How to combine number and string in batch file - windows

I am using batch file to display some kind of number such as
00_test.txt 01_test.txt...10_test.txt 11_test.txt
Hence, This is my code. But I cannot show as my expectation
FOR /L %%x IN (1,1,10) DO (
set "extension=.txt"
set "fullname=%x%_test%extension%"
The result of above code are _test.txt _test_txt but expected result are
00_test.txt 01_test.txt
Could you help me edit it?

#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "baseName=_test"
set "extension=.txt"
for /l %%a in (1 1 10) do (
set "n=0%%a"
echo !n:~-2!%baseName%%extension%
When a block of code (in your case the for and the code inside parenthesis) is reached by the parser, all variable reads are replaced with the value in the variable before starting to execute the code. So, if a variable is changed inside the block and the value needs to be retrieved inside the same block, it is necessary to use delayed expansion, telling the parser that variables that are referenced as !var! (instead of %var%), should not be replaced at parse time, its value should be accessed at execution time.
So, in this code %baseName% and %extension% are used with usual syntax as its value does not change inside the for code block, but !n! uses delayed expansion. Its value changes inside the block and this value must be accessed inside the same block.
The concatenation of a 0 prefix and the extraction of two characters on the right from the variable ensure the presence of the initial 0 for values 1 to 9

Try %%x instead of %x:
FOR /L %%x IN (1,1,10) DO (
set "extension=.txt"
set "fullname=%%x%_test%extension%"


Windows Cmd Loop name and create folders

I'm trying to figure out how to create a certain number of folders in a Windows batch file. I want to ask the user how many folder they want, and then use that collected number to loop the asking for names of those folders and make them. Here is what I have so far:
pushd C:\Users\%username%\Desktop
set /p FolderLoop="How many folders?: "
for /l %%x in (1, 1, %FolderLoop%) do (
set /p folder="Folder: " %%x
md %folder% %%x
The problem I keep having is that I can not make the folders with the proper collected names. The closest I have gotten so far is creating the right amount of folders, but with sequential numeric names (1,2,3, etc.) based om the FolderLoop variable.
You need to read any of the hundreds of responses on SO with regard to delayedexpansion.
Within a block statement (a parenthesised series of statements), the entire block is parsed and then executed. Any %var% within the block will be replaced by that variable's value at the time the block is parsed - before the block is executed - the same thing applies to a FOR ... DO (block).
Within a block statement (a parenthesised series of statements), REM statements rather than the broken-label remark form (:: comment) should be used because labels terminate blocks, confusing cmd.
Hence, IF (something) else (somethingelse) will be executed using the values of %variables% at the time the IF is encountered.
Two common ways to overcome this are 1) to use setlocal enabledelayedexpansion and use !var! in place of %var% to access the changed value of var or 2) to call a subroutine to perform further processing using the changed values.
Note therefore the use of CALL ECHO %%var%% which displays the changed value of var. CALL ECHO %%errorlevel%% displays, but sadly then RESETS errorlevel.
You need delayed expansion:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
pushd C:\Users\%username%\Desktop
set /p FolderLoop="How many folders?: "
for /l %%x in (1, 1, %FolderLoop%) do (
set /p "folder=Folder: "
md "!folder!"
(the %%x after set /p does nothing. I removed it. I also removed it from md, you don't need it - except you want the counter be part of the foldername.)

Windows batch string manipulation in loop

I'm trying to make the directories "01", "02", "03", ..., "11" and "12" in the current directory. But for an unknown reason my padding 'function' of "0" doesn't work within a for loop.
#Echo on
SET suffix=12
SET v=0%suffix%
SET v=%v:~-2%
echo %v%
(SET suffix=12
SET v=0%suffix%
SET v=%v:~-2%
echo %v%)
FOR /L %%q IN (9,1,11) DO (
SET suffixb=%%q
SET w=0%suffixb%
SET w=%w:~-2%
echo %w%
In batch files, each line or block of lines (code inside parenthesis) is parsed, executed and the process repeated for the next line/block. During the parse phase, all variable reads are removed, being replaced with the value in the variable before the code starts to execute. If a variable changes its value inside the line/block, this changed value can not be retrieved from inside the same line/block as the variable read operation does not exist.
The usual way to solve it is to use delayed expansion. When enabled, you can change (where needed) the syntax from %var% to !var!, indicating to the parser that the read operation must be delayed until the command that uses the value starts to execute.
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /l %%a in (101 1 112) do (
set "name=%%a"
md "!name:~-2!"

