Convert FLV to MP4 video files on MAC OSx - cocoa

I am newbie on Mac OSx. I want to convert videos from one format to another like MP4 to MOV, FLV to MP4, MP4 to 3GP etc. I have already surfed on net. I found cocoa can do something using its QTKit architecture. In this, we can export videos in different formats. but i am not able to check that is it useful for FLV format. I want to convert FLV to MP4. Am I on right way or is there any other way for this conversion of videos.Your any kind of help will really appreciate.

FLV is probably the simplest video container in existence, Just download the spec (Adobe Flash Video File Format Specification Version 10.1), and parse it manually. Then use QTKit, or another third party library to remux to mp4.

This is the easiest way to convert video formats using MacOSX command line (any version). First download this compressed file and unpack it to your Movies Folder:
You will then have a MMedia_Converter directory with two apps: MMedia_Convert and Android_Converter. Those are my own developed MacOSX open source applications, bassed on FFMpeg Group and HandBrake Group France previous work. Both are fully compliant Mac compilled applications and you´ll have have to do nothing but extract them to your Movies Folder.
You also have there, 3 folders: clip_in, clip_out and scripts.
You must put the videos you want to be converted in the clip_in folder.
The converted output videos, will be generated automatically in the clip_out folder.
In addition you have 2 bash scripts, that you must move to your Mac OSX Desktop.
Once these bash are on desktop, edit them with TextEdit, and change my user name by your Mac name.
In my case, I use one script to generate thumbnails and the other to generate thumbnails too, and to automatically convert videos from any formar to wathever I choose.
"Whatever" means, that if you want to convert mpeg to mkv, you will have to declare it in line: DEST_EXT=mkv (or wathever known video format you want).
Hope this will help you all.
Best Regards, Tomás Hernández


Is it possible to retrieve the "profile" of one file, and use it to convert another file?

So we have an ancient compiled program that has been converting AVI files to MPEG for television broadcast. The program is pure sorcery, as the original programmer is long gone, but it has created 10's of thousands of MPEG files of a very particular format that our (also ancient) broadcast server uses.
So...the question is whether or not, we can use FFMPEG to initially "get the details" of one of those MPEG files, and use THAT to convert future MP4 files to that legacy MPEG format?
In short, we don't know all the intricacies of everything that the program is or may be doing, and want to replace it with FFMPEG, being confident that we're getting exactly the same output that works without a hitch in the fussy broadcast server.
FFmpeg cannot automatically retrieve and store all information from an existing file which is salient to reproducing those features in a new instance.
ffprobe or ffmpeg will show you basic stream and metadata information but that information has to be parsed outside of ffmpeg and then a conversion command manually crafted to reproduce those properties. However, this is only a start. There may be many aspects, like those related to flags, headers and packetization that ffprobe won't show, and which a fussy consumer expects in a certain way.
FFmpeg should be able to produce a standard vanilla file. You mention 'MPEG' but that could refer to MPEG-1/2 Program Stream (ISO 11172) or Transport Stream (ISO 13818). The latter is still widely produced & used and you should be able to find multiple software, FLOSS or otherwise, that produce it.
You can use ffprobe to get information about any AV media file and retain this information for later use:
If you have ffmpeg installed on your system than ffprobe should already be installed ...

Convert exe video to avi

Yes,I know there is no exe video,but there is screen recording software that save the videos as SWF or EXE for better compression ratio (as they say )
for swf it won't be a problem since there is a lot of swf readers out there,
But for exe it can be problem for a lot of reasons
like i can't read it on other platforms except for windows
can't upload it online
can't edit it
and also i don't trust executable files
So how can i convert those executables videos to AVI (or any other format ) without having to execute the file on my machine
In either case, the trouble you're having is that you are not working with an actual video. You are working with an executable file that is playing a series of images. It's not the same thing as an actual video stream that uses CODECs that can be converted.
So, there is really no way to convert that, short of doing some sort of screen capture of the video playing back.


I am trying to convert from wmv to mp4.
First of do I need to implement my IMFTransform to do this ?
Do i need to convert the video to MFVideoFormat_I420 ?
As far as I know if you create the topology correctly this should be handled automatically.
So I created my profile showed in the
I have windows 7 so, i should have the encoder.
Also Does anyone know where the source code for that tutorial is. It is not under SDK samples.
You don't show code - noone knows what is wrong.
Take a look at this transcoding sample, which comes with source code and does exactly what you are trying to do: transcoding from ASF into MP4.
MFSimpleEncode.exe - This is a command line tool that transcodes files
from one media format to another. The source code is provided to use
as a reference if you write your own transcode application. This tool
uses the Media Foundation transcode API, which was introduced in
Windows 7.
Transcode ASF to MPEG-4:
MFSimpleencode.exe –i Input.wmv –o output.mp4 –p TranscodeProfileMPEG4.xml

FFMPEG command to combine a WAV file and a video file?

I use Qt & OpenCV to record video and QAudioInput to record audio into wav format. I want to combine them into one video file. How can I accomplish this? I have researched so much but I can't seem to find a command to accomplish this.
I use both Windows and Mac.
FYI, this operation seems to be accomplished through the cmd-line in this thread. This approach may turn into an easy hack since you can call this command using system().
But if you still want to do it programatically, I suggest you take a look at Dranger's FFmpeg tutorials. It provides 8 interesting tutorials that shows how to do simple stuff, from taking snapshots of a video to more complex stuffs like writing a simple video player with audio/video sync.
These tutorials teach how to work independently with audio and video streams, which is what you need to do: read the audio stream from the WAV file and then insert it as the audio stream of a video file.
Maybe not directly related to what you are aim for, but this answer demonstrates how to use FFmpeg to retrieve the audio stream of one file and play it with SDL, while simultaneously using OpenCV to retrieve video frames and display them in a SDL window.

Convert a sound file from one audio codec to another when file called

I am not sure that this is the correct place for this question, so tell me if so and I will repost elsewhere.
I have a rather large collection of music, most of which is encoded in FLAC format. Unfortunately the DJ software I use (Serato) does not support FLAC (I cannot for the life of me understand this, and I have spent years lobbying to add this feature, as have a significant part of their userbase, to no avail).
Would it be possible to create a program that would sit between Serato and windows and when you dropped a FLAC file into Serato (or File-Load or whatever) it would convert that to mp3, store it in the temp folder and load that mp3 into Serato?
EDIT: Converting to WAV would probably be simpler and quicker
There is a filesystem that converts FLAC to mp3 behind the scenes. So even if the files are actually stored as FLAC, they look like mp3 to the applications. It's called MP3FS, and should be exactly what you're looking for.
Unfortunately, it's for Linux only as far as I know. You could try running a Linux system as a virtual machine and share the MP3FS files so the Windows system can access it.
