How to get right result from "" despite of question mark? - url-parameters

I tried out "" for overcoming the cross-domain policy. It works fine, except if the URL of the other page contains parameters and a question mark.
var url = '';
$.getJSON('' + encodeURIComponent(url) + '&callback=?', function(data){
var html = ""+data.contents;
The question mark doesn't get recognized, so the page is not being found. Is there any solution for this issue?


Error retrieving image from URL with SpreadsheetApp.newCellImage() builder

My application is trying to insert images to google drive sheet using google app script.
It works fine...
but it hang up intermittently with the response error from google script:
Exception: Error retrieving image from URL or bad URL:
The code is :
var fpm_mon_image = file_from_folder(id_folder_images , image_AR ) ; // get "image_AR" from folder
var url_mon_image = fpm_mon_image.getDownloadUrl() ;
var image = SpreadsheetApp.newCellImage().setSourceUrl(url_mon_image).setAltTextTitle(titre).toBuilder().build() ;
Utilities.sleep(1000); // for testing ...
var rangeIma= fpm_sp.getRange(scal_li_SP +1, 2) ;
rangeIma.setValue(image).setVerticalAlignment('bottom') ; // stop here with error above
It works fine 5, 10 times then it hang up 2, 3, 5 times and then works fine again.... (I start loosing my hairs ;-))
I tried :
var srcfile = DriveApp.getFileById(id_mon_image);
srcfile.setSharing(DriveApp.Access.ANYONE_WITH_LINK, DriveApp.Permission.VIEW);
var image = fpm_sp.insertImage(srcfile.getBlob(), my_col , my_row);
but the image in not inserted in a cell...
Could you help please ?
Many thanks.
Unfortunately, I cannot replicate your situation of Exception: Error retrieving image from URL or bad URL:. So, although I'm not sure about your actual situation, how about the following modification?
Modified script:
Before you use this script, please enable Drive API at Advanced Google services.
var fileId = "###"; // Please set the file ID of your image.
var url = Drive.Files.get(fileId).thumbnailLink.replace(/\=s.+/, "=s512");
var title = "sample title";
var image = SpreadsheetApp.newCellImage().setSourceUrl(url).setAltTextTitle(title).build();
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
When this script is run, a thumbnail link is retrieved from the image file using Drive API. And, the image size of the image is changed. And, the image is put to the cell "A1" of the active sheet.
In this case, if the issue of image size occurs, this issue can be removed. And, if the issue of sharing the file occurs, this issue can be also removed. By this, I thought that your issue might be able to be removed.

Code is not executing after window.load (Javascript)

(sorry for my bad english)
I have a big problem with which I've been beating me for several days but to which I do not find any solution, even while going to excavate very far in subjects on known forums (and less known).
I develop a small application in Javascript which must recover an array of links. I open these links one by one in the same page, and I click on a button (which posts a name), then I check after a small lapse of time that the name is well posted and corresponds to that present on the page (in a fixed div). At this time, I turn over on the basic page, then I start the script again with the second link contained in the array.
The problem is that the code is not carried out anymore after the window.load() function.
I test the code on Google Chrome (in the Javascript console) and it turns over me an error: “Uncaught ReferenceError: init is not defined … onload ".
I hope that you will be able to help me to find how to once carry out the code with the launching of the page it is launched since each bond opens a page in the relationship page.
Before, I had tested in a popup with the function () (without “_parent”) and I wanted to close it thanks to window.close () function, but the code did not include/understand where to act since the remainder of the code was to now deal with the popup and not of the page on which the code was carried out at the beginning.
Here's the code :
//Here i get the links in an array
function recupHref(){
var lesHref = new Array();
var lesLiens = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for(var i = 0; i < lesLiens.length; i ++)
if(lesLiens[i].parentNode.getAttribute("class") == "pubrhead-text-right")
return lesHref;
var resultat = recupHref(); //I store them in a variable
//The main function which open the links one by one
//The while loop allows us to know if were subscribed or not
var o = function openLinks(){
for(var leIndex = 0; leIndex < resultat.length; leIndex ++){[leIndex], "_parent");
//Do i use window.load instead of DOMContentLoaded ?
addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
var pseudo = document.getElementById("nameho").innerHTML;
var pseudok = document.getElementsByClassName("pname")[0].textContent;
while (pseudo === pseudok) {
!("http://page-with-links.html", "_parent"));
I thank you in advance, and I hope that you will include/understand my problem.
Here is a little draw to explain better than words :
In other words, just what i need is that : store links (done) --> Open the link --> Click on the button (done) --> Check if the 2 names are the same --> Came back to the first page/close popup/ (or go directly to the seconde link in the array) --> do this for the 2nd link, etc, etc.
Good day/evening.

Extension: How to intercept AJAX responses?

