Unable to find oozie-site.xml in CDH5.01 version - hadoop

I use cloudera hadoop CDH5.01
During oozie execution I'm getting error
Jobtracker [cloudera:5032] not allowed, not in Oozies whitelist
In order to fix this issue, I require to add resource manager address to the whitelist in oozie-site.xml.
Cloudera documents say its located in /etc/oozie/conf/. Modifying the file is not reflected in ooize console. configuration which oozie is using is from somewhere else which is getting generated whenever I start oozie.
How to find the actual configuration file which is being used which cloudera hadoop + oozie

You have the file oozie-default.xml in $OOZIE_HOME/conf

The folder you listed is where the actual oozie-site.xml is written to; for example /run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/294-oozie-OOZIE_SERVER/oozie-site.xml. Whenever oozie is started a process directory is created and its configuration is written somewhere under that directory.
If you need to modify values that get written to oozie-site.xml then you must modify those values in Cloudera Manager. Modifying the oozie-site.xml directly will not work as the configuration will just be overwritten the next time the service is started. Open cloudera manager in a browser, Select your cluster, Select the oozie service, select the configuration tab. Then modify the setting in question. You will see an icon next to the service after you save the changes that dictates the configuration needs to be redeployed and that the service needs to be restarted to pick up those new changes.


How to change NiFi properties on cloudera manager

I can't locate the configuration directory for NiFi in order to increase heap memory, and it seems cloudera generates a new process folder each time I restart Nifi service.
Finally I did find an option to add properties in xml file

Plain vanilla Hadoop installation vs Hadoop installation using Ambari

I recently downloaded hadoop distribution from Apache and got it up and running quite fast; download the hadoop tar ball, untar it at a location and some configuration setting. The thing here is that I am able to see the various configuration files like: yarn-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml etc; and I know the hadoop home location.
Next, I installed hadoop (HDP) Using Ambari.
Here comes the confusion part. It seems Ambarin installs the hdp in /usr/hdp; however the directory structure in plain vanilla hadoop vs Ambari is totally different. I am not able to locate the configuration files e.g. yarn-site.xml etc.
So can anyone help me demystify this?
All the configuration changes must be done via the Ambari UI. There is no use for the configuration files since Ambari persists the configurations in Ambari Database.
If you still need them, they are under /etc/hadoop/conf/.
It's true that configuration changes must be made via Ambari UI and that those configurations are stored in a database.
Why is it necessary to change these configuration properties in Ambari UI and not directly on disk?
Every time a service is restarted and it has a stale configuration the ambari-agent is responsible for writing the latest configuration to disk. They are written to /etc/<service-name>/conf. If you were to make changes directly to the configuration files on disk they would get overwritten by the aforementioned process.
However the configuration files found on disk DO still have a use...
The configuration files (on disk) are used by the various hadoop daemons when they're started/running.
Basically the benefit of using Ambari UI in Cluster Hadoop deployment. It will give you central management point.
For example:
10 pcs Hadoop cluster setup.
Plain vanilla Hadoop:
If you change any configuration you must be changed in 10 pcs
Ambari UI :
Due to configuration store in db. you just change in management portal all changes effect reflected on all node by single point change.

HBase region servers going down when try to configure Apache Phoenix

I'm using CDH 5.3.1 and HBase 0.98.6-cdh5.3.1 and trying to configure Apache Phoenix 4.4.0
As per the documentation provided in Apache Phoenix Installation
Copied phoenix-4.4.0-HBase-0.98-server.jar file in lib directory (/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.3.1-1.cdh5.3.1.p0.5/lib/hbase/lib) of both master and region servers
Restarted HBase service from Cloudera Manager.
When I check the HBase instances I see the region servers are down and I don't see any problem in log files.
I even tried to copy all the jars from the phoenix folder and still facing the same issue.
I have even tried to configure Phoenix 4.3.0 and 4.1.0 but still no luck.
Can someone point me what else I need to configure or anything else that I need to do to resolve this issue
I'm able to configure Apache Phoenix using Parcels. Following are the steps to install Phoenix using Cloudera Manager
In Cloudera Manager, go to Hosts, then Parcels.
Select Edit Settings.
Click the + sign next to an existing Remote Parcel Repository URL, and add the following URL: http://archive.cloudera.com/cloudera-labs/phoenix/parcels/1.0/. Click Save Changes.
Select Hosts, then Parcels.
In the list of Parcel Names, CLABS_PHOENIX is now available. Select it and choose Download.
The first cluster is selected by default. To choose a different cluster for distribution, select it. Find CLABS_PHOENIX in the list, and click Distribute.
If you plan to use secondary indexing, add the following to the hbase-site.xml advanced configuration snippet. Go to the HBase service, click Configuration, and choose HBase Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hbase-site.xml. Paste in the following XML, then save the changes.
Whether you edited the HBase configuration or not, restart the HBase service. Click Actions > Restart
For detailed installation steps and other details refer this link
I dont think, Phoenix4.4.0 is compatible with CDH version you are running. This discussion on mailing list will help you:http://search-hadoop.com/m/9UY0h2n4MOg1IX6OR1

