GNU Octave: How to make sure vectors in random matrix are unique? - random

creating an MxN matrix of random integer values in GNU Octave is very easy:
K = randi(k, M, N)
where k is the maximum value.
However, I have the requirement that each column vector in this matrix should be unique. Is there a clever way to ensure this in Octave? I could, of course, loop over all columns and calculate the pair-wise difference between all possible pairing of column vectors. But that seems a bit cumbersome.
Does anyone have a better idea?

One options would be to use unique to eliminate duplicate columns, and compare the dimensions of the result with the dimensions of the original matrix. Note that we need to transpose the matrix to be able to use the rows parameter to unique.
# Non unique columns
octave> K=[1 2 1; 2 2 2]
K =
1 2 1
2 2 2
octave> isequal(size(unique(K','rows')), size(K'))
ans = 0
# Unique columns
octave> K=[1 2 3; 2 2 2]
K =
1 2 3
2 2 2
octave> isequal(size(unique(K','rows')), size(K'))
ans = 1


Advanced Algorithms Problems ("Nice Triangle"): Prime number Pyramid where every number depends on numbers above it

I'm currently studying for an advanced algorithms and datastructures exam, and I simply can't seem to solve one of the practice-problems which is the following:
1.14) "Nice Triangle"
A "nice" triangle is defined in the following way:
There are three different numbers which the triangle consists of, namely the first three prime numbers (2, 3 and 5).
Every number depends on the two numbers below it in the following way.
Numbers are the same, resulting number is also the same. (2, 2 => 2)
Numbers are different, resulting number is the remaining number. (2, 3 => 5)
Given an integer N with length L, corresponding to the base of the triangle, determine the last element at the top
For example:
Given N = 25555 (and thus L = 5), the triangle looks like this:
3 5
2 5 5
3 5 5 5
2 5 5 5 5
=> 2 is the result of this example
What does the fact that every number is prime have to do with the problem?
By using a naive approach (simply calculating every single row), one obtains a time-complexity of O(L^2).
However, the professor said, it's possible with O(L), but I simply can't find any pattern!!!
I'm not sure why this problem would be used in an advanced algorithms course, but yes, you can do this in O(l) = O(log n) time.
There are a couple ways you can do it, but they both rely on recognizing that:
For the problem statement, it doesn't matter what digits you use. Lets use 0, 1, and 2 instead of 2, 3, and 5. Then
If a and b are the input numbers and c is the output, then c = -(a+b) mod 3
You can build the whole triangle using c = a+b mod 3 instead, and then just negate every second row.
Now the two ways you can do this in O(log n) time are:
For each digit d in the input, calculate the number of times (call it k) that it gets added into the final sum, add up all the kd mod 3, and then negate the result if you started with an even number of digits. That takes constant time per digit. Alternatively:
recognize that you can do arithmetic on n-sized values in constant time. Make a value that is a bit mask of all the digits in n. That takes 2 bits each. Then by using bitwise operations you can calculate each row from the previous one in constant time, for O(log n) time altogether.
Here's an implementation of the 2nd way in python:
def niceTriangle(n):
# a vector of 3-bit integers mod 3
rowvec = 0
# a vector of 1 for each number in the row
onevec = 0
# number of rows remaining
rows = 0
# mapping for digits 0-9
digitmap = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
# first convert n into the first row
while n > 0:
digit = digitmap[n % 10]
n = n//10
rows += 1
onevec = (onevec << 3) + 1
rowvec = (rowvec << 3) + digit
if rows%2 == 0:
# we have an even number of rows -- negate everything
rowvec = ((rowvec&onevec)<<1) | ((rowvec>>1)&onevec)
while rows > 1:
# add each number to its neighbor
rowvec += (rowvec >> 3)
# isolate the entries >= 3, by adding 1 to each number and
# getting the 2^2 bit
gt3 = ((rowvec + onevec) >> 2) & onevec
# subtract 3 from all the greater entries
rowvec -= gt3*3
rows -= 1
return [2,3,5][rowvec%4]

