What is the n in big-O notation? - algorithm

The question is rather simple, but I just can't find a good enough answer. On the most upvoted SO question regarding the big-O notation, it says that:
For example, sorting algorithms are typically compared based on comparison operations (comparing two nodes to determine their relative ordering).
Now let's consider the simple bubble sort algorithm:
for (int i = arr.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (arr[j] > arr[j+1]) {
I know that worst case is O(n²) and best case is O(n), but what is n exactly? If we attempt to sort an already sorted algorithm (best case), we would end up doing nothing, so why is it still O(n)? We are looping through 2 for-loops still, so if anything it should be O(n²). n can't be the number of comparison operations, because we still compare all the elements, right?

When analyzing the Big-O performance of sorting algorithms, n typically represents the number of elements that you're sorting.
So, for example, if you're sorting n items with Bubble Sort, the runtime performance in the worst case will be on the order of O(n2) operations. This is why Bubble Sort is considered to be an extremely poor sorting algorithm, because it doesn't scale well with increasing numbers of elements to sort. As the number of elements to sort increases linearly, the worst case runtime increases quadratically.
Here is an example graph demonstrating how various algorithms scale in terms of worst-case runtime as the problem size N increases. The dark-blue line represents an algorithm that scales linearly, while the magenta/purple line represents a quadratic algorithm.
Notice that for sufficiently large N, the quadratic algorithm eventually takes longer than the linear algorithm to solve the problem.
Graph taken from http://science.slc.edu/~jmarshall/courses/2002/spring/cs50/BigO/.
See Also
The formal definition of Big-O.

I think two things are getting confused here, n and the function of n that is being bounded by the Big-O analysis.
By convention, for any algorithm complexity analysis, n is the size of the input if nothing different is specified. For any given algorithm, there are several interesting functions of the input size for which one might calculate asymptotic bounds such as Big-O.
The commonest such function for a sorting algorithm is the worst case number of comparisons. If someone says a sorting algorithm is O(n^2), without specifying anything else, I would assume they mean the worst case comparison count is O(n^2), where n is the input size.
Another interesting function is the amount of work space, of space in addition to the array being sorted. Bubble sort's work space is O(1), constant space, because it only uses a few variables regardless of the array size.
Bubble sort can be coded to do only n-1 array element comparisons in the best case, by finishing after any pass that does no exchanges. See this pseudo code implementation, which uses swapped to remember whether there were any exchanges. If the array is already sorted the first pass does no exchanges, so the sort finishes after one pass.

n is usually the size of the input. For array, that would be the number of elements.
To see the different cases, you would need to change the algorithm:
for (int i = arr.length - 1; i > 0 ; i--) {
boolean swapped = false;
for (int j = 0; j<i; j++) {
if (arr[j] > arr[j+1]) {
swapped = true;
if(!swapped) {
Your algorithm's best/worst cases are both O(n^2), but with the possibility of returning early, the best-case is now O(n).

n is array length. You want to find T(n) algorithm complexity.
It is much expensive to access memory then check condition if. So, you define T(n) to be number of access memory.
In the given algorithm BC and WC use O(n^2) accesses to memory because you check the if-condition O(n^2) times.
Make the complexity better: Hold a flag and if you don't do any swaps in the main-loop, it means your array is sorted and you can put a break.
Now, in BC the array is sorted and you access all elements once so O(n).
And in WC still O(n^2).


Reverse an array-run time

The following code reverses an array.What is its runtime ?
My heart says it is O(n/2), but my friend says O(n). which is correct? please answer with reason. thank you so much.
void reverse(int[] array) {
for (inti = 0; i < array.length / 2; i++) {
int other = array.length - i - 1;
int temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[other];
array[other] = temp;
Big-O complexity captures how the run-time scales with n as n gets arbitrarily large. It isn't a direct measure of performance. f(n) = 1000n and f(n) = n/128 + 10^100 are both O(n) because they both scale linearly with n even though the first scales much more quickly than the second, and the second is actually prohibitively slow for all n because of the large constant cost. Nonetheless, they have the same complexity class. For these sorts of reasons, if you want to differentiate actual performance between algorithms or define the performance of any particular algorithm (rather than how performance scales with n) asymptotic complexity is not the best tool. If you want to measure performance, you can count the exact number of operations performed by the algorithm, or better yet, provide a representative set of inputs and just measure the execution time on those inputs.
As for the particular problem, yes, the for loop runs n/2 times, but you also do some constant number of operations, c, in each of those loops (subtractions, array accesses, variable assignments, conditional check on i). Maybe c=10, it's not really important to count precisely to determine the complexity class, just to know that it's constant. The run-time is then f(n)=c*n/2, which is O(n): the fact that you only do n/2 for-loops doesn't change the complexity class.

