So I’m trying to give an obj some physics, and have work with the example of the bouncing ball that processing comes with, and I have make it instead of a ball to be a cylinder, but I can’t find the way to make the obj to have the physics.
I’m importing the obj with the library saito.objloader. I have this code, which is the invocation of the obj
import processing.opengl.*;
import saito.objloader.*;
OBJModel modelCan;
PVector location; // Location of shape
PVector velocity; // Velocity of shape
PVector gravity; // Gravity acts at the shape's acceleration
float rotX, rotY;
void setup() {
size(1028, 768, OPENGL);
modelCan = new OBJModel(this, "can.obj", "absolute", TRIANGLES);
location = new PVector(100,100,100);
velocity = new PVector(1.5,2.1,3);
gravity = new PVector(0,0.2,0);
void draw() {
// Add velocity to the location.
// Add gravity to velocity
// Bounce off edges
if ((location.x > width) || (location.x < 0)) {
velocity.x = velocity.x * -1;
if (location.y > height) {
// We're reducing velocity ever so slightly
// when it hits the bottom of the window
velocity.y = velocity.y * -0.95;
location.y = height;
if (location.z < -height || location.z > 0) { //note that Zaxis goes 'into' the screen
velocity.z = velocity.z * -0.95;
//location.z = height;
println("location x: "+location.x);
println("location y: "+location.y);
println("location z: "+location.z);
println("velocidad x: "+velocity.x);
println("velocidad y: "+velocity.y);
println("velocidad z: "+velocity.z);
translate(width/2, height/2, 0);
I hope you guys can help me! Thanks!
The bouncing ball example is a very simple example, and I guess you can't apply it to a cylinder in an easy way.
You might want to have a look at these sites : (his book is essential ) (again : Daniel Shiffman)
Collision detection is made in computer time : it means that it's correlated with the frequency of your program execution. For instance, the velocity of an object can be so big that between two render cycles your first object is passing through your second object: collision detection won't happen. They didn't collide during the previous cycle, and don't collide during the current cycle.
That's why some physics "engine" like Box2D try to anticipate the collision, computing the bounding box of each object.
If you want to make accurate collision detection in 3D, you can look at the Bullet library, used in many games and movies : but the learning curve might be large.
In your program, you can try to give a threshold to your collision detection (and add the dimensions of your object to its position, if you want the whole body to collide, not only its center !): if your object's position is between your limit and (your limit +/- a threshold) consider it's colliding, but you won't totally avoid tunnelling.
EDIT I changed my code to the one below but it still clips through the terrain sometimes. It also likes to bounce on corners where it should slide off.
I tried implementing my own collision for a little game I am making. This is the code for my ball class.
class Ball {
float gforce = 1;
float friction = 0.8;
float elasticity = 0.5;
PVector position;
PVector velocity = new PVector(0, 0);
Ball(PVector p) {position = p;}
void render(){fill(255, 255, 0); noStroke(); circle(position.x, height-position.y, 16);}
PVector bounce(PVector v, PVector n){ //calculate velocity after bounce
PVector u = PVector.mult(n,;
PVector w = PVector.sub(v, u);
return PVector.sub(PVector.mult(w, friction), PVector.mult(u, elasticity));
Boolean intersect(PVector c, PVector p1, PVector p2, float r){
if (c.dist(p1)<=r || c.dist(p2)<=r){return true;}
float len = p1.dist(p2);
float dot = ( ((c.x-p1.x)*(p2.x-p1.x)) + ((c.y-p1.y)*(p2.y-p1.y)) )/(len*len);
