Looking for constant values for DAO.Field.Type - vbscript

I have need of using VBS in conjunction with the DAO.Field.Type methods and properties. Since I am using VBS I do not have access to the constants displayed on this page and I can't find a good resource that will tell me what they are.
Most specifically this MSDN article lists the constant names, but I don't know what their values are, and I would appreciate finding out what they are.
Field.Type Property (DAO)
Sean W.

Do you have Microsoft Office? Here's one way you can find them.
Open any Office product.
Hit ALT+F11 to open the VBA editor.
From the Tools menu, select References....
Find the reference entitled Microsoft DAO X.X Object Library, check it, and click OK.
Hit F2 to bring up Object Browser.
In the top drop-down, choose the DAO library.
In the 2nd drop-down, type your constant name (e.g., dbBigInt) and hit [Enter] to search.
Select the proper item from the search results.
Near the status bar is a pane that describes the selected item. It will show you the constant's value.


Jump to method signature from code inside the method, or find out in which method the cursor is currently

I am doing reverse engineering of code that someone else wrote. When I search for all references of a variable or method and click on one of the results it beams my cursor right away on the line of code where it is used (which is a brilliant feature). Visual Studio shows me the class where this variable or method is used but not the method. The problem is that sometimes I end up in a huge method deep within, and the only thing I really need is the name of this cursed method.
Question: Is there a simple way to jump to the signature of the method in which the cursor is situated? Or any other way to find it out? (Besides scrolling dozens of pages of code upwards and likely missing it)
In Visual Studio 2015 on the top right of the code editing window there's a drop-down list that contains all the method in the current file:
When you move from one method to another inside a file, the selected item in this drop-down list is updated accordingly.
Therefore if you put the cursor in the middle of a method the drop-down list should automatically change the selected item matching the method you're in.
Now if you open the drop-down list and select the current method it should take you to the method's signature.
Following the advice by Andrea I did a little research. Combined with this answer the outcome is this shortcut series:
Press Cntrl + F2 this will shift the focus to the dropdown menues above the code.
press 2 times Tab which will navigate to the dropdown menue for class elements as #Andrea suggested,
and hit ENTER to confirm the selection, which will automatically jump with the cursor to the signature of the method!

Xcode's Accessibility Label vs Hint vs Id

I searched but could not find an up-to-date question, so here goes:
Could someone let me know what Xcodes Accessibility Label vs Hint vs Id are used for? I think it might be label and hint are used for voiced navigation and Id's are only used for automation, but not sure if that is right?
You are correct.
The 'Label' property will be used in voice over representing the element itself. If Labels are not set manually, they will be filled in at runtime based on the content of the element. IE: "Comment Delete Button"
'Hints' are also used in voice over assistance but are a more descriptive representation of the element. IE: "This button allows users to delete a comment."
'identifier' is used for automation and quick query of the UI element.
IE: "CommentDeleteButton"
The Label and Hint can be localized and therefore will vary between languages while the identifier remains the same.

Getting the current value of a textbox in Access 2013 Custom Web App

in a List view I want a particular control (textbox) to have a red background color if it has a certain value. I have tried the following:
Click on the textbox then click the Data icon in the context sensitive controls that appear. I can then see that the name of the control is First_NameTextBox. I then click anywhere on the List view and click the Actions icon in the context controls that appear to the right of the view. I select "On Current". I then create two steps that should be executed whenever a new record is activated:
If [First_NameTextBox] = "somevalue" Then
Control Name [First_NameTextBox]
Property BackColor
Value #FF0000
End If
However, this turns the textbox red no matter what the value in First_NameTextBox is. How do I reference the CURRENT value of the textbox?
Conditional formatting based on a field value is not available for the List View in a Web App.
If you've built web pages (with or without a templating engine), the design limitations of Access can be frustrating.
Another kind of frustration comes from moving a form in Access from the native Access environment to a browser-based display.
I've felt the first kind of frustration, but so far I've avoided the second kind. I keep MS Access and HTML-rendered forms far away from each other.
Conditional Formatting in the List View of Access Web Apps is Available its just way harder than it should be.
Input "If Statement" under the "Current Macro" by clicking outside any text box or label then traveling to the top right of the view and you will see the Lightning bolt which allows two options, "On Load" and "On Current".
Don't forget You will need to set the control back to the original color by using the else. (also, for some reason I have to flip the Colors so where you would think red would go, Put White.
IF = "" True Then
Summary: your Code is Sound, Just input it under the Views Current Macro Location
This is my first post, i spent DAYS looking for this information and found in the deep google somewhere so i hope this helps you.