size reduction of matrix whose rank is not full in julia

I have a N×N general matrix H with rank n(<N).
Is there any way to get a n×n matrix with rank n from H?
For example,
|1 2 3|
H = |4 8 6|
|0 0 1|
has three eigenvalues 0,1,9 and its rank is 2. I want to get a 2×2 matrix with rank 2 which corresponds to the eigenspace sappaned by eigenvectors of 1,9.
We are given a 3x3 matrix H that is known to have rank r < 3:
1 2 3
4 8 6
0 0 1
One can obtain an nxn matrix comprised of the intersection of rows and columns of H that has rank n by computing the reduced row echelon form (RREF) of H (also called the row canonical form).
After doing so, for each of n row indices i there will be a column in the RREF that contains a 1 in row i (i.e., the row having index i) and zeroes in all other rows. It is seen here that the RREF of H is the following.
1 2 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
As column 0 (i.e., the column having index 0) in the RREF has a 1 in row 0 and zeroes in all other rows, and column 2 has a 1 in row 1 and zeroes in all other rows, and no other column has a 1 in one row and zeroes in all other rows, we conclude that:
H has rank 2; and
the nxn matrix comprised of elements in H that are in rows 0 and 1 and columns 0 and 2 has rank n.
Here an nxn matrix with rank n is therefore found to be
1 3
4 6
The same procedure is followed regardless of the size of H (which need not be square) and the rank of H need not be known in advance.
Using the RowEchelon.jl package, we can apply the method described in #CarySwoveland's answer pretty easily. (This is not my area of expertise though, so any corrections to it are welcome; specifically, the choice of rows as 1 to number of pivots is an educated guess based on some trials.)
julia> H = [1 2 3
4 8 6
0 0 1];
julia> using RowEchelon
julia> _, pivotcols = rref_with_pivots(H)
([1.0 2.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 1.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0], [1, 3])
julia> result = H[1:length(pivotcols), pivotcols]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
1 3
4 6
The package is just a home for code that used to be in Base Julia, so you can even just copy the code if you don't want to add it as a dependency.

MATLAB: Fast creation of random symmetric Matrix with fixed degree (sum of rows)