PVector closest = PVector.add(p1, PVector.mult(PVector.sub(p2, p1), dot));
float d1 = closest.dist(p1);
float d2 = closest.dist(p2);
if (d1+d2>=len-0.1 && d1+d2<=len+0.1){if(closest.dist(c)<=r){return true;}}
return false;
Boolean intersect(PVector p1, PVector p2, PVector p3, PVector p4){ //if the line p1p2 intersects line p3p4
float uA = ((p4.x-p3.x)*(p1.y-p3.y) - (p4.y-p3.y)*(p1.x-p3.x))/((p4.y-p3.y)*(p2.x-p1.x) - (p4.x-p3.x)*(p2.y-p1.y));
float uB = ((p2.x-p1.x)*(p1.y-p3.y) - (p2.y-p1.y)*(p1.x-p3.x))/((p4.y-p3.y)*(p2.x-p1.x) - (p4.x-p3.x)*(p2.y-p1.y));
if (uA>=0 && uA<=1 && uB>=0 && uB<=1){return true;}else{return false;}
void moveBall(){
//if the ball is stationary
if(velocity.mag()==0 || velocity.mag()==1 || velocity.mag()==2){
PVector v = new PVector(min(280, max(-280, mX-mouseX)), min(280, max(-280, mouseY-mY))).div(28);
int n = int(max(abs(v.x), abs(v.y)));
//render arrow
if(mX!=0 && mousePressed){
strokeWeight(5); stroke(#75D5FD); line(mX, mY, mouseX, mouseY);
for (int i=0; i<n+1; i++){
noStroke(); fill(510*(float)i/12, 510*(1-(float)i/12), 0, 55+200*(1-(float)i/12)); circle(mX+(v.x*i), mY-(v.y*i), 15);
if(mX==0 && mouseP){mX=mouseX; mY=mouseY; mouseP=false;}
if(mX!=0 && mouseR){b.velocity = new PVector(min(280, max(-280, mX-mouseX)), min(280, max(-280, mouseY-mY))).div(8); mX=0; mouseR=false;} //apply velocity
}else {
//if the ball is still, do not allow additional movement
if(mX!=0 && mousePressed){stroke(200); line(mX, mY, mouseX, mouseY);}
if(mX==0 && mouseP){mX=mouseX; mY=mouseY; mouseP=false;}
if(mX!=0 && mouseR){mX=0; mouseR=false;}
void collision(){
//test collision with terrain
for (int i=1; i<l.points.length; i++){
PVector centerout = PVector.div(velocity, velocity.mag()).mult(8);
strokeWeight(5); stroke(255,0,0); line(position.x, height-position.y, position.x+centerout.x+velocity.x, height-position.y-centerout.y-velocity.y);
if(intersect(position, l.points[i-1], l.points[i], 7) || intersect(position, PVector.add(position,velocity,centerout), l.points[i-1], l.points[i])){
velocity = bounce(velocity, l.normals[i-1]);
void move() {
if(velocity.mag()<0.5){velocity.x=0; velocity.y=0;}
There is another object, l (which is the terrain), and it stores the array points[] which contains all the coordinates for the terrain. There is a line connecting each point and the ball detects if its velocity vector intersects that line, or if the ball itself intersects that line.
When i drag and release my mouse, it changes the velocity to whatever vector the mouse was dragged in. It then detects for a collision and it changes the velocity based on its current velocity and the normal of the terrain. However, when it does that, it flies in the opposite direction and flings itself through the floor.
How can I fix my code so that the collision and bouncing works as expected? Additionally it will be nice if the velocity eventually became 0 after bouncing a while.
Oh and usually the y position goes up the further you go down but I changed it so that the y position goes down the further you go down. SO at the very bottom, the y position is 0 instead of the height of the canvas.
Regarding your current problem, I actually have 2 different suggestions I decided to offer only the first one after consideration, as the second one can throw you into recursive madness, but I'm willing to expand on it if needed. I cannot really test them or offer you real code without a working example, though, so I'll stay on pseudocode level.
Solution 1: easy and robust
This one is pretty straightforward: save the pre-bounce vector. When the ball actually bounce, if the rebound has clipping, forget about it and inverse the initial vector. Since the ball came from this exact direction, you can be pretty damn sure that it can go back that way.
