Injecting Logged in User in Spring - spring

Hi I want my user to be logged in via URL which is secured by spring. URL will contan username as well as password. I tried doing it by sending username and password via controller to customAuthenticationManager and then checked in CustomAuthentication Provider and returned UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken. when I check isauthenticated flag it shows true but when I try to access a secured page it redirects me to the login page. Where am I going wrong ?

Its not the best way to do it but try this:
public void login(HttpServletRequest request, String userName, String password)
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authRequest = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(userName, password);
// Authenticate the user
Authentication authentication = authenticationManager.authenticate(authRequest);
SecurityContext securityContext = SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
// Create a new session and add the security context.
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
session.setAttribute("SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT", securityContext);


logout specific session Id in spring security

in spring security:
i think with tow way logout called: when a session timeout occurred or a user logout itself...
anyway in these ways , destroyedSession called in HttpSessionEventPublisher and SessionRegistry remove SessionInformation from sessionIds list...
when i use below method for force logout specific user , this method just "expired" SessionInformation in SessionRegistry. now when i get all online user "getAllPrincipals()" from SessionRegistry, the user that session expired, is in the list!
public boolean forceLogOut(int userId){
for (Object username: sessionRegistry.getAllPrincipals()) {
User temp = (User) username;
for (SessionInformation session : sessionRegistry.getAllSessions(username, false)) {
return true;
how can i logout 'specific user' or 'sessionId' that session object remove from "Web Server" and "Session Registry" ?
i googling and found HttpSessionContext in Servlet API that can get HttpSession from specific sessionId. and then invalidate session. but i think this method is not completely useful!
(note. this class is deprecated!)
what is the best way? Whether I'm wrong?
Try like this:
#RequestMapping(value="/logout", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String logoutPage (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response){
Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
if (auth != null){
//new SecurityContextLogoutHandler().logout(request, response, auth);
persistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices.logout(request, response, auth);
return "redirect:/login?logout";
To logout specific session Id check that link:
how to log a user out programmatically using spring security

Spring Boot - displaying the OTP page, restrict access to other pages using their URLs (after successful authentication on the login page)

I have created a Spring Boot web application, where after successful login, I have to send the user to the OTP page.
My problem is: When the user comes to the OTP page he can bypass it changing the URL, so he can access any page (i.e. big security risk) because the user has already authenticated from the login page.
How can I restict URL changes on the OTP page as it happens on the login page (using Spring boot-security), so the user can only get in if she/he is authenticated by OTP.
A common approach is that on successful authentication - i.e. credentials entered on login screen are verified - the user is given limited access to the application. This limited access only allows access to the OTP page(s). Once the OTP has been verified, the user is given the full set of authorisation roles to which they're entitled.
A blog outlining this approach is available here.
Create an AuthenticationSuccessHandler
If the user requires a one-time password, strip their authorities, and give them a new one, say ROLE_OTP. ROLE_OTP can only use the OTP URL and not anything else.
public void onAuthenticationSuccess(
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
Authentication sourceAuthentication
) throws IOException, ServletException {
UserDetails sourceUser = (UserDetails) sourceAuthentication.getPrincipal();
List<GrantedAuthority> targetAuthorities = new ArrayList<GrantedAuthority>( Arrays.asList( new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_OTP") ) );
UserDetails targetUser = new User( sourceUser.getUsername() , "", targetAuthorities);
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken targetAuthentication = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(targetUser, null, targetAuthorities);
targetAuthentication.setDetails( sourceAuthentication.getDetails() );
If they pass the OTP, reload their real roles with loadUserByUsername()
Authentication sourceAuthentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
UserDetails sourceUser = (UserDetails) sourceAuthentication.getPrincipal();
UserDetails targetUser = userDetailsManager.loadUserByUsername(sourceUser.getUsername());
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken targetAuthentication = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(targetUser, null, targetUser.getAuthorities());
targetAuthentication.setDetails( sourceAuthentication.getDetails() );

Spring security : auto login issue

i am trying to auto login user after signup. Here is code for auto login
private boolean autoLogin(HttpServletRequest request, User user) {
SimpleGrantedAuthority auth = new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ADMIN");
Collection<SimpleGrantedAuthority> authorities = new HashSet<SimpleGrantedAuthority>();
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken token = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(
user.getEmail(), user.getPassword(), authorities);
token.setDetails(new WebAuthenticationDetails(request));
return true;
and inside an interceptor that check logged in user code is
Object principal = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
Problem is when i debug the code (after auto login) the principal object has logged in user's email address instead of UserDetails object.
Things working fine when i log in useing spring security login form.
You're missing re-assigning the return from AuthenticationManager.authenticate().
This line:
should be:
token = authenticationManager.authenticate(token);
That should fix things.

Howto integrate spring-social authentication with spring-security?

