ruby setting variable versus using variable - ruby

I'm somewhat new to ruby so there may be an easy solution to this.
But basically I want to reuse an object #result, so that when I execute a method on it (filter) I continue to be using the original object. However, as I run the method, the object itself seems to be changing.
The object (#result) is RDF::Query::Solutions class
#result = rdf_query(query) # solutions object
At this point the #result contains all the solutions, approximately 30 results
#pubinfo = #result.filter(:ptype => RDF::URI(""))
At this point #result becomes equivalent to what I want only #pubinfo to be. There are only 5 or so results
#contentinfo = #result.filter(:ptype => RDF::URI(""))
at this point #contentinfo comes up nil because the filter is actually on the solutions left from the previous filter. But i wanted to run this filter on the original contents of #result
#linkinginfo = #result.filter(:ptype => RDF::URI(""))
Again predictable the #linking is 'nil' because #result was set to nil in the previous filter. But I don't want #result changing.
Please help.
Look what happens if i try the following
#pubinfo = #result
#pubinfo2 = #pubinfo.filter(:ptype => RDF::URI(""))
At this point #result = has been filtered. Why should should #result be affected at all by what I do to #pubinfo. In other words, how do i make #pubinfo a mere copy or duplicate of #result so that one is not affected by the other??

If you read the documentation:
This method returns an undefined value.
Filters this solution sequence by the given criteria.
This is quite vague, I agree, but one thing stands out - it returns an undefined value, from this I conclude that this is a destructive method, which changes the current object rather than returns a new object with the result of the filter. Another hint to this is that it is Also known as: filter!, since methods ending in ! are by convention destructive in ruby.
Looking at the source code verified this conclusion, as it uses reject! in the code.
As to solutions on how to do it properly - I'm not familiar with this library, and it has proven quite hard to try and figure it out from the documentation, I suggest you find a way to do one of the following (ordered from most recommended, down to last fallback):
Find a non-destructive API
Find a dup or clone API
Re-query before each filter...
And maybe try to contact the author to provide his own recommendation...


check if hash keys exist in ruby [duplicate]

Ruby 2.3 introduces a new method on Array and Hash called dig. The examples I've seen in blog posts about the new release are contrived and convoluted:
# Hash#dig
user = {
user: {
address: {
street1: '123 Main street'
user.dig(:user, :address, :street1) # => '123 Main street'
# Array#dig
results = [[[1, 2, 3]]]
results.dig(0, 0, 0) # => 1
I'm not using triple-nested flat arrays. What's a realistic example of how this would be useful?
It turns out these methods solve one of the most commonly-asked Ruby questions. The questions below have something like 20 duplicates, all of which are solved by using dig:
How to avoid NoMethodError for missing elements in nested hashes, without repeated nil checks?
Ruby Style: How to check whether a nested hash element exists
In our case, NoMethodErrors due to nil references are by far the most common errors we see in our production environments.
The new Hash#dig allows you to omit nil checks when accessing nested elements. Since hashes are best used for when the structure of the data is unknown, or volatile, having official support for this makes a lot of sense.
Let's take your example. The following:
user.dig(:user, :address, :street1)
Is not equivalent to:
In the case where user[:user] or user[:user][:address] is nil, this will result in a runtime error.
Rather, it is equivalent to the following, which is the current idiom:
user[:user] && user[:user][:address] && user[:user][:address][:street1]
Note how it is trivial to pass a list of symbols that was created elsewhere into Hash#dig, whereas it is not very straightforward to recreate the latter construct from such a list. Hash#dig allows you to easily do dynamic access without having to worry about nil references.
Clearly Hash#dig is also a lot shorter.
One important point to take note of is that Hash#dig itself returns nil if any of the keys turn out to be, which can lead to the same class of errors one step down the line, so it can be a good idea to provide a sensible default. (This way of providing an object which always responds to the methods expected is called the Null Object Pattern.)
Again, in your example, an empty string or something like "N/A", depending on what makes sense:
user.dig(:user, :address, :street1) || ""
One way would be in conjunction with the splat operator reading from some unknown document model.
some_json = JSON.parse( '{"people": {"me": 6, ... } ...}' )
# => "{"people" => {"me" => 6, ... }, ... }
a_bunch_of_args =[:query]
# => ["people", "me"]
# => 6
It's useful for working your way through deeply nested Hashes/Arrays, which might be what you'd get back from an API call, for instance.
In theory it saves a ton of code that would otherwise check at each level whether another level exists, without which you risk constant errors. In practise you still may need a lot of this code as dig will still create errors in some cases (e.g. if anything in the chain is a non-keyed object.)
It is for this reason that your question is actually really valid - dig hasn't seen the usage we might expect. This is commented on here for instance: Why nobody speaks about dig.
To make dig avoid these errors, try the KeyDial gem, which I wrote to wrap around dig and force it to return nil/default if any error crops up.

