WebGL - What are some performant ways to select 3d objects? [duplicate] - opengl-es

I'm building a boardgame in WebGL. The board can be rotated/zoomed. I need a way to translate a click on the canvas element (x,y) into the relevant point in 3D space (x, y, z). The ultimate result is that I want to know the (x, y, z) coordinate that contains the point that touches the object closest to the user. For instance, the user clicks a piece, and you imagine a ray traveling through 3D space that goes through both the piece and the game board, but I want the (x, y, z) coord of the piece at the point where it was touched.
I feel like this must be a very common problem, but I can't seem to find a solution in my googles. There must be some way to project the current view of the 3D space into 2D so you can map each point in 2D space to the relevant point in 3D space. I want to the user to be able to mouse over a space on the board, and have the spot change color.

You're looking for an unproject function, which converts screen coordinates into a ray cast from the camera position into the 3D world. You must then perform ray/triangle intersection tests to find the closest triangle to the camera which also intersects the ray.
I have an example of unprojecting available at jax/camera.js#L568 -- but you'll still need to implement ray/triangle intersection. I have an implementation of that at jax/triangle.js#L113.
There is a simpler and (usually) faster alternative, however, called 'picking'. Use this if you want to select an entire object (for instance, a chess piece), and if you don't care about where the mouse actually clicked. The WebGL way to do this is to render the entire scene in various shades of blue (the blue is a key, while red and green are used for unique IDs of the objects in the scene) to a texture, then read back a pixel from that texture. Decoding the RGB into the object's ID will give you the object that was clicked. Again, I've implemented this and it's available at jax/world.js#L82. (See also lines 146, 162, 175.)
Both approaches have pros and cons (discussed here and in some of the comments after) and you'll need to figure out which approach best serves your needs. Picking is slower with huge scenes, but unprojecting in pure JS is extremely slow (since JS itself isn't all that fast) so my best recommendation would be to experiment with both.
FYI, you could also look at the GLU project and unproject code, which I based my code loosely upon: http://www.opengl.org/wiki/GluProject_and_gluUnProject_code

I'm working on this problem at the moment - the approach I'm taking is
Render objects to pick buffer each with unique colour
Read buffer pixel, map back to picked object
Render picked object to buffer with each pixel colour a function of Z-depth
Read buffer pixel, map back to Z-depth
We have picked object and approximate Z for the pick coords

This is the working demo
function onMouseUp(event) {
x_pos = (event.clientX / window.innerWidth) * 2 - 1;
y_pos = -(event.clientY / window.innerHeight) * 2 + 1;
z_pos = 0.5;
var vector = new THREE.Vector3( x_pos , y_pos , z_pos );
var projector = new THREE.Projector();
projector.unprojectVector(vector, camera);
var raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster(camera.position, vector.sub(camera.position).normalize());
var intersects = raycaster.intersectObjects(intersectObjects);
if (intersects.length > 0) {
xp = intersects[0].point.x.toFixed(2);
yp = intersects[0].point.y.toFixed(2);
zp = intersects[0].point.z.toFixed(2);
destination = new THREE.Vector3( xp , yp , zp );
radians = Math.atan2( ( driller.position.x - xp) , (driller.position.z - zp));
radians += 90 * (Math.PI / 180);
var tween = new TWEEN.Tween(driller.rotation).to({ y : radians },200).easing(TWEEN.Easing.Linear.None).start();

culted from one of the threads.
not sure about (x,y,z) but you can get the canvas(x,y) using
function getCanvasCoord(){
var mx = event.clientX;
var my = event.clientY;
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvasId');
var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();// check if your browser supports this
mx = mx - rect.left;
my = my - rect.top;
return {x: mx , y: my};


Three.js - get terrain height (position.y) of the mesh at specific position.x,z - without mouse and raycaster?

Let's say I have a sort of rather simple terrain from Blender exported as GLB object, which is a Group and contains a Mesh with BufferGeometry. I have another GLB object which is a model of vehicle. How can I read proper position.y at specific x,z locations (idealy 4 locations for setting car position and rotation) without moving mouse and using raycaster? I need to know what is elevation and height at specific region. Any simple clue without game-physics engine on top of ThreeJS?
Just use a Raycaster. I don't know why you don't want to use it, it's the easiest way to find an intersection without a physics engine and without tons of math.
Simply use Raycaster.set() to point straight down from your XZ coords and see where it intersects the terrain:
var ray = new THREE.Raycaster();
var rayPos = new THREE.Vector3();
// Use y = 100 to ensure ray starts above terran
rayPos.set(x, 100, z);
var rayDir = new THREE.Vector3(0, -1, 0); // Ray points down
// Set ray from pos, pointing down
ray.set(rayPos, rayDir);
// Check where it intersects terrain Mesh
let intersect = ray.intersectObject(terrainMesh);
See here for the intersect object. It includes the point in space where the intersection takes place.

