_t structure is created (contains major & minor number) for your device.
err = cdev_add(cdev, MKDEV(cd->major, baseminor), count);
MKDEV(cd->major, baseminor) creates it. So, the first device number(dev_t) will have 0 as its minor number. Besides, count(256) is the consecutive minor numbers that can be further used.
You can also dynamically get the major & minor number if you use alloc_chrdev_region. All you have to do is pass a dev_t struct
to alloc_chrdev_region. It will dynamically allocate a major and minor number to your device. To get the major and minor number in your module, you can use
major = MAJOR(dev);
minor = MINOR(dev);

Another void* topic; I just have to ask because I am confused

Ok, muddling though Stack on the particulars about void*, books like The C Programming Language (K&R) and The C++ Programming Language (Stroustrup). What have I learned? That void* is a generic pointer with no type inferred. It requires a cast to any defined type and printing void* just yields the address.
What else do I know? void* can't be dereferenced and thus far remains the one item in C/C++ from which I have discovered much written about but little understanding imparted.
I understand that it must be cast such as *(char*)void* but what makes no sense to me for a generic pointer is that I must somehow already know what type I need in order to grab a value. I'm a Java programmer; I understand generic types but this is something I struggle with.
So I wrote some code
typedef struct node
void* data;
node* link;
typedef struct list
Node* head;
Node* add_new(void* data, Node* link);
void show(Node* head);
Node* add_new(void* data, Node* link)
Node* newNode = new Node();
newNode->data = data;
newNode->link = link;
return newNode;
void show(Node* head)
while (head != nullptr)
std::cout << head->data;
head = head->link;
int main()
List list;
list.head = nullptr;
list.head = add_new("My Name", list.head);
list.head = add_new("Your Name", list.head);
list.head = add_new("Our Name", list.head);
return 0;
I'll handle the memory deallocation later. Assuming I have no understanding of the type stored in void*, how do I get the value out? This implies I already need to know the type, and this reveals nothing about the generic nature of void* while I follow what is here although still no understanding.
Why am I expecting void* to cooperate and the compiler to automatically cast out the type that is hidden internally in some register on the heap or stack?
I'll handle the memory deallocation later. Assuming I have no understanding of the type stored in void*, how do I get the value out?
You can't. You must know the valid types that the pointer can be cast to before you can dereference it.
Here are couple of options for using a generic type:
If you are able to use a C++17 compiler, you may use std::any.
If you are able to use the boost libraries, you may use boost::any.
Unlike Java, you are working with memory pointers in C/C++. There is no encapsulation whatsoever. The void * type means the variable is an address in memory. Anything can be stored there. With a type like int * you tell the compiler what you are referring to. Besides the compiler knows the size of the type (say 4 bytes for int) and the address will be a multiple of 4 in that case (granularity/memory alignment). On top, if you give the compiler the type it will perform consistency checks at compilation time. Not after. This is not happening with void *.
In a nutshell, you are working bare metal. The types are compiler directives and do not hold runtime information. Nor does it track the objects you are dynamically creating. It is merely a segment in memory that is allocated where you can eventually store anything.
The main reason to use void* is that different things may be pointed at. Thus, I may pass in an int* or Node* or anything else. But unless you know either the type or the length, you can't do anything with it.
But if you know the length, you can handle the memory pointed at without knowing the type. Casting it as a char* is used because it is a single byte, so if I have a void* and a number of bytes, I can copy the memory somewhere else, or zero it out.
Additionally, if it is a pointer to a class, but you don't know if it is a parent or inherited class, you may be able to assume one and find out a flag inside the data which tells you which one. But no matter what, when you want to do much beyond passing it to another function, you need to cast it as something. char* is just the easiest single byte value to use.
Your confusion derived from habit to deal with Java programs. Java code is set of instruction for a virtual machine, where function of RAM is given to a sort of database, which stores name, type, size and data of each object. Programming language you're learning now is meant to be compiled into instruction for CPU, with same organization of memory as underlying OS have. Existing model used by C and C++ languages is some abstract built on top of most of popular OSes in way that code would work effectively after being compiled for that platform and OS. Naturally that organization doesn't involve string data about type, except for famous RTTI in C++.
For your case RTTI cannot be used directly, unless you would create a wrapper around your naked pointer, which would store the data.