Ruby way of looping through nested objects

How can I rewrite the following code to be more Ruby-wayish? I'm thinking about inject but can't figure out how to do it.
def nested_page_path(page)
path = "/#{page.slug}"
while page.parent_id do
path.prepend "/#{page.parent.slug}"
page = page.parent
Input is an AR object, that has 0-5 consecutive parents. And output is something like '/pages/services/law'.
If you know for sure that there are no cycles in your parenting, you can do that recursively, i. e. with a function that calls itself. 5-level nesting should do just fine, trouble could arise with thousands.
def nested_page_path(page)
return "" if page.nil? # Or whatever that is root
But bear in mind, that the approach above, as well as yours, will fetch each object in a separate query. It's fine when you already have them fetched, but if not, you're in a bit of N+1 query trouble.
An easy workaround is caching. You can rebuild the nested path of this object and its descendants on before_save: that is some significant overhead on each write. There is a much better way.
By using nested sets you can get the object's hierarchy branch in just one query. Like this:
# ^
# Nested sets' goodness
What that query does is essentially "fetch me pages ordered by left bound, ranges of which enclose my own". I'm using awesome_nested_set in my examples.
SELECT "pages"."slug" FROM "pages"
WHERE ("pages"."lft" <= 42) AND ("pages"."rgt" >= 88)
ORDER BY "pages"."lft"
Without knowing your object structure it's difficult. But something recursive like this should do:
def nested_page_path(page)
path = "/#{page.slug}"
return path unless page.parent_id
path.prepend "#{nested_page_path(page.parent)}/"
Not sure inject is the simple answer since it operates on an Enumerable and you don’t have an obvious enumerable to start with.
I’d suggest something like this (not unlike your solution)
def nested_page_path(page)
pages = [page]
pages << pages.last.parent while pages.last.parent
'/' +'/')
There’s scope for reducing repetition there, but that’s more or less what I’d go with.

How enum#feed works in ruby?

Sets the value to be returned by the next yield inside e.If
the value is not set, the yield returns nil.This value is cleared after
being yielded.
I tried one example but it is not the one I think to understand the
#feed method.
a = [1,2,3,4].to_enum
p #=> 1
a.feed 'foo'
p #=> 2 , I expected here 'foo'
Can anyone give me a good example to understand how the #feed method
Based on the documentation you linked to, it's up to the Enumerable object in question to decide what to do with your feed call. In this case, the default behavior is to ignore it. If you write your own custom Enumerable class, you could accept that and treat it as you will.
I have never seen feed used, but then again, it's the sort of thing that's put there for those occasions when you might need it. I can't think of a use for this thing at all, to be honest.
You'll have to test various things for support, but I'd be surprised if you find any objects that use it as you presume.

Ruby weird assignment behaviour

Is this a ruby bug?
target_url_to_edit = target_url
if target_url_to_edit.include?("http://")
target_url_to_edit["http://"] = ""
logger.debug "target url is now #{target_url}"
This returns target_url without http://
You need to duplicate the in-memory object because variable names are just references to in-memory objects:
target_url_to_edit = target_url.dup
Now target_url_to_edit gets assigned a new copy of the original object.
For your case this code probably does the same in just one line (no dup, no if):
target_url_to_edit = target_url.sub(%r{^http://}, "")
No, this is not a bug in Ruby, this is just how shared mutable state works, not just in Ruby but in any programming language.
Think about it this way: my mom calls me "son", my friends call me "Jörg". If I cut my hair, then it doesn't matter which name you use to refer to me: I am the same person, regardless of whether you call me "son" or "Jörg" or "Mr. Mittag" or "hey, douchebag", therefore my hair will always be short. It doesn't magically grow back if you call me by a different name.
The same thing happens in your code: you refer to the string by two different names, but it doesn't matter which name you use; if the string changes, then it changes.
The solution is, of course, to not share mutable state and to not mutate shared state, like in #hurikhan77's answer.
That is not a bug. It is the intended behavior because target_url_to_edit points to the same object in memory as target_url since Ruby uses references for object assignment. If you know C, it is similar to pointers.
Here is how to change its behaviour to force passing by value (note the star sign):
target_url_to_edit = *target_url.to_s
if target_url_to_edit.include?("http://")
target_url_to_edit["http://"] = ""
logger.debug "target url is now #{target_url}"
And just like many things in ruby, hard to find where it's documented...

