Waiting for mixpanel JS lib to be ready so I can get users distinct_id - mixpanel

We want to use MixPanel to capture events on our site and I'm trying to get hold of the users distinct id, so I'm using the following code snippet:
console.log("We have distinct id");
This causes an error saying 'undefined is not a function' when attempting to get the distinct id.
I've checked in the debugger and can confirm that the mixpanel object does not have a get_distinct_id method, However if I wait until the page has loaded and then evaluate mixpanel.get_distinct_id() in the console, I get the distinct id without problem.
I can only guess that the mixpanel object hasn't completed initialisation yet. Is there a callback or an event that I can use to know once the mixpanel object will be able to tell me the users distinct_id?

From a Mixpanel article:
"[...] pass a config object to the mixpanel.init() method with a loaded parameter and a callback function that will execute immediately after our library has finished loading. Inside the callback function, you can use the get_property() and get_distinct_id() methods and ensure that they'll only execute after the library has finished loading."
mixpanel.init('Project Token', {'loaded':function() {
var distinct_id = mixpanel.get_distinct_id()}
Source: How to prevent get_distinct_id & get_property from returning undefined

I found a code snippet here: https://gist.github.com/calvinfo/5117821, credit to https://gist.github.com/calvinfo which looks like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
if ($("#mixpanel_distinct_id").length > 0) {
var interval = setInterval(function () {
if (window.mixpanel.get_distinct_id) {
}, 300);
Basically this allows you to check every 300 milliseconds whether the mixpanel object has completed initializing and the get_distinct_id function is available.

You make get district_id from cookie:
cookie = document.cookie.split(";")[0];
distinct_id = cookie.substr(74,53);
but correctly use regexp
Good luck!


Finding object in array initial state React-Redux app

I am currently working on an app that do not support server rendering, so i have to have an empty state when the client loads the app. Then a fetch is dispatched and the state is soon updated.
I have a component (some kind of editor) which should find an object based on a url-parameter. My mapStateToProps function looks something like this:
const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
return {
book: state.library.list.find(function(book){ return book.id === ownProps.params.book_id})
this.props.book is undefined when the component runs getInitialState, so it does not get the update when the state is fetched. I get the following error in the console of my browser when the component loads:
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this.props.book.title')
From there on the editor remains empty, even when the state is received from the server later on.
Any idea of how i can solve this problem?
What you need to do is put a watch when you are loading data from this.props.book to not be an undefined
if(this.props.book) {
//do something with this.props.book
Solution: Preload the store on the server
I finally found an answer to my problem. What i did, was to check upon every request if the user was logged in (through JSON web tokens). If the user was logged in, i preloaded the state and sent it with the first request (assigned it to window._PRELOADED_STATE_ with a script tag in the response string).
Then i also added two lines on the client code
const preloadedState = window.__PRELOADED_STATE__
const store = createStore( rootReducer, preloadedState, applyMiddleware(apiMiddleware, thunkMiddleware) );
then the store was updated before the editor component asked for it.
This solution is based on some ideas introduced at redux's home page http://redux.js.org/docs/recipes/ServerRendering.html

Reload page with new context in express

I have a page that lists events, in which admins are can delete individual items with an AJAX call. I want to reload the page when an event is deleted, but I am having trouble implementing it with my current understanding of express' usual req, res, and next.
Here is my current implementation (simplified):
Simple jQuery code:
in my routes file:
function eventCtrl(req,res){
var context = {
function deleteCtrl(req,res,next){
// delete my event from google calendar
return next();
When I make a post request with AJAX all the req handlers are called, the events are deleted successfully, but nothing reloads. Am I misunderstanding what res.render() does?
I have also tried using a success handler in my jQuery code when I make the post request, with a res.redirect() from deleteCtrl, but my context is undefined in that case.
on the client side, you are using
this code does not instruct the browser to do anything when the response from the post is received. So nothing visible happens in the browser.
You problem is not located server side ; the server answers with the context object. You are simply not doing anything with this answer.
Try simply adding a successHandler.
Generally speaking this would not be a best practice. What you want to do is reconcile the data. If the delete is successful, then just splice the object out of the array it exists in client-side. One alternative would be to actually send back a refreshed data set:
res.json( /* get the refreshed data set */ );
Then client-side, in the callback, you'd actually just set the data source(s) back up based on the result:
... myCallback(res) {
// refresh the data source(s) from the result

User not found on cloud code call? Why?

I want to check if the cloud code request came from an actual user and then return data for that user only.
Here is my code. It passes the !currentUser test most of the time, but fails frequently even though I know there is a user making the request. Any ideas?
Parse.Cloud.define("getData", function(request, response) {
var currentUser = request.user;
if(!currentUser) {
response.error("Failure: No user found on getData function");
ERROR: Failed with: Failure: No user found on getData function
Could this be due to ACLS?
Your logic seems entirely valid, I would suggest just before your response.error() call that you do a console.log(request); so you can look at the log and see more detail.
It could be that your calling code is making a request before the login has completed in the background (race condition), or that requests are being made after a user logs out.

