What is the asterisk alone in the parameter list? - ruby

I found this in a Module that is supposed to extend some other class:
module Somemodule
def foo(*)
I understand def foo(*args) construct. What is the purpose of an asterisk alone?

It's similar to *args but you get no reference to the arguments. They are, however, passed as provided to any super invocation to the parent's constructor (or same-name method), as long as no explicit parameters are specified in the super call.
It is a nice way to convey that you do not intend to process the provided arguments in any way.


Ruby hook for method defined?

I've been googling around for this and haven't been able to find an answer, which makes me think the answer is no, but I figured I'd ask here in case anyone knows for sure.
Does Ruby have a hook for when methods are defined (ie on a module or class)?
If not, is anyone familiar enough with the implementation of the main object to know how exactly it copies methods to Object when they're defined at the top level?
Really curious about this. Thanks for any info :)
It does. Module#method_added https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.2/Module.html#method-i-method_added
module Thing
def self.method_added(method_name)
puts "Thing added #{method_name}"
def self.a_class_method; end
def do_something; end
class Person
def self.method_added(method_name)
puts "I added #{method_name}"
attr_accessor :name
# Thing added do_something
# I added name
# I added name=
If not, is anyone familiar enough with the implementation of the main object to know how exactly it copies methods to Object when they're defined at the top level?
It doesn't "copy methods". The language specification simply says that methods defined at the top-level become methods of Object. This is exactly the same mechanism as the one that says that methods defined inside class Foo become methods of class Foo. The language spec says it, therefore the implementors implement it that way. main doesn't need to do anything.
If you want to get real technical, then this is about the default definee, which is the implicit scope in which methods get defined when you don't explicitly specify the definee (as in def foo.bar; end). Usually, the default definee is the self of the closest lexically enclosing class or module definition body, and when there is no lexically enclosing class or module definition, it is Object. But some reflective methods, such as instance_eval or class_eval etc. may or may not change it.

Method is executed without calling it?

I came across this solution for a Proxy class in the Ruby koans:
class Proxy
attr_accessor :messages
def initialize(target_object)
#object = target_object
#messages = []
def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block)
#messages << method_name
#object.send(method_name, *args, &block)
I can create an object from this proxy class by passing another class as an argument. For instance, the following code will result in "Do something", without having to type thing.method_missing(:do_thing):
class Thing
def do_thing
puts "Doing something."
thing = Proxy.new(Thing.new)
Why is the code in method_missing executed even without having to call said method?
There are methods that are called implicitly (i.e., called even when you don't write it in the code) when a certain event happens or a certain method is called. I call these methods hooks, borrowing the terminology of e-lisp. As far as I know, Ruby has the following hooks:
Ruby hooks
And method_missing is one of them. For this particular one, it is automatically called when Ruby cannot find a defined method. Or in other words, method_missing is the most default method that is called with the least priority, for any method call.
method_missing is one of the amazing aspects of metaprogramming in ruby. With proper use of this method, you can gracefully handle exceptions and whatnot. In your case it is called because the method you are calling on the object doesn't exist obviously.
But one should be careful of its use too. While you are at it do look at responds_to method too.
An example regarding ActiveRecord will make you understand better. When we write:
User.find_by_email_and_age('me#example.com', 20)
There isn't actually a method by that name. This call goes to the method_missing and then this fancyfindmethod is broken down into pieces and you are served what you asked for. I hope that helps.

Method call before method in Ruby?

I am new to Ruby and I saw methods defined like:
def method_one
puts "method 1"
class MyClass
def method_two
puts "method 2"
The way method_one is used reminds me of Python decorators.The output of
c = MyClass.new
method 1
method 2
I have been trying to search for more information about this syntax/language feature in the Ruby documentation on the web but I don't know what keywords to search for.
What this is thing called?
This code doesn't do what you think it does. Don't do stuff like this.
Ruby's Top-Level Object
Ruby lets you define methods outside a class. These methods exist on a top-level object, which you can (generally) treat as a sort of catch-all namespace. You can see various posts like What is the Ruby Top-Level? for more details, but you shouldn't really need to care.
In your original post, method_one is just a method defined in the top-level. It is therefore available to classes and methods nested within the top-level, such as MyClass.
Methods in Classes
Despite what you think, the following doesn't actually declare a :method_one class or instance method on MyClass:
class MyClass
def method_two; end
Instead, Ruby calls the top-level ::method_one during the definition of the class, but it never becomes a class method (e.g. MyClass::method_one) or an instance method (e.g. MyClass.new.method_one). There might be a few use cases for doing this (e.g. printing debugging information, test injection, etc.) but it's confusing, error-prone, and generally to be avoided unless you have a really strong use case for it.
Better Options
In general, when you see something like this outside an academic lesson, the programmer probably meant to do one of the following:
Extend a class.
Add a singleton method to a class.
Include a module in a class.
Set up a closure during class definition.
The last gets into murky areas of metaprogramming, at which point you should probably be looking at updating your class initializer, or passing Proc or lambda objects around instead. Ruby lets you do all sorts of weird and wonderful things, but that doesn't mean you should.
I think you're a little mislead; the output of:
c = MyClass.new
"method 2"
You're not going to see method one until the class is loaded or if you're in IRB you enter the last end statement.
I would suggest looking into ruby's initialize method.

