Ruby Kata Integer conversion troubleshoot [duplicate] - ruby

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ruby basic data type conversion
(4 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'm solving this ruby kata. Essentially what the code does is to output an integer with five digits.
5 = 00005
12 = 00012
12345 = 12345
00001234 = 012345
Here is my code:
def solution(value) #00001204
string_value = value.to_s
if string_value.length <= 5
amount_of_zeros = "0" * (string_value.length - 5).abs
puts "Value is #{amount_of_zeros}" + "#{string_value}"
start_of_characters = 5 - string_value.length #-3
puts "Value is " + string_value[-1..start_of_characters]
Everything works fine until I place 00001204. For some reason I get the output 00644. I tried using binding.pry to see what was going on and my number gets converted into 644 from the start. Why is it doing that? The docs don't mention anything about it. I don't how to fix this because on the first line of my method it already turns into 644. Any thoughts?

In ruby, numbers that are 0-prefixed are interpreted as octal. When you pass 00001204 to your method, ruby is assuming that you want the number interpreted as octal. 12048 = 64410.
644.to_s 8
=> "1204"
01204.to_s 10
=> "644"
Check out the Ruby documentation on literals.

as Zajn said it is due to it being interpreted as octal.
You can also use .to_i to force it to be an integer.
>> 000000001204
=> 644
>> "000000001204".to_i
=> 1204
Also take a look at string formatting with % if you just want to output it, since it can clean up your code a lot
>> "%05d" % "000001204".to_i
=> "01204"


Converting math expression to string in Ruby

problem = 7 + 3
puts problem.to_s
I'm new to Ruby. The code above returns 10. How do I get 7 + 3 as the output, without assigning it to problem as a string in the first place? Am I missing something extremely simple?
Am I missing something extremely simple?
Yes, you are. This is impossible. 7 + 3, as an arbitrary expression, is evaluated/"reduced" to 10 when it's assigned to problem. And the original sequence of calculations is lost.
So you either have to start with strings ("7 + 3") and eval them when you need the numeric result (as #zswqa suggested).
Or package them as procs and use something like method_source.
just for fun (don't try at home)
class Integer
def +(other)
"#{self} + #{other}"
problem = 7 + 3
puts problem.to_s # "7 + 3"
7 is Fixnum (ruby < 2.4) or Integer (ruby >= 2.4)
"7" is String
So you need to define for ruby what you need because + for Integer is addition, + for String is concatenation:
problem = "7" "+" "3"
That is equal to:
problem = "7+3"

convert an input string to an integer

I need to convert an input string to an integer using a get_integer_from_string() function.
I am using Ruby
and I have this schedule.
based on the schedule we need to covert from base 7 to base 10
Please note :
1- If you encounter a string with no numerical sequences, it should return zero (0).
2- The string can contain additional characters after those that form the integral number, which are ignored and have no effect on the behavior of this function.
Thank you for helping me with my homework.
As Tim pointed out above, your table shows base 7, not 6. Both String#to_i and Fixnum#to_s take an optional radix (base) argument:
p "020".to_i(7)
# => 14
p 14.to_s(7)
# => "20"
In order to deal with trailing characters that aren't 0-6, String#slice (a.k.a. String#[]) works well:
expr = /^[0-6]*/
p "72"[expr].to_i(7)
# => 0
p "0202xyz"[expr].to_i(7)
# => 100
p "27"[expr].to_i(7)
# => 2
What you want to do is convert the string (which represents a base 7 number) to a base 10 integer. This can be done via
# => 15
Please see the Documentation of Ruby String class for the method to_i()
i made this not sure if it's right
def get_integer_from_string(str)
return 0 if (/^(?<num>\d+)$/ =~ str).nil?
result = 0
str.reverse.each_char.with_index do |char, index|
tmp = char.to_i * 7**index
result += tmp
result rescue 0