The algo would go like this:
if ValidateMove(CurrentVector):
NewVector = CalculateNewVector
if ValidateMove(NewVector):
There's a possible problematic edge case, though. If another object is in movement, it may block the ball's inverted path. Honestly, I wouldn't care about the chance that this happens unless your game is specifically prone to this.
Hope this'll help!
Wondering if someone could help me, I am new to processing and programming in general.
I have created a random walker that walks a point around a 3D space. Please see code below.
Now I would like to be able to rotate the view of this walker as it is drawn, so I can view it from different angles. I have tried using PeasyCam to achieve this, but when I use the mouse to rotate the camera, it only affects the location of the new points, and not the previously plotted ones.
If anyone could let me know what I'm doing wrong that would be really helpful! Thanks, here is my code:
import peasy.*;
PeasyCam camera;
void setup() {
camera = new PeasyCam(this, 0, 0, 0, 50);
void draw() {
float x = 0;
float y = 0;
float z = 0;
void walker() {
x = x + random(-2.5,2.5);
y = y + random(-2.5,2.5);
z = z + random(-2.5,2.5);
If you want your previous points to be affected by the rotation, then you need to redraw them.
You could do this by storing all of the points in a data structure like an array or ArrayList. Then you'd iterate over the points and redraw them every frame.
I am creating a model of a solar system in processing, and after removing the background I noticed the planets were leaving a trail of their image behind them. The program runs fine when the background is back in, but I want to add a lot more and I am sure this is inefficient and will bog things down.
I am very new to processing, and I am really not sure how to solve this. Maybe delete previous images after a delay to create a shortened trail?
These are just the parts I think are important cherry picked from the code, this is just the example of one planet. Sorry if the code is clunky, any suggestions are happily accepted.
Planet p1;
void setup() {
mercury = loadImage("mercury.png")
p1 = new Planet(40, random(TWO_PI), 0.05);
void draw() {
translate(width / 2, height / 2);
class Planet {
float radius;
float angle;
float distance;
float orbitSpeed;
Planet(float r, float d, float o) {
radius = r;
distance = d;
orbitSpeed = o;
angle = random(TWO_PI);
void orbit() {
angle = angle + orbitSpeed;
void display1() {
translate(distance, 0);
image(mercury, radius, radius, 10, 10);
I realized that this would probably happen, and I am not sure how to stop it.
The behavior you describe is simply the nature of computer graphics; it's how games, operating systems, and hardware displays all work – they clear and redraw everything every frame.
In Processing, graphic objects that are pushed to a buffer remain there indefinitely until the buffer is cleared or something is pushed on top of them (this is why the planets are leaving a trail without calling background() – previous frames remain in the buffer).
You are worried about the background() being inefficient. Don't be, as it's one of the fastest operations (simply sets the value of each pixel, as given by the user).
Processing does provide a clear() function, but this is equivalent to background(0).
If you're are still concerned about efficiency and speed, one way to speed up Processing is to use the FX2D renderer rather than default AWT renderer. Another way is cache drawn objects into PGraphics objects to prevent successive rasterization (since your planets are image files and not drawn with processing, you needn't worry about this).
Your code is simple enough that it doesn't need optimisations at this stage.
As micycle mentions, you are are drawing an image at a translated position, pretty similar to blitting.
In terms of the trails, one common trick you could use is not clear the screen completely, but draw a transparent rectangle as the background. The more transparency, the longer the trails.
