add nodes to a tree in scheme - scheme

Defined in Scheme one (sumanodos-pareja-tree tree) function that takes a tree
generic and returns a new generic tree where each datum is a pair containing the data
Original (left) and the sum of its children nodes (right):
I do this:
(define (sumanodos-pareja-tree tree)
(let ((bosque-sumados (map sumanodos-pareja-tree (hijos-tree tree))))
(make-tree (cons (dato-tree tree) (suma-datos-raiz bosque-sumados))
(define (suma-datos-raiz bosque-sumados)
(if (null? bosque-sumados) 0
(let ((primer-arbol (car bosque-sumados)))
(+ (car (dato-tree primer-arbol))
(cdr (dato-tree primer-arbol))
(suma-datos-raiz (cdr bosque-sumados))))))
(define tree22 '(2 (7 (1 (10) (4))
(6 (2 (3)))
(sumanodos-pareja-tree tree22)
But it returns this error;
cons: second argument must be a list, but received 2 and 42
as I can do?

This is a restriction of some Racket learning languages. Use list instead of cons.


recursion to find nulls

im trying to find the max value in a tree, but I'm having trouble understanding the recursion part of it.
what I have so far
(define mytree '(10 (5(4(2 ()()) (22()())) (21(15()()) (23 ()()))) (11(6()())(13()()))))
(define (leaf mytree)
(and(null?(cadr mytree)) (null? (caddr mytree))))
(define (maxval mytree)
(if (null? mytree)
(max (leaf(maxval (cadr mytree))) (leaf(maxval (caddr mytree))))))
(maxval mytree)
I'm trying to make the leaf function go through every number in the tree until it gets to the bottom numbers, where it will find the greatest value.
Indent code, align subtrees, add space
Name predicate with ? at the end
Use tree instead of mytree
Define abstractions (left-child, right-child instead of cadr-soups)
This is more readable:
(define mytree
'(10 (5 (4 (2 () ())
(22 () ()))
(21 (15 ()())
(23 ()())))
(11 (6 () ())
(13 () ()))))
(define (tree-value tree)
(car tree))
(define (left-child tree)
(cadr tree))
(define (right-child tree)
(caddr tree))
(define (leaf? tree)
(and (null? (left-child tree)
(null? (right-child tree))))
(define (maxval tree)
(if (null? tree)
(max (leaf? (maxval (left-child tree)))
(leaf? (maxval (right-child tree))))))
Recursive algorithm
The maximum value of a tree (maxvalue tree) is the maximum value among:
the value associated with the tree: (tree-value tree)
the maximum value of its left subtree: (maxvalue (left-child tree))
the maximum value of its right subtree: (maxvalue (right-child tree))
The degenerate case (base case) where a tree has no child is to return the value associated with the tree.
Your current algorithm does not do that. In particular:
Why is the result of leaf? given to max?
Why don't you check the value rooted at current tree?
You should be able to translate the above in terms of code. This should look roughly like this (untested):
(define (maxval tree)
(if (leaf? tree)
(tree-value tree)
(max (tree-value tree)
(maxval (left-child tree))
(maxval (right-child tree)))))
Short version: you need a data definition, and test cases.
Your data definition should probably read
;; a binary tree is either:
;; -- <you fill in this part>, or
;; -- <you fill in this part too>
Then, you need test cases.
write a test case for both cases of your data definition.
This should answer your question for you.
(In general, the stepper can be helpful, but in this case, I think the problem starts earlier.)

