Kendo UI browser support for Dataviz - kendo-ui

Kendo UI docs state that Dataviz is supported on IE7+ (see However, I was not able to run the examples on IE7 (actually IE11 running in IE7 mode), e.g. this one: It appears that the visualization widgets use SVG which is not supported on IE7. So is the Kendo UI documentation wrong about supported browsers? What is even more surprizing is that the same example runs fine in IE8 mode - I don't know how, because IE8 does not support SVG either!

I found that Kendo UI switches to VML for IE7/8. So all features work on those browsers. Also, there is some issue with running IE7/8 under emulation mode. On real IE7/IE8 the demos work fine.


GeckoFX webBrowser control not loading css properly

I have a html file along with CSS which gets properly loaded in Standalone FireFox browser and also in Web Preview control(Chromium ) for Chrome. Same script does not show up rightly in on GeckoWebBrowser. CSS is not taking effect.
Buttons which are to be stacked vertically are all displayed horizontally aligned.
Currently Ia m using Chromium for Chrome and GeckoFX for Firefox.
Please suggest any other latest web browser control which can be used for Firefox.
Please suggest what could be wrong.

jvectormap not displaying map on internet explore compatibility mode or < IE9

I'm having a heck of a time getting a map to render properly in IE8 or IE compatibility mode. I've tried examples and demos, I've changed maps multiple times... All features seem to work and look great except IE compatibility mode or antiquated versions of IE. Maps ARE rendering on IE8 or below on the jvectormap website just not for the examples offered.
I've even gone as far as trying to replicate the maps on, linking right to it's JS files. Still nothing.
Thanks so much for your time.
I reviewed the link you gave. The only issue I see is an absence of region border in IE8 or compatibility mode. The problem behind this is inability of VML engine to render borders with fractional width. Setting border as 1 makes the example work as expected.

Image Not Being Displayed Atalasoft/Telerik IE8/IE9 issue

I have a Telerik radGrid that when a gridrow is clicked, it will expand and display an image that uses Atalasoft DotImage (version ImageViewer to display the image.
Everything worked with IE8. Any broswer IE9+, it seems to not show the image. The image appears in other areas of the application (and works), but it is not attached to any Telerik controls.
I have scouring the internet to see what was changed between IE8 & IE9, but I have not found anything that would help me out.
The image will show in the Telerik grid using IE8 & in developer tools, if I use quirks mode.
Could someone point me in the right direction between the two browsers and their rendering of these controls in a high-level sense?
It seems that it has to deal with iframes, parent doctypes, and IE9. I have found a reference

Is Kendo UI Dataviz chart supported in IE8?

When I run the Kendo Chart in IE9, everything works fine. But in IE8, the design is not as good as in IE9. Means X-axis and Y-axis value is not displayed properly in IE8.
IE can be very sensitive to the options that map to CSS attributes. For example, font settings must be with valid CSS syntax, otherwise the rendering is aborted.
Please try to exclude any non-essential options from the chart configuration to see if that helps.Please refer this link for further Information
From my experience all chart's basic functionality works properly in IE8. However, to get the width right, sometimes you'll need to set the width when initialising the chart using HtmlAttributes.
.HtmlAttributes(new { Style = "width:400px;" })
What Telerik says:
Supported Browsers
Browser Supported versions
Internet Explorer 9 and later
Chrome 21 and later
Firefox 24 and later, ESR
Opera 15 and later
OS X Safari 5 and later
iOS Safari 4 and later
Chrome for Mobile 4 and later
Browsers with limited support
Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8 are supported with the following
PDF export is not supported.
Image export is not supported.
64-bit versions do not support text rotation.
Pie and donut charts don't have gradients
Internet Explorer 10 does not support dashed lines in canvas. This affects the exportImage as well.
Android 2.x will use non-interactive canvas output

DNN page render correctly in IE7/Vista

I have a dot net nuke site that I have written a custom module for. It a form that users fill out to submit information - no big deal.
On the form, I use the Ajax and the Ajaxoolkit for validation, and a calendar popup. I enable/disable controls based on form data.
Everthing works well in every browser/OS combo that I have tested EXCEPT IE7/Vista.
The page renders with most of the lables and conrols invisible. The controls are there and you can even enter data, you just can see them.
Here is a link:
I develop on a Win XP machine with IE7 and FireFox and there are no problems.
FireFox on Vista has no problems.
FYI this doesn't work in IE8 on Vista in regular or in compatiblity mode. This is incredibly weird because the controls are there you can click in them but your textboxes for example if you type you don't see the data.
What I've found is that if you remove the float:left style which is inherited from the .aaInput class that all of your inputs become visible. I also removed your display of
block. Do this on both the labels and your inputs and you should be good.
I tested this with IE8's developer tools in both IE8 mode and compatibility mode.