where to find the M/R configuration file and update it

our Hadoop cluster shows the job tracker process eat up memory gradually that we have to restart the cluster every week. I searched around for the possible solution for this. one of the post mentioned to decrease 'mapred.jobtracker.completeuserjobs.maximum' to 5, so i checked mapred-site.xml under /hadoop-install/conf directory on name node and found there are two entries for that parameter, one set it to 30, the other set it to 5, when i goto any of the data node and check mapred-site.xml, i don't find the setting for that parameter at all. however when I checked running job on M/R administration page and checked their job file, it showed that parameters set to 100. I'm really confused where does this parameter is set. and if i updated it, do i need to restart the cluster? we are running apache Hadoop 1.2.1 on google cloud
Hadoop does not automatically copy the configuration files from your driver machine to all of the cluster machines You need to do that via scp and/or rsync or preferably an automated deployment tool like chef, ansible, puppet, etc.
As far as the individual job parameters: you can actually set them on per-job basis by using -D:
<path to jar>/myHadoopJobJar.jar -Dmapred.jobtracker.completeuserjobs.maximum=5

Locating Cloudera Manager HDFS config files

I've installed a cluster via Cloudera Manager, and now I need to launch the cluster manually.
I've been using the following command:
$ sudo -u hdfs hadoop namenode / datanode / jobtracker
But then the dfs.name.dir is set up /tmp. I can't seem to find where cloudera manager has the HDFS config files. The ones in /usr/lib/hadoop-02*/conf seem to be minimal. They're missing the dfs.name.dir which is what I'm looking for particularly. I'm on an RHLE 6 system, by the way. Being lazy, I though I could just copy over cloudera manager's HDFS config files, so I don't have to manually create them, the copy them over to 6 nodes :)
I was facing same problem.
I was changing configuration parameters from cloudera manager ui but was clueless where my changes were getting updated on local file system.
I ran grep command and found out that in my case configuration were stored at /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/*-hdfs-NAMENODE directory.
So David is right, whenever we change configs from ui and restart service, it creates new config. settings in /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/ directory.
Using CentOS 6.5, the Cloudera Manager special files do not show up in a SEARCH FILES result because their permissions are set to hide from all but the 'hdfs' user. In addition, there are multiple versions of hdfs-site.xml on the local drive some of which have partial amounts of real settings. The actual settings file is in the DATANODE folder not the NAMENODE folder as evidenced by the lack of dfs.datanode.data.dir values in the latter.
Cloudera manager deploying config file each time you start cluster, each time in different directory. Directories are named after process id or something like this.
The configuration is passed explicitly to each deamon as parameter. So if you will look into command line of each hadoop deamons you can see where is configuration sitting (or just grep over disk for hdfs-site.xml. Names of config files are the same as usual.
I was in the same boat and found this answer:
To allow Hadoop client users to work with the HDFS, MapReduce, YARN
and HBase services you created, Cloudera Manager generates client
configuration files that contain the relevant configuration files with
the settings from your services. These files are deployed
automatically by Cloudera Manager based on the services you have
installed, when you add a service, or when you add a Gateway role on a
You can download and distribute these client configuration files
manually to the users of a service, if necessary.
The Client Configuration URLs command on the cluster Actions menu
opens a pop-up that displays links to the client configuration zip
files created for the services installed in your cluster. You can
download these zip files by clicking the link.
See Deploying Client Configuration Files for more information on this
On our system I got there via http://your_server:7180/cmf/services/status and clicked the Actions popup under the Add Cluster button. Hope that helps.