In fact C++ library contains a vast collection of container class templates that are useable and portable, if they are defined by ISO standard. 3/4 of standard is just description of library often referred as STL. Use of them is preferable over working with naked pointers, unless you mean to create own container for some reason. For particular task only C++17 standard offered std::any class, previously present in boost library. Naturally, it is possible to reimplement it, or, in some cases, to replace by std::variant.
Assuming I have no understanding of the type stored in void*, how do I get the value out
You don't.
What you can do is record the type stored in the void*.
In c, void* is used to pass around a binary chunk of data that points at something through one layer of abstraction, and recieve it at the other end, casting it back to the type that the code knows it will be passed.
void do_callback( void(*pfun)(void*), void* pdata ) {
void print_int( void* pint ) {
printf( "%d", *(int*)pint );
int main() {
int x = 7;
do_callback( print_int, &x );
here, we forget thet ype of &x, pass it through do_callback.
It is later passed to code inside do_callback or elsewhere that knows that the void* is actually an int*. So it casts it back and uses it as an int.
The void* and the consumer void(*)(void*) are coupled. The above code is "provably correct", but the proof does not lie in the type system; instead, it depends on the fact we only use that void* in a context that knows it is an int*.
In C++ you can use void* similarly. But you can also get fancy.
Suppose you want a pointer to anything printable. Something is printable if it can be << to a std::ostream.
struct printable {
void const* ptr = 0;
void(*print_f)(std::ostream&, void const*) = 0;
printable() {}
printable(printable const&)=default;
printable& operator=(printable&&)=default;
printable& operator=(printable const&)=default;
template<class T,std::size_t N>
printable( T(&t)[N] ):
ptr( t ),
print_f( []( std::ostream& os, void const* pt) {
T* ptr = (T*)pt;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
os << ptr[i];
template<std::size_t N>
printable( char(&t)[N] ):
ptr( t ),
print_f( []( std::ostream& os, void const* pt) {
os << (char const*)pt;
template<class T,
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<std::decay_t<T>, printable>{}, int> =0
printable( T&& t ):
ptr( std::addressof(t) ),
print_f( []( std::ostream& os, void const* pt) {
os << *(std::remove_reference_t<T>*)pt;
std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, printable self ) {
self.print_f( os, self.ptr );
return os;
explicit operator bool()const{ return print_f; }
what I just did is a technique called "type erasure" in C++ (vaguely similar to Java type erasure).
void send_to_log( printable p ) {
std::cerr << p;
Live example.
Here we created an ad-hoc "virtual" interface to the concept of printing on a type.
The type need not support any actual interface (no binary layout requirements), it just has to support a certain syntax.
We create our own virtual dispatch table system for an arbitrary type.
This is used in the C++ standard library. In c++11 there is std::function<Signature>, and in c++17 there is std::any.
std::any is void* that knows how to destroy and copy its contents, and if you know the type you can cast it back to the original type. You can also query it and ask it if it a specific type.
Mixing std::any with the above type-erasure techinque lets you create regular types (that behave like values, not references) with arbitrary duck-typed interfaces.

PEB_LDR_DATA structure has different members and sizes

The PEB structure contains process information and the pointer of PEB_LDR_DATA structure which contains information about the loaded modules for the process is one of PEB members.
From MSDN, PEB structure syntax is as follows:
typedef struct _PEB {
BYTE Reserved1[2];
BYTE BeingDebugged;
BYTE Reserved2[1];
PVOID Reserved3[2];
PPEB_LDR_DATA Ldr; <-- I'm curious about this one.
BYTE Reserved4[104];
PVOID Reserved5[52];
BYTE Reserved6[128];
PVOID Reserved7[1];
ULONG SessionId;
After searching for the structure, I found that there are various forms and they make me confused:
// Form #1: this is described in MSDN
typedef struct _PEB_LDR_DATA { // 28 bytes
BYTE Reserved1[8];
PVOID Reserved2[3];
LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderModuleList;
// Form #2
typedef struct _PEB_LDR_DATA { // 40 bytes
DWORD dwLength;
DWORD dwInitialized;
LPVOID lpSsHandle;
LIST_ENTRY InLoadOrderModuleList;
LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderModuleList;
LIST_ENTRY InInitializationOrderModuleList;
LPVOID lpEntryInProgress;
// Form #3
typedef struct _PEB_LDR_DATA { // 36 bytes
ULONG Length;
BOOLEAN Initialized;
PVOID SsHandle;
LIST_ENTRY InLoadOrderModuleList;
LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderModuleList;
LIST_ENTRY InInitializationOrderModuleList;
How could they have different members and sizes?
