Detect black dots from color background - algorithm

My short question
How to detect the black dots in the following images? (I paste only one test image to make the question look compact. More images can be found →here←).
My long question
As shown above, the background color is roughly blue, and the dots color is "black". If pick one black pixel and measure its color in RGB, the value can be (0, 44, 65) or (14, 69, 89).... Therefore, we cannot set a range to tell the pixel is part of the black dot or the background.
I test 10 images of different colors, but I hope I can find a method to detect the black dots from more complicated background which may be made up of three or more colors, as long as human eyes can identify the black dots easily. Some extremely small or blur dots can be omitted.
Previous work
Last month, I have asked a similar question at stackoverflow, but have not got a perfect solution, some excellent answers though. Find more details about my work if you are interested.
Here are the methods I have tried:
Converting to grayscale or the brightness of image. The difficulty is that I can not find an adaptive threshold to do binarization. Obviously, turning a color image to grayscale or using the brightness (HSV) will lose much useful information. Otsu algorithm which calculates adaptive threshold can not work either.
Calculating RGB histogram. In my last question, natan's method is to estimate the black color by histogram. It is time-saving, but the adaptive threshold is also a problem.
Clustering. I have tried k-means clustering and found it quite effective for the background that only has one color. The shortage (see my own answer) is I need to set the number of clustering center in advance but I don't know how the background will be. What's more, it is too slow! My application is for real time capturing on iPhone and now it can process 7~8 frames per second using k-means (20 FPS is good I think).
I think not only similar colors but also adjacent pixels should be "clustered" or "merged" in order to extract the black dots. Please guide me a proper way to solve my problem. Any advice or algorithm will be appreciated. There is no free lunch but I hope a better trade-off between cost and accuracy.

I was able to get some pretty nice first pass results by converting to HSV color space with rgb2hsv, then using the Image Processing Toolbox functions imopen and imregionalmin on the value channel:
rgb = imread('6abIc.jpg');
hsv = rgb2hsv(rgb);
openimg = imopen(hsv(:, :, 3), strel('disk', 11));
mask = imregionalmin(openimg);
hold on;
[r, c] = find(mask);
plot(c, r, 'r.');
And the resulting images (for the image in the question and one chosen from your link):
You can see a few false positives and missed dots, as well as some dots that are labeled with multiple points, but a few refinements (such as modifying the structure element used in the opening step) could clean these up some.

I was curios to test with my old 2d peak finder code on the images without any threshold or any color considerations, really crude don't you think?
imagesc(im0); hold on
The code I'm using is a simple 2D local maxima finder, there are some false positives, but all in all this captures most of the points with no duplication. The filter I was using was a 2d gaussian of width and std similar to a typical blob (the best would have been to get a matched filter for your problem).
A more sophisticated version that does treat the colors (rgb2hsv?) could improve this further...

Here is an extraodinarily simplified version, that can be extended to be full RGB, and it also does not use the image procesing library. Basically you can do 2-D convolution with a filter image (which is an example of the dot you are looking for), and from the points where the convolution returns the highest values, are the best matches for the dots. You can then of course threshold that. Here is a simple binary image example of just that.
%creating a dummy image with a bunch of small white crosses
im = zeros(100,100);
numPoints = 10;
% randomly chose the location to put those crosses
points = randperm(numel(im));
% keep only certain number of points
points = points(1:numPoints);
% get the row and columns (x,y)
[xVals,yVals] = ind2sub(size(im),points);
for ii = 1:numel(points)
x = xVals(ii);
y = yVals(ii);
% create the crosses, try statement is here to prevent index out of bounds
% not necessarily the best practice but whatever, it is only for demonstration
im(x,y) = 1;
im(x+1,y) = 1;
im(x-1,y) = 1;
im(x,y+1) = 1;
im(x,y-1) = 1;
catch err
% display the randomly generated image
% create a simple cross filter
filter = [0,1,0;1,1,1;0,1,0];
figure; imshow(filter)
% perform convolution of the random image with the cross template
result = conv2(im,filter,'same');
% get the number of white pixels in filter
filSum = sum(filter(:));
% look for all points in the convolution results that matched identically to the filter
matches = find(result == filSum);
%validate all points found
sort(matches(:)) == sort(points(:))
% get x and y coordinate matches
[xMatch,yMatch] = ind2sub(size(im),matches);
I would highly suggest looking at the conv2 documentation on MATLAB's website.


