Ruby array of two dimensional arrays, search/lookup? - ruby

This may be very simple, but I don't know all of Ruby's array functions.
If I have a given array like:
values = [["a", 1], ["b", 3], ["c", 7], ... etc ]
I would like two functions:
A function that, when I give it "b", gives me 3.
The other way around, a function that when I give it 3, gives me "b".
There must be an easy way?

Hash[values]["b"] # => 3
Hash[][3] # => "b"

My first question is: Does this have to be an array? Hash is designed for this and has key / value lookup built-in.
You can create a Hash from an array by doing:
hash = Hash[values]
Then use hash["a"] # => 1
For the reverse, do: hash.key(1) # => "a"

The first is easy to achieve, by converting your array to a Hash with:
value_hash = Hash[values]
And access this with:
value_hash['b'] # => 3
For the other way around I would first like to know if you are sure that is is a unique request? So are both 'a','b','c',... and 1,3,7... etc. unique?

hash = array.to_h => Converts your array to a hash
hash[key] = value => Get the value associated with the key
hash.invert[key] = value => This method inverts your hash and you can select values

Yeah a hash is the answer, if you don't have duplicate keys of course. Otherwise you can use Array#assoc#rassoc which searches an array of arrays matching the first and last elements respectively:
ary = [["A", 1], ["B", 2], ["C", 3], ["D", 4], ["E", 5], ["F", 6], ["G", 6]]
ary.assoc('A') => ["A", 1]
ary.rassoc('3') => ["C", 3]
Note: these methods return the first matching array, not all of them.
See more at

I see no point in creating a hash to locate a single value. Why not the simple, direct approach?
values = [["a", 1], ["b", 3], ["c", 7]]
values.find { |l,n| l=='b' }.last #=> 3
values.find { |l,n| n==3 }.first #=> "b"
Of course, neither of these deal with multiple values.


Merge items of two arrays into new array

I am browsing through the ruby Array iterators. And I can't find what I am looking for and I think it already exists:
I have two arrays:
["a", "b", "c"]
And I want to merge as so:
[ [0, "a"], [1, "b"], [2, "c"] ]
I think the iterator exists in the standard library (I used it before) but I am having trouble finding its name.
This should work:
[0,1,2].zip(["a", "b", "c"]) # => [[0, "a"], [1, "b"], [2, "c"]]
From the official documentation of the Array#zip function:
Converts any arguments to arrays, then merges elements of self with corresponding elements from each argument.
This generates a sequence of ary.size n-element arrays, where n is one more than the count of arguments.
For more info and some other examples, refer to:
You are looking for the zip function
I think you could use
See this post difference between each.with_index and each_with_index in Ruby?
or if you have specific values and you want to map them you would use map or zip. It explains it well in this post
Combine two Arrays into Hash