What is time complexity of the following sort function?

I've wrote this code for bubble sort.Can someone explain me the time complexity for this. It is working similar to 2 for loops. But still want to confirm with time complexity.
public int[] sortArray(int[] inpArr)
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
while(i != inpArr.length-1 && j != inpArr.length-1)
if(inpArr[i] > inpArr[i+1])
int temp = inpArr[i];
inpArr[i] = inpArr[i+1];
inpArr[i+1] = temp;
i = 0;
return inpArr;
This would have O(n^2) time complexity. Actually, this would be probably be both O(n^2) and theta(n^2).
Look at the logic of your code. You are performing the following:
Loop through the input array
If the current item is bigger than the next, switch the two
If that is not the case, increase the index(and essentially check the next item, so recursively walk through steps 1-2)
Once your index is the length-1 of the input array, i.e. it has gone through the entire array, your index is reset (the i=0 line), and j is increased, and the process restarts.
This essentially ensures that the given array will be looped through twice, meaning that you will have a WORST-CASE (big o, or O(x)) time complexity of O(n^2), but given this code, your AVERAGE (theta) time complexity will be theta(n^2).
There are SOME situations where you can have a BEST CASE (lambda) of nlg(n), giving a lambda(nlg*(n)) time complexity, but this situation is rare and I'm not even sure its achievable with this code.
Your time complexity is O(n^2) as a worst-case scenario and O(n) as a best case scenario. Your average scenario still performs O(n^2) comparisons but will have less swaps than O(n^2). This is because you're essentially doing the same thing as having two for loops. If you're interested in algorithmic efficiency, I'd recommend checking out pre-existing libraries that sort. The computer scientists that work on these sort of things really are intense. Java's Arrays.sort() method is based on a Python project called timsort that is based on merge-sorting. The disadvantage of your (and every) Bubble sort is that it's really inefficient for big, disordered arrays. Read more here.

Array merging and sorting complexity calculation

I have one exercise from my algorithm text book and I am not really sure about the solution. I need to explain why this solution:
function array_merge_sorted(array $foo, array $bar)
$baz = array_merge($foo, $bar);
$baz = array_unique($baz);
return $baz;
that merge two array and order them is not the most efficient and I need to provide one solution that is the most optimized and prove that not better solution can be done.
My idea was about to use a mergesort algorithm that is O(n log n), to merge and order the two array passed as parameter. But how can I prove that is the best solution ever?
As you have said that both inputs are already sorted, you can use a simple zipper-like approach.
You have one pointer for each input array, pointing to the begin of it. Then you compare both elements, adding the smaller one to the result and advancing the pointer of the array with the smaller element. Then you repeat the step until both pointers reached the end and all elements where added to the result.
You find a collection of such algorithms at Wikipedia#Merge algorithm with my current presented approach being listed as Merging two lists.
Here is some pseudocode:
function Array<Element> mergeSorted(Array<Element> first, Array<Element> second) {
Array<Element> result = new Array<Element>(first.length + second.length);
int firstPointer = 0;
int secondPointer = 0;
while (firstPointer < first.length && secondPointer < first.length) {
Element elementOfFirst = first.get(firstPointer);
Element elementOfSecond = second.get(secondPointer);
if (elementOfFirst < elementOfSecond) {
firstPointer = firstPointer + 1;
} else {
secondPointer = secondPointer + 1;
The algorithm obviously works in O(n) where n is the size of the resulting list. Or more precise it is O(max(n, n') with n being the size of the first list and n' of the second list (or O(n + n') which is the same set).
This is also obviously optimal since you need, at some point, at least traverse all elements once in order to build the result and know the final ordering. This yields a lower bound of Omega(n) for this problem, thus the algorithm is optimal.
A more formal proof assumes a better arbitrary algorithm A which solves the problem without taking a look at each element at least once (or more precise, with less than O(n)).
We call that element, which the algorithm does not look at, e. We can now construct an input I such that e has a value which fulfills the order in its own array but will be placed wrong by the algorithm in the resulting array.
We are able to do so for every algorithm A and since A always needs to work correctly on all possible inputs, we are able to find a counter-example I such that it fails.
Thus A can not exist and Omega(n) is a lower bound for that problem.
Why the given algorithm is worse
Your given algorithm first merges the two arrays, this works in O(n) which is good. But after that it sorts the array.
Sorting (more precise: comparison-based sorting) has a lower-bound of Omega(n log n). This means every such algorithm can not be better than that.
Thus the given algorithm has a total time complexity of O(n log n) (because of the sorting part). Which is worse than O(n), the complexity of the other algorithm and also the optimal solution.
However, to be super-correct, we also would need to argue whether the sort-method truly yields that complexity, since it does not get arbitrary inputs but always the result of the merge-method. Thus it could be possible that a specific sorting method works especially good for such specific inputs, yielding O(n) in the end.
But I doubt that this is in the focus of your task.

