Windows server monitoring - windows

I have RDP access to the windows server. I used to do manually check the disk space and RAM usage on all my windows server. I can't install or enable any service on the remote servers. Is there any way, to automate the task to check the disk space and RAM/CPU usage on remote windows server with RDP access only.

No, not with RDP - as its name entails, the Remote Desktop Protocol is an interactive system for users to access their desktop - hardly an automation system.
But you don't need to install anything, Windows comes with full remote management possibilities out of the box. For example, Inside a PowerShell session (on your PC) just use:
Get-WmiObject -class Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName SERVER1,SERVER2,SERVER3 | select DeviceID,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace
You can add as many servers as you want to the list. If your local login account does not have permissions to access the remote servers, simply add the -Credential DOMAIN\LOGIN parameter to the command above.
Finally, if you encounter a login error even with an account that is an administrator of the remote servers, you must check that firewall rules do not prevent remote administration from working on the server side. You may want to use (inside an RDP session) the PowerShell command Enable-PSRemoting.

There is many ways to check servers. But I recommanded to install tools (open source) like nagios or zabbix.
Nagios is a good open source for monitoring with web access and email alerting. You need to install NSclient on the windows server which allows nagios the access to resources.
About the email alerting, you need to install an smtp server, that will send mail each time there's a critical situation. (postfix or sendmail)
this is a tutorial link to install nagios:


Can WinRS access UNC paths?

I'm using WinRS to run an executable on a remote machine. That executable, in turn, needs to access a UNC network share. I'm on a Windows network with AD, and running everything as a domain admin account (not a local account) that is a machine admin of the servers in question, and has Full Control (folder and share) of the network share. But when I use WinRS to run a remote process, that remote process doesn't seem to have network access. The simplest example I could distill it down to is:
winrs -r:RedServer dir \\BlueServer\SomeSharedFolder
which gives the error
Access is denied.
Note that WinRS itself works on RedServer, because this runs fine:
winrs -r:RedServer dir C:
So, it sounds like a permissions issue, right? But to prove this account does have Full Control over the \\BlueServer\SomeSharedFolder share, I logged into RedServer with that same account and ran this at the command prompt there:
dir \\BlueServer\SomeSharedFolder
It ran fine, giving me the contents of that folder. It's only the combination of WinRS + UNC path that causes errors.
Is there something I need to configure differently, or is this a limitation/safeguard of Windows? I experienced a similar limitation with Sysinternals' PsExec.exe; I could access anything on the target machine, but nothing on the network. Incidentally, I found a somewhat-related SO question here: "Error when creating mapped drive using winrs", but no answers there.
What you describe is a double hop scenario which requires additional configuration on the client and server to support. A double hop scenario is remotely logging in to a Windows server and then accessing a remote network share:
client -> server -> file share
You can accomplish this via CredSSP or Kerberos delegation.
CredSSP authentication is intended for environments where Kerberos delegation cannot be used. Support for CredSSP was added to allow a user to connect to a remote server and have the ability to access a second-hop machine, such as a file share.
While I haven't tried these instructions, they seem like a reasonable place to start. Additionally this blog post by Travis Gan appears to be helpful.

Windows Server 2008 System Specific Remote

I have a server which runs Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard. I have admin rights and I can login through Remote Desktop Connection and access the server.
I wanted to create an account so that my office staff can access (restricted access) and only from office systems. I do not want access from any other location.
Is it possible ?
There are several ways to lock down and secure the RDP services of a particular machine. As with most local services and GPO settings Windows is quite good at making it easy to tailor permissions based on user(s), computer(s) and by group(s).
First off I would personally add RDP permissions on a per user basis, rather than giving staff members one central login to use. There are several reasons for this, mostly down to ease of use and system security.
In the "System Properties" of the Windows Server, I assume you've ticked the box to allow a RDP connection to the server. - Just under that there's a checkbox you should tick in order to only allow connections with NLA (Network Level Authentication). Proceed to "Select Users" and choose the staff you wish to give RDP permissions too.
I'm going to assume that your RDP connection is working as you've stated that you're able to connect, we'll leave local RDP GPO settings and initial Windows Firewall configuration, please leave a comment if you'd like me to include it.
In the Windows Firewall for the server on the exceptions tab, edit the settings for Remote Desktop Connection. Click "Change Scope" and tick the box that says "My Nntwork (subnet) only".
This will only allow RDP connections from local machines within the servers subnet (office machines) and connections from the users you specified earlier on (Office staff).
As for the restricted access part, short of making a new local limited user on the server there's not much you can do to protect everything.
I hope this clears it up for you.