ren won't use my variable from one lina above

I've got a strange problem. I want to rename multiple files in a folder.
So far, so easy - in theory. I use this script:
cd C:\Test
for %%i in (*(7*) do (
set name="%%i"
ren "%name%" "%name:~0,-15%.txt"
The strange thing is that he seems to not use the variable "name" I declared
one line above the ren command as you can see in what the console prints:
set name="ttttt(7xAAdoc) .txt"
ren "" "~0,-15.txt"
What am I missing here? I am running Windows 7, if thats important.
Thanks for any help.
Within a block statement (a parenthesised series of statements), the entire block is parsed and then executed. Any %var% within the block will be replaced by that variable's value at the time the block is parsed - before the block is executed - the same thing applies to a FOR ... DO (block).
Hence, IF (something) else (somethingelse) will be executed using the values of %variables% at the time the IF is encountered.
Two common ways to overcome this are 1) to use setlocal enabledelayedexpansion and use !var! in place of %var% to access the changed value of var or 2) to call a subroutine to perform further processing using the changed values.
In your case,
cd C:\Test
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%i in (*(7*) do (
set "name=%%i"
ren "%name%" "!name:~0,-15!.txt"
note the positioning of the quotes in the first set. The set "var=value" syntax ensures that any trailing spaces on the batch line are not included in the value assigned to var. As you had it, name would be assigned a "quoted" value and the ren command (had it worked) would have been `ren ""filename"" ""firstpartoffilename".txt"

I need to match or replace an asterisk * in a batch environmental variable using only native Windows commands. Is this possible?