Since extensions can not access unsafeWindow, like Firefox can, to hook into DOM scripts am I looking for other ideas so I come to SO for help!
How about using some code to inject into DOM and sending the intercepted response to a background page, which then does some initial processing before calling a content script for final processing. When done, it answers to the background with a modified response, or the original (it depends), and the background page sends the response back to DOM which handles it to the DOM script response function.
There is just one problem with this, a background page cant communicate with the DOM.
I did a small test with injecting some code, where I output something to the console and an alert. The result wasnt good, as the alert fired but the console was empty - not even an error, which makes me wonder - what console received the output ?
function injectCode(fn){ // Executing an anonymous script
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'application/javascript';
script.textContent = '(' + fn + ')();';
document.documentElement.appendChild(script); // run the script
document.documentElement.removeChild(script); // clean up
var code = function(){
alert('code injected');
I also tried addEventListener, with DOMAttrModified DOMSubtreeModified DOMNodeInserted, on DOM elements that change when the DOM ajax response is fully parsed but all failed to fire.
Am I trying to do the impossible, by any means ?
Before continuing, make sure that you know the differences between the script contexts in an extension.
To inject a script from the background page, you have to execute a Content script, which on his turn injects the script as mentioned in your question / here.
Examples (using chrome.tabs.executeScript):
// null = current active tab
// Simple code, background:
chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {
code: [
'var s = document.createElement("script");',
's.textContent = "console.log(window);";',
I can imagine that this method is not doable for a big chuck of code. For a set of pre-defined scripts, you can then use two scripts: the code itself, and a helper script:
// config.js
var fn_code = function() {
console.log(window); ....
// helper.js
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.textContent = '(' + fn_code + ')();';
// Background:
chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {file: 'config.js'}, function() {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {file: 'helper.js'});
Note: I did not directly link to "config.js", because that complicates the use when using manifest version 2, see "web_accessible_resources".
The previous method only shows how to execute code in one direction (background -> page). If there's a need to activate a background's function from the injected script, you have to define and listen to a custom event handler. See this answer + demo.
Because the code is injected, thus runs in the scope of the page, you have to check the console at the page.
When chrome.tabs.executeScript fails to execute the Content script (eg. because the extension does not have the permission to access a certain page), an error is logged at the console in the background page. This console can be accessed by following these steps.

Unable to remove element loaded by AJAX

I am trying to remove an element on AJAX success which was loaded and attached to the document during a previous AJAX call.
My code looks something like this:
$("#jobs-table-body").on("click", ".one-rc-button", function() {
var ctx = $.parseJSON($(this).siblings(".context").html());
var loader = $("#wrapper").loader();
$.post($("#one-rc-form").attr("action"), $("#one-rc-form").serialize(), function(result) {
if(result.success) {
// This works and returns 1
alert($("#candidate-row-" + result.rejectedCandidateId).length);
// This doesn't seem to be doing anything
$("#candidate-row-" + result.rejectedCandidateId).remove();
} else {
The elements .one-rc-button and #candidate-row-<candidateId> were loaded by a previous AJAX call and they are attached to the document as I can very well see them on my page.
Now, on click of the previously generated .one-rc-button, I trigger a second AJAX call (which works fine) and on result.success, I want to delete the #candidate-row-<candidateId> (which is within the previously generated parent element).
The alert works and returns 1. So I know for sure that the selector is fine and it is matching one unique element.
What I don't understand is why it is unable to remove the element from the page.
I use Firefox 10.0.2 where this problem is reproducible.
On IE 8, it works (element gets removed)
On debugging the script on Firebug, I can verify that I have got a handle to the right eleemnt.
Try using FireBug to set a breakpoint on that line so you can see exactly what it's getting from that selector. Ideally break up the statement first, like this:
var unwantedDiv = $("#candidate-row-" + result.rejectedCandidateId);
unwantedDiv.remove(); // <-- Set a breakpoint on this line
You can then look at the unwantedDiv variable in the watch pane on the right of the firebug debugger and see what it is, what methods it has/has not got etc. I would assume that you are not getting back exactly what you think you are, possibly because of how you attached the div after the previous AJAX call. More information about JavaScript debugging with FireBug here.
Another option is to turn on strict warnings in the firebug console and see if you get any 'undefined method' errors, which don't stop the show on FireFox, but just bounce you out of that function. Do you get an error in IE?
Solved it by a really ugly workaround. I am still not sure what causes this behaviour.
if(result.success) {
var removeThis = $("#candidate-row-" + result.rejectedCandidateId);
removeThis = $("#candidate-row-" + result.rejectedCandidateId);
if(removeThis.length != 0) {
Now it works on both Firefox and IE.

Internet Explorer - Could not complete the operation due to error c00ce514

The following code works in chrome and in firefox, but gives the error "Could not complete the operation due to error c00ce514". I googled it, and found that it has something to do with setting the proper character set encoding, but I am loading an image with this (the url would end up being something like How do I get this to work in IE?
var originalSRC = $("#bigImage").attr("src");
$("#oiLoad").html('<img src="">');
var oldSRC = $(this).attr("src");
var newSRC = "http://""tiny_thumbs/xtn_","");
Not realy an answer but I did notice you are not closing your img tag.
$("#oiLoad").html('<img src="">');
Should be closed with a backslash
As Agile Jedi said, you need to close the <img /> tag.
