After I double clicked a .cmd file and it executed successfully, it just closed the command prompt window. Even if I add pause to the end it also closes after I hit any key. So is there a way to let me keep using the command prompt, just as if I got the window from running cmd?
very simple.
Add the following line to the end of your code:
start /b cmd
I want to open a cmd window which is already running a command, e.g something like cmd echo Hello, world! or something like that.
Create a .bat file
Write following codes
echo 'Hello, World'
Call your .bat path in your cmd.
*Another else
Open your run window
Run this commands
cmd /k echo 'Hello, World'
Create a .bat file or .cmd file and insert your code
Add the path of your file in your PATH environment variable
WindowsKey + R, to run the "Execute" programme
Just type the name or your bat or cmd file. You can call it from cmd anywhere in your computer
Don't miss to add pause at the end of your program. This allows you to close it manually. use #echo off pause to avoid showing the code execute
When i use command
<path exc.xlsx>
it starts excel file working and wait until i close the file than i can type next command. My issue is that when other excel file is running cmd doesn't wait to close the file and goes to next line. It is necessary to type the command that will force cmd to wait until i close excel file even when onother excel file is running. I tried a lot of commands from the internet but no one seems to work properly. These were for instance:
start /wait exc.xlsx && exit
exc.xlsx cmd /k
I'm using Windows7.
I try this method but it sometimes doesn't work properly. The line <os.rename> try to change name of the file. If it can it means that the file is closed and break the loop but using that the script sometimes can't open the excel file. I'm not as advanced as i would be and cant find another way to check if the file is closed.
import os
def is_open(file_name):
if os.path.exists(file_name):
while True:
os.rename(file_name, file_name)
That's not very dignified and uses a lot of processor. If there is a way using programing language (preferably python) I can implement that in my script.
I want to Launch and .exe file from an m-file in MATLAB. The .exe does not Launch when i try. In restPath, the path of the .exe included. I am coding in a Windows Environment using the command line. My idea was to pass the command to run the .exe to the command line.
command = restPath;
[status,cmdout] = system(command,'-echo');
The error message is; Error file .cfg not found...
Do you have any suggestions?
Best regards
Edit: The .exe is now launched in 2 iterations. 1. cd to file, 2. Launch
command = horzcat('cd ',restPath);
[status,cmdout] = dos(command,'-echo');
execute = 'abc.exe';
[statusExe,cmdoutExe] = system(execute,'-echo');
The main issue that I see here is that you are using two separate commands for the cd and the execution. Once the cd command executes, the command line context is thrown away and you start with a new one when you execute the system command (so the cd has no effect).
I would suggest either concatenating the two commands into one using the '&' notation like the following:
[status,cmdout] = dos([command ' & ' execute],'-echo');
or you could change your Matlab workspace first using a standard cd command in your mscript and then execute the system command.
currentPath = pwd;
execute = 'abc.exe';
[statusExe,cmdoutExe] = system(execute,'-echo');
It is also possible that the exe you are calling is expecting an additional input to point to the .cfg file (although this may not be an issue if you have that in the same directory as the exe and it expects it to be there).
What command can I put at the end of a batch file to prevent auto-closing of the console after the execution of the file?
In Windows/DOS batch files:
This prints a nice "Press any key to continue . . . " message
Or, if you don't want the "Press any key to continue . . ." message, do this instead:
pause >nul
Depends on the exact question!
Normally pause does the job within a .bat file.
If you want cmd.exe not to close to be able to remain typing, use cmd /k command at the end of the file.
If you want cmd.exe to not close, and able to continue to type, use cmd /k
Just felt the need to clarify what /k does (from windows website):
/k : Carries out the command specified by string and continues.
So cmd /k without follow up command at the end of bat file will just keep cmd.exe window open for further use.
On the other hand pause at the end of a batch file will simply pause the process and terminate cmd.exe on first button press
If you are using Maven and you want to skip the typing and prevent the console from close to see the result you need to use the CALL command in the script, besides just the 'mvn clean install'.
Like this will close the console
ECHO This is the wrong exemple
mvn clean install
Like this the console will stay open
ECHO This is the right exemple
CALL mvn clean install
If you dont use the CALL command neither of the pasts exemples will work. Because for some reason the default behaviour of cmd when calling another batch file (which mvn is in this case) is to essentially replace the current process with it, unlike calling an .exe
The below way of having commands in a batch file will open new command prompt windows and the new windows will not exit automatically.
start "title" call abcd.exe param1 param2
start "title" call xyz.exe param1 param2
Add cmd.exe as a new line below the code you want to execute:
c:\Python27\python D:\code\
my way is to write an actual batch (saying "foo.bat") to finish the job; then create another "start.bat":
#echo off
cmd /k foo.bat
I find this is extremely useful when I set up one-time environment variables.
Call cmd at the end of the batch file.
Had problems with the answers here, so I came up with this, which works for me (TM):
cmd /c node_modules\.bin\tsc
cmd /c node rollup_build.js
besides pause.
set /p=
can be used .It will expect user input and will release the flow when enter is pressed.
runas /user:# "" >nul 2>&1
which will do the same except nothing from the user input will be displayed nor will remain in the command history.
This little hack asks the user to enter a key and stores it into the variable %exitkey% (this variable could be called anything you like though).
set /p exitkey= "Press any key to continue..."
NB: the space after the '=' is very important
I know I'm late but my preferred way is:
GOTO programend
In this way the user cannot exit using enter.
Possibility 1:
Just make 2 .bat files and write into the first:
start <filename> // name of 2nd batch file
Batch file 2 is the file that wont close in the end.
So now when you open batch nr.1 It will start the 2nd and cloe itself.
When the 2nd finishes it will not close entirely (as long as you wont put exit at the end)
Possibility 2:
Batch file 1:
call <filename>
echo End of file
<any code you want>
When the 2nd file ends then it will proceed to file 1 again and output the rest of it. With that you can even make error handlers. If nr.1 crashes it goes into nr.2 and displays it
There are two ways to do it depend on use case
1) If you want Windows cmd prompt to stay open so that you can see execution result and close it afterwards; use
2) if you want Windows cmd prompt to stay open and allow you to execute some command afterwords; use
echo text to display
Easy, add cmd to your last line of bat, BUT! if you reset or clear your system path, you must start your cmd with the full path, like:
For example, I have a bat file to reset jdk to old version like this:
PATH=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\bin;C:\apache-ant-1.7.1\bin
SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45
since I reset the system path, I have to run cmd with the full path, or the system can't find cmd.exe, it will fail to run cmd, and just close the window, and you can't see the error msg.
Run the .exe file and then pause the cmd
batch script example :
#echo off
batch script example with arguments :
#echo off
myProgram.exe argumentExample1 argumentExample2
I added #echo off because I don't want to show C:\user\Desktop>myProgram.exe and C:\user\Desktop>PAUSE in the cmd
cmd /k cd C:\Projects.....
If you want your cmd opened at specific long location
add pause (if you don't want anything else to show up add) >nul it should look like:#echo offtitle niceecho hellopause >nulall you will see is "hello"
I personally put pause >nul and it waits for a key to be pressed without showing any extra text in the console.
using : call yourbatch.cmd
does the job
will process the script and then continue ejecuting other code on same window (cmd instance)