I'm trying to remove an asterisk from an environmental variable string, but can't seem to do it.
I'm creating an m3u file based around search strings, so for instance I if I want to make an m3u file containing every song with the word love in it, I would enter:
m3u *Love*
And m3u.bat would create the file:
But the regular method of replacing characters does not work with an asterisk. (Though I don't have that problem with the question mark.)
set nam=%nam:*=x%.m3u
Instead creates the filename
The easy answer is no.
The problem that you're encountering stems from the fact that the asterisk * is a special character when used with the SET search and replace method. It matches multiple characters in a limited, but still useful, way. You can learn about that here.
The hard answer is Yes!
I will provide you with two solutions. One an incomplete solution but elegent,
the other complete and inelegent.
Both methods will search for * and replace it with an x.
Both methods will both search and modify the following string:
The first method that comes to mind is using a 'FOR /L' statement, and requires that you know how many characters long the environmental variable is.
::Major Edit::
I thought I knew the various maximum size strings of environmental variables, but dbenham has taken me to school, shown me a kick-in-the-behind length function, and in the mean time completely reversed my opinions of the two solutions I'm presenting.
Other than for the Windows 95/98/ME limitation of a 256 Character maximum environmental variable size. It seems that all versions of Windows using CMD.EXE have a limitation of 8,192 characters, well below what the documentation suggests.
Both versions require delayed environmental variable expansion, but for two different reasons. One because I'm operating inside a FOR statement. The other because you cannot put a % pair inside another % pair because the command processor matches the second % that it encounters to the first one it encounters, but we need to use a variable inside another variable expression. (You'll see.)
This solution uses the strLen function (in line 3) from that can be found Here. Just slap it into a file called strLen.bat and be amazed at it's speed!
Solution 1: (FOR /L Solution) :: Preferred Solution ::
set nam=*love*
rem calling strLen
call :strLen nam len
for /l %%x in (0,1,%len%) do if not "!nam:~%%x,1!"=="" if "!nam:~%%x,1!"=="*" (
set /a plusone=%%x+1
for /l %%y in (!plusone!, 1, !plusone!) do (
set nam=!nam:~0,%%x!x!nam:~%%y!
echo %nam%
I think this is a quick and elegant solution It could be sped up by adding the contents of strLen.bat to the routine, but I wanted no confusion as to the author.
If you, for some reason, do not wish to use strLen, then the next quickest method would probably use a GOTO loop.
Solution 2: (Goto Solution)
set nam=*love*
set num=0
set /a plusone=%num%+1
if "!nam:~%num%,1!"=="*" set nam=!nam:~0,%num%!x!nam:~%plusone%!
set /a num=%num%+1
if not "!nam:~%num%,1!"=="" goto :loop
echo %nam%
Special thanks to dbenham for pointing out the strLen function. It works faster than any batch based function has a right to!
Although there were already some very good and robust ways explained here, I'd still like to add another option for the sake of completion.
It's not as good as the other options but I personally use it in some cases where I'd like to keep the code clean and where I know that it will suffice:
The way it works is by using for /f's delims to cut the string into two parts, which are then put back together, getting rid of the * in the process:
for /f "tokens=1,* delims=*" %%a in ("a*b") do (set string=%%a%%b)
>>> string=ab
Obviously, the downside to this is that it can only be used to remove one *.
To remove more, we can either just use more tokens...
for /f "tokens=1-3,* delims=*" %%a in ("a*b*c*d") do (set string=%%a%%b%%c%%d)
>>> string=abcd
... or we can put the first line in a for /l-loop:
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set string=a*b*c*d
for /l %%a in (1, 1, 3) do (
for /f "tokens=1,* delims=*" %%b in ("!string!") do (set string=%%b%%c)
>>> string=abcd
Another thing to note is that you can define more than one character in delims, and they will all be removed at once:
for /f "tokens=1,* delims=+-*/" %%a in ("a*-/+b") do (set string=%%a%%b)
>>> string=ab
Another solution to the stated problem is to use a PowerShell replace command within your batch script.
set var=*Love*
echo %var%>var.txt | powershell -command "((get-content var.txt) -replace '[\x2A]','x') -replace '.{1}$' | set-content var.txt"
set /p var=<var.txt
set var=%var%.m3u
echo %var%
In the above code, the second line
writes your string into a text file
calls a PowerShell command to get the contents of that file
replaces the * character with null
overwrites the text file with the new value
Once that is done, you read the value back into your variable.
To further explain the replace command, the first single quotes is what you are searching for. We are using square brackets to identify the * character as a hex character (\x2A is the hex value for *). After the comma, the second set of single quotes contains no value so that the searched object is removed. To prevent a space between xLovex and the .m3u, we have to use -replace '.{1}$' before writing the result to the text file.
Once you are done with the text file, enter a line to delete it.
if exist var.txt del var.txt
Here is an approach that does not walk through all characters of a string, but it uses a for /F loop to split the string at every occurrence of a (sequence of a) certain character. The actual functionality is packed into a sub-routine for easy reuse, so the main section of the following script just contains some code to test:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
::This is the main routine of the script holding code for test and demonstration:
rem // Definition of some sample text to test (note that `%%` becomes one literal `%`):
set "DATA=some text,"^&"&;0'#%%~#`$:wild**card*?.re<dir>=|+([{parens}])-^/equal==to=!_"
call :REPL_CHAR TEXT DATA "*" "?"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo(In: !DATA!
echo(In: !TEXT!
