Call custom function in EF LINQ query Where clause - linq

Env: EF6 + Code First
I want to be able to call a custom function in the Where clause of a LINQ query
So this line:
var activeStaff = Repo.Staff.Where(s => s.EndDate == null || s.EndDate.Value > DateTime.Today);
var activeStaff = Repo.Staff.Where(s => MyEdmFunctions.IsCurrentStaff(s));
This is what I have tried,
public class MyContext : DbContext
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Conventions.Add(new MyCustomConvention());
public class MyCustomConvention : IConceptualModelConvention<EdmModel>
public void Apply(EdmModel item, DbModel model)
var boolType = PrimitiveType.GetEdmPrimitiveType(PrimitiveTypeKind.Boolean);
var staffType = item.EntityTypes.Single(e => e.Name == "Staff");
var payLoad = new EdmFunctionPayload
ParameterTypeSemantics = ParameterTypeSemantics.AllowImplicitConversion,
IsComposable = true,
IsNiladic = false,
IsBuiltIn = false,
IsAggregate = false,
IsFromProviderManifest = true,
Parameters = new[] { FunctionParameter.Create("Staff", staffType, ParameterMode.In) },
ReturnParameters = new[] { FunctionParameter.Create("ReturnType", boolType, ParameterMode.ReturnValue) }
var function = EdmFunction.Create("IsCurrentStaff", "My.Core.Data", DataSpace.CSpace, payLoad, null);
public static class MyEdmFunctions
[DbFunction("My.Core.Data", "IsCurrentStaff")]
public static bool IsCurrentStaff(Staff s)
return s.EndDate == null || s.EndDate > DateTime.Today;
But I'm getting "Specified method is not supported." error from EntityFramework's internal CTreeGenerator class (after decompilation)
public override DbExpression Visit(NewRecordOp op, Node n)
throw new NotSupportedException();
Can someone please confirm if there is really no way to call a custom function in the where clause?
I know it's possible to create a stored procedure and map it in the model. But is there a way to write it in C#?

Just to answer my own question:
I'm going to follow this thread to create a AndAlso expression to solve my problem.
Extension method in where clause in linq to Entities


linq expression for ExecuteUpdateAsync

I have found ExecuteDeleteAsync and ExecuteUpdateAsync in EF Core 7 with great enthusiasm. They help to make my code much simpler and faster. There is no need to use self-made procedures for batch delete or update of 1-2 fields.
Anyway I have situations when the exact table and field of database for update should be selected in run time.
I can use the database table:
public static IQueryable<object> Set(this DbContext context, Type entity) =>
I have the method to make expression to filter rows:
public static IQueryable Where(this IQueryable source, string equalProperty, object value, [NotNull] Type EntityType)
PropertyInfo? property = EntityType.GetProperty(equalProperty);
if (property == null)
throw new NotImplementedException($"Type {EntityType.Name} does not contain property {equalProperty}");
ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(EntityType, "r");
MemberExpression member = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(parameter, property);
LambdaExpression whereExpression = Expression.Lambda(Expression.Equal(member, Expression.Constant(value, property.PropertyType)), parameter);
MethodCallExpression resultExpression = WhereCall(source, whereExpression);
return source.Provider.CreateQuery(resultExpression);
So I can find the rows to make update using
IQueryable Source = db.Set(EntityType).Where(FieldName, FieldValue, EntityType);
I should make expression to update IQueryable ExecuteUpdateQuery = Source.ExecuteUpdateAsync(EntityType, FieldName, FieldValue);
What is the way to access to expression for SetProperty?
Try the following extensions. I have also corrected method signature:
var affected = anyQuery.ExecuteUpdate(FieldName, FieldValue);
var affected = await anyQuery.ExecuteUpdateAsync(FieldName, FieldValue, cancellationToken);
And implementation:
public static class DynamicRelationalExtensions
static MethodInfo UpdateMethodInfo =
static MethodInfo UpdateAsyncMethodInfo =
public static int ExecuteUpdate(this IQueryable query, string fieldName, object? fieldValue)
var updateBody = BuildUpdateBody(query.ElementType, fieldName, fieldValue);
return (int)UpdateMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(query.ElementType).Invoke(null, new object?[] { query, updateBody });
public static Task<int> ExecuteUpdateAsync(this IQueryable query, string fieldName, object? fieldValue, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
var updateBody = BuildUpdateBody(query.ElementType, fieldName, fieldValue);
return (Task<int>)UpdateAsyncMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(query.ElementType).Invoke(null, new object?[] { query, updateBody, cancellationToken })!;
static LambdaExpression BuildUpdateBody(Type entityType, string fieldName, object? fieldValue)
var setParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(SetPropertyCalls<>).MakeGenericType(entityType), "s");
var objParam = Expression.Parameter(entityType, "e");
var propExpression = Expression.PropertyOrField(objParam, fieldName);
var valueExpression = ValueForType(propExpression.Type, fieldValue);
// s.SetProperty(e => e.SomeField, value)
var setBody = Expression.Call(setParam, nameof(SetPropertyCalls<object>.SetProperty),
new[] { propExpression.Type }, Expression.Lambda(propExpression, objParam), valueExpression);
// s => s.SetProperty(e => e.SomeField, value)
var updateBody = Expression.Lambda(setBody, setParam);
return updateBody;
static Expression ValueForType(Type desiredType, object? value)
if (value == null)
return Expression.Default(desiredType);
if (value.GetType() != desiredType)
value = Convert.ChangeType(value, desiredType);
return Expression.Constant(value);

