Sharing user session in a database stripes framework - session

I am using Stripes framework for my webapp. Currently we have a requirement to implement load-balancer. To manage the user session some how I have to store the session data and access it in multiple servers to avoid logging out of users.
I am new to all this. Is there any support comes from stripes that allows to do that.
Thanks in advance for any help.


How i can share data which i connected with Heroku connect with other salesforce users

I have my website in PHP and DB in MySQL. I want salesforce users to search on my database from within their salesforce. For that, heroku connect seems to be the option. So i am thinking of converting my MySQL DB to PostGre and then use heroku connect to share my data with my salesforce account. The question i have is, how can i share same data with other salesforce users ? Those users are my website clients and i don't want them to go through this process of heroku connect. Is there was of sharing my data with other salesforce users ?
You cannot and should not expose your database directly to your customers. That would allow them to change the data as well as read it.
Your solution here is to create a public API which exposes endpoints that will make it possible for anyone (with proper authentication hopefully) to query your data.
There are many ways you can design an API, whether it's a REST or a GraphQL one. This is something which can absolutely be done in PHP though.

Single Authentication for multiple laravel Application

I have 3 laravel Applications with 3 databases.
Application 1 is the Login for authentication (Registrations and Login) and is only connected to the users Database .
Application 2 allows user to perform some basic operations and is connected both to user and App2 Databases
Application 3 allows users to perform some other operations different from application 2 and is connected to users and App3 Databases
Now my problem is to allow a user looggin once through Any of the applications and is automatically logged in to other application
More like having a single google account that works in all apps.
Application 1 will be access through the main URL
while others will be access through
I have tried
I have also changed the Domain in session.php
all to no avail
You need to set the session file to database and everything related to sessions should be identical. Basically the session.php file should be the same between both, they should have a common database, and the key and cipher type should be identical.
If they have the same domain name (ex:, but different hostnames/subdomain names, then the cookies should still work fine as long as you set the domain correctly (ex If they are on the same server, you can still use a common key-value system. If they are on separate servers, you either need a common storage location (like S3) or a replication enabled key-value system like Redis or Memcached. You could also use MySQL if you need to replicate other data types, but it's very heavy for just key-value pairs.
If they have completely different domains, then cookies will not work. In that instance, you would need to reference cross-site session ids through GET query strings, and perform session migrations in the back-end using either common or replicated systems, or via some secure API. This is a very difficult system to setup and only works if you are moving between the domains using links embedded in the sites. Bookmarks or manual address input will loose session data.
Another way to acomplish what you need is to use the new funcionality of laravel passport.
Laravel already makes it easy to perform authentication via traditional login forms, but what about APIs? APIs typically use tokens to authenticate users and do not maintain session state between requests. Laravel makes API authentication a breeze using Laravel Passport, which provides a full OAuth2 server implementation for your Laravel application in a matter of minutes. Passport is built on top of the League OAuth2 server that is maintained by Alex Bilbie.
This will let you share data across multiple domains through an API so you can share the session and user information. This is the way most people prefer.

Multi app architecture and databases

I have just developped a Human Ressource WebApp in Laravel.
So in this app, I have my user database.
Now, I have 2 old apps, that I'm about to rewrite / Migrate to Laravel.
The first one is to manage employee payments.
The second app is for monitoring my salesforce in field.
So, Basically, I will basically rewrite them.
My Question is about architecture. I will develop those 2 apps separating APIs in Lumen / Laravel for each app, individually, and then writing clients in Angular2.
I will use OAuth2.0 to set authorization and scopes between apps.
Now, My indecision resides on Database part.
Should I keep database separated, include database in the same schema, or how should I deal with my databases.
Today, I have 1 DB per app, but also, I have redundancy in users: Each App works with the same users, and so duplicate this info.
Right now, When User is created in App1, it calls APIs to create it in app2 and app3. This is not so nice, IMHO.
So, I think I would like to have a single User Database, but I don't really have experience of that:
should I extract User's info in a central database for all users, should
should I keep User's info duplicated between my DB?
if I keep it in 3 differents DB, how should I make JOINs, transactions, Foreign Keys, etc.
I know there is not 1 answer, it depends of what I want, but this is also my problem, I don't know which question should I be asking to make my decision???
It is important to mention that I don't have so much traffic, max 1000 users, and they all belongs to my enterprise, it will not increase to much. So, really, make a scallable app should not be my priority right now.
Any Advice will be appreciated!!!
Since you have shared databases between your apps, the common practice is to have it in the same Laravel/Lumen app.
The way you can achieve this is separating the apps inside route groups, namespacing the controllers hierarchies of each app and declaring inside each model the connection you will be using for this model.
This way you can use the same DB connections for all of your apps, and share the same data without the need of duplicating it.

How to manage session in Oracle JET application

How can I manage the session in Oracle JET application.
I've been working on small pilot application where I need to check if the user is logged in on every request.
I didn't find any resource on the same as the framework is recently published by Oracle.
JET uses web sessions if you configure it as a web application. So authentication would be managed by the Web server.
Because of the client nature of JS source, there's no session on the JET side of your application, Session is a (HTTP) browser feature. You might handle session exactly the way you did with a pure JavaScript, JQuery, Angular or everything else application.
There may be two ways to do it
Use web server to manage the sessions.
You can store session values (some data after login REST API call) in local storage or sessions storage based on your need. For managing
session you can check in your app controller and redirect based on
Hope this help, please let me know if you faced any problem. I have recently implemented session in Oracle JET based on the above points.

Is it possible to use two different spring-session applications with one redis server?

I´ve started using spring session successfully with one nginx, two tomcats and one redis server to implement clustered sessions and some questions have arisen.
First of all, I mean two completely applications when I talk about different applications, I don´t talk about two instances of the same application.
May I use two or more different spring-session applications to store sessions with only one redis server in production?
These applications can run in different tomcats instances?
How Spring session avoid session id conflict between different applications with one redis server?
Is it necessary to append suffix or prefix id to avoid this problem?
Spring Session does not natively support for scoping sessions at this time. See gh-166 for details on tracking this.
Spring Session generates a secure random id with high level of entropy for session id's so there is extremely low probability that you will get collisions.
This means that you can use the same Redis instance for multiple applications using Spring Session so long as you are ok with the following statement:
A malicious user can use Application A's session id with Application B. Why is this important? Consider the following scenario:
Application A is a public application which any user can create an account for.
Application B is a private application which only users who are invited can sign up.
The malicious user creates an account and authenticates with Application A
The user copies their session id for Application A. They navigate to Application B and paste the session id into their cookies for Application B and are now authenticated.
This might not be a problem for you. For example, good security practice would ensure that the user is properly authorized by looking for an ADMIN role in Application B. Application A would not populate that role, so while the user is authenticated with Application B they are not authorized to use it.