Here's a tweaked version of your code:
// planet object
Planet p1;
// planet texture
PImage mercury;
void setup() {
size(300, 300);
// draw image from center
// clear to black one
// remove strokes (we'll use rect() later)
// set the fill to black but with 9/255 transparency (~3.5% transparent)
// init texture
mercury = loadImage("mercury.png");
// init planet
p1 = new Planet(40, random(TWO_PI), 0.05);
void draw() {
// draw a transparent rectangle instead of completely clearing the screen
// render planet
translate(width / 2, height / 2);
class Planet {
float radius;
float angle;
float distance;
float orbitSpeed;
Planet(float r, float d, float o) {
radius = r;
distance = d;
orbitSpeed = o;
angle = random(TWO_PI);
void orbit() {
angle = angle + orbitSpeed;
void display1() {
translate(distance, 0);
image(mercury, radius, radius, 10, 10);
It's an efficient quick'n'dirty hack as you won't need to store previous position and redraw multiple times, however it has it limitations in terms of the flexibility of the trails. Hopefully tweaking the fill() alpha parameter will get you the desired effect.
Later on if you're drawing many many many planets it things start running slow have a peak at VisualVM. Profile the CPU and see the methods that take the longest to complete and focus on those. Don't need to optimise everything, just the slowest calls. Remember that Processing have multiple renderers: JAVA2D is the default one, but there's also FX2D and P2D/P3D and they will behave differently. I strongly recommend optimising at the last moment (otherwise code might be less flexible and readable and will slow down development/iteration).
float dia1=50;
float x=400;
float y=400;
float speedX=4;
float speedY=0;
void setup() {
size(810, 810);
} //draw
void draw() {
fill(225, 0, 0);
ellipse(x, y, dia1, dia1);
fill(0, 225, 0);
//a nose
triangle(x, y, x+10, y+10, x-10, y+10);
//if it hits the left or right corners it will turn around
if (x>width-dia1/2 || x<2+dia1/2) {
// it its hits the top or bottom it will turn around
if (y>height-dia1/2 || y<2+dia1/2) {
// this code to move it according to the keys W S D A
void keyPressed() {
if (keyCode=='W') {
if (keyCode=='S') {
if (keyCode=='A') {
if (keyCode=='D') {
I made this ball with a nose, which moves around the screen with the keys W S D A. If it hits the edges it will bounce back.
I'm trying to change the direction the ball is facing to make it face the same way as it's moving. I wanted to use rotate for this, but once I use rotate it throws all the coordinates off. Rotating it back doesn't help either.
I have commented out the stuff I have tried to do. For example, I tried to translate it to 250,250 and then rotate it afterwards, but then the X and Y coordinates are switched. Also, the ball won't go all the way to the corners and it moves out (since it's translated down).
What kind of rotation/translation logic do I need to change?
It is likely that using the rotate function on your triangle is wreaking havoc as you are performing the rotate on several variables in your draw loop because you're not telling processing exactly which object you want to transform. One way to do this is to look up the pushMatrix and popMatrix functions (google "processing pushMatrix" to see helpful info for how to use the type and associated functions). It would be cumbersome to implement this into your code as the triangle is created in your draw loop every frame. An easy way to make transformations to a specific shape you have (in your instance, a triangle) is to store it as a PShape and then make transformations as you need to. Since PShape's can easily be transformed using PShape functions you don't need to worry about your transformations effecting other variables (so no need to use push/popmatrix. Here is a commented version of your code that implements your Triangle as a PShape.