Mock IDocumentQuery with ability to use query expressions

I need to be able to mock IDocumentQuery, to be able to test piece of code, that queries document collection and might use predicate to filter them:
IQueryable<T> documentQuery = client
.CreateDocumentQuery<T>(collectionUri, options);
if (predicate != null)
documentQuery = documentQuery.Where(predicate);
var list = documentQuery.AsDocumentQuery();
var documents = new List<T>();
while (list.HasMoreResults)
documents.AddRange(await list.ExecuteNextAsync<T>());
I've used answer from to write following method:
public static IDocumentClient Create<T>(params T[] collectionDocuments)
var query = Substitute.For<IFakeDocumentQuery<T>>();
var provider = Substitute.For<IQueryProvider>();
.Returns(x => query);
query.ExecuteNextAsync<T>().Returns(x => new FeedResponse<T>(collectionDocuments));
query.HasMoreResults.Returns(true, false);
var client = Substitute.For<IDocumentClient>();
.CreateDocumentQuery<T>(Arg.Any<Uri>(), Arg.Any<FeedOptions>())
return client;
Which works fine as long as there's no filtering using IQueryable.Where.
My question:
Is there any way to capture predicate, that was used to create documentQuery and apply that predicate on collectionDocuments parameter?
Access the expression from the query provider so that it will be passed on to the backing collection to apply the desired filter.
Review the following
public static IDocumentClient Create<T>(params T[] collectionDocuments) {
var query = Substitute.For<IFakeDocumentQuery<T>>();
var queryable = collectionDocuments.AsQueryable();
var provider = Substitute.For<IQueryProvider>();
.Returns(x => {
var expression = x.Arg<Expression>();
if (expression != null) {
queryable = queryable.Provider.CreateQuery<T>(expression);
return query;
query.Provider.Returns(_ => provider);
query.ElementType.Returns(_ => queryable.ElementType);
query.Expression.Returns(_ => queryable.Expression);
query.GetEnumerator().Returns(_ => queryable.GetEnumerator());
query.ExecuteNextAsync<T>().Returns(x => new FeedResponse<T>(query));
query.HasMoreResults.Returns(true, true, false);
var client = Substitute.For<IDocumentClient>();
.CreateDocumentQuery<T>(Arg.Any<Uri>(), Arg.Any<FeedOptions>())
return client;
The important part is where the expression passed to the query is used to create another query on the backing data source (the array).
Using the following example subject under test for demonstration purposes.
public class SubjectUnderTest {
private readonly IDocumentClient client;
public SubjectUnderTest(IDocumentClient client) {
this.client = client;
public async Task<List<T>> Query<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate = null) {
FeedOptions options = null; //for dummy purposes only
Uri collectionUri = null; //for dummy purposes only
IQueryable<T> documentQuery = client.CreateDocumentQuery<T>(collectionUri, options);
if (predicate != null) {
documentQuery = documentQuery.Where(predicate);
var list = documentQuery.AsDocumentQuery();
var documents = new List<T>();
while (list.HasMoreResults) {
documents.AddRange(await list.ExecuteNextAsync<T>());
return documents;
The following sample tests when an expression is passed to the query
public async Task Should_Filter_DocumentQuery() {
var dataSource = Enumerable.Range(0, 3)
.Select(_ => new Document() { Key = _ }).ToArray();
var client = Create(dataSource);
var subject = new SubjectUnderTest(client);
Expression<Func<Document, bool>> predicate = _ => _.Key == 1;
var expected = dataSource.Where(predicate.Compile());
var actual = await subject.Query<Document>(predicate);
public class Document {
public int Key { get; set; }