Power set in Scheme with ordered output

So I am familiar with the algorithm for creating a power set using Scheme that looks something like this:
(define (power-set set)
(if (null? set) '(())
(let ((power-set-of-rest (power-set (cdr set))))
(append power-set-of-rest
(map (lambda (subset) (cons (car set) subset))
So this, for (1, 2, 3, 4), would output:
(() (4) (3) (3 4) (2) (2 4) (2 3) (2 3 4) (1) (1 4) (1 3) (1 3 4) (1 2) (1 2 4)
(1 2 3) (1 2 3 4))
I need to figure out how to output the power set "in order", for example:
(() (1) (2) (3) (4) (1 2) (1 3) (1 4) (2 3) (2 4) (3 4) (1 2 3) (1 2 4) (1 3 4)
(2 3 4) (1 2 3 4))
Doing a little research, it seems as if the best option would be for me to run a sort before outputting. I am NOT allowed to use built in sorts, so I have found some example sorts for sorting a list:
(define (qsort e)
(if (or (null? e) (<= (length e) 1))
(let loop ((left null) (right null)
(pivot (car e)) (rest (cdr e)))
(if (null? rest)
(append (append (qsort left) (list pivot)) (qsort right))
(if (<= (car rest) pivot)
(loop (append left (list (car rest))) right pivot (cdr rest))
(loop left (append right (list (car rest))) pivot (cdr rest)))))))
I cannot figure out how I would go about sorting it based off of the second, or third element in one of the power sets though. Can anyone provide an example?
Here's a powerset function that returns the items in the correct order, without sorting. It requires Racket and uses its queues to implement breadth-first processing:
(require srfi/1 data/queue)
(define (powerset items)
(define fifo (make-queue))
(enqueue! fifo (cons '() items))
(let loop ((result '()))
(if (queue-empty? fifo)
(reverse result)
(let* ((head-entry (dequeue! fifo))
(subset (car head-entry))
(rest-items (cdr head-entry)))
(pair-for-each (lambda (next-items)
(enqueue! fifo (cons (cons (car next-items) subset)
(cdr next-items))))
(loop (cons (reverse subset) result))))))
We maintain a FIFO queue of pairs, each consisting of a subset (in reversed order) and a list of items not included in it, starting with an empty subset so all the original items are still not included in it.
For each such pair, we collect the subset into the result list, and also extend the queue by extending this subset by each item from the not-included items. Processing stops when the queue is empty.
Because we extend subsets each time by one element only, and in order, the result is ordered too.
Here's a compare function that should work for your needs. It assumes that the numbers in the two input arguments are sorted already.
(define (list-less? lst1 lst2)
;; Compare the contents of the lists.
(define (helper l1 l2)
;; If two lists are identical, the answer is false.
;; This scenario won't be exercised in the problem.
;; It's here only for the sake of completeness.
(if (null? l1)
;; If the first item of the second list is greater than
;; the first item, return true.
(if (> (car l2) (car l1))
(or (< (car l1) (car l2)) (helper (cdr l1) (cdr l2))))))
;; First compare the lengths of the input arguments.
;; A list of smaller length are assumed to be "less"
;; than list of greater length.
;; Only when the lists are of equal length, do we
;; compare the contents of the lists.
(let ((len1 (length lst1)) (len2 (length lst2)))
(if (> len1 len2)
(or (< len1 len2) (helper lst1 lst2)))))

How to write SUM function in Scheme?

How to write a function in scheme that sums the numbers in embedded lists?
i.e. ((1) (2 3) (4) (5 6))
I wrote this to sum the regular list:
(define (sum list)
(if (null? list)
(+ (car list) (sum (cdr list)))))
but I'm not sure how to do the embedded one.
You have 3 cases:
(define (my-sum lst)
; 1. the list is empty, so finish of by adding 0
([empty? lst] 0)
; 2. the first element is a list, so recurse down on the sublist, then do the rest
([list? (car lst)] (+ (my-sum (car lst)) (my-sum (cdr lst))))
; 3. add the first element to the sum, then do the rest
(else (+ (car lst) (my-sum (cdr lst))))))
so you were just missing the middle case.
This will work regardless of the nesting depth:
(my-sum '((1) (2 3) (4) (5 6)))
=> 21
(my-sum '((1) (2 3) (4) (5 6 (7 8 (9)))))
=> 45
Please note that you should not use the names "sum" and "list" in order not to shadow the build-in procedures.
Here is the simplest answer.
(define (sum list-of-lists)
(apply + (apply append list-of-lists)))
and the 'proof':
> (sum '((1) (2 3) (4) (5 6)))
In a more functional way
; this sums the elements of a not-embedded list
(define (sum-list* l)
(foldl + 0 l))
; this sums the elements of an embedded list
(define (sum-embedded-list* el)
(foldl + 0 (map sum-list* el)))
It covers the case of a list so formed: (( (, where ai and bj are atoms.
Foldl and map are two important functions in scheme (and other languages). If you don't know how to use them you should learn. Take a look here

How to count individual elements in a pair - scheme ?