How can I know who calls the method in Xcode?

Does Xcode have a way to show the caller function of a method? I want to know all of the calling functions of a method in a class. A solution would be to find the method in the project, but sometimes different classes have methods with the same name - That could find us a method we're not looking for..
Many other IDEs have this capability, such as Visual C++ 2003/2005/2008,Eclipse ...
Can you do this in XCode?
Xcode 4.4 intrudced this functionality:
New Features in Xcode 4.4 (Scroll down to 'Find and Search Additions')
Move your cursor on top of the function you are interested in
Open the Assistant editor(⌃ +⌘+Enter)
On the top of the assistant editor, Select 'Callers'
You will see a list of all the function that's calling your function
Not the as effective as other IDEs, but does the job.
Yes. Set a breakpoint inside your method, then when it breaks, there are two spots to see a stack. First is in Xcode's "console" area (usually the bottom middle), there is a top-bar which may not immediately appear to be navigable, but it is a select-style UI control which has the entire stack in it. Selecting a different level shows you that scope's variables, etc. and pops your editor to that exact file (where you can mouse-over variables to see their in-memory real-time values). Second is in the left-hand area (where you normally browse files). There is another tab there (besides the file browser) for exactly this purpose. There is a slider at the bottom which controls how many "steps" in the stack you see; clicking on one has a similar affect.
For simple refactoring such as method re-naming, you can use the contextual-menu when you right-click a selected method-name, and Xcode will replace all identical selectors in your project. However, this does not address what you mentioned about different classes having methods with the same signature. It does, however, give you a very nice interface for reviewing the changes in-context and easily accepting or rejecting them one at a time.
It might be noted, however, that changing method signatures often may be a sign of poor design, and particularly if you have to do it with methods which have the same signature on different classes (which are not "siblings" and therefore should both get the rename)

Visual Studio Immediate window: how to see more than the first 100 items

I am trying to see the properties of an object with over 300 properties in the Immediate Window of Visual Studio 2005. Only the first 100 items are displayed, followed by this caption:
< More... (The first 100 of 306 items were displayed.) >
I am trying to see the rest of the items, but can't figure it out.
I realize that I could see these in a Watch window, but that's not the same.
Sometimes its useful to see the list in the immediate window rather than looking in the watch window. You can easily see more results than the first 100 by using:
Which really doesn't take long to write and works well - was useful for me.
Update: As pointed out in the comments below, this answer is actually wrong and applicable ONLY to collections and NOT to objects with lots of properties. I'm leaving it here as lots of people seem to have found it useful.
If you add your object to the watch window, then expand the properties so that all are displayed. Then Ctrl+A and Copy. You can then paste in excel to get an organized list of properties and their values.
The immediate window was designed to be a quick view tool. If you want to see more detail, you will have to view it in either the Watch Window or the Quick Watch Window.
Another option is to write a Visual Studio AddIn that operates similarly to the Immediate Window, but has more options.
I always create an extension method to export objects to xml when debugging like this. It's very useful for troubleshooting object data. Here is what I use:
public static void SerializeToXML(this object entity)
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer writer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(entity.GetType());
System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(string.Format(#"{0}\{1}.xml", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), entity.GetType().Name));
writer.Serialize(file, entity);
It's not 100% full proof, but most of the time it is perfect. It will create an xml file in the application directory with the objects name as the file name. In the immediate window you can just type the object name then .SerializeToXML().
so: myList.SerializeToXML()
Its an old question but to get the properties and values of an object during runtime a more reasonable solution with Quickwatch window is here:
Open Quickwatch during Debug mode
Type in your Variablename and press Enter
Press CTRL + A and CTRL + C in order to select and copy all Properties. You need to expand those which contains values and are non primitive types.
Paste to your favorite editor.