call :REPL_CHAR TEXT TEXT "=" "/"
exit /B
::This function replaces in a string every occurrence of a sequence of a certain character
::by another character or a string. It even correctly handles the characters `*` and `=`.
:: call :REPL_CHAR ref_output_string ref_input_string val_search_char val_replace_char
:: ref_output_string reference to (name of) variable to receive the resulting string;
:: ref_input_string reference to variable that holds the original string; if empty
:: (`""`), the variable referenced by `ref_output_string` is used;
:: val_search_char single character that is to be replaced;
:: val_replace_char character or string to replace every sequence of `val_search_char`
:: with; this may even be empty;
rem // Localise environment and detect whether delayed expansion is enabled (needed later):
setlocal & set "$NDX=!"
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // Fetch arguments and verify them:
set "#RET=%~1" & if not defined #RET endlocal & endlocal & exit /B 2
set "#STR=%~2" & if not defined #STR set "#STR=%#RET%"
set "CHR=%~3"
if not defined CHR endlocal & endlocal & exit /B 1
set "RPL=%~4"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem // Initialise several auxiliary variables:
set "TST=!%#STR%!" & set "CHR=!CHR:~,1!" & set "INS="
if "!CHR!"=="_" (set "BUF=#" & set "WRK=!TST!#") else (set "BUF=_" & set "WRK=!TST!_")
rem // Check whether the end of the string has been reached:
if not defined TST set "BUF=!BUF:~1,-1!" & goto :REPL_CHAR_NEXT
rem // Split the string at the next sequence of search characters:
for /F tokens^=1*^ delims^=^%CHR%^ eol^=^%CHR% %%S in ("!BUF!!INS!!WRK!") do (
rem // Store the portions before and after the character sequence:
endlocal & set "BUF=%%S" & set "TST=%%T" & set "WRK=%%T" & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem // Loop back and find the next character sequence:
set "INS=!RPL!" & goto :REPL_CHAR_LOOP
rem // Return the resulting string with all special characters properly handled:
if not defined $NDX if defined BUF set "BUF=!BUF:"=""!^"
if not defined $NDX if defined BUF set "BUF=!BUF:^=^^^^!"
if not defined $NDX if defined BUF set "BUF=%BUF:!=^^^!%" !
if not defined $NDX if defined BUF set "BUF=!BUF:""="!^"
for /F "delims=" %%S in (^""!BUF!"^") do endlocal & endlocal & endlocal & set "%#RET%=%%~S" !
exit /B
The input and output data of this script (let us call it repl_char_demo.bat) are:
>>> repl_char_demo.bat
In: some text,"&"&;0'#%~#`$:wild**card*?.re<dir>=|+([{parens}])-^/equal==to=!_
Out:some text,"&"&;0'#%~#`$:wild?card??.re<dir>=|+([{parens}])-^/equal==to=!_
In: some text,"&"&;0'#%~#`$:wild?card??.re<dir>=|+([{parens}])-^/equal==to=!_
Out:some text,"&"&;0'#%~#`$:wild?card??.re<dir>/|+([{parens}])-^/equal/to/!_
This is a script that uses for /L loops to walk through all characters of the string, to check each character against a predefined one and replaces it as specified. This method replaces every single matching character rather than sequences. Again the functionality is put into a sub-routine (the main section is dismissed this time):
::This function replaces in a string every occurrence of one certain character by another
::character or a string. It even correctly handles the characters `*` and `=`, as well as
::sequences of search characters so that every single one becomes replaced.
:: call :REPL_CHAR ref_output_string ref_input_string val_search_char val_replace_char
:: ref_output_string reference to (name of) variable to receive the resulting string;
:: ref_input_string reference to variable that holds the original string; if empty
:: (`""`), the variable referenced by `ref_output_string` is used;
:: val_search_char single character that is to be replaced;
:: val_replace_char character or string to replace every single `val_search_char`
:: with; this may even be empty;
rem // Localise environment and detect whether delayed expansion is enabled (needed later):
setlocal & set "$NDX=!"
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // Fetch arguments and verify them:
set "#RET=%~1" & if not defined #RET endlocal & endlocal & exit /B 2
set "#STR=%~2" & if not defined #STR set "#STR=%#RET%"
set "CHR=%~3"
if not defined CHR endlocal & endlocal & exit /B 1
set "RPL=%~4"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem // Initialise several auxiliary variables:
set "WRK=!%#STR%!" & set "CHR=!CHR:~,1!" & set "BUF="
rem // Loop through all characters and check for match:
if defined WRK for /L %%J in (0,1,63) do for /L %%I in (0,1,127) do (
set /A "POS=%%J*64+%%I" & for %%P in (!POS!) do (
set "TST=!WRK:~%%P,1!" & if not defined TST goto :REPL_CHAR_QUIT
rem // Store character or replacement depending on whether there is a match:
if "!TST!"=="!CHR!" (set "BUF=!BUF!!RPL!") else (set "BUF=!BUF!!TST!")
rem // Return the resulting string with all special characters properly handled:
if not defined $NDX if defined BUF set "BUF=!BUF:"=""!^"
if not defined $NDX if defined BUF set "BUF=!BUF:^=^^^^!"
if not defined $NDX if defined BUF set "BUF=%BUF:!=^^^!%" !
if not defined $NDX if defined BUF set "BUF=!BUF:""="!^"
for /F "delims=" %%S in (^""!BUF!"^") do endlocal & endlocal & endlocal & set "%#RET%=%%~S" !
exit /B
There are actually two nested for /L loops rather than a single one, both of which become broken as soon as the end of the string is reached, using the goto command. Breaking a for /L loop means that it completes iterating in the background although its body is no longer executed. Therefore, using a single loop takes much more time to finish after being broken rather than two nested ones.
The input and output data of this script (with the same main section as above) are:
>>> repl_char_demo.bat
In: some text,"&"&;0'#%~#`$:wild**card*?.re<dir>=|+([{parens}])-^/equal==to=!_
Out:some text,"&"&;0'#%~#`$:wild??card??.re<dir>=|+([{parens}])-^/equal==to=!_
In: some text,"&"&;0'#%~#`$:wild??card??.re<dir>=|+([{parens}])-^/equal==to=!_
Out:some text,"&"&;0'#%~#`$:wild??card??.re<dir>/|+([{parens}])-^/equal//to/!_
See this answer, and with set-ast.bat you'll want to put set-ast nam "x" in your file where needed.
set-ast takes the parameters <variable-to-modify> <string-to-replace-asterisks-with>

