Continue batch script only after program has booted - windows

I have a batch script (yes I know batch is awful, no I don't care) that checks my VM's on the local machine to the ones stored on my USB, if they're out of date, it updates them, then boots them. I use multiple machines at uni, so this makes it easier to ensure the VM I'm working on are always the latest.
When I open them like this;
PATH "%PROGRAMFILES%\VMware\VMware Workstation\"
START vmware.exe -x "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\VMs\VM1\VM1.vmx"
START vmware.exe -x "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\VMs\VM2\VM2.vmx"
START vmware.exe -x "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\VMs\VM3\VM3.vmx"
It causes the VM's to open in separate windows, rather than tabs of the same window for easy switching.
The workaround I came up with is to boot the VMware program first, then when I open the .VMXs, they all open as tabs in the same window.
The problem is that the VMware program sometimes takes a long time to open. Similar to Photoshop's loading splashscreen, but instead with no visual indicator, VMware opens up to 20 seconds after the icon has been clicked, or it has been summoned with a script.
So finally, here is my question.
Is there a way to make a batch that waits for the program to open before continuing? I know by omitting START I can stop the batch until the program closes, but obviously this is useless for my purposes.
If all else fails, I may just have to include a 30 second timeout and hope it's enough.

I don't think there's any reliable way to do this.
If you have a program that you need to open and then wait for a certain state to change in the program before doing something else, that state could be set by any arbitrary operation running on any thread spawned by the application. There would be no way to know when the application had set that state unless you were able to somehow communicate with the program to query or be notified of its state.
Theoretically if you knew enough about what the program was doing internally you could monitor the thread count or file system accesses or something to determine roughly when it had changed to the desired state, but just using a timer would be much much simpler.


How to Check the Number of Times an Application has been opened on a Mac?

I have a script that imitates the war games logon and I was hoping to track the number of times an application has been open, so that way the script doesn't run every time I open a new terminal. Rather I would like it to run when I reboot the machine and open iTerm for the first time since reboot. Is there a way to track the number of times an application has been open since reboot? That way I can write a condition for an if statement.
If you want it to only execute once on boot, you could check for the existence (or not) of a specific file, and just touch it after it's opened for the first time, and delete it on shutdown or on startup before the full desktop/terminal window/environment loads in.

What file access woke the sleeping disk in Windows?

Every now and then, my sleeping disk wakes up, does what sounds like a single read, and then sits idle until it falls asleep again. Sometimes a program that I am using completely freezes for about 10 seconds while the disk spins up, even though that program doesn't seem to need to read from that drive.
Is there an api for listening to file accesses as they happen, or similar, so I can figure out what is read from that drive, so I can move it? If not on Windows, can I do this on Linux?
This is also applicable for figuring out what files/folders a program is accessing in general, so I wouldn't say it only applies to my very narrow problem.
There's a simple tool called What's My Computer Doing? that you can use to get a quick idea of what's causing activity on your computer.
Install and run it, and leave it running in the background. Once you use this tool to narrow down which process is causing the disk activity, you'll want a more comprehensive tool. I use Process Monitor from Sysinternals/Microsoft.
It can be a bit daunting at first, but that's mainly because it is so powerful. It can also alter the behavior of the computer. When it's running, it backs up the huge quantity of data it collects to the disk. So that's why I suggest using the 'What's My Computer Doing?' tool first. Once you know which process is generating the disk access you can add a new filter rule (keep all the defaults, as they mask out a bunch of normal system processes) and select "Process Name" "is" "process_name", or select "PID" "is" "actual_PID".
There are plenty of tutorials like this one that can help you get started with Process Monitor.

Supporting two shells in windows

I'd like to write my own (very simple) explorer.exe alternative that I could actively switch between without having to restart my computer.
Is it possible to run two shells simultaneosly (or to write a program that temporarily disables the current shell)?
If not, is it possible to stop explorer without it restarting itself, and have my shell start itself instead?
More info: I'd like to write a simple productivity tool for myself. I want to set up a very simple task manager that prevents me from starting/opening/using anything but a whitelisted set of applications I list ahead of time. Locking me into that set of apps for whatever time period I've set. If there's another (better) way to prevent people from shutting down my app, switching from my app (with alt-tab, etc) I'm all ears.
Note: I'm fine with the app/shell/whatever being escapable by restarting my computer. I just want to make it massively inconvenient to switch to being distracted, and I wanted to learn a bit more about the Windows API.
See this question for details about writing a shell.
No, there can only be one real shell process (SetShellWindowEx only works when there is no other shell process) WH_SHELL can be used by other processes and it might be enough for your needs (Maybe in combination with IShellExecuteHook)
When explorer.exe is started and it detects a different shell it will not display the taskbar, just a file browser window. Explorer also looks at the shell value in the registry IIRC. You might also want to look into the shift to exit trick.

Turning on a specific program at a specific time and turning off the computer at another specific time

I decided to write a program in RUBY in which the following things should be done:
1 - this program must run a specific program (for example utorrent) at a specific time (for example 1 pm).
2 - this program must turn off my computer at another specific time.
I don't have any idea about the algorithm and manner of writing such program.
One of the easiest ways to do this is to simply send kill signals to the processes, requesting the app shut down normally (Linux), or in Windows use taskkill.
To shutdown a machine in Windows, you can use shutdown /s /f which forcibly closes any programs that are running, and turns the computer off.
No matter which way you do it, you'll basically be running the enter link description heresystem() command in Ruby, which runs command line commands. To make your app portable, you simply look up how to do these tasks in each target OS, and you're done.
Two more alternatives that work the same as your Ruby proposal, but which are not as easily portable:
Write a batch file in Windows that calls taskkill, or a bash script on Linux. Unless the program in question provides a specific way to shut it down via its own command-line parameters, this should work for any/all applications.
You can also use Task Scheduler in Windows, or cron in Linux to do the same thing.

What's the best way to stop multiple instances of a Windows app being launched?

Many Windows apps (like Skype or MSN for instance) don't let you start multiple instances, rather trying to run it a 2nd time just leaves the existing version running.
Is this typically done in some simple way - the start-menu shortcut is a 'wrapper' app around the main app - or is there some registry magic you can do to delegate the problem to Windows itself?
Specifically dealing with Win32 here (unmanaged C++) but happy to hear more general solutions as long as they are workable on Windows XP or later.
EDIT: this seems the best duplicate.
Named Mutex or similar OS-specfic named object. If it exists - app is running.
Lock file somewhere (in temporary directory, etc - create it on program start, remove on program end). Linux software frequently operates this way (some programs store PID in lockfile), but it isn't safe - if you suddenly lose power (electricity cut off), it is possible that lock file won't be deleted.
And you can always enum all running processes and try to find yourself.
There could be more ways to do it, but those are the first ones I could think of.
As far as i remember, there exist system-wide Mutexes. Set Mutex on first launch, if on launch already set, immediately exit.
Use CreateMutex() call an prepend the name with "Global\" should to the trick.
I just check to see if the process is already running: if it's not start the application, if it's already running bring the window to foreground. The check is done in the Main method.
I get the process name with System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName and check if it's already running System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(). If there are more than 1 processes focus the first of them and then exit.