Order of magnitude using Big-O notation [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Big O, how do you calculate/approximate it?
(24 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
This is likely ground that has been covered but I have yet to find an explanation that I am able to understand. It is likely that I will soon feel embarrassed.
For instance, I am trying to find the order of magnitude using Big-O notation of the following:
count = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= N; i++)
Where do I begin to find what defines the magnitude? I'm relatively bad at mathematics and, even though I've tried a few resources, have yet to find something that can explain the way a piece of code is translated to an algebraic equation. Frankly, I can't even surmise a guess as to what the Big-O efficiency is regarding this loop.
These notations (big O, big omega, theta) simply say how does the algorithm will be "difficult" (or complex) asymptotically when things will get bigger and bigger.
For big O, having two functions: f(x) and g(x) where f(x) = O(g(x)) then you can say that you are able to find one x from which g(x) will be always bigger than f(x). That is why the definition contains "asymptotically" because these two functions may have any run at the beginning (for example f(x) > g(x) for few first x) but from the single point, g(x) will get always superior (g(x) >= f(x)). So you are interested in behavior in a long run (not for small numbers only). Sometimes big-O notation is named upper bound because it describes the worst possible scenario (it will never be asymptotically more difficult that this function).
That is the "mathematical" part. When it comes to practice you usually ask: How many times the algorithm will have to process something? How many operations will be done?
For your simple loop, it is easy because as your N will grow, the complexity of algorithm will grow linearly (as simple linear function), so the complexity is O(N). For N=10 you will have to do 10 operations, for N=100 => 100 operations, for N=1000 => 1000 operations... So the growth is truly linear.
I'll provide few another examples:
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (i == randomNumber()) {
// do something...
Here it seems that the complexity will be lower because I added the condition to the loop, so we have possible chance the number of "doing something" operations will be lower. But we don't know how many times the condition will pass, it may happen it passes every time, so using big-O (the worst case) we again need to say that the complexity is O(N).
Another example:
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
// do something
Here as N will be bigger and bigger, the # of operations will grow more rapidly. Having N=10 means that you will have to do 10x10 operations, having N=100 => 100x100 operations, having N=1000 => 1000x1000 operations. You can see the growth is no longer linear it is N x N, so we have O(N x N).
For the last example I will use idea of full binary tree. Hope you know what binary tree is. So if you have simple reference to the root and you want to traverse it to the left-most leaf (from top to bottom), how many operations will you have to do if the tree has N nodes? The algorithm would be something similar to:
Node actual = root;
while(actual.left != null) {
actual = actual.left
// in actual we have left-most leaf
How many operations (how long loop will execute) will you have to do? Well that depends on the depth of the tree, right? And how is defined depth of full binary tree? It is something like log(N) - with base of logarithm = 2. So here, the complexity will be O(log(N)) - generally we don't care about the base of logarithm, what we care about is the function (linear, quadratic, logaritmic...)
Your example is the order
Where N=number of elements, and a comparable computation is performed on each, thus
for (int i=0; i < N; i++) {
// some process performed N times
The big-O notation is probably easier than you think; in all daily code you will find examples of O(N) in loops, list iterations, searches, and any other process that does work once per individual of a set. It is the abstraction that is first unfamiliar, O(N) meaning "some unit of work", repeated N times. This "something" can be a an incrementing counter, as in your example, or it can be lengthy and resource intensive computation. Most of the time in algorithm design the 'big-O', or complexity, is more important than the unit of work, this is especially relevant as N becomes large. The description 'limiting' or 'asymptotic' is mathematically significant, it means that an algorithm of lesser complexity will always beat one that is greater no matter how significant the unit of work, given that N is large enough, or "as N grows"
Another example, to understand the general idea
for (int i=0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < N; j++) {
// process here NxN times
Here the complexity is
For example, if N=10, then the second "algorithm" will take 10 times longer than the first, because 10x10 = 100 (= ten times larger). If you consider what will happen when N equals, say a million, or billion, you should be able to work out it will also take this much longer. So if you can find a way to do something in O(N) that a super-computer does in O(N2), you should be able to beat it with your old x386, pocket watch, or other old tool