These are essentially internal undocumented data structures that can change between versions and even service packs. In the beginning only the first few fields of the TEB/TIB were semi-documented because they are used by compilers to implement SEH and TLS.
Over time people figured out some of the other fields and started using them which essentially forced Microsoft to document them. All other members have reserved names because Microsoft does not want you to use them because there might be a documented API for it or it might change in the future.
On 32-bit Windows 8 the PEB_LDR_DATA struct looks like this:
0x000 Length : Uint4B
0x004 Initialized : UChar
0x008 SsHandle : Ptr32 Void
0x00c InLoadOrderModuleList : _LIST_ENTRY
0x014 InMemoryOrderModuleList : _LIST_ENTRY
0x01c InInitializationOrderModuleList : _LIST_ENTRY
0x024 EntryInProgress : Ptr32 Void
0x028 ShutdownInProgress : UChar
0x02c ShutdownThreadId : Ptr32 Void
Symbols are not always 100% correct but it is often the best source when dealing with these types of structs. This matches the memory layout of the structs you posted (except for Form #2 which incorrectly uses DWORD for the BOOLEAN). Accessing anything beyond the LIST_ENTRYs must be done after you have checked the length member (or the Windows version) because they don't exist in older versions.
The size can be different because new fields have been added over time. The members can be different because the field actually changed over time but more likely it is a bug because somebody just used a different name/type for a field.
If your goal is to list the loaded modules then you can use the documented ToolHelp API instead...

KbdLayerDescriptor pVkToWcharTable returns NULL on Win64

I am running out of ideas here. I have a piece of code adapted from http://thetechnofreak.com/technofreak/keylogger-visual-c/ to convert keycodes to unicode chars. It works fine in all situations except when you try to run the 32-bit version from 64-bit Windows. For some reason pKbd->pVkToWcharTable keeps returning NULL. I have tried __ptr64 as well as explicitly specifying SysWOW64 and System32 for the kbd dll path. I have found several items across the internet referring to this exact or very similar problem but I cannot seem to get any of the solutions to work (See: KbdLayerDescriptor returns NULL at 64bit architecture) The following is my test code that was compiled with mingw-32 on Windows XP (gcc -std=c99 Wow64Test.c) and then executed on Windows 7 64-bit. On Windows XP I am getting a valid pointer, however on Windows 7 I am getting NULL.
***Update: So it looks like the problems I am having are due to mingw not implementing __ptr64 correctly as the sizeof operation gives 4 bytes instead of the 8 bytes given by visual studio. So the real solution would be figuring out a way to make the size of KBD_LONG_POINTER dynamic or at least 64-bits but I am not sure if thats possible. Any ideas?
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define KBD_LONG_POINTER __ptr64
typedef struct {
BYTE ModBits;
typedef struct {
WORD wMaxModBits;
BYTE ModNumber[];
typedef struct _VK_TO_WCHARS1 {
BYTE VirtualKey;
BYTE Attributes;
WCHAR wch[1];
typedef struct _VK_TO_WCHAR_TABLE {
BYTE nModifications;
BYTE cbSize;
typedef struct {
DWORD dwBoth;
WCHAR wchComposed;
USHORT uFlags;
typedef struct {
BYTE vsc;
typedef struct _VSC_VK {
typedef struct _LIGATURE1 {
BYTE VirtualKey;
WORD ModificationNumber;
WCHAR wch[1];
typedef struct tagKbdLayer {
PMODIFIERS pCharModifiers;
DWORD fLocaleFlags;
BYTE nLgMax;
BYTE cbLgEntry;
PLIGATURE1 pLigature;
DWORD dwType;
DWORD dwSubType;
typedef PKBDTABLES(CALLBACK *KbdLayerDescriptor) (VOID);
int main() {
HINSTANCE kbdLibrary = NULL;
kbdLibrary = LoadLibrary("C:\\WINDOWS\\SysWOW64\\KBDUS.DLL");
KbdLayerDescriptor pKbdLayerDescriptor = (KbdLayerDescriptor) GetProcAddress(kbdLibrary, "KbdLayerDescriptor");
if(pKbdLayerDescriptor != NULL) {
pKbd = pKbdLayerDescriptor();
printf("Is Null? %d 0x%X\n", sizeof(pKbd->pVkToWcharTable), pKbd->pVkToWcharTable);
kbdLibrary = NULL;
It might be late for you, but here is a solution for anyone having the same problem. This demo and incomplete explanation helps, but only works in Visual Studio:
The pointers in the structures in kbd.h all have the KBD_LONG_POINTER macro, which is defined as *__ptr64* on 64 bit operating systems. In Visual Studio, this makes the pointers take up 8 bytes instead of the usual 4 of 32 bit programs. Unfortunately in MinGW, *__ptr64* is defined to not do anything.
