rsync to move file from local to remote machine and execute command on remote machine - shell

I have one file in my local Linux machine and I want to move that one to remote machine and then execute one command on remote machine to restart the service. The issue is after moving the file the remote connection get closed. I have used the following command:
rsync --remove-source-files -av -e ssh -t /home/testdata.txt root#vdstvmaster:/home/; service restart
If I execute the above command file is successfully moved to remote machine. But the second command (service restart) is not executed on remote machine.

rsync can use a remote shell to perform the copy operation. But it is not meant as a "general-purpose" remote shell application. Just invoke the second command over SSH locally after the rsync command like this:
rsync --remove-source-files -av -e ssh -t /home/testdata.txt root#vdstvmaster:/home/
ssh root#vdstvmaster service restart
BTW some people may consider remotely logging into another machine as root bad security.


SCP fails almost immediately with 'lost connection' after successful ssh connection

I am writing a script to upload DLLs to a remote machine. I first use a command to ssh in and stop the service running. I then try to upload the new DLLs via scp, but it fails basically immediately with lost connection.
My entire shell script looks like this:
ssh -p 29170 DLL_Uploader#XXX.XXX.XX.XXX "powershell.exe; .\stop_file_watcher.ps1; exit";
scp -P 29170 $1 "DLL_Uploader#XXX.XXX.XX.XXX:/Bin/File Watcher Service"
ssh -p 29170 DLL_Uploader#XXX.XXX.XX.XXX "powershell.exe; .\start_file_watcher.ps1; exit";
You can see a pastebin of this scp debug output with -vvv here.

How to run a script from local on remote but at some point continue running the script on the local server?

I need to run a bash script that takes some parameters from server-1 and then from my local server where I ran the script with
ssh user#server-1 bash -s <
I then need to use those parameters to be executed with all kind of commands on my local server and also server-2 is involved. But the script will still be running on server-1 because of
ssh user#server-1 bash -s <
Maybe I can use 2 scripts but I want them to be only on local server. and putting in the script more commands after SSH doesn't seem to be working.
I would place the script on the remote server and remote execute it via SSH.
If the script should change over time, then break it up into 2-3 steps
1. gather any additional parameter from remote machine
2. copy script to remote machine using scp
3. ssh to "remote execute" script on remote machine
Am not sure what parameter you need from the remote system.
I would try to hand it over via command line options to the script in #3.
Otherwise "hack"/patch it in before #2.

Copy file from remote to local using ssh

I'm trying to copy a file from a Ubuntu server to my mac but I keep receiving a No such file or directory error.
After I ssh in I'm using:
scp -p 8888 me#xx1.xx1.xx1.xx1:/var/www/html/00000001.jpg /Users/myusername/Documents/
But receive the error:
/Users/myusername/Documents/: No such file or directory
Is this error telling me that there is no such file or directory on my local machine? Any advice as to how to fix would be greatly appreciated.
Don't ssh in to your server first. Just execute that scp command from your local machine.
Also, the -p should be capitalized (according to the manpage on my machine), so:
scp -P 8888 /Users/myusername/Documents/
Yes, it's talking about your local machine. I'm guessing that you might have just typed something wrong. Try doing it like this instead:
scp -P 8888 me#xx1.xx1.xx1.xx1:/var/www/html/00000001.jpg ~/Documents/
Make sure you're typing this command at your Mac OS X Terminal prompt, not on the actual remote server. xx1.xx1.xx1.xx1 should be the remote Ubuntu machine ("pull" the file down to your machine, don't try to "push" it).
Also, although it's ssh -p, it's scp -P. For scp, -p just preserves modification times, and -P is the port.
Maybe you have multiple ssh connections open.
Try close all other connections and restart the scp command.

Is there a way to make rsync execute a command before beginning its transfer

I am working on a script which will be used to transfer a file (using rsync) from a remote location and then perform some basic operations on the retrieved content.
When I initially connect to the remote location (not running an rsync daemon, I'm just using rsync to retrieve the files) I am placed in a non-standard shell. In order to enter the bash shell I need to enter "run util bash". Is there a way to execute "run util bash" before rsync begins to transfer the files over?
I am open to other suggestions if there is a way to do this using scp/ftp instead of rsync.
One way is to exectue rsync from the server, instead of from the client. An ssh reverse tunnel allows us to temporarily access the local machine from the remote server.
Assume the local machine has an ssh server on port 22
Shh into the remote host while specifying a reverse tunnel that maps a port in the remote machine (in this example let us use 2222) to port 22 in our local machine
Execute your rsync command, replacing any reference to your local machine with the reverse ssh tunnel address: my-local-user#localhost
Add a port option to rsync's ssh to have it use the 2222 port.
The command:
ssh -R 2222:localhost:22 remoteuser#remotemachine << EOF
# we are on the remote server.
# we can ssh back into the box running the ssh client via ${REMOTE_PORT}
run utils bash
rsync -e "ssh -p 2222" --args /path/to/remote/source remoteuser#localhost:/path/to/local/machine/dest
Reference to pass complicated commands to ssh:
What is the cleanest way to ssh and run multiple commands in Bash?
You can achieve it using --rsync-path also. E.g rsync --rsync-path="run util bash && rsync" -e "ssh -T -c aes128-ctr -o Compression=no -x" ./tmp
--rsync-path is normally used to specify what program is to be run on the remote machine to start-up rsync. Often used when rsync is not in the default remote-shell’s path (e.g. –rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rsync). Note that PROGRAM is run with the help of a shell, so it can be any program, script, or command sequence you’d care to run, so long as it does not corrupt the standard-in & standard-out that rsync is using to communicate.
For more details refer

Transfer a file to remote machine(ubuntu) while running bash remotely

I have written a bash script which I should run on the remote server(ubuntu) with GUI(zenity) interface and I will issue below command on the local machine.
sshpass -p $PASS ssh root#$SERVER 'bash' < /tmp/ | tee >(zenity --progress --title "Tomcat Deployer" --text "Connecting to Tomcat Server..." --width=400 --height=150) >>/tmp/temp.log;
I want to transfer a file from my local machine to server and I want to achieve this placing an enter in bash file(/tmp/ in the above command itself without opening a new session on server.
I prefer below command to transfer the file to server and I should place this in the bash script(/tmp/ and it should run on server to copy the file from my local machine. I don't want to specify my local ip as a variable and use as source in the blow command as the script is used on other machines too and thus ip changes. And I should not transfer the file from my local to server writing a separate rsync & ssh creating one more ssh session.
rsync --rsh="sshpass -p '$PASS' ssh" '$local:$APPATH/$app.war' /tmp
Anybody can do any magic to transfer the file from local to server with the above connected ssh session with the help of above rsync or by other means and without opening new separate connection?
Thank you!
Edit 1:
Could this be achieved with single ssh session(single command)?:
rsync --rsh="sshpass -p serverpass ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" /home/user1/Desktop/app.war root#;
sshpass -p serverpass ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root# '/etc/init.d/tomcat start'
You'll want to use SSH multiplexing. This is done using the ControlMaster and ControlPath options. Here's an article on it.