(cons 2 (cons ( cons 2 3 ) (cons 4 5 )))
This gives me a list that looks like this : (2 (2 . 3) 4 . 5) when I try to count the number of elements in this list the output is 3 as exepected.
How do I calculate the number of individual elements of a pair ? The output in this case should be 5 for example.
Here's a possible solution, the question is essentially asking for the number of atoms in a list structure (not necessarily null-terminated proper lists):
(define (count-all seq)
(cond ((null? seq) 0)
((not (pair? seq)) 1)
(else (+ (count-all (car seq))
(count-all (cdr seq))))))
It works on sequences of elements like this:
If the sequence is empty, it has zero elements
If the sequence is not a cons cell (a pair of elements), it's because it's a single element - an atom
Otherwise add the elements of both the car and the cdr of the sequence
It works as expected for arbitrarily nested list structures:
(count-all '(2 (2 . 3) 4 . 5))
=> 5
(count-all '(1 (2 . (3 (4 . 5) 6)) 7 . 8))
=> 8
We can solve this problem recursively for arbitrarily deeply nested lists.
(define (atom? x) (not (pair? x)))
(define (count-atoms lst)
(cond ((null? lst) 0) ; nothing to count, return 0
((atom? lst) 1) ; lst contains only one thing, return 1
(else ; otherwise, lst contains multiple elements
(+ (count-atoms (car lst)) ; add the number of atoms in the first position
(count-atoms (cdr lst)))))) ; to the number of atoms in the rest of the list
EDIT: This is a duplicate to Oscar's answer. I did not see that he had answered when I hit submit, but will leave this here since I feel the comments are useful.

Finding the overall average of nested lists in Scheme?

Hey guys, I'm using MIT Scheme and trying to write a procedure to find the average of all the numbers in a bunch of nested lists, for example:
(average-lists (list 1 2 (list 3 (list 4 5)) 6)))
Should return 3.5. I've played with the following code for days, and right now I've got it returning the sum, but not the average. Also, it is important that the values of the inner-most lists are calculated first, so no extracting all values and simply averaging them.
Here's what I have so far:
(define (average-lists data)
(if (null? data)
(if (list? (car data))
(+ (average-lists (car data)) (average-lists (cdr data)))
(+ (car data) (average-lists (cdr data))))))
I've tried this approach, as well as trying to use map to map a lambda function to it recursively, and a few others, but I just can't find one. I think I'm making thing harder than it should be.
I wrote the following in an effort to pursue some other paths as well, which you may find useful:
(define (list-num? x) ;Checks to see if list only contains numbers
(= (length (filter number? x)) (length x)))
(define (list-avg x) ;Returns the average of a list of numbers
(/ (accumulate + 0 x) (length x)))
Your help is really appreciated! This problem has been a nightmare for me. :)
Unless the parameters require otherwise, you'll want to define a helper procedure that can calculate both the sum and the count of how many items are in each list. Once you can average a single list, it's easy to adapt it to nested lists by checking to see if the car is a list.
This method will get you the average in one pass over the list, rather than the two or more passes that solutions that flatten the list or do the count and the sums in two separate passes. You would have to get the sum and counts separately from the sublists to get the overall average, though (re. zinglon's comment below).
One way to get both the sum and the count back is to pass it back in a pair:
(define sum-and-count ; returns (sum . count)
(lambda (ls)
(if (null? ls)
(cons 0 0)
(let ((r (sum-and-count (cdr ls))))
(cons (+ (car ls) (car r))
(add1 (cdr r)))))))
That procedure gets the sum and number of elements of a list. Do what you did to your own average-lists to it to get it to examine deeply-nested lists. Then you can get the average by doing (/ (car result) (cdr result)).
Or, you can write separate deep-sum and deep-count procedures, and then do (/ (deep-sum ls) (deep-count ls)), but that requires two passes over the list.
(define (flatten mylist)
(cond ((null? mylist) '())
((list? (car mylist)) (append (flatten (car mylist)) (flatten (cdr mylist))))
(else (cons (car mylist) (flatten (cdr mylist))))))
(define (myavg mylist)
(let ((flatlist (flatten mylist)))
(/ (apply + flatlist) (length flatlist))))
The first function flattens the list. That is, it converts '(1 2 (3 (4 5)) 6) to '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
Then its just a matter of applying + to the flat list and doing the average.
Reference for the first function:
