linq union merging sublists - linq

Given a list of objects as follows:
- InstanceID
- VersionID
- List<Instance> Instances
- ActivityID
- List<Version> Versions
I want to produce a list like this:
- ActivityID
- List<Instance> Instances
currently stuck at:
(from activity in activities
select new {
VersionGroup = (from version in activity.Versions
group version by version.ActivityID into versionGroup
select versionGroup)
Just not sure how to get to the instance level.
(from activity in activities
select new { activity.ActivityID,
Instances = activity.ActivityVersions.SelectMany(v => v.ActivityInstances).AsEnumerable() });

You can use the SelectMany method to flatten a sublist:
var result = activities.Select(a => new
Instances = a.Versions.SelectMany(v => v.Instances)
.GroupBy(i => i.InstanceID)
.Select(grp => grp.First())
You can relpace the GroupBy logic with a Distinct with a custom IEqualityComparer<Instance>:
var result = activities.Select(a => new
Instances = a.Versions.SelectMany(v => v.Instances)
.Distinct(new InstanceComparer())
class InstanceComparer : IEqualityComparer<Instance>
public bool Equals(Instance x, Instance y)
return x.InstanceID == y.InstanceID;
public int GetHashCode(Instance obj)
return obj.InstanceID.GetHashCode();
I haven't done the null check but they are trivial. This is, of course, assuming this is LINQ to Object as there is no tags that says otherwise.


How to order items within the group of anonymous type?

I would like to get a result of Linq query as groups of anonymous objects. The items within the groups should be ordered by ID field. I can reach this partly by lambda syntax, but can't get an anonymous objects as result. So I need part of each example.
Executable code:
var res_g = (from dg in list
group new { dg.ID, dg.IDOperation, dg.IDDiagnosis } by dg.IDOperation
into dg_group
select dg_group);
lambda syntax
var res_g = list
.GroupBy(x => x.IDOperation)
.Select(x => x.OrderBy(x => x.ID)); // order dg by ID asc within group
Alas, you didn't describe exactly your requirements where, only that you want some anonymous type and that they should be ordered by Id. Your query syntax makes different groups than your method syntax. So I can only give an example to create your sequence of anonymous objects
So you have a sequence of similar items, where every item has at least properties Id and IdOperation. You want to make groups of items where every item in each group has the same value for IdOperation. You want to order the elements in each group by ascending Id, and create some anonymous type.
You didn't specify what you want in your anonymous object (after all: your code doesn't do what you want, so I can't deduct it from your code)
Whenever I use GroupBy, and I want to specify the elements of each group, I use the overload of GroupBy that has a parameter resultSelector. With the resultSelector I can precisely define the elements of the group. (The link refers to IQueryable, there is also an IEnumerable version)
IEnumerable<Operations> operations = ... // = your list
// Make Groups of Operations that have the same value for IdOperation
var result = operations.GroupBy(operation => operation.IdOperation,
// parameter resultSelector: take the key (=idOperation) and all Operations that have
// this idOperation, to make one new.
(idOperation, operationsWithThisId) => new
// do you need the common idOperation?
IdOperation = idOperation,
// Order the elements in each group by Id:
Operations = operationsWithThisId.OrderBy(operation => operation.Id)
.Select(operation => new
// Select only the operation properties that you plan to use
Id = operation.Id,
Name = operation.Name,
StartDate = operation.StartDate,
In words: from your sequence of Operations, make groups of Operations that have the same value for IdOperation. Then take this common IdOperation, and all Operations that are in this group, to make one anonymous object: this is the anonymous object that you were talking about. So per group, you make one anonymous object.
IdOperation is the value that all Operations in this group have in common
Operations is a list. All Operations in this group are ordered by ascending Id. Several properties are Selected and the result is put in a List.
If you want to group differently, like in you query syntax, simply change parameter keySelector:
var result = operations.GroupBy(operation => new
Id = operation.ID,
IdOperation = operation.IDOperation,
IdDiagnosis = operation.IDDiagnosis
Although this corresponds with what you did in your query syntax, you will have groups of Operations that have same value for Id / IdOperation / IDDiagnosis. It will be useless to sort the elements in the group by Id, because all Ids in this group will be equal.
With parameter resultSelector you can define the result exactly as you want: the result is not an IEnumerable<IGrouping<Tkey, TElement>>, but an IEnumerable<TResult>.
The TResult is one object created from all elements in one group and the common group value.
you can update GetDict function inner loop to use orderby on group elements
public static void GetDict(List<Operation> list)
var res_g = (from dg in list
group new { dg.ID, dg.IDOperation, dg.IDDiagnosis } by dg.IDOperation
into dg_group
select dg_group);
foreach (var x in res_g)
Console.WriteLine("Key: " + x.Key);
foreach (var y in x.OrderBy(o=>o.ID))
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", y.ID, y.IDOperation, y.IDDiagnosis); ;
I hope this solve the issue.
Depending on your Requirements EDIT but I'm Tuning the result set
var res_g_2 = list.Select( p=> new { p.ID, p.IDOperation, p.IDDiagnosis }) .GroupBy(g => g.IDOperation)
.Select(g => new {
IDOperation = g.Key,
Records = g.OrderBy(group => group.ID)
Edit full version
public static void GetDict(List<Operation> list)
var res_g = (from dg in list
group new { dg.ID, dg.IDOperation, dg.IDDiagnosis } by dg.IDOperation
into dg_group
select new
Key = dg_group.Key,
Records = dg_group.OrderBy(g => g.ID)
}) ;
var res_g_2 = list.Select( p=> new { p.ID, p.IDOperation, p.IDDiagnosis }) .GroupBy(g => g.IDOperation)
.Select(g => new {
Key = g.Key,
Records = g.OrderBy(group => group.ID)
// you can use either res_g or res_g_2 both give the same results
foreach (var x in res_g)
Console.WriteLine("Key: " + x.Key);
foreach (var y in x.Records)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", y.ID, y.IDOperation, y.IDDiagnosis); ;