I am searching for a method to create, in a fast way a random matrix A with the follwing properties:
A = transpose(A)
A(i,i) = 0 for all i
A(i,j) >= 0 for all i, j
sum(A) =~ degree; the sum of rows are randomly distributed by a distribution I want to specify (here =~ means approximate equality).
The distribution degree comes from a matrix orig, specifically degree=sum(orig), thus I know that matrices with this distribution exist.
For example: orig=[0 12 7 5; 12 0 1 9; 7 1 0 3; 5 9 3 0]
orig =
0 12 7 5
12 0 1 9
7 1 0 3
5 9 3 0
sum(orig)=[24 22 11 17];
Now one possible matrix A=[0 11 5 8, 11 0 4 7, 5 4 0 2, 8 7 2 0] is
A =
0 11 5 8
11 0 4 7
5 4 0 2
8 7 2 0
with sum(A)=[24 22 11 17].
I am trying this for quite some time, but unfortunatly my two ideas didn't work:
version 1:
I switch Nswitch times two random elements: A(k1,k3)--; A(k1,k4)++; A(k2,k3)++; A(k2,k4)--; (the transposed elements aswell).
Unfortunatly, Nswitch = log(E)*E (with E=sum(sum(nn))) in order that the Matrices are very uncorrelated. As my E > 5.000.000, this is not feasible (in particular, as I need at least 10 of such matrices).
version 2:
I create the matrix according to the distribution from scratch. The idea is, to fill every row i with degree(i) numbers, based on the distribution of degree:
for i=1:length(nn)
nnR = nnR + accumarray([xx(:),ff(:)],1,size(nnR));
However, while sum(A')=degree, sum(A) systematically deviates from degree, and I am not able to find the reason for that.
Small deviations from degree are fine of course, but there seem to be systmatical deviations in particulat of the matrices contain in some places large numbers.
I would be very happy if somebody could either show me a fast method for version1, or a reason for the systematic deviation of the distribution in version 2, or a method to create such matrices in a different way. Thank you!
This is the problem in matsmath's proposed solution:
Imagine you have the matrix:
orig =
0 12 3 1
12 0 1 9
3 1 0 3
1 9 3 0
with r(i)=[16 22 7 13].
Step 1: r(1)=16, my random integer partition is p(i)=[0 7 3 6].
Step 2: Check that all p(i)<=r(i), which is the case.
Step 3:
My random matrix starts looks like
A =
0 7 3 6
7 0 . .
3 . 0 .
6 . . 0
with the new row sum vector rnew=[r(2)-p(2),...,r(n)-p(n)]=[15 4 7]
Second iteration (here the problem occures):
Step 1: rnew(1)=15, my random integer partition is p(i)=[0 A B]: rnew(1)=15=A+B.
Step 2: Check that all p(i)<=rnew(i), which gives A<=4, B<=7. So A+B<=11, but A+B has to be 15. contradiction :-/
This is the code representing (to the best of my knowledge) the solution posted by David Eisenstat:
orig=[0 12 3 1; 12 0 1 9; 3 1 0 3; 1 9 3 0];
w=[2.2406 4.6334 0.8174 1.6902];
for ii=1:1000
rndmat=[poissrnd(w(1),1,4); poissrnd(w(2),1,4); poissrnd(w(3),1,4); poissrnd(w(4),1,4)];
kkk=rndmat.*(ones(4)-eye(4)); % remove diagonal
hhh=sum(sum(orig))/sum(sum(kkk))*kkk; % normalisation
disp(sum(orig)); % gives [16 22 7 13]
disp(sum(xf)); % gives [14.8337 9.6171 18.0627 15.4865] (obvious systematic problem)
disp(sum(xf')) % gives [13.5230 28.8452 4.9635 10.6683] (which is also systematically different from [16, 22, 7, 13]
Since it's enough to approximately preserve the degree sequence, let me propose a random distribution where each entry above the diagonal is chosen according to a Poisson distribution. My intuition is that we want to find weights w_i such that the i,j entry for i != j has mean w_i*w_j (all of the diagonal entries are zero). This gives us a nonlinear system of equations:
for all i, (sum_{j != i} w_i*w_j) = d_i,
where d_i is the degree of i. Equivalently,
for all i, w_i * (sum_j w_j) - w_i^2 = d_i.
The latter can be solved by applying Newton's method as described below from a starting solution of w_i = d_i / sqrt(sum_j d_j).
Once we have the w_is, we can sample repeatedly using poissrnd to generate samples of multiple Poisson distributions at once.
(If I have time, I'll try implementing this in numpy.)
The Jacobian matrix of the equation system for a 4 by 4 problem is
(w_2 + w_3 + w_4) w_1 w_1 w_1
w_2 (w_1 + w_3 + w_4) w_2 w_2
w_3 w_3 (w_1 + w_2 + w_4) w_3
w_4 w_4 w_4 (w_1 + w_2 + w_3).
In general, let A be a diagonal matrix where A_{i,i} = sum_j w_j - 2*w_i. Let u = [w_1, ..., w_n]' and v = [1, ..., 1]'. The Jacobian can be written J = A + u*v'. The inverse is given by the Sherman--Morrison formula
J^-1 = (A + u*v')^-1 = A^-1 - -------------- .
1 + v'*A^-1*u
For the Newton step, we need to compute J^-1*y for some given y. This can be done straightforwardly in time O(n) using the above equation. I'll add more detail when I get the chance.
First approach (based on version2)
Let your row sum vector given by the matrix orig [r(1),r(2),...,r(n)].
Step 1. Take a random integer partition of the integer r(1) into exactly n-1 parts, say p(2), p(3), ..., p(n)
Step 2. Check if p(i)<=r(i) for all i=2...n. If not, go to Step 1.
Step 3. Fill out your random matrix first row and colum by the entries 0, p(2), ... , p(n), and consider the new row sum vector [r(2)-p(2),...,r(n)-p(n)].
Repeat these steps with a matrix of order n-1.
The point is, that you randomize one row at a time, and reduce the problem to searching for a matrix of size one less.
As pointed out by OP in the comment, this naive algorithm fails. The reason is that the matrices in question have a further necessary condition on their entries as follows:
If A is an orig matrix with row sums [r(1), r(2), ..., r(n)] then necessarily for every i=1..n it holds that r(i)<=-r(i)+sum(r(j),j=1..n).
That is, any row sum, say the ith, r(i), is necessarily at most as big as the sum of the other row sums (not including r(i)).
In light of this, a revised algorithm is possible. Note that in Step 2b. we check if the new row sum vector has the property discussed above.
Step 1. Take a random integer partition of the integer r(1) into exactly n-1 parts, say p(2), p(3), ..., p(n)
Step 2a. Check if p(i)<=r(i) for all i=2...n. If not, go to Step 1.
Step 2b. Check if r(i)-p(i)<=-r(i)+p(i)+sum(r(j)-p(j),j=2..n) for all i=2..n. If not, go to Step 1.
Step 3. Fill out your random matrix first row and colum by the entries 0, p(2), ... , p(n), and consider the new row sum vector [r(2)-p(2),...,r(n)-p(n)].
Second approach (based on version1)
I am not sure if this approach gives you random matrices, but it certainly gives you different matrices.
The idea here is to change some parts of your orig matrix locally, in a way which maintains all of its properties.
You should look for a random 2x2 submatrix below the main diagonal which contains strictly positive entries, like [[a,b],[c,d]] and perturbe its contents by a random value r to [[a+r,b-r],[c-r,d+r]]. You make the same change above the main diagonal too, to keep your new matrix symmetric. Here the point is that the changes within the entries "cancel" each other out.
Of course, r should be chosen in a way such that b-r>=0 and c-r>=0.
You can pursue this idea to modify larger submatrices too. For example, you might choose 3 random row coordinates r1, r2, r2 and 3 random column coordinates c1, c2, and c3 and then make changes in your orig matrix at the 9 positions (ri,cj) as follows: you change your 3x3 submatrix [[a b c],[d e f], [g h i]] to [[a-r b+r c] [d+r e f-r], [g h-r i+r]]. You do the same at the transposed places. Again, the random value r must be chosen in a way so that a-r>=0 and f-r>=0 and h-r>=0. Moreover, c1 and r1, and c3 and r3 must be distinct as you can't change the 0 entries in the main diagonal of the matrix orig.
You can repeat such things over and over again, say 100 times, until you find something which looks random. Note that this idea uses the fact that you have existing knowledge of a solution, this is the matrix orig, while the first approach does not use such knowledge at all.