How do I apply a default IComparable<T> in a Linq OrderBy clause

I have a type which has a default sort order as it implements IComparable<T> and IComparable. I'm not getting the results I expect from LINQ , basically it looks as if the IComparable<T> which the type implements is not being applied.
I thought I would get the result I want with an expression in the form:
var result = MyEnumerable<T>.OrderBy(r => r);
where T itself implements IComparable<T>. It's not happening.
I can see related questions where specific IComparable<T> classes are specified for the sort, but I can't find one which uses the default IComparable<T> implemented by T itself.
My syntax is clearly incorrect. What is the correct syntax please?
Thanks in advance.
OrderBy uses the default comparer Comparer<T>.Default which in turn will default to use the IComparable<T> implementation for T, or the non-generic IComparable if the former does not exist.
This code works:
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var list = new List<Stuff>
new Stuff("one"),
new Stuff("two"),
new Stuff("three"),
new Stuff("four")
var sorted = list.OrderBy(x => x);
foreach (var stuff in sorted)
public class Stuff : IComparable<Stuff>
public string Name { get; set; }
public Stuff(string name)
Name = name;
public int CompareTo(Stuff other)
return String.CompareOrdinal(Name, other.Name);
public static class GenericSorter
public static IOrderedEnumerable<T> Sort<T>(IEnumerable<T> toSort, Dictionary<string, SortingOrder> sortOptions)
IOrderedEnumerable<T> orderedList = null;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SortingOrder> entry in sortOptions)
if (orderedList != null)
if (entry.Value == SortingOrder.Ascending)
orderedList = orderedList.ApplyOrder<T>(entry.Key, "ThenBy");
orderedList = orderedList.ApplyOrder<T>(entry.Key, "ThenByDescending");
if (entry.Value == SortingOrder.Ascending)
orderedList = toSort.ApplyOrder<T>(entry.Key, "OrderBy");
orderedList = toSort.ApplyOrder<T>(entry.Key, "OrderByDescending");
return orderedList;
private static IOrderedEnumerable<T> ApplyOrder<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, string property, string methodName)
ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "x");
Expression expr = param;
foreach (string prop in property.Split('.'))
expr = Expression.PropertyOrField(expr, prop);
Type delegateType = typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(typeof(T), expr.Type);
LambdaExpression lambda = Expression.Lambda(delegateType, expr, param);
MethodInfo mi = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethods().Single(
method => method.Name == methodName
&& method.IsGenericMethodDefinition
&& method.GetGenericArguments().Length == 2
&& method.GetParameters().Length == 2)
.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(T), expr.Type);
return (IOrderedEnumerable<T>)mi.Invoke(null, new object[] { source, lambda.Compile() });

