HDFS' Location Awareness - hadoop

According to several documentation 1, 2, 3 HDFS' Location Awareness is about knowing the physical location of nodes and replicating data on different racks to reduce the impact of rack issues due to, e.g. power supply and/or switch issues.
How does HDFS know the physical location of nodes and racks and subsequently decide to replicate data to nodes located on other racks?

Rack-awareness is configured when the cluster is set up. This can be done either manually for each node or through a script.
Each DataNode is given a network location which is simple a string, much like a file system path.
The NameNode then builds a network topology (basically a tree structure) using the network locations of each DataNode. This topology is then used to determine block replica placement.

somebody needs to know where Data Nodes are located in the network topology and use that information to make an intelligent decision about where data replicas should exist in the cluster. That “somebody” is the Name Node.
The Name node stores this information and is the the namespace.
The NameNode is the centerpiece of an HDFS file system. It keeps the directory tree of all files in the file system, and tracks where across the cluster the file data is kept. It does not store the data of these files itself.
Client applications talk to the NameNode whenever they wish to locate a file, or when they want to add/copy/move/delete a file. The NameNode responds the successful requests by returning a list of relevant DataNode servers where the data lives.


In Hadoop 2.0 era are name node and data node terminology still valid?

Hadoop 2.0 brought in YARN which replaced the tasks of Job Tracker and Task Tracker. YARN consist of Resource Manager(Scheduler, Application Manager...), Node Manager and Application Master.
Does the terminology of data node and name node still exist in hadoop 2.0 environment. If they do what do they mean and what are the functions of these nodes and who manages them. Plus any other useful information please feel free to add.
(ps: might be data node and name node are part of HDFS only and they have nothing to do directly with respect to job processing which is handled by YARN. )
Yes, as you said name node and data node are related to the storage layer of hadoop(HDFS) and not to the processing layer(Map Reduce/Yarn). Name Node and data node are structured in a master/slave architecture where name node its the master and data nodes are the slaves. In a summary their functions are:
Name node: store all the metadata of the file system, including file names, locations, permissions, sizes , mapping of files to blocks, avaliable blocks.
Data node: they are the component responsible for the data itself .
So when you load data to hadoop it will be stored in the data nodes , and the corresponding metadata(file names ,locations, permissions, creation dates, etc) will be stored and indexed in memory on the name node.
Pretty much while some may call them Master/Worker. In short Name node responsible for managing file system namespace (metadata through EditLog and FsImage) and regulates access to files by clients. Clients contact Name node while writing files (where to write, block size) but write them directly onto data nodes. Data nodes actually store the data locally.
And there is Name node HA feature available where there is a Active-hot standby support and fail-over is seamless ( Also Resource Manager HA ).

Hive Tables in multiple nodes - Processing

I have a conceptual doubt in Hive. I know that Hive s a data warehouse tool that runs on top of Hadoop. We know that Hadoop has a distributed file system -HDFS.
Suppose, I have one master and three slaves. Now, I have created a table employees in HiveQL. The table is so huge that it cant be stored in one machine. Hence it must be stored in all four machines. How can I load such data. Should it be done manually. Or like I type "LOAD DATA ... " in the master and it will be automatically get distributed among all the machines.
Hive uses HDFS as warehouse to store the data. So HDFS concept is used for data storage.
HDFS has a master/slave architecture. An HDFS cluster consists of a single NameNode, a master server that manages the file system namespace and regulates access to files by clients. In addition, there are a number of DataNodes, usually one per node in the cluster, which manage storage attached to the nodes that they run on. HDFS exposes a file system namespace and allows user data to be stored in files.
Internally, a file is split into one or more blocks and these blocks are stored in a set of DataNodes. The NameNode executes file system namespace operations like opening, closing, and renaming files and directories. It also determines the mapping of blocks to DataNodes. The DataNodes are responsible for serving read and write requests from the file system’s clients. The DataNodes also perform block creation, deletion, and replication upon instruction from the NameNode.
Please refer HDFS architecture for more detail.