dojo.io.script.get vs dojo.xhrGet

I have spent days working on this and really feel dumb. I have been working on demos and samples that never work when I try it locally with my own url. I have a web service that returns results back in json and am just basically trying to call it using dojo and for now just view the results. I took the search google example and just substituted the url and parameters. Now perhaps I still do not understand the basics so:
- io.script.get vs xhrGet
if using cross domain urls it is better to use io.script.get? correct?
now what is the callbackparam? is this the function that is being called in the webservice?
My webservice url is as follows:
when I use the following code I get nothing displayed.
function searchGoogle() {
// Look up the node we'll stick the text under.
var targetNode = dojo.byId("rules");
// The parameters to pass to xhrGet, the url, how to handle it, and the callbacks.
var jsonpArgs = {
url: "http://xxx.xxx.x.xxx/WcfServices/WcfInstance/Service1.svc/RetrieveData?",
callbackParamName: "callback",
content: {
load: function (data) {
// Set the data from the search into the viewbox in nicely formatted JSON
targetNode.innerHTML = "<pre>" + dojo.toJson(data, true) + "</pre>";
error: function (error) {
targetNode.innerHTML = "An unexpected error occurred: " + error;
Here is what the webservice results look like:
{\"value\":\"Cidade de Goa beach\"},{\"value\":\"Euro 2012\"},
{\"value\":\"Holiday Inn Resort\"},
{\"value\":\"Holiday Inn Resort goa\"},
{\"value\":\"Hotel Goa\"},{\"value\":\"Hyatt Goa\"},{\"value\":\"I buy car\"},...
If I get this part correct then at least I know I have data which I can then bind to a datagrid or chart.
dojo.io.script.get is for all cross domain requests.
xhrGet is for same domain requests.
dojo.io.script.get uses a hack which expects jsonp or json padding as a result. This wraps the response of the web service call inside a self executing function. The function name is the callback name. This has to be wired before the call so it knows what already defined function to call when a response comes back.
All of the arguments are well documented http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.7/dojo/io/script.html
My guess as to why your service isn't working is because you wrote the web service and it does not handle jsonp. It is not wrapping its response inside the callbackparamname.
your results should look something like
where callback is whatever you set up in callbackParamName
you can also remove the ? from your url, that should be handled for you.

Make Wordpress Ajax calls work with global variables to reduce database queries

I posted this earlier on wordpress.stackexchange.com. However, never got a reply. Hence, trying my luck here.
I am hereby providing a detailed description of what I need and what I have done for this issue of mine. I am open to any workable solution around what I have done or maybe new suggestions.
I need to make use of user data that is retrieved using the following:
$user_data = get_user_by('login', get_query_var('user_login'));
The above code uses the username passed as a query_var in the URL. All works until here.
I make use of the above code in several Ajax callbacks (handled by admin-ajax.php) on single page load. Since, the site is targeted as a high volume site. All these Ajax requests lead to several database query for the same data. So the obvious idea to save some database queries is to pass the data to a global variable like below:
$_GLOBALS['user_data'] = get_user_by('login', get_query_var('user_login'));
And then use the same in the Ajax callbacks. Here's problem. None of the Ajax callback functions see the global $user_data variable. Before you ask, yes I have declared the global inside callback as well.
So, the obvious answer would be: why not use wp_localize_script and pass the $user_data to the Ajax callback via javascript like bellow:
wp_localize_script('jquery', 'ajaxVars', array( 'ajaxurl' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), 'user_data' => $user_data));
In Javascript:
url: ajaxVars.ajaxurl,
async: false,
cache: false,
timeout: 10000,
data: 'action=ajax_callback&user_data=' + ajaxVars.user_data,
success: function(value) {
error: function() {
However, this poses two questions:
Can an object that get_user_by('login', get_query_var('user_login')); returns be handled by wp_localize_script()?
If the answer to above question is yes, then would it not pose a security threat since the object would contain sensitive user information?
To overcome the global variable being not available to Ajax callbacks, I declared it directly in functions.php (without wrapping it inside a function). However, get_query_var('user_login') does not return any data when used directly inside functions.php making this futile exercise (You have to add it inside a function and call it via an action).
So, the question remains: how do I stop making $user_data = get_user_by('login', get_query_var('user_login')); calls for every Ajax request? Or is there a way I could get get_query_var('user_login') to work inside functions.php directly (without wrapping it inside a function) or a workaround?
Or maybe some completely new out of the box thinking?
All these Ajax requests lead to several database query for the same
data. So the obvious idea to save some database queries is to pass the
data to a global variable like below:
$_GLOBALS['user_data'] = get_user_by('login', get_query_var('user_login'));
And then use the same in the Ajax callbacks.
Each request that your application receives, AJAX or otherwise, lives completely in isolation: the code handling the requests does not share any state between them (besides whatever is persisted to a database). A global (or constant, or property, or variable, or anything) you define in one request will never be available to subsequent requests unless you store it somewhere.
There are a number of approaches to reducing the number of queries these requests are creating. One would be to retrieve the required user data on page load and pass it to subsequent requests. E.g.:
var user = 'someUser';
$.get('user-data.php?user=' + user, function(user_data) {
$.ajax('some-endpoint.php', {
type: 'POST',
data: { user: user_data },
success: function() { /* ... */ }
$.ajax('some-other-endpoint.php', {
type: 'POST',
data: { user: user_data },
success: function() { /* ... */ }
Alternatively, if it's the currently logged in user you're working with you can write their details to a JavaScript object on initial page load for use later.
var userData = <?php get_currentuserinfo(); echo json_encode($current_user); ?>;
Another option would be to ensure that the get_user_by results were being cached, either by Wordpress, MySQL or some other caching layer. That way it doesn't particularly matter how many times your code calls the method.
In general if lots of your endpoints are sharing functionality, you could probably stand to refactor some of that code.
