Convert Array to String and back to Array - ruby

I have built a presenter class whose only job is to convert a given array into a string. I am test driving the solution, so I started with "[nil, nil, nil]" but each nil will eventually be replaced with letter. That functionality is being handled by another class.
I am trying now to build an interface whose only job is to convert that string back to an array. So I will need to convert e.g. "[\"a\", \"b\", nil]" back to ["a", "b", nil]. But I am stuck.
For example, I'd like to convert
"[nil, nil, nil]"
[nil, nil, nil]
How could I do it?

Just use:
eval("[nil, nil, nil]")
This is a very insecure method and you have to use it only if you are completely sure that the string contains a SAFE array..

I am guessing that you are producing the string yourself on one side, for example:
arr = [nil, nil, nil]
str = arr.inspect
#=> "[nil, nil, nil]"
Whereas I would advise you to serialize the array using a format such as JSON, YAML or Ruby's built in Marshalling library.
require 'json'
arr = [nil, nil, nil]
str = JSON.dump(arr)
#=> "[null,null,null]"
#=> [nil, nil, nil]
require 'yaml'
arr = [nil, nil, nil]
str = YAML.dump(arr)
#=> "---\n- \n- \n- \n"
#=> [nil, nil, nil]
arr = [nil, nil, nil]
str = Marshal.dump(arr)
#=> "\x04\b[\b000"
#=> [nil, nil, nil]


String includes substrings from arrays

I have the following:
input string = "1234"
output new_array should = [12, 3, 4, 34]
def string_to_array(string)
noun = ["d", "fgh", "i", "jk", "bcd", "cdef"]
verb = ["cd", "ef", "f", "jkl", "abc"]
ary = (noun+verb).select { |s| string.include? s }
string = "cdef"
string_to_array(string) #=> ["cdef", "d", "cd", "ef", "f"]
I used Array#select, Array#+, Array#delete, Array#unshift, Array#compact and String#include?.
If you want to remove duplicate from output array, use Array#uniq
You could use String#scan (see the last sentence of the doc especially) together with a regular expression. My objective is to demonstrate this approach, not to suggest that it should be the preferred approach.
nouns = ["cdef", "d", "fgh", "i", "jk", "bcd"]
verbs = ["cd", "ef", "f", "jkl", "abc"]
R = (nouns+verbs).map { |s| "(?=(#{s}))?" }.join
#=> /(?=(cdef))?(?=(d))?(?=(fgh))?(?=(i))?(?=(jk))?(?=(bcd))?(?=(cd))?(?=(ef))?(?=(f))?(?=(jkl))?(?=(abc))?/
def string_to_array(str, nouns, strings)
str = "cdef"
string_to_array(str, nouns, verbs)
#=> ["cdef", "cd", "d", "ef", "f"]
#=> [["cdef", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "cd", nil, nil, nil, nil],
# [nil, "d", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil],
# [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "ef", nil, nil, nil],
# [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "f", nil, nil],
# [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]]
(?=(cdef))? ((?=(cdef)?) also works) is a positive lookahead enclosed in a capture group. It requires that a particular location in the string is immediately followed by the content of the lookahead, but is not part of the match itself. The question mark makes the lookahead optional.

How can I modify positions in a two dimensional array?

If I do the following:
table =
# =>
[nil, nil, nil],
[nil, nil, nil],
[nil, nil, nil]
Now I would like to modify the value at index 2 in the second array, so I would do:
table[1][2] = 2.343
I would now expect to see:
# =>
[nil, nil, nil],
[nil, nil, 2.343],
[nil, nil, nil]
However what I'm getting is this:
[nil, nil, 2.343],
[nil, nil, 2.343],
[nil, nil, 2.343]
What am I not getting here?
PS: Running ruby 2.3
For fix with behavior, try next:
empty_table = { }
From array manual:
Note that the second argument populates the array with references to the same object. Therefore, it is only recommended in cases when you need to instantiate arrays with natively immutable objects such as Symbols, numbers, true or false.
you are essentially saying create an array with three elements, and put this element (the new array) in each space. The element you are putting in the first array, is just created once. The only way I know to do what you want is using a for loop to push as many new arrays into the first array as you need. something like this:
table =,, 0))
0..1.each do |i|
table.push(, 0)) #add two more arrays to the first dimension

How to define an Array with X nil values?

I have an integer with a value
I want to create an array with nil values representing this integer
For example:
i = 5
# The result i want is
[nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]
What is the most Ruby way of doing this? Aka, the shortest way. Without need of looping et c.
This is very basic question:
i = 5 #=> [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]
i = 5
[nil]*i #=> [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]

Replace Empty Cells in Array With Nil in Ruby?

I have a two-dimensional array of a bunch of strings, including some empty strings. I want to replace the empty strings with nil. How do I do this in Ruby?
Sample array:
Desired output:
[['cat','','dog',''],['','','fish','','horse']].map do |arr| { |s| s unless s.empty? }
# => [["cat", nil, "dog", nil], [nil, nil, "fish", nil, "horse"]]

Ruby 2D Array Assignment Possible Bug?

I'm experiencing the following. I expect only the first sub-element of the first sub array to be assigned "x", not the first element of each sub array. Can anyone explain this behaviour, and perhaps how to work around it? (Note that this may well be expected behaviour, but if it is, it contradicts my expectations.)
x =,
# => [[nil, nil, nil, nil, nil], [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil], [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]]
x[0][0] # => nil
x[0][0] = "x"
# => [["x", nil, nil, nil, nil], ["x", nil, nil, nil, nil], ["x", nil, nil, nil, nil]]
workaround is :
x = { }
x[0][0] = 'a'
x # => [["a", nil, nil, nil, nil], [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil], [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]]
new(size) {|index| block }
Here an array of the given size is created. Each element in this array is created by passing the element’s index to the given block and storing the return value.
Read also Common gotchas
When sending the second parameter, the same object will be used as the value for all the array elements. Since all the Array elements store the same array, changes to one of them will affect them all.
If multiple copies are what you want, you should use the block version which uses the result of that block each time an element of the array needs to be initialized, as I did above.
2d_array = { }