matlab find peak images

I have a binary image below:
it's an image of random abstract picture, and by using matlab, what I wanna do is to detect, how many peaks does it have so I'll know that there are roughly 5 objects in it.
As you can see, there are, 5 peaks in it, so it means there are 5 objects in it.
I've tried using imregionalmax(), but I don't find it usefull, since my image already in binary image. I also tried to use regionprops('Area'), but it shows wrong number since there is no exact whitespace between each object. Thanks in advance
An easy way to do this would be to simply sum across the rows for each column and find the peaks of the result using findpeaks. In the example below, I have opted to use the inverse of the image which will result in positive peaks where the columns are.
rowSum = sum(1 - image, 1);
If we plot this, it looks like the bottom plot
We can then use findpeaks to identify the peaks in this plot. We will apply a 5-point moving average to it to help eliminate false peaks.
[peaks, locations, widths, prominences] = findpeaks(smooth(rowSum));
You can then select the "true" peaks by thresholding based on any of these outputs. For this example we can use prominences and find the more prominent peaks.
isPeak = prominences > 50;
nPeaks = sum(isPeak)
Then we can plot the peaks locations to confirm
plot(locations(isPeak), peaks(isPeak), 'r*');
If you have some prior knowledge about the expected widths of the peaks, you could adjust the smooth span to match this expected width and obtain some cleaner peaks when using findpeaks.
Using an expected width of 40 for your image, findpeaks was able to perfectly detect all 5 peaks with no false positive.
findpeaks(smooth(rowSum, 40));
As your they are peaks, they are vertical structures. So in this particular case, you case use projection histograms (also know as histogram projection function): you make all the black pixels fall as if they were effected by gravity. Then you will find a curve of black pixels on the bottom of your image. Then you can count the number of peaks.
Here is the algorithm:
Invert the image (black is normally the absence of information)
Histogram projection
Closing and opening in order to clean the signal and get the final result.
You can add a maxima detection to get the top of the peaks.

detect white areas with sharp boundary

In the grayscale image shown below, how can I accurately detect the white region having sharp boundary (marked with red color)?
In this particular image, a simple thresholding might work, however, I have several images in which there are similar areas around corner of images which I want to ignore.
Also, there might be more than one regions of interest, both having different intensities. One can be as bright as it is in the example image, other can be of medium intensity.
However, the only difference between the interested and non-interested areas is as follows:
The interest areas have sharp well defined boundaries.
Non-interested areas don't have sharp boundaries. They tend to gradually merge with neighbourhood areas.
Image without mark for testing:
When you say sharp boundaries, you have to think gradient. The sharper the boundaries, the bigger the gradient. Therefore apply a gradient and you will see that it will be stronger around the shapes you want to segment.
But in your case, you can also observe that the area you want to segment is also the brightest. So I would also try a noise reduction (median filter) plus a convolution filter (simple average) in order to homogenize the different zones, then thresholding by keeping only the brightest/right peak.
im = imread('o2XfN.jpg');
smooth = imgaussfilt(im,.8); %"blur" the image to take out noisey pixels
big = double(smooth); % some functions don't work with UINT8, I didn't check for these
maxiRow = quantile(big,.99); % .99 qualtile... think quartile from stats
maxiCol = quantile(maxiRow,.98); % again for the column
pixels = find(big>=maxiCol); % which pixels have the highest values
logicMat = false(size(big)); %initalize a logic matrix of zeros
logicMat(pixels) = 1; %set the pixels that passed to logic pass
It is not extremely clear what you want to do with the regions that you are finding. Also, a few more sample images would be helpful to debug a code. What I posted above may work for that one image, but it is unlikely that it will work for every image that you are processing.

