Why is my website loading so slow - performance

This is the page of the website that I'm coding : http://davidcocciante.com/beta4/
The issue is that the loading page lasts 9-12 seconds. I don't have very heavy stuff. Maybe the scripts are the issue?
Thanks to you!

Your images are of extreme high quality, you need to optimize them for the web. There is at least 4MB and I didn't check all the images on the site.
This slows down the load time so much, if users are on the mobile device it will take even longer to load.
The only solution to this that I can think of is to optimize ALL images for web using Photoshop or what ever you decide to go with.
Best of luck, website looks nice however graphic weight OVERLOAD :)


Random slow content download, while TTFB remains low

I'm developing a Magento2 website, everything is running well for now, except a random issue I can't figure out how to solve.
The website is using Varnish, and all pages have a varnish cache HIT, with a very low TTFB about 30ms and low content download too (about 40ms)
But randomly, the download timing increases to more than 2 seconds, and on the next page visit it will go down to normal 40ms.
Same issue on all browsers, so not a browser issue.
Would someone have an idea ?
Many thanks
There are so many factors at play. The most important thing is whether or not you can simulate the issue and predict when the issue will appear again.
Once you're able to simulate, you need to determine what type of resource is slow:
Is it the graphical rendering of the page in the browser?
Is there a 3rd party JS resource that is slow?
Is it the actual TTFB of the main page that is slow for that resource?
Please use your browser's development tools and check the breakdown in the networking tab. With enough attempts, you'll be able to spot the issue. When you do, please add a screenshot of the breakdown in this question.
In parallel, you can keep the following command running to identify requests that took more than 2 seconds to process:
varnishlog -g request -q "Timestamp:Resp[2] > 2.0"
You can also add the output to your question.

Slow Web site speeds

I am currently trying to fix some speed issues on a site for a client (not built by myself), but can't figure out how to increase the speed of the site. It is built on WordPress and I have tried multiple things to get it working - to no avail. Any help would be appreciated!
There is plenty of information here.
It the WP Loop.
The 7.69 second load time for index.php
It's the WP plug-ins in the WP Loop that are causing the long load time.
If the site is static then just save the pages and serve them as static.
It appears the waterfall is cut off. somewhere down below that there is very likely a CSS or font file being loaded that is delaying the Start Render.
Correction, this page is a basket case and it should be redesigned from the ground up.

CSS responsive performance issues for 100's of containers slow

So I am backend developer who is dipping my toes into developing a responsive site that, for SEO reasons, needs to be able to show up to a 1000 responsive "containers" for search results, ie...
So what seems to be happening is that the browser is locking up trying to render all these containers or something? For searches with less then 300 results, the delay is tolerable ie...
To be honest, i'm in somewhat over my head here (im a database guy) and i'm trying to learn, but have no idea if its going to even be possible to improve performance without using pagination (something my clients is very much against)
I'm wondering if anyone here has any insights into my issues.
EDIT - the same "lock-up" delay occurs when you resize the browser and wait for the responsive-ness to kick in
I think your overloading the browsers memory, this you can't solve with css. it's the whole package (images and content).
You could solve this by using infinite scroll and thus only load content when the user scrolls. There are some things you have to look in to before throwing yourself into infinite srcolling especially on SEO level.
You might want to read this:

How can I figure out why my Wordpress pages load so slowly?

Yet my site pages load very slowly. Usually there's a 2-3 second lag before the page renders, and I cannot figure out why.
My site is powered by Wordpress v3.4.2.
I'm on a dedicated virtual server with plenty of resources and
There are no huge images loading.
My CSS files load before JS scripts.
I've spent a lot of time trying to optimize the site within the constraints of the platform (Wordpress + plugins, etc). I don't expect my site to be SUPER fast, but I need it to not be SO slow.
I'm using Chrome's developer tools to audit my site but the suggestions do not appear to explain the long load time (unused CSS rules, etc). When I look at the timeline, I see a 2.7x second load time initially but I can't figure out why. Can anyone help me get to the bottom of this?
My site is located here. The homepage has some extra scripts, so it may be more helpful to look at this page.
I found this superb guide which really helped me fight through the mire of optimising Apache for use with WordPress:
You said you have a virtual server so chances are it's currently set up to load EVERY module - you'll find a great speed boost here if you eliminate unnecessary modules. Keep a backup of your config file in case you screw it up.
Also - use the TOP command through SSH to see how much memory PHP is using. Probably a lot currently. This will all be improved through eliminating modules as per above link. You don't mention how much memory you have on your VPS but there's a good chance your performance issues are coming from memory thrashing which will be mitigated significantly by reducing how much memory each PHP instance consumes using the link above.
Also, it matters to find out where your performance issues are actually coming from – a great little plugin called WP Tuner helps me locate performance bottlenecks. The original plugin is incompatible but someone else has written an upgrade:
That will help you identify which specific parts of the page are taking the longest to load so you will immediately find your performance bottleneck.
In addition, a cool plugin called Debug Queries is useful for tracking down performance issues although the wordpress profiler above actually does track queries too.
Finally – I can’t recommend highly enough this WordPress.org discussion on performance, and specifically on W3 Total Cache vs Super Cache (both are excellent).
It’s a fantastic read for anyone looking for split-second response times:
I use W3 total cache on one of my sites and WP Super Cache on another. Both are great. I used both so I could learn about both. I would say use WP Super cache plus all the other tools the guy at the link above recommends if you're looking for extreme performance, but if you're looking to get immediate performance W3 total cache is more comprehensive in its initial setup.
Hope that helps.
use caching plugin,
put JS files at the bottom,
try different webhost (DB server may be slow sometimes)
minify css and JS,
make fewer HTTP requests
make sure external services (like FB and others) are not slowing down (remove
them and see if it helps)
run Yslow or similar test
try to use typekit or google font instead of cufon
Have you tried http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-super-cache/ or a similar caching plugin?

How do I know how much traffic my wordpress/buddypress based social media website could hold? What to do when traffic goes up?

Right now I'm paying 5 dollars a month for hosting to godaddy.com. Although there are no users registered yet (it's closed for maintenance mode as I'm testing and buiding it), it's slower than e.g. facebook. Does anyone have experience on using buddypress? What happens if my site blows up and draws a lot of users very fast. I guess I can get more expensive and better quality hosting, but is there a limit for buddypress based sites, especially when I'm using quite a few plugins.
BuddyPress scales quite high, so the code itself won't be a problem, even with tens of thousands of users. Your problems will probably be imposed by your host--limiting database transactions or sizes of tables--or specific themes taking a long time to render.
Firebug can be a great tool to use if you want to identify what component is causing a site to be slow. Instructions on using Firebug