How can I add Sum from another Table in my Model?

So I have my View setup like this in the controller:
public ActionResult View(Guid projectID)
OnboardModel model = context.onboard_projectInfos.Where(x => x.projectID == projectID).Select(x =>
new OnboardModel()
propertymanagername = x.propertymanagername,
propertymanagercontactemail = x.propertymanagercontactemail,
date_modified = (DateTime)x.date_modified,
projectmanagercontactnumber = x.projectmanagercontactnumber,
Developer = x.onboard_projectCreate.Developer,
status1 = x.onboard_projectCreate.status1,
ProjectName = x.onboard_projectCreate.ProjectName
var pix = projectID.ToString();
context.onboard_BuildingInfos.Where(x => x.buildprojectID == pix).GroupBy(x => x.buildprojectID).Select(g => {
model.totalres = g.Sum(b => b.numberofres);
model.totalcom = g.Sum(b => b.numberofcommer);
return View(model);
Problem is grabbing the sum of numberofres and numberofcommer from BuildingInfos.
Using .Select gives me the error:
Error CS0411 The type arguments for method 'Queryable.Select(IQueryable, Expression>)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.
How to I write this LINQ statement correctly?
You cannot modify an object within a select (you can only create a new object). Further, you can't add new properties to an existing object.
We'll assume that OnboardModel defines the totalres and totalcom properties.
var query = context.onboard_BuildingInfos
.Where(x => x.buildprojectID == pix)
.GroupBy(x => x.buildprojectID);
foreach(var g in query)
model.totalres = g.Sum(b => b.numberofres);
model.totalcom = g.Sum(b => b.numberofcommer);

Replacing empty values with a default value in a Linq to Entities query

In the Linq to Entities query below I need to place a default value in the x.Number in the returned value if the query returns 0 OfficeTelephone objects. I have tried
x.Number??"555-1212" but that throws an error.
from c in Contacts
.Where(a => a.LastName.Contains("ANDUS")).Take(10)
select new
Id = c.Id,
OfficeTelephone = c.Telephones.Where(a=>a.TelephoneType.Name.Contains("Office")).Select(x => new { x.AreaCode, x.Number, x.TelephoneType, x.Primary })
I've tried something like:
from c in Contacts
.Where(a => a.LastName.Contains("ANDUS")).Take(10)
select new
Id = c.Id,
OfficeTelephone = c.Telephones
.Select(x => new { x.AreaCode, x.Number, x.TelephoneType, x.Primary })
But I'm not sure how to push a default object into the DefaultIFEmpty()
Use DefaultIfEmpty and pass a default instance with those value which you would want by default i.e. if no rows are returned.
try it like this:
.Select(x => new
Id = x.Id,
OfficeTelephone = x.Telephones
.Where(a=> a.Telephone.Name.Contains("Office"))
.Select(b=> new Telephone
.DefaultIfEmpty(new Telephone())
where I've assumed that typeof(x.Telephones) == typeof(List<Telephone>)

Distinct by Attribute inside the item on my collection

I have an IEnumerable<MyObject> collection, with N MyObject elements.
MyObject is a class with a Title, a Description and an ID (as string).
I'd like to have my collection with distinct list of MyObject, due to the ID field.
So if 2 MyObject have got the same ID, one should be deleted (don't care which, I need unique ID).
How can I do it with LINQ?
Tried :
myList = myList.GroupBy(o => o.ID);
but seems I need a cast?
You can implement a custom IEqualityComparer<MyObject>. Then you can use Enumerable.Distinct to filter out duplicates.
class DistinctIdComparer : IEqualityComparer<MyObject> {
public bool Equals(MyObject x, MyObject y) {
return x.Id == y.Id;
public int GetHashCode(MyObject obj) {
return obj.Id.GetHashCode();
Now it's simple:
IEnumerable<MyObject> distinct = myObjects.Distinct(new DistinctIdComparer());
Or you can use Enumerable.GroupBy what is even simpler:
distinct = myObjects.GroupBy(o => o.ID)
.Select(g => g.First());
If you wants only unique id then you can try.
var uniqueIds = myObjects.Select(x=>x.ID).Distinct();
Or for Unique ID Objects
List<MyObject> objs = new List<MyObject> ();
if(objs.Find(y=>y.ID == x.ID)== null)

Multiple "order by" in LINQ

I have two tables, movies and categories, and I want to get an ordered list by categoryID first and then by Name.
The movie table has three columns ID, Name and CategoryID.
The category table has two columns ID and Name.
I tried something like the following, but it didn't work.
var movies = _db.Movies.OrderBy( m => { m.CategoryID, m.Name })
This should work for you:
var movies = _db.Movies.OrderBy(c => c.Category).ThenBy(n => n.Name)
Using non-lambda, query-syntax LINQ, you can do this:
var movies = from row in _db.Movies
orderby row.Category, row.Name
select row;
[EDIT to address comment] To control the sort order, use the keywords ascending (which is the default and therefore not particularly useful) or descending, like so:
var movies = from row in _db.Movies
orderby row.Category descending, row.Name
select row;
Add "new":
var movies = _db.Movies.OrderBy( m => new { m.CategoryID, m.Name })
That works on my box. It does return something that can be used to sort. It returns an object with two values.
Similar, but different to sorting by a combined column, as follows.
var movies = _db.Movies.OrderBy( m => (m.CategoryID.ToString() + m.Name))
Use the following line on your DataContext to log the SQL activity on the DataContext to the console - then you can see exactly what your LINQ statements are requesting from the database:
_db.Log = Console.Out
The following LINQ statements:
var movies = from row in _db.Movies
orderby row.CategoryID, row.Name
select row;
var movies = _db.Movies.OrderBy(m => m.CategoryID).ThenBy(m => m.Name);
produce the following SQL:
SELECT [t0].ID, [t0].[Name], [t0].CategoryID
FROM [dbo].[Movies] as [t0]
ORDER BY [t0].CategoryID, [t0].[Name]
Whereas, repeating an OrderBy in LINQ, appears to reverse the resulting SQL output:
var movies = from row in _db.Movies
orderby row.CategoryID
orderby row.Name
select row;
var movies = _db.Movies.OrderBy(m => m.CategoryID).OrderBy(m => m.Name);
produce the following SQL (Name and CategoryId are switched):
SELECT [t0].ID, [t0].[Name], [t0].CategoryID
FROM [dbo].[Movies] as [t0]
ORDER BY [t0].[Name], [t0].CategoryID
I have created some extension methods (below) so you don't have to worry if an IQueryable is already ordered or not. If you want to order by multiple properties just do it as follows:
// We do not have to care if the queryable is already sorted or not.
// The order of the Smart* calls defines the order priority
queryable.SmartOrderBy(i => i.Property1).SmartOrderByDescending(i => i.Property2);
This is especially helpful if you create the ordering dynamically, f.e. from a list of properties to sort.
public static class IQueryableExtension
public static bool IsOrdered<T>(this IQueryable<T> queryable) {
if(queryable == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("queryable");
return queryable.Expression.Type == typeof(IOrderedQueryable<T>);
public static IQueryable<T> SmartOrderBy<T, TKey>(this IQueryable<T> queryable, Expression<Func<T, TKey>> keySelector) {
if(queryable.IsOrdered()) {
var orderedQuery = queryable as IOrderedQueryable<T>;
return orderedQuery.ThenBy(keySelector);
} else {
return queryable.OrderBy(keySelector);
public static IQueryable<T> SmartOrderByDescending<T, TKey>(this IQueryable<T> queryable, Expression<Func<T, TKey>> keySelector) {
if(queryable.IsOrdered()) {
var orderedQuery = queryable as IOrderedQueryable<T>;
return orderedQuery.ThenByDescending(keySelector);
} else {
return queryable.OrderByDescending(keySelector);
There is at least one more way to do this using LINQ, although not the easiest.
You can do it by using the OrberBy() method that uses an IComparer. First you need to
implement an IComparer for the Movie class like this:
public class MovieComparer : IComparer<Movie>
public int Compare(Movie x, Movie y)
if (x.CategoryId == y.CategoryId)
return x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name);
return x.CategoryId.CompareTo(y.CategoryId);
Then you can order the movies with the following syntax:
var movies = _db.Movies.OrderBy(item => item, new MovieComparer());
If you need to switch the ordering to descending for one of the items just switch the x and y inside the Compare()
method of the MovieComparer accordingly.
If use generic repository
> lstModule = _ModuleRepository.GetAll().OrderBy(x => new { x.Level,
> x.Rank}).ToList();
> _db.Module.Where(x=> ......).OrderBy(x => new { x.Level, x.Rank}).ToList();