nodejs impersonation with windows

I need to use nodejs to write file to a password protected shared folder on a remote machine running Windows server 2008 r2, how can I do impersonation things within nodejs like .net app does?
Thx in advance!!!
Sorry for the unclear description. The folder is set to shared across the internal network on the remote windows server system, the folder is set to "readonly" for the windows account explicitly created by the admin. The nodejs server is on the same internal network and need to access the remote shared folder, thus I think nodejs need to impersonate the windows account on the remote machine to read contents from the shared folder. My question is how to do the sorry for the unclear description. The folder is set to shared across the internal network on the remote windows server system, the folder is set to "readonly" for the windows account explicitly created by the admin. The nodejs server is on the same internal network and need to access the remote shared folder, thus I think nodejs need to impersonate the windows account on the remote machine to read contents from the shared folder. My question is how to do the impersonation stuff for nodejs?
Late to the party - but since there is no accepted answer...
You'll need to launch your node process using the account that has access to the network share. How this is done differs based on your setup. For example, if you're runnning node on a lLinux server trying to connect to the remote Windows server, then it's not going to be straightforward with node.
However; if you're running node on a Windows server, trying to connect to a remote share on another Windows server (which is what it sounds like your situation probably is). Again, you'll have to run your node script as a user with access to the remote share. If you need to do it from code, I'd suggest taking a look at my module node-windows. It doesn't provide remote share access specifically, but it will allow you to run command line code with a different account from within your node script.

How to remote debug when user accounts do not match?

How can I configure Visual Studio remote debugging when:
My developer machine is a member of an AD domain, and my username is "DevelopersName".
The "remote" machine is on the same Ethernet segment, but is not part of the domain.
The "remote" machine must run software under "RemoteUserName".
Most documentation I can find suggests that you need have both machines in the same domain and with identical usernames. That's not possible here.
I could possibly add my username to "remote", but the software still needs to run under "RemoteUserName.
If it helps, I could add 2nd network card to my developer machine and directly connect the "remote" machine.
Using VS2008, but will be moving soon to VS2010.
Thank you.
Sorry, but I've just spent the last 10 hours trying to debug your exact problem. My findings are not good.
You need to get your accounts synced, especially if you are using your remote app to connect to other systems in your SOA environment, ie: Sharepoint, AD.
You can to some extent get remote debugging to work, if you create an account on your local machine with the same name as that of your remote machine (lets do it like this rather rather than working with the domain account).
You then need to make sure the remote service is running under this account, and its a member of the administrators group. And by this I mean hold down control, and right click run as - with the remote debugger, and select the user (not required if remote server is logged in as the required user).
Run the wizard it will open the required ports, use Authentication, because non authentication won't debug managed code. Breakpoints are never met, and there is nothing you can do about this.
On your local dev machine, log off your domain account, and log onto the local account with matching name as the account on server thats running the remote service.
Now you stand a change of remote debugging. If you can't do any of the above, sorry there is no workaround, its entirely dependent on the user account and having the right permissions.
If you don't want to create a local account, try starting our debugger via command prompt using the following command:
runas /user:[user#machinename] /netonly [debugger.exe]
runas /user:john#mypc123 /netonly devenv.exe
I assume it's managed debugging you're talking about (for native debugging there's a remote debugging solution with no authentication). In this case, I would suggest that you use a local user to launch the debugger on your machine. If this local user's name and password match "RemoteUserName"'s name and password, it should work.
(Note that this does not preclude you from using the AD account to log in to your workstation, you just need to set up another account and use runas to launch Visual Studio.)

How to run a command on a remote Windows system as a non-admin user with WMI?

I have a script written in Visual Basic that starts a process (given to the script as an argument) on a remote system (again, given as an argument) using WMI. This script works fine when using an Administrator account on the remote system, but when using a non-administrator account, I get the following error:
ConnectServer Failed w/ (-2147024891) Access is denied.
I'd like to be able to run processes on remote systems as a non-administrator user with this script, and I'm pretty sure the problem is due to security settings on the remote system, but I've not been able to reset the right ones.
It sounds like you need to configure launch and activation permissions for this user, on the target machine, via DCOMCNFG. By default non-admin users do not have remote launch and activiation permissions.
Alternatively, depending on the operating system you are connecting to, there may be a "Distributed COM Users" group to which you can add your user. This group already has the appropriate permissions. The Distributed COM Users group was first included in Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (DCOM Security Enhancements).
You can read more about WMI and DCOM permissions here. More detailed steps on how to configure WMI and DCOM are included in the serverfault thread Which permissions/rights does a user need to have WMI access on remote machines?.