How to add tabs to string in batch

I have this code, where I want to test "counting". Counting does not work.
set "Myvar=Hello"
set #=%MyVar%
set strlen=0
if defined # (set #=%#:~1%&set /A strlen += 1&goto loop)
echo LEN: %strlen%
SET /A tabscount=(40-%strlen%)/8
echo Tabs count: %tabscount%
echo counting...
FOR /L %%G IN (0,1,%%tabscount) DO echo %%G
And second problem is I would like to add tabs to end of string Myvar so many times as the tabscount value is.
How to do the adding in DO block? Should something like this work? SET "tabs=% %" Or rather SET "Myvar.= "?
I repaired the %%tabscount
Your counting FOR /L loop is missing percents around the tabscount variable
FOR /L %%G IN (0,1,tabscount) DO echo %%G
To append tabs is no different than appending any other string. Tabs are difficult to differentiate from spaces simply by looking at the code. I recommend defining a TAB variable so you only have to worry about the tab literal in one place.
If you were just doing a single append, then you could simply use
set "TAB= "
set "MyVar=%MyVar%%TAB%"
But you want to use a loop to append multiple tabs, and %MyVar% will only be expanded once within a loop. So you need to do something to access the current value within the loop. You have multiple options:
1) Use CALL SET to get an extra parse for each iteration: (relatively slow and potentially unsafe)
for /l %%G in (0 1 %tabscount%) do call set "MyVar=%%MyVar%%%TAB%"
2) Use a GOTO loop instead of FOR /L. The IF statement will be reparsed each iteration, so it will work. (relatively slow, but a bit safer than option 1)
if %tabscount% gtr 0 (
set "MyVar=%MyVar%%TAB%"
set /a tabscount-=1
goto :appendLoop
3) Use delayed expansion so that you get the value at execution time instead of parse time. (much faster and always safe)
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for /l %%G in (0 1 %tabscount%) do set "MyVar=!Myvar!%TAB%"
There are other variations.
Note that SET /A is the one situation where you do not need percents around numeric variables. There is nothing wrong with what you have, but you could also write the SET /A statement as
set /a tabscount=(40-strlen)/8