Inserteing the elements from several matrices to form a Large matrix in MATLAB [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Form a large matrix from n numbers of small matrices
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I am a new to MATLAB. I have generated n numbers of smaller matrices of (3 x 1 ) by using a FOR loop. All the matrices are having random values .Now I want to concatenate all the values to form a LARGE matrix 'M'Please check out my codes below .
n= input('please input the number of criterias \n');
for k=1:1:n
fprintf('Please input the %d X %d decision matrix for no %d Criteria \n', n,n,k);
for i=1:1:n
for j=1:1:n
m(i,j)= m(i,j)/S(j);
fprintf('the prioritized matrix for no %d criteria ) is ::\n',k);
and the Command window shows the O/p like this
please input the number of criterias
Please input the 3 X 3 decision matrix for no 1 Criteria
[1 2 3 ; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]
the prioritized matrix for no 1 criteria ) is ::
Please input the 3 X 3 decision matrix for no 2 Criteria
[4 5 6; 3 7 9; 8 1 4]
the prioritized matrix for no 2 criteria ) is ::
Please input the 3 X 3 decision matrix for no 3 Criteria
[1 5 4 ; 2 7 0; 3 6 7]
the prioritized matrix for no 3 criteria ) is ::
Now I want to append the values obtained from all the smaller resultant matrices (prioritized matrices) in order to form a LARGE MATRIX 'M'. 'M' shall look like this
M = [ .1278 .3224 .2644 ;
.3333 .4040 .2407 ;
.5839 .2736 .4899 ]
Now Please guide me how could i do this in an efficient way ? NOTE : 'M' is not always a 3X3 matrix , Its a huge order dimension (arround 40X40) in my real project and moreover Its not always fixed and It depends upon the USER INPUT i.e 'n' . I am extremely sorry for the previous Formatting mistakes.
Hard to see what is going on with your loops, but this example should help. Matrix concatenation is done with commas (to add columns) or semi-colons (to add rows). So if you have three row matrices of size 1x3 that look like:
m1=[.1278 .3224 .2644]
m2=[.3338 .4040 .2407]
m3=[.5839 .2736 .4899]
you can make a 3x3 matrix M concatenating your small matrices with semi-colons:
that looks like this:
M =
0.12780 0.32240 0.26440
0.33380 0.40400 0.24070
0.58390 0.27360 0.48990

fortran library for sparse matrix multiplication

I have a large matrix which I have stored in the following format, given the matrix A;
A =
1 0 3
5 1 -2
0 0 7
3 vectors;
NVPN = [1 3 4 7] - I arbitrarily put a 1 in the first column, then from the second onwards it is a cumulatively summing the number of non-zero elements per column.
NNVI = [1 2 2 1 2 3] - row index of each non-zero element.
CONT = [1 5 1 3 -2 7] - value of each non-zero element.
I now need to perform matrix*matrix multiplication and matrix*vector multiplication. Does anyone know if the are any FORTRAN libraries, which I can amend to fit my problem, to do this above?
Thanks in advance
The MATMUL function allows you to perform matrix products, which is defined in the section 13.7.70 of the FORTRAN 90 standard. See also: GCC reference.
There is already a topic on sparse matrix libraries here.