Zero out pixels that aren't at a particular intensity of a single colour

I'm having a little bit of difficulty wrapping my head around the correct terminology to use in phrasing my question, so I'll just take a stab at it and perhaps I can get some help in clarifying it along the way toward a solution.
I want to detect some coloured lights in an image, so I need a way to:
a) determine the colour of pixels
b) determine how "intense" or "bright" they are
c) use the two values above as a threshold or criteria for whether or not to discard a given pixel
I figured brightness alone will probably not be a good way to do this, since there will be non-zero ambient light.
EDIT: So using MATLAB's colour thresholder, I was able to isolate the coloured lights by restricting the hue range in HSV space. Just trying to figure out a way to do this via the command line.
Well there are two separate steps. 1 is finding out what you want to isolate, and 2 is isolation
1)Seems like you got this figured out. But for the future you can use the "imtool" command. It is nearly the same as imshow, but it allows you to inspect pixel values(RGB, you would convert these to HSV using rgb2hsv), crop images, zoom, measure distances, etc. It can be really helpful.
will open up the window, pretty simple.
2)Now that you have your values you want to isolate them. The term you are looking for is MASKING A misk is typically a binary matrix/vector with 1's (true) corresponding to areas of interest and 0's (false) elsewhere. Matlab calls these "logical" arrays. So lets just say you found your areas of interest were as follows
hue=0.2 to 0.3, saturation=don't care, brightness= greater than .5
you would create your mask by doing binary comparisons on the pixels. I will split this into three steps just so you can make sense of everything.
hue_idx = 1; sat_idx =2 ; bright_idx = 3;
hue_mask = ((my_hsv_im(:,:,hue_idx ) > 0.2) & (my_hsv_im(:,:,hue_idx ) < 0.3));
%note we have no saturation mask, because it would be filled with ones
%since we dont care about the saturation values
brightness_mask = (my_hsv_im(:,:,bright_idx ) > 0.5);
total_mask = hue_mask & brightness_mask;
%now we mask your image, recall that 1's are ares of interest and 0's are
%nothing so just multiply your image by your mask
% the mask is a logical array size MxNx1, we need to convert it to the same
%type as our image in order to multiply them
mask_3d(:,:,hue_idx) = total_mask;
mask_3d(:,:,sat_idx) = total_mask;
mask_3d(:,:,bright_idx) = total_mask;
mask_3d = uint8(mask_3d); %this step is pretty important, if your image
%is a double use double(mask_3d) instead
masked_rgb_im = my_im .* mask_3d;
%does some plotting just for fun
subplot(2,3,1);imshow(my_im);title('original image');
subplot(2,3,2);imshow(hue_mask);title('hue mask');
subplot(2,3,3);imshow(brightness_mask);title('bright mask');
subplot(2,3,4);imshow(total_mask);title('total mask');
subplot(2,3,5:6);imshow(masked_rgb_im );title('masked image');

Normalization of handwritten characters w.r.t size and position

I am doing a project on offline handwriting recognition.In the preprocessing stage,I need to normalize the handwritten part in binary image w.r.t its size and position.Can anyone tell me how to access just the writing part(black pixels) in the image and resize and shift its position?
Your problem is as broad as the field of image processing. There is no one way to segment an image into foreground and background so whatever solution you find here works on some cases and doesn't in others. However, the most basic way to segment a grayscale image is:
% invert your grayscale so text is white and background is black
gray_im = 1 - im2double(gray_im);
% compute the best global threshold
level = graythresh(gray_im);
% convert grayscale image to black and white based on best threshold
bw_im = im2bw(gray_im, level);
% find connected regions in the foreground
CC = bwconncomp(bw_im);
% if necessary, get the properties of those connected regions for further analysis
S = regionsprops(CC);
Note: Many people have much more sophisticated methods to segment and this is by no means the best way of doing it.
After post-processing, you will end up with one (or more) image containing only a single character. To resize to a specific size M x N, use:
resized_bw = imresize(single_char_im, [M N]);
To shift its position, the easiest way I know is to use circshift() function:
shifted_bw = circshift(resized_bw, [shift_pixels_up_down, shift_pixels_left_right]);
Note: circshift wraps the shifted columns or rows so if your bounding box is too tight, the best method is to pad your image, and re-crop it at the new location.

