Error: Flex compiler and flex framework versions doesn't match. Compiler: 'X' - Framework: 'Y' - maven

I'm trying to build a Flex project with Flexmojos 7.0.0 & mavenized Apache Flex SDK (groupId "org.apache...") with a dependency to an old library built with Flexmojos 5 and Adobe Flex SDK 4.6.b.23201 (groupId "com.adobe...").
The problem is that it gives following error:
ERROR] Failed to execute goal net.flexmojos.oss:flexmojos-maven-plugin:7.0.0:compile-swf (default-compile-swf) on project gestouch-examples: Execution default-compile-swf of goal net.flexmojos.oss:flexmojos-maven-plugin:7.0.0:compile-swf failed: Flex compiler and flex framework versions doesn't match. Compiler: '' - Framework: ''.
[ERROR] You can use 'iKnowWhatImDoingPleaseBreakMyBuildIwontBlameFlexmojosForStopWorking' to disable this check. Please refer to Flexmojos maven doc.
[ERROR] If you prefer fixing it instead of ignoring, take a look at:
Here's my POM:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Flexmojos7 Test</name>
<!-- 3rd party libraries -->
<!-- has as3commons -->
As you can see, as3commons-logging library is my dependency I mentioned. If you open it's POM you will see that it depends on
both with version.
I'm relatively new to Maven and I personally don't understand why it respects as3commons-logging POM when I specified in my POM dependency to as3commons-logging to be of type "swc".
But okay, after a weekend of research I found out how to solve this issue by specifying "excludes" for my dependency:
With this fix in my POM it finally compiles.
Now, my question is – is this the right fix? I mean conceptually. Because the whole thing seems not very clear for me.
Is that a price for switching from Adobe Flex to Apache Flex and all that?

Sorry for the late reply to your question.
Here the answer to your problem:
I noticed some problems with the way the old FDKs were published and refactored the structure to avoid these problems when generating the new FDKs. One thing I changed was to eliminate the flex-framework, air-framework and common-framework as they mixed up dependencies from Apache and Adobe. Now all you have is something similar to the common-framework pom. org.apache.flex:framework:{fdkVersion}:pom if you reference this instead of flex-framework and add a dependency to the playerglobal matching your minimum Flash version com.adobe.flash.framework:playerglobal:{flashVersion}:swc you should be ready to go.
And I would strongly suggest to switch to Flexmojos 7.0.1 (I released that a few days ago) as it contains a few fixes to annoying problems.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Flexmojos7 Test</name>
<!-- 3rd party libraries -->
<!-- has as3commons -->
Another problem could be that third party libs might reference artifacts in other versions. So probably as3commons-logging was compiled against the adobe flex version, so you definitely have to exclude this. You can see which dependencies are pulled in by issueing the following command:
mvn dependency:tree
It should output a dependency tree in which you can see which libs you have to exclude.
Hope this helps.

The problem is that flexmojos-maven-plugin 7.0.x version has been built using the Apache FDK
To build your project by flexmojos you need firstly deploy this FDK ( in your maven repository by mavenizer (
If you have external repository (like Nexus server) you need to deploy this FDK into the repository. Then you need to explicitly declare this repository in POM file in the pluginRepositories section:
<!-- REPOS -->


maven - anypoint studio fails to load a maven module inside a mule project

I've created a custom Mule extension, and I wanted to test it by loading it into a mule demo project as a mule-plugin.
I'm using Anypoint Studio 7.9.0, I have Maven 3.6.3 installed.
I run mvn clean package to create the .jar of my custom mule extension, and then mvn clean install to install it into my local Maven repository.
When I go to {mule demo project} -> Manage Dependencies -> Manage Modules -> Add module from Maven and try to add my custom mule extension to the mule demo project in which I want to test it, I get this error: Failed to resolve module {groupID}:{module name}
Frankly, I'm stuck here for some time now, and cannot figure out what I'm missing.
Here's the pom.xml of my custom mule extension:
<name>Custom Mule Extension</name>
And this is the pom.xml of my mule demo application:
<name>Anypoint Exchange</name>
<name>MuleSoft Releases Repository</name>
<name>MuleSoft Releases Repository</name>
The custom-mule-extension <dependency> element is the one that cannot be resolved. As you can see from the snippet above, I inserted the dependency directly into the pom.xml file after the "Add modules" way from Anypoint Studio UI failed. And here, I get the error that the module cannot be resolved.
One thing that bothers me is: when I launch the mvn clean install -DskipTests command, there is one [INFO] log that doesn't look good, and it's the one saying No primary artifact to install, installing attached artifacts instead.
The build goes fine, and the dependency pops up into my local maven repository, but then I cannot add it to the mule demo project.
Any help or advice would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Openshift - Spring Boot - Error creating new application - Failed to execute: 'control start'