float dia1=50;
float x=400;
float y=400;
float speedX=4;
float speedY=0;
//Initialize PShape which we can later store a triangle in
PShape tri;
void setup() {
size(810, 810);
//Initialize triangle - this triangle faces right
tri = createShape(TRIANGLE, 0, 10, 0, -10, 10, 0);
void draw() {
fill(225, 0, 0);
ellipse(x, y, dia1, dia1);
fill(0, 225, 0);
//Draw the stored PShape at x and y coordinate
//if it hits the left or right corners it will turn around
if (x>width-dia1/2 || x<2+dia1/2) {
//Flip PShape rotation
} // it its hits the top or bottom it will turn around
if (y>height-dia1/2 || y<2+dia1/2) {
//Flip PShape rotation
// this code to move it according to the keys W S D A
void keyPressed() {
if (keyCode=='W') {
//reset triangle orientation (transformation matrix) to original then rotate to face UP
if (keyCode=='S') {
//reset triangle orientation (transformation matrix) to original then rotate to face DOWN
if (keyCode=='A') {
//reset triangle orientation (transformation matrix) to original then rotate to face LEFT
if (keyCode=='D') {
//reset triangle orientation (transformation matrix) to original - it is already pointing right
I suspect your next step, or a more efficient way to write this piece of code might be to begin to implement PVectors (google processing PVectors to see helpful info for how to use the type and associated functions) for position and direction of your 'ball'. Here is some commented code that begins to show you how you might implement this in your current code. Although there are many improvements that can be made on this. For more information on how vectors work in processing follow this tutorial -
float dia1=50;
//initialize position PVector and tell it where you want it to be - in this case 400,400
PVector position = new PVector(400, 400);
//how many steps you want your position to move per frame
float speed=4;
//initialize direction vector as 0,0 - the ellipse will not move until you give it a
//direction as it is initialized with no direction
PVector direction = new PVector(0, 0);
void setup() {
size(810, 810);
void draw() {
fill(225, 0, 0);
//draw ellipse at your position PVector using the PVectors x and y values
ellipse(position.x, position.y, dia1, dia1);
fill(0, 225, 0);
//drawing a line to indicate what direction the ellipse is heading in using the position coordinates and the position plus direction
line(position.x, position.y, position.x+direction.x*4, position.y+direction.y*4);
// add the direction to the position to make it move
position =position.add(direction);
//if the position PVector is close to sketch edges invert its direction by multiplying direction PVector by -1
if (position.x>width-dia1/2 || position.x<2+dia1/2) {
if (position.y>height-dia1/2 || position.y<2+dia1/2) {
// this code to move it according to the keys W S D A
void keyPressed() {
//set the direction coordinates based on keypresses
//also multiply the direction by speed variable so it moves at a speed set at top of script
if (keyCode=='W') {
direction.y = -1*speed;
direction.x = 0;
if (keyCode=='S') {
direction.y = 1*speed;
direction.x = 0;
if (keyCode=='A') {
direction.x = -1*speed;
direction.y = 0;
if (keyCode=='D') {
direction.x = 1*speed;
direction.y = 0;
If you have a center point, an angle you want to face, and a distance from that center, you can use cos() and sin() to calculate the end point. Here's a simple example:
float angle = 0;
float distance = 25;
void draw(){
angle += .01;
float startX = width/2;
float startY = height/2;
float endX = startX + cos(angle)*distance;
float endY = startY + sin(angle)*distance;
line(startX, startY, endX, endY);
In the future, please try to narrow your question down to an MCVE like this before posting.
Hi How do I make bullets to collide with the objects in Processing ?
Bullets are fired and being translated and rotated
but whenever i try to use function dist() it always gives me 0 as the position of the vector
How do i get the correct vector position if i want the bullet to collide with objects using distance and make the the other object disappear ?
Here's the code
void move(){
passed = passed + time;
if (passed > bulletLife) {
alive = false;
forward.x = sin(theta);
forward.y = -cos(theta);
float speed = 15.0f;
velocity = PVector.mult(forward, speed);
void display(){
translate(side.x, side.y);
ellipse(side.x, side.y, 30, 30);
You're getting 0 from dist() because translate() moves the coordinate system! I think, more than your question, you need to reconsider your code overall. You translate to side.x, side.y (which will then be 0,0 until you call popMatrix()) but then you draw the ellipse at side.x, side.y which is offset from its actual position.
In other words: if the position is 100,200, you're actually drawing the object at 200,400!
If you skip the translate() part, you can use this to draw your object:
void display() {
ellipse(side.x, side.y, 30,30);
And this to check collision:
if (dist(side.x, side.y, bullet.x, bullet.y) == 0) {
collision = true;
else {
collision = false;
You can also see my collision-detection functions for Processing, which have lots of examples that might help.