I've got a little webapp secured by spring-security using a username/password combo on a sql-db as credentials.
I now want to add facebook/twitter authentication with spring-social. Using the examples I am able to store the users credentials in my db. I'm now working on authenticating the user against his current session on my app using the following piece of code:
public String signIn(String userId, Connection<?> connection, NativeWebRequest request) {
User user = userService.getUserById(Long.parseLong(userId));
user.setPassword(this.passwordEncoder.encodePassword(user.getAccessToken(), this.salt));;
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken token = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user.getDisplayName(), user.getAccessToken());
HttpServletRequest req = request.getNativeRequest(HttpServletRequest.class); // generate session if one doesn't exist
token.setDetails(new WebAuthenticationDetails(req));
Authentication authenticatedUser = this.authenticationManager.authenticate(token);
return "/user/dashboard";
The authentication works, I am not getting any BadCredential-exceptions. But after being redirected to /user/dashboard I am thrown back to the login.
I am out of ideas, a similar piece of code for authenticating the session is working after a classical signup.
Does anyone have any ideas why this happens or how to debug this?
Thanks very much in advance!
I have similar code that works for me, and also adds "remember me" support:
// lookup by id, which in my case is the login
User user = userService.findByLogin(userId);
// code to populate the user's roles
List<GrantedAuthority> authorities = ...;
// create new instance of my UserDetails implementation
UserDetailsImpl springSecurityUser = new UserDetailsImpl(user, authorities);
// create new Authentication using UserDetails instance, password, and roles
Authentication authentication = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(springSecurityUser, user.getPassword(), authorities);
// set the Authentication in the SecurityContext
// optional: remember-me support (must #Autowire in TokenBasedRememberMeServices)
(HttpServletRequest) request.getNativeRequest(),
(HttpServletResponse) request.getNativeResponse(),

Spring Security Context Set Authentication object not working

I have a scenario where I have to force the users to reset password on first login. For
this I am using a custom successAuthenticationHandler.
All this handler trying to do is see if logged in user requires to reset password. If yes create a new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken and set it onto SecurityContext. And then redirect to resetPasswordUrl.
Here is my onAuthenticationSuccess method:
public void onAuthenticationSuccess(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response,
final Authentication authentication) throws ServletException, IOException {
final AugmentedUser aUser = (AugmentedUser) SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication()
System.out.println("In password reset handler.");
if (authorizationService.isPasswordResetRequired(aUser.getUsername(), aUser.getUsertype())) {
LOG.debug("Password reset is required.");
System.out.println("Password reset is required");
final UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authRequest = reAssignUserWithOnlyResetPasswordRole(aUser,
System.out.println("User reassinged with only RESET_PASSWORD Authority, redirecting to resetPasswordPage");
//super.onAuthenticationSuccess(request, response, newAuthentication);
} else {
super.onAuthenticationSuccess(request, response, authentication);
If yes create another UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken with same credentials as logged in user, but just assign him a single role "RESET_PASSWORD", so that he cannot access anything alse by hitting any other link/url.
private UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken reAssignUserWithOnlyResetPasswordRole(final AugmentedUser aUser,
final HttpServletRequest request) {
final String username = aUser.getUsername();
final String password = aUser.getPassword();
final boolean isEnabled = aUser.isEnabled();
final boolean isAccountNonExpired = aUser.isAccountNonExpired();
final boolean isCredentialsNonExpired = aUser.isCredentialsNonExpired();
final boolean isAccountNonLocked = aUser.isAccountNonLocked();
LOG.debug("Re-assigning the user: " + username + " with only RESET PASSWORD AUTHORITY");
System.out.println("Re-assigning the user: " + username + "with only RESET PASSWORD AUTHORITY");
final Map<String, String> userAttributesMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
final AugmentedUser userWithResetPasswordRole = new AugmentedUser(username, password, aUser.getUsertype(),
isEnabled, isAccountNonExpired, isCredentialsNonExpired, isAccountNonLocked,
createResetPasswordGrantedAuhtority(), userAttributesMap);
final UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authenticationRequest = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(
userWithResetPasswordRole, userWithResetPasswordRole.getAuthorities());
//WebAuthenticationDetails are required for sessionId and ipAddress
final WebAuthenticationDetails webAuthenticationDetails = new WebAuthenticationDetails(request);
return authenticationRequest;
Now I do see the new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken being created with just a RESET password role.
But looks like while doing redirect to the resetPasswordURl the spring filter do some checks and user is getting unauthenticated after I set my new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken .
Heres is the root cause that I see in the logs:
doAuthentication - Authentication attempt using
2012-02-15 22:47:20,931 [http-8081-6] DEBUG handleException - Authentication exception occurred; redirecting to authentication entry point Bad credentials
Any comments where I am going wrong ?
It's difficult to say without more context from the log (the rest of the stacktrace plus the preceding log messages), but my best guess is that you're using the wrong constructor for UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken. For historical reasons it takes Object arguments which doesn't help.
The two-arg version is supposed to take the username and credentials, and creates an unauthenticated token (for a request) which is not valid from the security interceptor's perspective. So I'm guessing the interceptor is trying to reauthenticate the token (should be obvious from the stacktrace where the call is coming from) and it is failing because the credentials parameter is actually a list of authorities rather than a password.
So use:
new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(
userWithResetPasswordRole, null, userWithResetPasswordRole.getAuthorities());
Also, you will need to have a custom voter which handles RESET_PASSWORD as it will not be recognised by a default configuration. Alternatively use the ROLE_ prefix, i.e. ROLE_RESET_PASSWORD.