Sort hash by order of keys in secondary array

I have a hash:
hash = {"a" => 1, "b" =>2, "c" => 3, "d" => 4}
And I have an array:
array = ["b", "a", "d"]
I would like to create a new array that is made up of the original hash values that correspond with original hash keys that are also found in the original array while maintaining the sequence of the original array. The desired array being:
desired_array = [2, 1, 3]
The idea here is to take the word "bad", assign numbers to the alphabet, and then make an array of the numbers that correspond with "b" "a" and "d" in that order.
Since your question is a little unclear I'm assuming you want desired_array to be an array (you say you want a new array and finish the sentence off with new hash). Also in your example I'm assuming you want desired_array to be [2, 1, 4] for ['b', 'a', 'd'] and not [2, 1, 3] for ['b', 'a', 'c'].
You should just you the Enumerable#map method to create a array that will map the first array to the your desired array like so:
desired_array = { |k| hash[k] }
You should familiarize yourself with the Enumerable#map method, it's quite the handy method. From the rubydocs for the method: Returns a new array with the results of running block once for every element in enum. So in this case we are iterating through array and invoking hash[k] to select the value from the hash and creating a new array with values selected by the hash. Since iteration is in order, you will maintain the original sequence.
I would use Enumerable#map followed by Enumerable#sort_by, for example:
hash = {"d" => 4, "b" =>2, "c" => 3, "a" => 1}
order = ["b", "a", "d"]
# For each key in order, create a [key, value] pair from the hash.
# (Doing it this way instead of filtering the hash.to_a is O(n) vs O(n^2) without
# an additional hash-probe mapping. It also feels more natural.)
selected_pairs = {|v| [v, hash[v]]}
# For each pair create a surrogate ordering based on the `order`-index
# (The surrogate value is only computed once, not each sort-compare step.
# This is, however, an O(n^2) operation on-top of the sort.)
sorted = selected_pairs.sort_by {|p| order.find_index(p[0]) }
p sorted
# sorted =>
# [["b", 2], ["a", 1], ["d", 4]]
I've not turned the result back into a Hash, because I am of the belief that hashes should not be treated as having any sort of order, except for debugging aids. (Do keep in mind that Ruby 2 hashes are ordered-by-insertion.)
All you need is values_at:
hash.values_at *array
Enumerable methods map, each works perfect
desired_array = { |k| hash[k] }
desired_array = array.each { |k| hash[k] }

Partition array using index in ruby

I'm looking for an elegant way to partition an array by using index in ruby
=> [["a","b",3],["c",5]]
So far the best that I can think is using the below
["a","b",3,"c",5].partition.each_with_index{|val,index| index <= 2}
=> [["a","b",3],["c",5]]
Is there any other elegant way to accomplish this?
You can do:
["a","b",3,"c",5].partition.with_index { |_, index| index <= 2 }
Following #toro2k advice, I think this is a better solution because you are combining the two Enumerators to get the desired output.
If you don’t pass a block of code to partition, it returns an Enumerator object instead. Enumerators have a with_index method that will maintain the current loop index.
Why don't you use array.slice!
array#slice! Deletes the element(s) given by an index (optionally up to length elements) or by a range.
> a = ['a', 'b', 'c', 5]
> b = a.slice! 0, 2 # => ['a', 'b']
> a # => ['c', 5]
In your case,
> [a.slice!(0, index), a]
You could use Enumerable's take and drop methods:
a = ["a","b",3,"c",5]
[a.take(3), a.drop(3)] # => [["a", "b", 3], ["c", 5]]
I made an Enumerable quick reference sheet you might want to consult for questions like this.
This can be done, but not sure if it elegant or not :
a = ["a","b",3,"c",5]
index = 2
[a[0..index], a[index+1..-1]]
You can try the below :
a = ["a","b",3,"c",5]
par = a.slice_before(sum: -2) do |elem, state|
state[:sum] += 1
state[:sum] == 2
# => [["a", "b", 3], ["c", 5]]
For your particular case, 'pyper' gem is usable:
require 'pyper' # gem install pyper if necessary
include Pyper
ary = ["a", "b", 3, "c", 5]
ary.τ3τ #=> ["a", "b", 3]
ary.τfτ #=> ["c", 5]
It only works easily on small n (number of chopped-off elements), but Pyper provides many other frequently encountered tasks on collections. It was inspired by lisp's car and cdr functions (see details by an anonymous donor), and the letters can be combined together into a control string, a bit like in APL. Greek tau (τ) is used to denote methods instead of c and r, so car, cdr become τaτ, τdτ:
ary.τaτ #=> "a"
ary.τdτ #=> ["b", 3, "c", 5]
# Instead of τfτ, one can write
ary.τdddτ #=> ["c", 5]