Building a "Semi-Natural Language" DSL in Ruby

I'm interested in building a DSL in Ruby for use in parsing microblog updates. Specifically, I thought that I could translate text into a Ruby string in the same way as the Rails gem allows "4.days.ago". I already have regex code that will translate the text
#USER_A: give X points to #USER_B for accomplishing some task
#USER_B: take Y points from #USER_A for not giving me enough points
into something like"USER_B").for("accomplishing some task").giver("USER_A")"USER_A").for("not giving me enough points").giver("USER_B")
It's acceptable to me to formalize the syntax of the updates so that only standardized text is provided and parsed, allowing me to smartly process updates. Thus, it seems it's more a question of how to implement the DSL class. I have the following stub class (removed all error checking and replaced some with comments to minimize paste):
class Scorekeeper
attr_accessor :score, :user, :reason, :sender
def give(num)
# Can 'give 4' or can 'give a -5'; ensure 'to' called
self.score = num
def take(num)
# ensure negative and 'from' called
self.score = num < 0 ? num : num * -1
def plus
self.score > 0
def to (str)
self.user = str
def from(str)
self.user = str
def for(str)
self.reason = str
def giver(str)
self.sender = str
def command
str = plus ? "giving ##{user} #{score} points" : "taking #{score * -1} points from ##{user}"
"##{sender} is #{str} for #{reason}"
Running the following commands:
t = eval('"USER_A").for("not giving me enough points").giver("USER_B")')
p t.command
p t.inspect
Yields the expected results:
"#USER_B is taking 4 points from #USER_A for not giving me enough points"
"#<Scorekeeper:0x100152010 #reason=\"not giving me enough points\", #user=\"USER_A\", #score=4, #sender=\"USER_B\">"
So my question is mainly, am I doing anything to shoot myself in the foot by building upon this implementation? Does anyone have any examples for improvement in the DSL class itself or any warnings for me?
BTW, to get the eval string, I'm mostly using sub/gsub and regex, I figured that's the easiest way, but I could be wrong.
Am I understanding you correctly: you want to take a string from a user and cause it to trigger some behavior?
Based on the two examples you listed, you probably can get by with using regular expressions.
For example, to parse this example:
#USER_A: give X points to #USER_B for accomplishing some task
With Ruby:
input = "#abe: give 2 points to #bob for writing clean code"
PATTERN = /^#(.+?): give ([0-9]+) points to #(.+?) for (.+?)$/
input =~ PATTERN
user_a = $~[1] # => "abe"
x = $~[2] # => "2"
user_b = $~[3] # => "bob"
why = $~[4] # => "writing clean code"
But if there is more complexity, at some point you might find it easier and more maintainable to use a real parser. If you want a parser that works well with Ruby, I recommend Treetop:
The idea of taking a string and converting it to code to be evaled makes me nervous. Using eval is a big risk and should be avoided if possible. There are other ways to accomplish your goal. I'll be happy to give some ideas if you want.
A question about the DSL you suggest: are you going to use it natively in another part of your application? Or do just plan on using it as part of the process to convert the string into the behavior you want? I'm not sure what is best without knowing more, but you may not need the DSL if you are just parsing the strings.
This echoes some of my thoughts on a tangental project (an old-style text MOO).
I'm not convinced that a compiler-style parser is going to be the best way for the program to deal with the vaguaries of english text. My current thoughts have me splitting up the understanding of english into seperate objects -- so a box understands "open box" but not "press button", etc. -- and then having the objects use some sort of DSL to call centralised code that actually makes things happen.
I'm not sure that you've got to the point where you understand how the DSL is actually going to help you. Maybe you need to look at how the english text gets turned into DSL, first. I'm not saying that you don't need a DSL; you might very well be right.
As for hints as to how to do that? Well, I think if I were you I would be looking for specific verbs. Each verb would "know" what sort of thing it should expect from the text around it. So in your example "to" and "from" would expect a user immediately following.
This isn't especially divergent from the code you've posted here, IMO.
You might get some milage out of looking at the answers to my question. One commenter pointed me to the Interpreter Pattern, which I found especially enlightening: there's a nice Ruby example here.
Building on #David_James' answer, I've come up with a regex-only solution to this since I'm not actually using the DSL anywhere else to build scores and am merely parsing out points to users. I've got two patterns that I'll use to search:
SEARCH_STRING = "#Scorekeeper give a healthy 4 to the great #USER_A for doing something
really cool.Then give the friendly #USER_B a healthy five points for working on this.
Then take seven points from the jerk #USER_C."
PATTERN_A = /\b(give|take)[\s\w]*([+-]?[0-9]|one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|ten)[\s\w]*\b(to|from)[\s\w]*#([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\b/i
PATTERN_B = /\bgive[\s\w]*#([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\b[\s\w]*([+-]?[0-9]|one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|ten)/i
SEARCH_STRING.scan(PATTERN_A) # => [["give", "4", "to", "USER_A"],
# ["take", "seven", "from", "USER_C"]]
SEARCH_STRING.scan(PATTERN_B) # => [["USER_B", "five"]]
The regex might be cleaned up a bit, but this allows me to have syntax that allows a few fun adjectives while still pulling the core information using both "name->points" and "points->name" syntaxes. It does not allow me to grab the reason, but that's so complex that for now I'm going to just store the entire update, since the whole update will be related to the context of each score anyway in all but outlier cases. Getting the "giver" username can be done elsewhere as well.
I've written up a description of these expressions as well, in hopes that other people might find that useful (and so that I can go back to it and remember what that long string of gobbledygook means :)