I am trying to deploy a very simple Spring-Boot application on Openshift.
I am creating Tomcat 7 (JBoss EWS 2.0) Cartridge using openshift online from browser.
I am getting following errors while creating it.
Could not find any solution for that. Could someone help that what is going wrong here.
Git URL:
Not sure what is the exact reason for error. However I find following issues in you code.
Java Version Not sure if JBoss EWS 2.0 supports 1.7(In generated pom.xml deafults to 1.7)
You are deploying on Tomcat server, however spring-boot-starter-web has transitive dependency on spring-boot-starter-tomcat. You need to set tomcat dependency to provided.
Your packing is jar and you've spring boot maven plugin not sure, how it is going to be deploy to tomcat server's webapps directory. it uses openshift profile to build the project. and your openshift profile might not work as expected.
In order for spring boot to run on external app server, you need to extend your main class with extends SpringBootServletInitializer
However I would suggest you to follow these steps to create spring boot project deployable to openshift.
Create Tomcat 7 (JBoss EWS 2.0) Cartridge from web console or Eclipse openshift plugin.
Clone the project to your local machine.
Modify pom.xml, add spring boot parent dependency and add only dependencies. Leave plugin as it is.
The updated pom.xml would look something like this.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<relativePath /> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<!-- When built in OpenShift the 'openshift' profile will be used when
invoking mvn. -->
<!-- Use this profile for any OpenShift specific customization your app
will need. -->
<!-- By default that is to put the resulting archive into the 'webapps'
folder. -->
<!-- -->
Modify MainClass file
public class CloudemoApplication extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder builder) {
return builder.sources(CloudemoApplication.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Since your application doesn't use spring boot plugin you might need to place all your html, css, js resources under webapps directory

Birt viewer to a Maven project for birt 4.3.1

Hi Iam new to birt and maven .Could any one help me how to convert a birt viewer as a maven project which needs be deployed in weblogic.Any suggestion or tutorial links will be a great help.
Thanks in Advance.
Create with this folder structure and create xml file named pom.xml .
Download the Birt runtime and you can find a birtviewer example (WebViewerExample).
.WebViewerExample(Root Folder)
..(other files)
...(other files)
Download BirtReportFramework and copy the jar files having names with '' from birt-report-framework-4_3_1\eclipse\plugins to WebViewerExample\src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\lib
In command prompt got to Root folder here 'WebViewerExample' and run mvn clean install.
If you get maven error for missing or unable to download any jar files .No google the jar location in the maven website and download the jar manually and real trick is placing the jar at correct place inside your maven repository.
For Example if the error is like "[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin:2.9:eclipse"
Go to Maven repository whose path is like .m2\repository\org\apache\maven\plugins\maven-eclipse-plugin\2.9
Inside 2.9 folder place the maven-eclipse-plugin-2.9.jar and maven-eclipse-plugin-2.9.pom.
Also try to download and place the dependent jar and pom if the maven not get for you due to some problem..
My pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Birt Viewer Maven Project</name>
<name>Sonatype Nexus Snapshots</name>
<name>Sonatype Nexus Snapshots</name>
<!--<version>4.3.1</version> -->
<!-- <packagingIncludes>/*.rptdesign</packagingIncludes>

WSO2 BAM 2.0 libraries in Maven

I'm trying to replicate the KPIAgent example in the WSO2 BAM ALPHA2 release but using maven to get the libraries required for the project to run.
So I've defined the following dependencies:
Along with them I've defined the WSO2 repository this way:
<name>WSO2 Maven2 Repository</name>
The problem I have is that the remote pom file for refers to
Which doesn't exist.
I assume this happens due to a rearrangement of the component's sources which is not fully reflected in the repository just yet; thus causing this inconsistency.
Question is then, which set of dependencies should I use to use EventReceiver in order to publish my own Events?
Thanks in advance for your support.
Seems it is not in the repo as you have mentioned for some reason. Can you try installing the pom given below to your local repository and see whether it works.

maven-schemaspy-plugin doesn't work (maybe it's a repository issue)

I want to generate a er-diagram from a database integrated in the maven lifecycle.
SchemaSpy generates the er-diagram and with the maven-schemaspy-plugin it should be possible to integrate this in the lifecyle-process.
(If anyone has a better idea for this please let me know)
I tried it with the following simple pom.xml (which only should generate the er-diagram); but the plugin doesn't start; it couldn't even be downloaded:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- To use the report goals in your POM or parent POM -->
The command
mvn site:site
causes the message
The POM for maven-plugins:maven-schemaspy-plugin:jar:1.0 is missing, no dependency information available
The POM for maven-plugins:maven-schemaspy-plugin:plugin:1.0 is missing, no dependency information available
I've also tried it with the following settings with no success:
<id>Wakaleo Repository</id>
What me also confuses is that there are different reposititories with different versions 1.0 / 5.0.1 so what is really the official one ?
You don't need the entries
delete them. When you define a plugin (plugin section later) it gots downloaded by maven automatically. Your error message says that 1.0 is missing, but your plugin is 1.1, so it doesn'T fit to your dependencies anyway.
The maven-schemaspy-plugin and the com.wakaleo.schemaspy plugin are different plugins from different authors. None of them is the "official schemaspy" maven plugin. I was only able to solve it with the wakaleo plugin (with maven 3). The other plugin seams not to be available any more.
With Maven 3 the site generation changed, see site generation in Maven 3. As mentioned in this blog entry you have to include the plugin in this way (note that the versioning has changed):
and you need the link to the repository:
<id>Wakaleo Repository</id>
Then the plugin starts. The rest is up to you :-)