Why use extend/include instead of simply defining method in main object?

RSpec adds a "describe" method do the top-level namespace. However, instead of simply defining the method outside of any classes/modules, they do this:
# code from rspec-core/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb
module RSpec
module Core
# Adds the `describe` method to the top-level namespace.
module DSL
def describe(*args, &example_group_block)
RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe(*args, &example_group_block).register
extend RSpec::Core::DSL
Module.send(:include, RSpec::Core::DSL)
What is the benefit of using this technique as opposed to simply defining describe outside any modules and classes? (From what I can tell, the DSL module isn't used anywhere else in rspec-core.)
I made this change a few months ago so that describe is no longer added to every object in the system. If you defined it at the top level:
def describe(*args)
...then every object in the system would have a private describe method. RSpec does not own every object in the system and should not be adding describe willy-nilly to every object. We only want the describe method available in two scopes:
describe MyClass do
(at the top-level, off of the main object)
module MyModule
describe MyClass do
(off of any module, so you nest your describes in a module scope)
Putting it in a module makes it easy to extend onto the main object (to add it to only that object, and not every object) and include it in Module (to add it to all modules).
Actually, if that's all there is in the code, I don't really believe it to be much better — if at all. A common argument is that you can easily check that RSpec is responsible for addinng this method in the global namespace by checking the method owner. Somehow it never felt this was needed, as the location of the method already stores that information.
Defining the method outside of any scope would have be equivalent to defining a private instance method in Object:
class Object
def double(arg)
arg * 2
double(3) # OK
3.double(3) # Error: double is private
self.double(3) # Error: double is private
I think privateness is a useful aspect, because it prevents from making certain method calls that have no meaning, that the code shown in the question lacks.
There's an advantge to defining the method in a module, though, but the RSpec code doesn't seem to make use of it: using module_function, not only do you preserve privateness of the instance method, but you also get a public class method. This means that if you have an instance method of the same name, you will still be able to refer to the one defined by the module, by using the class method version.
A common example of module_function is the Kernel module, which contains most function-like core methods like puts (another one is Math). If you're in a class that redefines puts, you can still use Kernel#puts explicitly if you need:
class LikeAnIO
def puts(string)
#output << string
def do_work
puts "foo" # inserts "foo" in #output
Kernel.puts "foo" # inserts "foo" in $stdout

Why is 'super' a keyword rather than a method in Ruby?

In Ruby, super is a keyword rather than a method.
Why was it designed this way?
Ruby's design tends toward implementing as much as possible as methods; keywords are usually reserved for language features that have their own grammar rules. super, however, looks and acts like a method call.
(I know it would be cumbersome to implement super in pure Ruby, since it would have to parse the method name out of caller, or use a trace_func. This alone wouldn't prevent it from being a method, because plenty of Kernel's methods are not implemented in pure Ruby.)
It behaves a little differently, in that if you don't pass arguments, all of the current arguments (and block, if present) are passed along... I'm not sure how that would work as a method.
To give a rather contrived example:
class A
def example(a, b, c)
yield whatever(a, b) + c
class B < A
def example(a, b, c)
super * 2
I did not need to handle the yield, or pass the arguments to super. In the cases where you specifically want to pass different arguments, then it behaves more like a method call. If you want to pass no arguments at all, you must pass empty parentheses (super()).
It simply doesn't have quite the same behaviour as a method call.
super doesn't automatically call the parent class's method. If you imagine the inheritance hierarchy of a ruby class as a list, with the class at the bottom and Object at the top, when ruby sees the the super keyword, rather than just check the the parent class, it moves up the entire list until it finds the first item that has a method defined with that name.
I'm careful to say item because it could also be a module. When you include a module in to a class, it is wrapped in an anonymous superclass and put above your class in the list I talked about before, so that means if you had a method defined for your class that was also defined in the module, then calling super from the class's implementation would call the module's implementation, and not the parent class's:
class Foo
def f
puts "Foo"
module Bar
def f
puts "Bar"
class Foobar < Foo
include Bar
def f
puts "Foobar"
foobar = Foobar.new
# =>
# Foobar
# Bar
# Foo
And I don't believe that it is possible to access this 'inheritance list' from the ruby environment itself, which would mean this functionality would not be available (However useful it is; I'm not every sure if this was an intended feature.)
Hm, good qustion. I'm not sure how else (besides using super) you would you reference the super version of a given method.
You can't simply call the method by name, because the way that polymorphism works (how it figures out which version of that method to actually call, based on the object class) would cause your method to call itself, spinning into an infinite set of calls, and resulting in a stack overflow.