How to programmatically undo positional translation to pivot point?

I think this is ultimately a pretty simple question, but it's hard to describe, thus, I provide a working example here (in the sample press 'z' to see rotation with unwanted translation and 'x' keys to rotate with a compensating re-position).
Basically, I am trying to rotate an object (a thumbstick) about the z-axis of a complex model loaded via gltf (a model of the oculus rift touch controller). It's easy to rotate about the x-axis because it's 90 deg. orthogonal to the x-axis. About the z-axis, it's harder because the plane the thumbstick is attached to is angled at 30 deg. I realize that if the thumbstick were using local coordinates, this wouldn't be a problem, but 'thumb.rotation.z' does not seem to be using local coordinates and is rotating about the model's (as a whole), or maybe even the scene's global y and z (?). Anyway, after a bunch of futzing around, I was able to get things to work by doing the following:
// occulus plane is angle at 30 deg, which corresponds to
// 5 units forward to 3 units down.
var axis = new THREE.Vector3(0, 5, -3).normalize();
var dir = (evt.key === 'x' ? 1 : -1);
thumb.rotateOnAxis(axis, factory.ONE_DEG * 5.0 * dir);
Basically, I'm rotating about a "tilted" axis, and then calling 'center' to make thumbstick centered on the pivot point, so it rotates about the pivot point, rather than around the pivot point (like the earth orbiting the sun).
Only problem is that when you call 'geometry.center()' and then call 'rotateOnAxis', it translates the thumbstick to the pivot point:
Note: the position on the thumbstick object is (0,0,0) before and after the calls.
I have empirically determined that if I alter the position of the thumbstick after the translation like so:
// magic numbers compensating position
var zDisp = 0.0475;
var yDisp = zDisp / 6.0
thumb.position.x = 0.001;
thumb.position.y = -yDisp;
thumb.position.z = zDisp;
Then it (almost) returns back to it's original position:
Problem is these numbers were just determined by interactively and repeatedly trying to re-position the thumbstick i.e. empirically. I simply cannot find a programmatic, analytical, api kind of way to restore the original position. Note: saving the original position doesn't work, because it's zero before and after the translation. Some of the things I tried were taking the difference between the bounding spheres of the global object and the thumbstick object, trying to come up with some 'sin x- cos x' relation on one distance etc. but nothing works.
My question is, how can I progammatically reverse the offset due to calling 'geometry.center()' and rotateOnAxis (which translates to the pivot point), without having to resort to hacked, empircal "magic" numbers, that could conceivably change if the gltf model changes.
Of course, if someone can also come up with a better way to achieve this rotation, that would be great too.
What's throwing me is the (peceived?) complexity of the gltf model itself. It's confusing because I have a hard time interpreting it and it's various parts: I'm really not sure where the "center" is, and in certain cases, it appears with the 'THREE.AxesHelper' I'm attaching that what it shows as 'y' is actually 'z' and sometimes 'up' is really 'down' etc, and it gets confusing fast.
Any help would be appreciated.
The breakthrough for me on this was to re-frame the problem as how do I change the pivot point for the thumbstick, rather than how do I move the thumbstick to the (default and pre-existing) pivot point. To paraphrase JFK, "ask not how you can move to the pivot, but ask how the pivot can move to you" :-)
After changing my angle of attack, I pretty quickly found the aforementioned link, which yielded my solution.
I posted an updated glitch here, so now pressing z works as I expected. Here is the relevant code portion:
factory.onModelLoaded = function(evt) {
console.log(`onModelLoaded: entered`);
factory.thumbstick = this.scene.children[1].children[2]
let thumb = factory.thumbstick;
// make the thumb red so it's easier to see
thumb.material = (new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xFF7777}));
// use method from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28848863/threejs-how-to-rotate-around-objects-own-center-instead-of-world-center/28860849#28860849
// to translate the pivot point of the thumbstick to the the thumbstick center
factory.thumbParent = thumb.parent;
let thumbParent = factory.thumbParent;
var box = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject( thumb );
box.getCenter( thumb.position ); // this basically yields my prev. "magic numbers"
// thumb.position.multiplyScalar( - 1 );
var pivot = new THREE.Group();
thumbParent.add( pivot );
pivot.add( thumb );
// add axeshelp after centering, otherwise the axes help, as a child of thumb,
// will increase the bounding box of thumb, and positioning will be wrong.
axesHelper = new THREE.AxesHelper();
Which allows my "z" handler to just rotate without having to do translation:
case 'z':
case 'Z':
var axis = new THREE.Vector3(0, 5, -3).normalize();
var dir = (evt.key === 'z' ? 1 : -1);
thumb.rotateOnAxis(axis, factory.ONE_DEG * 5.0 * dir);
Interestingly, it's the call to box.getCenter() that generates numbers very close to my "magic numbers":
Vector3 {x: 0.001487499801442027, y: -0.007357006114165027, z: 0.04779449797522323}
My empirical guess was {x: 0.001, y: -0.00791666666, z: 0.0475} which is %error {x: 32.7%, y: 7.6%, z: 0.61%}, so I was pretty close esp. on the z component, but still not the "perfect" numbers of box.getCenter().