Entity Framework: Mixed predicates of mixed entities

Sorry for my awful English.
I'm trying to extend my EF model (with LinqKit).
As long as I work with single entities expressions, I don't have any issue, but if I want to work with mixed expressions, I'm simply stuck.
For instance, a sort-of-post class like that...
partial class vit_post
public static Expression<Func<vit_post, bool>> HasMetas(IEnumerable<MetaFilter> metaArgs)
var resultsInner = PredicateBuilder.True<vit_post>();
resultsInner.And(p=>p.vit_postmeta.Any(pm => (pm.hide == false)));
foreach (var metaArg in metaArgs)
var mf = metaArg;
resultsInner.And(p=>p.vit_postmeta.Any(pm => (pm.meta_key == mf.MetaKey && mf.Compare(pm.meta_value))));
if (mf.ChildrenMetaFilters != null)
Expression<Func<vit_post, bool>> resultsInner2;
switch (mf.LogicalOperator)
case LogicalOperators.AND:
resultsInner2 = PredicateBuilder.True<vit_post>();
resultsInner = resultsInner2.And(HasMetas(mf.ChildrenMetaFilters));
case LogicalOperators.OR:
resultsInner2 = PredicateBuilder.False<vit_post>();
resultsInner = resultsInner2.Or(HasMetas(mf.ChildrenMetaFilters));
return resultsInner;
...extends an entity "vit_post" with an expression HasMetas.
Using this snippet, I get a subset of the entities, as expected:
public SearchResults GetResults()
var query = dbc.vit_posts.AsExpandable();
if (SearchArgs.Metas != null)
var postsbycontent = vit_post.HasMetas(SearchArgs.Metas);
outer = Data.Utility.And(outer, postsbycontent);
query = query.Where(outer);
var searchResults = new SearchResults
Items = searchResultsItems
return searchResults;
But if I try to move this this expression to the "vit_postmeta" entity like that:
partial class vit_postmeta
var resultsInner = PredicateBuilder.True<vit_postmeta>();
resultsInner.And(pm => (pm.hide == false));
foreach (var metaArg in metaArgs)
var mf = metaArg;
resultsInner.And(pm => (pm.meta_key == mf.MetaKey && mf.Compare(pm.meta_value)));
if (mf.ChildrenMetaFilters != null)
Expression<Func<vit_postmeta, bool>> resultsInner2;
switch (mf.LogicalOperator)
case LogicalOperators.AND:
resultsInner2 = PredicateBuilder.True<vit_postmeta>();
resultsInner = resultsInner2.And(HasMetas(mf.ChildrenMetaFilters));
case LogicalOperators.OR:
resultsInner2 = PredicateBuilder.False<vit_postmeta>();
resultsInner = resultsInner2.Or(HasMetas(mf.ChildrenMetaFilters));
return resultsInner;
My idea was to keep the original method in vit_post and change it like that:
partial class vit_post
public static Expression<Func<vit_post, bool>> HasMetas(IEnumerable<MetaFilter> metaArgs)
var resultsInner = PredicateBuilder.True<vit_post>();
return resultsInner;
But I can't do that, as "'vit_postmeta' does not contain a definition for 'HasMetas' and no extension method 'HasMetas' accepting a first argument of type 'vit_postmeta' could be found".
I'm missing something, I know, but I can't find what.
I've found an alternate solution (and perhaps the proper one too), implementing all my expression in respective entity partial classes.
For instance, vit_post had all expressions related to vit_posts's table, whilst vit_postmeta has all expressions related to vit_postmeta's table.
My Search class then has a private method for each entity. Something like:
private IQueryable<vit_post> QueryPosts()
IQueryable<vit_post> queryPosts = VITContext.vit_posts.AsExpandable();
Expression<Func<vit_post, bool>> outerPredicate = PredicateBuilder.True<vit_post>();
if (!_searchArgs.IncludeExpiredPosts)
Expression<Func<vit_post, bool>> postsByExpiration = vit_post.ExcludeExpired();
outerPredicate = Data.Utility.And(outerPredicate, postsByExpiration);
if (_searchArgs.LocaleCode != null)
Expression<Func<vit_post, bool>> postsByLanguage = vit_post.HasLocaleCode(_searchArgs.LocaleCode);
outerPredicate = Data.Utility.And(outerPredicate, postsByLanguage);
Then the GetResults() function calls all these methods and join them:
internal string GetResults()
IQueryable<vit_post> queryPosts = QueryPosts();
if (_searchArgs.Metas != null)
IEnumerable<vit_postmeta> queryMetas = QueryMetas();
queryPosts = from p in queryPosts
join m in queryMetas
on new {id = p.ID, loc = p.locale} equals new {id = m.post_id, loc = m.locale}
select p;
This way I can make the query works, but I'm still not sure this is the right way to do it.
You did not see/answer my question yet, but if vit_postmeta and vit_post are in any way related by inheritance you may be able to do something like:
public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> HasMetas<T>(IEnumerable<MetaFilter> metaArgs)
where T : vit_post
Assuming that vit_post is the super type.

Help with linq2sql generic lambda expression

In my Database almost every table has its own translations table. I.e. Sports has SportsTranslations table with columns: SportId, LanguageId, Name. At the moment I'm taking translations like:
int[] defaultLanguages = { 1, 3 };
var query = from s in dc.Sports
select new
sportName = s.SportsTranslations.Where(st => defaultLanguages.Contains(st.LanguageID)).First()
I wonder is it possible to implement some kind of generic method, so I could refactor code like here:
var query = from s in dc.Sports
select new
sportName = s.SportsTranslations.Translate()
Solved. Here is the static method I written:
public static class Extras
public static T Translate<T>(this IEnumerable<T> table) where T : class
return table.Where(
t => defaultLanguages.Contains(
(int)t.GetType().GetProperty("LanguageID").GetValue(t, null)
catch (Exception)
throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("No translation found in table {0}", typeof(T).Name));