How to solve ruby string [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post.
Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm new to ruby, and I'm trying to make a simple calculator in which a user types in a simple problem (such as addition or subtraction) and the answer is returned. The problem is when the user types in a question, the question itself is being returned instead of the answer to that question.
puts "How many Questions?"
questions = gets.chomp.to_i
questions.times do |problem|
puts "question: "
problem = gets.chomp
puts "answer: #{problem}"
Inside your loop, instead of:
problem = gets.chomp
puts "answer: #{problem}"
Try this:
problem = gets.chomp
solved_problem = eval(problem)
puts "answer : #{solved_problem}"
eval will take care of interpreting your string as a Ruby instruction. But it's very messy, because anyone could write any Ruby program in your input and eval will make it run, so it's not safe at all.
If you only want to take care of simple operations, you can use a regex first to check if the input string looks like what you want:
problem_is_ok = (problem =~ /^\d+ *[+-] *\d+$/)
This will be true if the string starts with a number, followed by 0 to many spaces, followed by either a + or - sign, followed by 0 or more spaces, followed by another number and nothing else. Then you raise an error if this is not true.
Your loop now look like this:
questions.times do |problem|
puts "question: "
problem = gets.chomp
problem_is_ok = (problem =~ /^\d+ *[+-] *\d+$/)
if problem_is_ok
puts "answer: #{eval(problem)}"
#I raise an error, but you might aswell just print it instead for your simple program
raise ArgumentError("Can't compute this")
Add and subtract can be simple ruby definitions
We pass in 5 and 1
The lower portion of the code is the clear user interface implementation
when we loop we do it 3 times
It outputs 3 options for the user to select from
We read in with chomp, standard in, the keyboard, chooses 1, 2, or 3
If elsif statements conditionally select for each case
Using string interpolation we render the variables a and b into a new string,
and run their respective methods (add or subtract)
Converting that methods integer output to a string, and concatenate it.
Outputting that to the users screen
The 3rd option does no calculation,
instead it prints to users screen a simple string
our else condition catches the case when people don't enter one of the choices of 1, 2 or 3
It tells you to correct your choice to the options provided
Hope this helps
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
questions = 3
a, b = 5, 1
def add(a,b)
a + b
def subtract(a,b)
a - b
questions.times do |questions|
puts "Please choose:
1. add
2. subtract
3. exit"
questions = gets.chomp
if questions == '1'
puts "#{a} + #{b} = " + add(a,b).to_s
elsif questions == '2'
puts "#{a} - #{b} = " + subtract(a,b).to_s
elsif questions == '3'
puts 'exiting, goodbye.'
p 'please choose again'

How do I parse a simple time string into a time period?

In my Ruby app, I have an Investment entity that has a term attribute.
I need this class to accept a String from user input in the form of 3 Years or 36 months. What I want is to then convert the input into number of months, set the term attribute to this period and figure out the maturity date.
So far I have tried using Active Support and Chronic but the APIs do not support this.
This getter works:
def term
if term =~ /year[s]?/i
term = term.to_i * 12
else term =~ /month[s]?/i
term = term.to_i
But is there a more elegant way to do this in Ruby?
Ruby doesn't have anything built-in that represents a "time-span" (some other languages do). However, there is a library for it (timespan), although it may be a bit overkill for your situation.
You mentioned that chronic doesn't support this. But why not just calculate the time difference yourself?
require 'chronic'
input = '2 years'
then = Chronic.parse(input + ' ago')
now =
# Now we just calculate the number of months
term = (now.year * 12 + now.month) - (then.year * 12 + then.month)
That way, you get the flexibility of chronic's parsing, and you still don't need much code.
Or just go ahead and use the timespan library.
require 'timespan'
term ='2 years').to_months
# Boom.
If we can assume that the input string will always contain one or more digits followed a unit ("years", "Year", "months", etc.), this is pretty straightforward. Just write a regular expression that captures the digits and the unit, convert the digits to a number and normalize the unit, and do the math.
def to_months(str)
if str =~ /(\d+)\s*(month|year)s?/i
num = $1.to_i # => 3
unit = $2.downcase # => year
num *= 12 if unit == "year"
return num
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid input"
puts to_months("3 Years") # => 36
puts to_months("1 month") # => 1
puts to_months("6months") # => 6
It's not a whole lot more elegant than your method, but perhaps it'll give you an idea or two.

How do I generate a random 10 digit number in ruby?