Get screen coordinates of a vertex in a THREE.js Points object using bufferGeometry

I want to have a DOM node track a particle in my THREE.js simulation. My simulation is built with the Points object, using a bufferGeometry. I'm setting the positions of each vertex in the render loop. Over the course of the simulation I'm moving / rotating both the camera and the Points object (through its parent Object3d).
I can't figure out how to get reliable screen coordinates for any of my particles. I've followed the instructions on other questions, like Three.JS: Get position of rotated object, and Converting World coordinates to Screen coordinates in Three.js using Projection, but none of them seem to work for me. At this point I can see that the calculated projections of the vertices are changing with my camera movements and object rotations, but not in a way that I can actually map to the screen. Also, sometimes two particles that neighbor each other on the screen will yield wildly different projected positions.
Here's my latest attempt:
const { x, y, z } = layout.getNodePosition(nodes[nodeHoverTarget].id)
var m = camera.matrixWorldInverse.clone()
var mw = points.matrixWorld.clone()
var p = camera.projectionMatrix.clone()
var modelViewMatrix = m.multiply(mw)
var position = new THREE.Vector3(x, y, z)
var projectedPosition = position.applyMatrix4(p.multiply(modelViewMatrix))
Essentially I've replicated the operations in my shader to derive gl_Position.
projectedPosition is where I'd like to store the screen coordinates.
I'm sorry if I've missed something obvious... I've tried a lot of things but so far nothing has worked :/
Thanks in advance for any help.
I figured it out...
var position = new THREE.Vector3(x, y, z)
var projectedPosition = position.applyMatrix4(points.matrixWorld).project(camera)

Three.js: change the pivot point of a sprite

I've created a 3D map and I'm labelling points on this map through Sprites. This in itself works fine, except for the positioning of the sprite labels.
Because I'm creating a map the camera can tilt from 0 to 90 degrees, while ideally the label always stays some distance directly above the item it is labelling on the screen. But unfortunately, as sprites are always centred around their origin and that overlaps the item, I have to move the sprite up on the Y world axis and with that the centre location of the sprite changes as the camera is tilted. This looks weird if the item looked at is off centre, and doesn't work too well when the camera is looking straight down.
No jsfiddle handy, but my application at http://leeft.eu/starcitizen/ should give a good impression of what it looks like.
The code of THREE.SpritePlugin suggests to me it should be possible to use "matrixWorld" to shift the sprite some distance up on the screen's Y axis while rendering, but I can't work out how to use that, nor am I entirely sure that's what I need to use in the first place.
Is it possible to shift the sprites up on the screen while rendering, or perhaps change their origin? Or is there maybe some other way I can achieve the same effect?
Three.js r.67
As suggested by WestLangley, I've created a workable solution by changing the sprite position based on the viewing angle though it took me hours to work out the few lines of code needed to get the math working. I've updated my application too, so see that for a live demo.
With the tilt angle phi and the heading angle theta as computed from the camera in OrbitControls.js the following code computes a sprite offset that does exactly what I want it to:
// Given:
// phi = tilt; 0 = top down view, 1.48 = 85 degrees (almost head on)
// theta = heading; 0 = north, < 0 looking east, > 0 looking west
// Compute an "opposite" angle; note the 'YXZ' axis order is important
var euler = new THREE.Euler( phi + Math.PI / 2, theta, 0, 'YXZ' );
// Labels are positioned 5.5 units up the Y axis relative to its parent
var spriteOffset = new THREE.Vector3( 0, -5.5, 0 );
// Rotate the offset vector to be opposite to the camera
spriteOffset.applyMatrix4( new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationFromEuler( euler ) );
scene.traverse( function ( object ) {
if ( ( object instanceof THREE.Sprite ) && object.userData.isLabel ) {
object.position.copy( spriteOffset );
} );
Note for anyone using this code: that the sprite labels are children of the object group they're referring to, and this only sets a local offset from that parent object.
I had a similar problem, but with flat sprites; I put trees on a map and wanted them to rotate in such a way that they'd rotate around their base, rather than their center. To do that, i simply edited the image files of the trees to be twice as tall, with the bottom as just a transparency:
if you turn the first image into a sprite, it'll rotate around the tree's center when the camera rotates. The second tree will rotate around it's base when the camera rotates.
For your application, if you resize the textbox in such a way that the center of it would be coincide with the star; perhaps by adding a few newlines or editing the height of the sprite
This is very much a hack, but if you will only use sprites in this way, and could tolerate a global change to how sprites were rendered, you could change the following line in the compiled three.js script:
Find (ctrl+F) THREE.SpritePlugin = function, and you'll see:
this.init = function ( renderer ) {
_gl = renderer.context;
_renderer = renderer;
vertices = new Float32Array( [
- 0.5, - 0.5, 0, 0,
0.5, - 0.5, 1, 0,
0.5, 0.5, 1, 1,
- 0.5, 0.5, 0, 1
] );
I changed the definition of the array to the following:
var vertices = new Float32Array( [
- 0.5, - 0.0, 0, 0,
0.5, - 0.0, 1, 0,
0.5, 1.0, 1, 1,
- 0.5, 1.0, 0, 1
] );
And now all my sprites render with the rotation origin at the bottom.
If you use the minified version, search for THREE.SpritePlugin=function and move the cursor right until you find the Float32Array defined, and make the same changes there.
Note: this changes how things render only when using WebGL. For the canvas renderer you'll have to play a function called renderSprite() in the THREE.CanvasRenderer. I suspect playing with these lines will do it:
var dist = 0.5 * Math.sqrt( scaleX * scaleX + scaleY * scaleY ); // allow for rotated sprite
_elemBox.min.set( v1.x - dist, v1.y - dist );
_elemBox.max.set( v1.x + dist, v1.y + dist );
This function will also be a lot more difficult to find in the minified version, since renderSprite() is not an outward facing function, it'll likely be renamed to something obscure and small.
Note 2: I did try making these modifications with "polyfills" (or rather, redefining the SpritePlugin after Three is defined), but it caused major problems with things not being properly defined for some reason. Scoping is also an issue with the "polyfill" method.
Note 3: My version of three.js is r69. So there may be differences above.