Reading operations on hadoop and consistency level

I am setting up distributed HBase on HDFS and I trying to understand behavior of the system during read operations.
This is how I understand high level steps of the read operation.
Client connects to NameNode to get list of DataNodes which contain replicas of the rows that he interested in.
From here Client caches list of DataNodes and start talking to chosen DataNode directly until it needs some other rows from other DataNode, in which case it asks NameNode again.
My questions are as follows:
Who chooses the best replica DataNode to contact? How Client chooses "closest" replica? Does NameNode return list of relative DataNodes in a sorted order ?
What are the scenarios(if any) when Client switches to another DataNode that has requested rows? For example if one of the DataNode becomes overloaded/slow can the client library figure out to contact another DataNode from the list returned by the NameNode?
Is there a possibility of getting stale data from one of the replicas? For example client acquired list of DataNodes and starts reading from one of them. In the mean time there is a write request coming from another client to NameNode. We have dfs.replication == 3 and dfs.replication.min = 2. NameNode consider write successful after flushing to disk on 2 out of 3 nodes, while first client is reading from the 3rd node and doesn't know (yet) that there is another write that has been committed ?
Hadoop maintains the same reading policy when supporting HBase?
Thank you
Who chooses the best replica DataNode to contact? How Client chooses "closest" replica? Does NameNode return list of relative DataNodes in a sorted order ?
The client is the one that decides who best to contact. It picks them in this order:
The file is on the same machine. In this case (if properly configured) it will short circuit the DataNode and go directly to the file as an optimization.
The file is in the same rack (if rack awareness is configured).
The file is somewhere else.
What are the scenarios(if any) when Client switches to another DataNode that has requested rows? For example if one of the DataNode becomes overloaded/slow can the client library figure out to contact another DataNode from the list returned by the NameNode?
It's not that smart. It'll switch if it thinks the DataNode is down (meaning it times out) but in not any other situation that I know of. I believe that it will just go to the next one in the list, but it might contact the NameNode again-- I'm not 100% sure.
Is there a possibility of getting stale data from one of the replicas? For example client acquired list of DataNodes and starts reading from one of them. In the mean time there is a write request coming from another client to NameNode. We have dfs.replication == 3 and dfs.replication.min = 2. NameNode consider write successful after flushing to disk on 2 out of 3 nodes, while first client is reading from the 3rd node and doesn't know (yet) that there is another write that has been committed ?
Stale data is possible, but not in the situation you describe. Files are write-once and immutable (other than append, but don't append if you don't have to). The NameNode won't tell you the file is there until it is completely written. In the case of append, shame on you then. The behavior of reading from an actively-being-appended-to file on a local filesystem is unpredictable as well. You should expect the same in HDFS.
One way stale data could happen is if you retrieve your list of block locations and the NameNode decides to migrate all three of them at once before you access it. I don't know what would happen there. In the 5 years of using Hadoop, I've never had this be a problem. Even when running the balancer at the same time as doing stuff.
Hadoop maintains the same reading policy when supporting HBase?
HBase is not treated special by HDFS. There is some talk about using a custom block placement strategy with HBase to get better data locality, but that's in the weeds.

Does decomissioning a node remove data from that node?

In Hadoop, if I decommission a node Hadoop will redistribute the files across the cluster so they are properly replicated. Will the data be deleted from the decomissioned node?
I am trying to balance the data across the disks on a particular node. I plan to do this by decomissioning the node and then recomissioning the node. Do I need to delete the data from that node after decomissioning is complete, or will it be enough to simply recomission it (remove it from the excludes file and run hadoop dfsadmin -refreshNodes)?
UPDATE: It worked for me to decomission a node, delete all the data on that node, and then recomission it.
AFAIK, data is not removed from a DataNode when you decommission it. Further writes on that DataNode will not be possible though. When you decommission a DataNode, the replicas held by that DataNode are marked as "decommissioned" replicas, which are still eligible for read access.
But why do you want to perform this decomissioning/recomissioning cycle?Why don't you just specify all the disks as a comma separated value to the dfs.data.dir property in your hdfs-site.xml and restart the DataNode daemon. Run the balancer after the restart.
Hadoop currently doesn't support doing this automatically. But there might be hacks around to do that automatically.
Decommissioning and then replication, will be slow in my opinion, then manually moving blocks across different disks.
You can do the balancing manually though across the disks, something like this -
1.Take down the HDFS or only the datanode you are targeting.
2.Use the UNIX mv command to move the individual blocks and meta pairs from one directory to another on the host machine. E.g. move pairs of blk data file and blk.meta files to accross the disks on the same host.
3.Restart the HDFS or the datanode
Reference link for the procedure
You need to probably move pairs of blk_* and blk_*.meta files to and from inside the dfs/current directory of each data disk. E.g. pair files - blk_3340211089776584759 and blk_3340211089776584759_1158.meta
If you don't want do this manually, you can probably write a custom script to detect how much is occupied in the dfs/current directory of the each of your data disks and re-balance them accordingly i.e. move pairs of blk_* and blk_*.meta from one to another.

how does hdfs choose a datanode to store

As the title indicates, when a client requests to write a file to the hdfs, how does the HDFS or name node choose which datanode to store the file?
Does the hdfs try to store all the blocks of this file in the same node or some node in the same rack if it is too big?
Does the hdfs provide any APIs for applications to store the file in a certain datanode as he likes?
how does the HDFS or name node choose which datanode to store the file?
HDFS has a BlockPlacementPolicyDefault, check the API documentation for more details. It should be possible to extend BlockPlacementPolicy for a custom behavior.
Does the hdfs provide any APIs for applications to store the file in a certain datanode as he likes?
The placement behavior should not be specific to a particular datanode. That's what makes HDFS resilient to failure and also scalable.
The code for choosing datanode is in function ReplicationTargetChooser.chooseTarget().
The comment says that :
The replica placement strategy is that if the writer is on a
datanode, the 1st replica is placed on the local machine, otherwise
a random datanode. The 2nd replica is placed on a datanode that is on
a different rack. The 3rd replica is placed on a datanode which is on
the same rack as the first replica.
It doesn`t provide any API for applications to store the file in the datanode they want.
If someone prefers charts, here is a picture (source):
Now with Hadoop-385 patch, we can choose the block placement policy, so as to place all blocks of a file in the same node (and similarly for replicated nodes). Read this blog about this topic - look at the comments section.
You can see that when namenode instructs datanode to store data. The first replica is stored in the local machine and other two replicas are made on other rack and so on.
If any replica fails, data is stored from other replica. Chances of failing every replica is just like falling of fan on your head while you were sleeping :p i.e. there is very less chance for that.