How to find out the largest element number(array size), let insertion sort beat Merge sort?

from wiki page of insertion sort:
Some divide-and-conquer algorithms such as quicksort and mergesort sort by recursively dividing the list into smaller sublists which are
then sorted. A useful optimization in practice for these algorithms is
to use insertion sort for sorting small sublists, where insertion sort
outperforms these more complex algorithms. The size of list for which
insertion sort has the advantage varies by environment and
implementation, but is typically between eight and twenty elements.
the quote from wiki has one reason is that, the small lists from merge sort are not worse case for insertion sort.
I want to just ignore this reason.
I knew that if the array size is small, Insertion sort O(n^2) has chance to beat Merge Sort O(n log n).
I think(not sure) this is related to the constants in T(n)
Insertion sort: T(n) = c1n^2 +c2n+c3
Merge Sort: T(n) = n log n + cn
now my question is, on the same machine, same case (worse case), how to find out the largest element number, let insertion sort beat merge sort?
It's simple:
Take a set of sample arrays to sort, and iterate over a value k where k is the cutoff point for when you switch from merge to insertion.
then go
for(int k = 1; k < MAX_TEST_VALUE; k++) {
System.out.println("Results for k = " + k);
for(int[] array : arraysToTest) {
long then = System.currentTimeMillis();
mergeSort(array,k); // pass in k to your merge sort so it uses that
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(now - then);
For what it's worth, the java.util.Arrays class has this to say on the matter in its internal documentation:
* Tuning parameter: list size at or below which insertion sort will be
* used in preference to mergesort or quicksort.
private static final int INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD = 7;
* Src is the source array that starts at index 0
* Dest is the (possibly larger) array destination with a possible offset
* low is the index in dest to start sorting
* high is the end index in dest to end sorting
* off is the offset to generate corresponding low, high in src
private static void mergeSort(Object[] src,
Object[] dest,
int low,
int high,
int off) {
int length = high - low;
// Insertion sort on smallest arrays
for (int i=low; i<high; i++)
for (int j=i; j>low &&
((Comparable) dest[j-1]).compareTo(dest[j])>0; j--)
swap(dest, j, j-1);
In its primitive sequences, it also uses 7, although it doesn't use the constant value.
Insertion sort usually beats merge sort for sorted (or almost sorted) lists of any size.
So the question "How to find out the largest element number(array size), let insertion sort beat Merge sort? " is not really correct.
Just to get the downvoters of my back:
The question could rephrased as:
"how to determine largest array size for which, on average, insertion sort beats merge sort". This usually is measured empirically by generating sample of arrays of small size and running implementations of both algorithms on them. glowcoder does that in his answer.
"what is the largest array size for which insertion sort in worst case performs better than merge sort" This is something that can be approximately answered by a simple calculation as IS has to do n insertions and n*(n-1) element movements (which are insertions) in worst case , while mergesort does always n*logn cell copies from one array to another. Since it will be relatively small number it doesn't even make sense to consider it.
Typically, that's done by testing with arrays of varying size. When n == 10, insertion sort is almost certainly faster. When n == 100, probably not. Test, test, test, until your results converge.
I suppose it's possible to determine the number strictly through analysis, but to do so you'd have to know exactly what code is generated by the compiler, include instruction timings, and take into account things like the cost of cache misses, etc. All things considered, the easiest way is to derive it empirically.
Okay, so we are talking about largest array length where insertion sort beats merge sort. Yes, of course for small inputs insertion sort beats merge sort because of auxiliary space
complexity. Now talking about exact data is somewhat difficult because it requires doing experiment. And it also varies from language to language. In python once n crosses 4000, it beats insertion sort in C(For reference watch https://youtu.be/Kg4bqzAqRBM //forward to 43:00). We can calculate that length in asymptotics though but talking about exact data is somewhat difficult.
Watch the video and most of your doubts would get cleared for sure!! (https://youtu.be/Kg4bqzAqRBM)
Also read about using insertion sort in merge sort when sub-arrays
become sufficiently small.(Refer book: Introduction to Algorithms by
Cormen, Chapter 2, problem 2.1). You can easily get the pdf in google.