Spawn particle at edge of screen

I've searched far and wide, so if there's a similar question please forgive me but I just couldn't find it.
To put what I'm trying to do in context: I want to create an infinitely-generated field of stars that disappear as they go offscreen and reappear at the edge of the screen where the camera is moving. I'm working with a top-down view, so it must be pretty simple to achieve this, but alas I haven't a clue.
I'm using the following code to determine whether a star has gone off-screen and then replace it:
//update camera frustum
//loop through stars
var stars=scene.stars.geometry.vertices;
for(var i=0;i<stars.length;i++) {
if(!camera.frustum.containsPoint(stars[i])) {
stars[i]=new THREE.Vector3(
// fill in the blank
Since I'm using a perspective camera, I know I'll need to somehow factor in camera.fov and other perspective elements, but as you can tell I'm no expert on the third dimension.
Assuming I have an angle or normalized vector telling me the direction the view is panning, how would I go about creating a vertex along the edge of the screen regardless of its Z position?
If I'm not clear enough, I'll be happy to clarify. Thanks.
I know this is an old question, but I came across it while looking for an answer and found a simple, trigonometry reliant method to get the left edge of the camera frustum, and I'm sharing it in case someone else might find it useful:
// Get half of the cameras field of view angle in radians
var fov = camera.fov / 180 * Math.PI / 2;
// Get the adjacent to calculate the opposite
// This assumes you are looking at the scene
var adjacent = camera.position.distanceTo( scene.position );
// Use trig to get the leftmost point (tangent = o / a)
var left = Math.tan( fov ) * adjacent * camera.aspect;
Basically, this gets the leftmost point, but if you don't multiply by the aspect ratio you should get a point in a circle around your camera frustum, so you could translate a point any direction away from the cameras focus and it would always be outside the frustum.
It works by assuming that the imaginary plane that is the camera is perpendicular to the line connecting the camera and its focus, so there is a straight angle. This should work if you want objects further away as well (so if you want them at a further point from the camera you just need to increase the distance between the focus and the camera).
Well, countless headaches and another question later, I've come up with a fairly makeshift answer. Just in case by some unlikely chance someone else has the same question, the following function plots a point on the scene relative to the camera's current view with whatever Z specified:
//only needs to be defined once
var projector=new THREE.Projector();
//input THREE.Vector3
function(vector) {
var z=vector.z;
return camera.position.clone().add(
The x and y, in this case, both range from -1 to 1 for bottom-left to top-right. You can use position/window.Width and position/window.Height for extra precision (using mouse coordinates or what have you).