As written in the linked explanation, the KbdLayerDescriptor function returns pointers differently on 32 bit and 64 bit Windows. The size of pointers seem to depend on the operating system and not on the running program. Actually, the pointers are still 4 bytes on a 64 bit operating system for a 32 bit program, but in VS, the __ptr64 keyword lies that they are not.
For example some structures look like this in kbd.h:
typedef struct {
BYTE ModBits;
typedef struct {
WORD wMaxModBits;
BYTE ModNumber[];
This can't work neither in MinGW nor in VS for 32 bit programs on 64 bit Windows. Because the pVkToBit member in MODIFIERS is only 4 bytes without __ptr64. The solution is to forget about KBD_LONG_POINTER (you could even remove them all) and define structures similar to the above. i.e. :
struct VK_TO_BIT64
BYTE ModBits;
struct MODIFIERS64
VK_TO_BIT64 *pVkToBit;
int _align1;
WORD wMaxModBits;
BYTE ModNumber[];
(You could use VK_TO_BIT and not define your own VK_TO_BIT64, as they are the same, but having separate definitions help understanding what's going on.)
The member pVkToBit still takes up 4 bytes, but KbdLayerDescriptor pads pointers to 8 bytes on a 64 bit OS, so we have to insert some padding (int _align1).
You have to do the same thing for the other structures in kbd.h. For example this will replace KBDTABLES:
WCHAR *str;
int _align1;
struct KBDTABLES64
MODIFIERS64 *pCharModifiers;
int _align1;
VK_TO_WCHAR_TABLE64 *pVkToWcharTable;
int _align2;
DEADKEY64 *pDeadKey;
int _align3;
VSC_LPWSTR64 *pKeyNames;
int _align4;
VSC_LPWSTR64 *pKeyNamesExt;
int _align5;
WCHARARRAY64 *pKeyNamesDead;
int _align6;
int _align7;
int _align8;
VSC_VK64 *pVSCtoVK_E0;
int _align9;
VSC_VK64 *pVSCtoVK_E1;
int _align10;
DWORD fLocaleFlags;
byte nLgMax;
byte cbLgEntry;
LIGATURE64_1 *pLigature;
int _align11;
DWORD dwType;
DWORD dwSubType;
(Notice that the _align8 member does not come after a pointer.)
To use this all, you have to check whether you are running on 64 bit windows with this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684139%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
If not, use the original structures from kbd.h, because the pointers behave correctly. They take up 4 bytes. In case the program is running on a 64 bit OS, use the structures you created. You can achieve it with this:
typedef __int64 (CALLBACK *LayerDescriptor64)(); // Result should be cast to KBDTABLES64.
typedef PKBDTABLES (CALLBACK *LayerDescriptor)(); // This is used on 32 bit OS.
static PKBDTABLES kbdtables = NULL;
static KBDTABLES64 *kbdtables64 = NULL;
And in some initialization function:
if (WindowsIs64Bit()) // Your function that checks the OS version.
LayerDescriptor64 KbdLayerDescriptor = (LayerDescriptor64)GetProcAddress(kbdLibrary, "KbdLayerDescriptor");
if (KbdLayerDescriptor != NULL)
kbdtables64 = (KBDTABLES64*)KbdLayerDescriptor();
kbdtables64 = NULL;
LayerDescriptor KbdLayerDescriptor = (LayerDescriptor)GetProcAddress(kbdLibrary, "KbdLayerDescriptor");
if (KbdLayerDescriptor != NULL)
kbdtables = KbdLayerDescriptor();
kbdtables = NULL;
This solution does not use __ptr64 at all, and works both in VS and MinGW. The things you have to watch out for are:
The structures should be aligned on 8 byte boundaries. (This is the default in current VS or MinGW, at least for C++.)
Don't define KBD_LONG_POINTER to __ptr64, or remove it from everywhere. Although you are better off not changing kbd.h.
Understand how alignment for structure members work. (I have compiled this as C++ and not C. I'm not sure whether alignment rules would be any different for C.)
Use the correct variable (either kbdtables or kbdtables64) depending on the OS.
This solution is obviously not needed when compiling a 64 bit program.