Weird multiplicator operator behavior in a two arrays to hash combination

I was looking for a way to convert two arrays into a single hash. I found something like this :
a1 = [1,2,3]
a2 = [?A, ?B, ?C]
I thought that this syntax was a bit weird, because Hash[ a2] would do exactly the same. But more than that, I don't understand the need for the * operator.
I know that it turns objects into arrays, or something alike (but not in the same way [] does, apparently).
When I execute :
a =
=> [1, "A", 2, "B", 3, "C"]
a = *
=> [1, "A", 2, "B", 3, "C"]
Nothing really happens, and for what I know of the * operator, this seems to be the normal behavior.
So, why does
=> {1=>"A", 2=>"B", 3=>"C"}
=> {}
Return different values, given that the parameters seem identical ?
I guess I must be missing something about the * operator.
When the * operator is used with arrays like that it is called the splat operator.
Think of it as an operator that removes the first level of brackets around an array. This is quite useful because you can turn arrays into argument lists:
def stuff(x, y, z)
a = [1, 2, 3]
stuff(*a) # x,y,z gets assigned 1,2,3
The same thing works with Hash[]. The [] operator on Hash accepts as arguments:
An argument list of key-value pairs:
Hash["a", 1, "b", 2] #=> { "a" => 1, "b" => 2 }
An array or array pairs representing key-values:
Hash[ [["a", 1], ["b", 2]] ] #=> { "a" => 1, "b" => 2 }
Hash[] not does NOT accept a plain flat array as arguments:
Hash[ ["a", 1, "b", 2] ] #=> {}
So with this in mind, plus our understanding what the splat operator does you can now see what is happening:
paired_array =
=> [[1, "A"], [2, "B"], [3, "C"]]
plain_array =
=> [1, "A", 2, "B", 3, "C"]
# Per rule 2 above we know this works
=> {1=>"A", 2=>"B", 3=>"C"}
# This won't work
=> {}
# But if we turn the plain_array into an argument list,
# then we know per rule 1 above that this will work
=> {1=>"A", 2=>"B", 3=>"C"}
Now then you might be wondering what the hey is happening when you do:
a = *plain_array
=> [1, "A", 2, "B", 3, "C"]
Since we know the splat operator effectively strips the brackets, we get this:
a = 1, "A", 2, "B", 3, "C"
...which funnily enough is valid Ruby code and just creates an array again.
You can read more fun stuff about the splat operator in the rubyspec test case for the splat operator.
I think there's a mistake in your example, it should be like this:
Hash[] #=> {}
Hash[*] #=> {1=>"A", 2=>"B", 3=>"C"}
The splat operator in the assign mode converts an array to multiple arguments:
duck, cow, pig = *["quack","mooh","oing"] #=> ["quack","mooh","oing"]
Actually it's identical to
duck, cow, pig = ["quack","mooh","oing"] #=> ["quack","mooh","oing"]
But from the documentation you can see that Hash[...] receives multiple arguments, so the splat operator helps to assign each of those multiple arguments.
It's not that mysterious:
a1 = [1,2,3]
a2 = [?A, ?B, ?C]
p Hash[*] #{1=>"A", 2=>"B", 3=>"C"}
The * converts the array to a mere list (of arguments).
But why wasn't this syntax used?
p Hash[]# {1=>"A", 2=>"B", 3=>"C"}
Well, it is new since Ruby 1.9.2. Your example is probably older.

Ruby removing duplicates in enumerable lists

Is there a good way in ruby to remove duplicates in enumerable lists (i.e. reject, etc.)
For array you can use uniq() method
a = [ "a", "a", "b", "b", "c" ]
a.uniq #=> ["a", "b", "c"]
so if you just
%w{ant bat cat ant}.to_a.uniq
because anyway almost every methods you do implement will return as an Array class.
Well the strategy would be to convert them to arrays and remove the duplicates from the arrays. By the way lists are arrays in ruby in any case so I'm not sure what you mean by "enumerable lists"
You can do a conversion to a Set, if element order is not important.
I like using the set logic operators, if the object doesn't have a .uniq method.
a = [2,3,3,5,5,5,6] # => [2, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 6]
a | a # => [2, 3, 5, 6]