Additionally, how can I format it as a string padded with zeros?
To generate the number call rand with the result of the expression "10 to the power of 10"
rand(10 ** 10)
To pad the number with zeros you can use the string format operator
'%010d' % rand(10 ** 10)
or the rjust method of string
rand(10 ** 10).to_s.rjust(10,'0')
I would like to contribute probably a simplest solution I know, which is a quite a good trick.
=> "5950281724"
This is a fast way to generate a 10-sized string of digits:{rand(10)}.join # => "3401487670"
The most straightforward answer would probably be
The to_i part is needed because 1e9 and 1e10 are actually floats:
irb(main)> 1e9.class
=> Float
DON'T USE rand.to_s[2..11].to_i
Why? Because here's what you can get:
rand.to_s[2..9] #=> "04890612"
and then:
"04890612".to_i #=> 4890612
Note that:
4890612.to_s.length #=> 7
Which is not what you've expected!
To check that error in your own code, instead of .to_i you may wrap it like this:
and very soon it will turn out that:
ArgumentError: invalid value for Integer(): "02939053"
So it's always better to stick to .center, but keep in mind that:
sometimes may give you 0.
To prevent that:
which will always return something withing 1..9 range.
I'm glad that I had good tests and I hope you will avoid breaking your system.
Random number generation
Use Kernel#rand method:
rand(1_000_000_000..9_999_999_999) # => random 10-digits number
Random string generation
Use times + map + join combination: { rand(0..9) }.join # => random 10-digit string (may start with 0!)
Number to string conversion with padding
Use String#% method:
"%010d" % 123348 # => "0000123348"
Password generation
Use KeePass password generator library, it supports different patterns for generating random password:
KeePass::Password.generate("d{10}") # => random 10-digit string (may start with 0!)
A documentation for KeePass patterns can be found here.
Just because it wasn't mentioned, the Kernel#sprintf method (or it's alias Kernel#format in the Powerpack Library) is generally preferred over the String#% method, as mentioned in the Ruby Community Style Guide.
Of course this is highly debatable, but to provide insight:
The syntax of #quackingduck's answer would be
# considered bad
'%010d' % rand(10**10)
# considered good
sprintf('%010d', rand(10**10))
The nature of this preference is primarily due to the cryptic nature of %. It's not very semantic by itself and without any additional context it can be confused with the % modulo operator.
Examples from the Style Guide:
# bad
'%d %d' % [20, 10]
# => '20 10'
# good
sprintf('%d %d', 20, 10)
# => '20 10'
# good
sprintf('%{first} %{second}', first: 20, second: 10)
# => '20 10'
format('%d %d', 20, 10)
# => '20 10'
# good
format('%{first} %{second}', first: 20, second: 10)
# => '20 10'
To make justice for String#%, I personally really like using operator-like syntaxes instead of commands, the same way you would do your_array << 'foo' over your_array.push('123').
This just illustrates a tendency in the community, what's "best" is up to you.
More info in this blogpost.
I ended up with using Ruby kernel srand
Docs here: Kernel#srand
Here is an expression that will use one fewer method call than quackingduck's example.
'%011d' % rand(1e10)
One caveat, 1e10 is a Float, and Kernel#rand ends up calling to_i on it, so for some higher values you might have some inconsistencies. To be more precise with a literal, you could also do:
'%011d' % rand(10_000_000_000) # Note that underscores are ignored in integer literals
('%010d' % rand(0..9999999999)).to_s
"#{'%010d' % rand(0..9999999999)}"
I just want to modify first answer. rand (10**10) may generate 9 digit random no if 0 is in first place. For ensuring 10 exact digit just modify
code = rand(10**10)
while code.to_s.length != 10
code = rand(11**11)
Try using the SecureRandom ruby library.
It generates random numbers but the length is not specific.
Go through this link for more information:
Simplest way to generate n digit random number -**(n - 1))..(10**n))
generate 10 digit number number -**(10 - 1))..(10**10))
This technique works for any "alphabet"
=> "6383411680"
Just use straightforward below.
rand(10 ** 9...10 ** 10)
Just test it on IRB with below.
(1..1000).each { puts rand(10 ** 9...10 ** 10) }
To generate a random, 10-digit string:
# This generates a 10-digit string, where the
# minimum possible value is "0000000000", and the
# maximum possible value is "9999999999"
SecureRandom.random_number(10**10).to_s.rjust(10, '0')
Here's more detail of what's happening, shown by breaking the single line into multiple lines with explaining variables:
# Calculate the upper bound for the random number generator
# upper_bound = 10,000,000,000
upper_bound = 10**10
# n will be an integer with a minimum possible value of 0,
# and a maximum possible value of 9,999,999,999
n = SecureRandom.random_number(upper_bound)
# Convert the integer n to a string
# unpadded_str will be "0" if n == 0
# unpadded_str will be "9999999999" if n == 9_999_999_999
unpadded_str = n.to_s
# Pad the string with leading zeroes if it is less than
# 10 digits long.
# "0" would be padded to "0000000000"
# "123" would be padded to "0000000123"
# "9999999999" would not be padded, and remains unchanged as "9999999999"
padded_str = unpadded_str.rjust(10, '0')
rand(9999999999), rand(9).to_s).to_i
is faster than
You can use:
puts Benchmark.measure{(1..1000000).map{rand(9999999999), rand(9).to_s).to_i}}
puts Benchmark.measure{(1..1000000).map{rand.to_s[2..11].to_i}}
in Rails console to confirm that.
An alternative answer, using the regexp-examples ruby gem:
require 'regexp-examples'
/\d{10}/.random_example # => "0826423747"
There's no need to "pad with zeros" with this approach, since you are immediately generating a String.
This will work even on ruby 1.8.7:
rand(9999999999), rand(9).to_s).to_i
A better approach is use instead of Rubocop recommends it.
string_size = 9 do
Rubucop, TimesMap:
In my case number must be unique in my models, so I added checking block.
module StringUtil
refine String.singleton_class do
def generate_random_digits(size:)
proc = lambda{ rand.to_s[2...(2 + size)] }
if block_given?
loop do
generated =
break generated if yield(generated) # check generated num meets condition
using StringUtil
String.generate_random_digits(3) => "763"
String.generate_random_digits(3) do |num|
User.find_by(code: num).nil?
end => "689"(This is unique in Users code)
I did something like this
x = 10 #Number of digit
(rand(10 ** x) + 10**x).to_s[0..x-1]
Random 10 numbers:
require 'string_pattern'
puts "10:N".gen
