How can I beta test in Xcode with iOS 8? - xcode

I have the latest iOS8 Beta on my iPhone. (Beta 1) And want to start testing my apps with iOS8. But Xcode shows that the latest os is ios 7.1. How can I achieve this?

You need to install xCode6 to Beta test app on iOS8 Devices.
You download from members center.


Does the Xcode 6.3 Beta support an iOS Simulator of iOS 7

I've updated Xcode and updated my Swift project, but it's only letting me test in iOS 8.3. Do the betas only let you test the upcoming iOS Beta?
Yes. Download the iOS 7 simulator in the settings.

localizable.string does not work with simulator in iOS 8

I have a major problem with the localization of my app.
Since I updated Xcode to version 6.1.1 (6A2008a) with the new simulator iOS 8.1, I found that the iOS 8.1 simulator no longer works with Localizable.string.
When I turn the stimulator with the version of iOS 7.1 my app works fine and the language changes according to the setting made on the device. Why does this problem occur on 8.1?
As mentioned in the Xcode 6.1 release notes, this is a known bug in iOS 8.1 simulator runtime. Please try iOS 8.2 beta in Xcode 6.2 beta, which contains the fix.

How to download a simulator?

How can I download/ install an iOS 7.1.1 simulator - iPhone 5s in xcode 5.1?
In my xcode I have simulators until iOS 7.1?
Can anybody give me a solution please?
This SO question answered your question for iOS 6.x.y, where y is the version number change. I think it is the same for iOS 7.x.y.
Maybe the best idea for testing an app for iOS 7.1.1 is install the app on a (real) device with the same iOS version.

Trying to deploy to iPhone 5 with iOS 6 SDK, on XCode 4.2

I'm running XCode 4.2 on Snow Leopard 10.6.8 on a Dell Mini 1010. So it's a hackintosh. Anyway I already managed to get ios 5.1 SDK installed and I can debug applications on my iPad 1st gen running 5.1 which is great. (Following this method Is it possible to get the iOS 5.1 SDK for Xcode 4.2 on Snow Leopard?)
Now I also installed ios 6 SDK along with the device support files for 6.0. However my iPhone is running 6.1.4 which means I require the 10B350 device support file. Does anyone know where I can get this? My iPhone shows up in the organizer panel with this message "dyld_shared_cache_extract_dylibs failed"
Now I can also develop apps with the iphone 6 sdk, which works fine. And I even have the developer certificate installed on my iPhone 5.
So it seems to be an intitialisation error within xcode?
Help or tips appreciated.

Confused about deploying to ios 5.0, which xcode to use

I want my app to run on iOS 5.0 and all newer versions. Should I do all my development work in Xcode 4.2.1, or use the Xcode 4.5 beta? If I implement maps, then will devices running ios 5.0 show google maps while future devices running ios 6.0 show apple maps?
Thanks for your help.
XCode 4.5 beta is for testing and report bugs to apple, test iOS 6, etc. You cannot submit an app with it.
I'd use Xcode 4.4.1 it's the latest non-beta version.