image enhancement - cleaning given image from writing

i need to clean this picture delete the writing "clean me" and make it bright.
as a part of my homework in image processing course i may use matlab functions ginput, to find specific points in the image (of course in the script you should hard code the coordinates you need).
You may use conv2, fft2, ifft2, fftshift etc.
You may also use median, mean, max, min, sort, etc.
my basic idea was to use the white and black values from the middle of the picture and insert them into the other parts of the black and white strips. however gives a very synthetic look to the picture.
can you please give me a direction what to do ? a median filter will not give good results.
The general technique to do such thing is called Inpainting. But in order to do it, you need a mask of the regions that you want to in paint. So, let us suppose that we managed to get a good mask and inpainted the original image considering a morphological dilation of this mask:
To get that mask, we don't need anything much fancy. Start with a binarization of the difference between the original image and the result of a median filtering of it:
You can remove isolated pixels; join the pixels representing the stars of your flag by a combination of dilation in horizontal followed by another dilation with a small square; remove this just created largest component; and then perform a geodesic dilation with the result so far against the initial mask. This gives the good mask above.
Now to inpaint there are many algorithms, but one of the simplest ones I've found is described at Fast Digital Image Inpainting, which should be easy enough to implement. I didn't use it, but you could and verify which results you can obtain.
EDIT: I missed that you also wanted to brighten the image.
An easy way to brighten an image, without making the brighter areas even brighter, is by applying a gamma factor < 1. Being more specific to your image, you could first apply a relatively large lowpass filter, negate it, multiply the original image by it, and then apply the gamma factor. In this second case, the final image will likely be darker than the first one, so you multiply it by a simple scalar value. Here are the results for these two cases (left one is simply a gamma 0.6):
If you really want to brighten the image, then you can apply a bilateral filter and binarize it:
I see two options for removing "clean me". Both rely on the horizontal similarity.
1) Use a long 1D low-pass filter in the horizontal direction only.
2) Use a 1D median filter maybe 10 pixels long
For both solutions you of course have to exlude the stars-part.
When it comes to brightness you could try a histogram equalization. However that won't fix the unevenness of the brightness. Maybe a high-pass before equalization can fix that.
The simplest way to remove the text is, like KlausCPH said, to use a long 1-d median filter in the region with the stripes. In order to not corrupt the stars, you would need to keep a backup of this part and replace it after the median filter has run. To do this, you could use ginput to mark the lower right side of the star part:
% Mark lower right corner of star-region
[xCorner,yCorner] = ginput(1);
xCorner = round(xCorner); yCorner = round(yCorner);
% Save star region
starBackup = Im(1:yCorner,1:xCorner);
% Clean up stripes
Im = medfilt2(Im,[1,50]);
% Replace star region
Im(1:yCorner,1:xCorner) = starBackup;
This produces
To fix the exposure problem (the middle part being brighter than the corners), you could fit a 2-D Gaussian model to your image and do a normalization. If you want to do this, I suggest looking into fit, although this can be a bit technical if you have not been working with model fitting before.
My found 2-D gaussian looks something like this:
Putting these two things together, gives:
I used gausswin() function to make a gaus. mask:
Pic_usa_g = abs(1 - gausswin( size(Pic_usa,2) ));
Pic_usa_g = Pic_usa_g + 0.6;
Pic_usa_g = Pic_usa_g .* 2;
Pic_usa_g = Pic_usa_g';
C = repmat(Pic_usa_g, size(Pic_usa,1),1);
and after multiply the image with the mask you get the fixed image.
