I need to reduce size of image? Can somebody assist me? - image

I have a 512x512 1.03 mb .ico picture and need to upload it to a website that only accepts pictures 1mb large(or smaller idk) Can somebody help me and tell me a way to reduce the size of the image.

You can either compress/reduce the filesize of the icon (I recommend using ImageMagick to do this, you can download it here), or you can make the dimensions smaller. However, if you are putting an ico file on a website I recommend using a different image format, such as .png. You can convert it to png using a website called ConvertICO.
I hope this helps,

Take a look on this page specially compression of ICO files and 4-bit option.


Use gostscript 9.21 to convert text to outlines, and how to keep the resolution of the picture

I use gostscript to convert text to outlines with the following code :gswin32c.exe -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=output.pdf -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dNoOutputFonts -f test_new.pdf,it works.But i got a very small output file from 2.5M to 70kb.Then i find the picture became blurred in pdf.
Add -dPDFSETTINGS=/default,This will have the same result.
I's better to use -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer or -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress,but 300dpi is not enough for me(or for my boss).
Is there any way to keep the original resolution of the picture.
Or how to set a higher dpi for images in output pdf.
The test file is here.
Thanks in advance.
The answer to your question is 'yes' (but see later). Don't use PDFSETTINGS, that sets lots of things all in one go. If you want control then you need to specify each setting individually.
Rather than use this shotgun approach you need to read the documentation, decide which controls affect areas you want to change, and alter those controls only.
However, image downsampling is not your problem. If you don't use -dPDFSETTINGS then PDF file written by Ghostscript contains an image at exactly the same resolution as the image in the original file.
Your problem is that the image is being written with JPEG compression, and JPEG is a lossy compression, so you are losing fidelity. Note that in the original file the image is written uncompressed, which is why its so large.
It looks like the original image was a JPEG, and the free PDF editor you are using has realised that so it saved the image uncompressed (I may be giving it too much credit here, it may save all images uncompressed). Applying JPEG to an image which has already been quantised simply amplifies the artefacts.
Instead you need to specify that you want images compressed with Flate, which is a lossless compression. The documentation for the pdfwrite controls can be found here, you need to change AutoFilterColorImages and ColorImageFilter.
Note that by not applying JPEG quantisation (a second time) and DCT encoding, the compression is less than your first experience. For me the output file comes in at just over 600Kb (leaving the font in place, and the text as text, would be a couple of Kb smaller). However the image is identical, as expected.
Since you are clearly using Ghostscript in a commercial environment, can I just point you at the licence and ask you to check that your usage is compatible with the AGPL, bearing in mind that this covers software as a service usage as well.

FlashAir: change the size of thumbnail images

Is it possible to control the thumbnail size from thumbnail.cgi? Or is this extracted from the EXIF thumbnail in the main image?
In the browser example (the last 2 images at the bottom of the last tutorial page) they suggest that different size files can be generated and downloaded
How is this achieved?
I was looking at LUA scripting on a file write, but not really sure where to start with that.
Any help much appreciated.

Change quality of PDF rendered using PDFsharp

Can we reduce the quality of PDF rendered using PDFsharp?
I have to render files containing thousands of pages. Due to this, the resulting files sometimes occupy more than 100 MB memory space which is inconvenient.
A PDF is rendered from an Excel sheet. There are no images or charts. Only the number of rows in the Excel is very high. Can anyone please help?
Thanks in advance
With the current version of PDFsharp it is up to you to reduce the resolution of images or the JPEG quality to optimize the file size.
.NET provides functions that can accomplish that.

tcpdf: poor image quality

I am using TCPDF to create PDF files converted from HTML input using it's writeHTML() function. However, images within the PDF have poor quality, while the original images have a high quality (as expected). The images are in PNG format. I already tried to use SetJPEGQuality(100), but that had no effect.
What is causing this?
Try using this:
When using HTML to generate your PDFs you need to manually calculate the images dimensions by dividing it's original width and height by 1.53 and set the result as attributes.
For example, an image with dimensions of 200x100 pixels will become:
<img src="image.jpg" width="131" height="65" />
This is a nasty workaround and doesn't completely remove the blur, but the result is much better than without any scaling.
Try To convert your Image to JPG or JPEG first. Until Now, I DOnt have a problem to convert image with TCPDF. I Think TCPDF is powerfull, because it can convert arabic language too. I HAve try convert arabic font with fpdf n it still fail
Little Up.
I'd same quality problem and I solved it...
When you save your picture, do it in 8bits instead of 24bits and you will see a "beautiful anti-aliasing".

What image format is fastest for BlackBerry?

I'm trying to load some images using Bitmap.getBitmapResource(), but it takes about 2 or 3 seconds per image to load. I'm testing on the Storm, specifically. The odd thing is, when I install OS 5.0, the loading goes in a snap, no delay at all.
Should I be looking at the format used? Or where the files are stored? I've tried both 24- and 8-bit PNGs, with transparency. The files are stored in a subdirectory in the COD, so getBitmapResource is passed a path, like "images/img1.png" instead of just "img1.png".
Is any of this making things slower?
If you're looking for the most efficient format for storing image data within your application binary, the recommendation is PNG with the 565 colorspace. The BlackBerry Theme Studio toolkit has the ability to load any PNG and export it in this format. Its the best one because its what the BlackBerry uses internally.
Try to use EncodedImage, see Is it better to use Bitmap or EncodedImage in BlackBerry?
In case you need Bitmap class, try also bmp (don't forget to turn off "convert image files to .png" option in BB project settings)
