Bash is not recognized? - bash

I am trying to build the open source drivers for the c1000a to fix my router. However, I run into a weird issue:
$ make PROFILE=963268BGW
make version is 3.81
kernel version is 3.13.0-29-generic
shell is /bin/sh. Bash version is
ERROR: /bin/sh does not invoke bash shell
make: *** [prebuild_checks] Error 1
Can anyone explain what this might mean?

The answer is that someone wrote a script or Makefile which depends on /bin/sh being Bash, and went out of their way to write code to detect that this is the case, rather than to write code which finds the shell that is required to run the script, like /bin/bash or /usr/bin/bash.
It is easy to tell GNU Make what shell to use for executing build "recipes" (bodies of rules), namely the SHELL variable. The default is /bin/sh/ but if you put
SHELL = /usr/bin/bash # or whatever else
then GNU Make will use that.
I'd gut the Makefile of the logic which tests /bin/sh and bails out, and set up the SHELL variable to point to Bash.

This error might happen when you are doing compilation in Debian flavor distributions such as Ubuntu. Use the command below to compile:
$> make PROFILE=963268BGW SHELL=/bin/bash


Makefile Cygwin: mkdir, "The syntax of the command is incorrect."

Running the following Makefile gives an error message
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
This is because the makefile calls mkdir which is a windows command instead of mkdir from Cygwin. Even though I put cygwin path first in the environment variable, it still calls the windows mkdir instead of the Cygwin one. One quick way to fix is to use mkdir.exe. Then the Cygwin one is called. I am looking for a method to call the correct one without changing the Makefile is there any way to tell Makefile which one it should call. Something in the settings?
echo "make started"
mkdir -p test/tmp
echo "make ended"
echo "make started"
"make started"
mkdir -p test/tmp
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
make: *** [all] Error 1
I am looking for a method to call the correct one without changing the Makefile is there any way to tell Makefile which one it should call. Something in the settings?
It's unclear which setting you're referring to, but the root of the issue is the shell the Makefile is using. It looks like it's getting cmd.exe in your case, so unqualified "mkdir" triggers its builtin. No path search is performed.
You could try to work around that by directing make to use a different shell, something like this:
make SHELL=\path\to\cygwin\bash.exe
or you could launch make from a bash shell in the first place.
Be aware, however, that even if that works, this may not be the last issue you encounter. Makefiles not built with Windows specifically in mind -- which is most of them -- cannot often adapt to the quite different Windows environment. I've had more luck with MinGW in this area, and then with Automake-based makefiles, but it has nevertheless required some special accommodation in makefile sources and in programming-language sources.

why do I get shell: not found?

When I try to compile and run simple bash script.
export TEST_DRIVE=$(shell pwd)
I get error shell: not found
comment:- I wanted to point out that I saw this on makefile.
Because shell isn't a command your system knows.
That's a valid make assignment though.
Did you mean export TEST_DRIVE=$(pwd)?

Unable to execute shell script in Cygwin as a KornShell script

I rarely touch shell scripts, we have another department who write them, so I have an understanding of writing them but no experience. However they all appear rather useless with my issue.
I am trying to execute some KornShell (ksh) scripts on a windows based machine using Cygwin- we use these to launch our Oracle WebLogic servers, now it simply will not execute. I used to be able to execute these exact same scripts fine on my old machine.
Now I have narrowed this down to the fact the 'magic number' or whatever it is at the start of the script where it specifies the script interpreter path:
if I change it to execute as a simple bash it works i.e:
I went through checking the packages installed for cygwin - now the shells I installed are:
mksh MirdBSD KornShell
bash the bourne again shell
zsh z shell
Should I expect to see a ksh.exe in my cygwin/bin directory? there is a system file 'ksh' which I was making an assume somehow associates it with one of the other shell exes, like mksh.exe
I understand my explanation may well be naff. But that being said, any help would be very much appreciated.
I believe the MirBSD korn shell is called mksh. You can verify this and look for the correct path by typing
% which mksh
% which ksh
or if you have no which,
% type -p mksh
% type -p ksh
or if that fails too, check /etc/shells which should list all valid shells on a system:
% grep ksh /etc/shells
You need to put the full path after the #! line. It will probably be /bin/mksh, so your line needs to look like:
You've probably fixed it by now, but the answer was no, your Cygwin does not (yet) know about ksh.
I solved this problem by launching the cygwin setup in command-line mode with the -P ksh attribute (as described in
You can run a ksh using a bat file
C:\cygwin\bin\dos2unix kshfilename.ksh
C:\cygwin\bin\bash kshfilename.ksh
Running a shell script through Cygwin on Windows
Install KornShell (ksh) into Cygwin by the following process:
Download: ksh.2012-08-06.cygwin.i386.gz
Install ksh via Cygwin setup.
Execture Cygwin setup.exe
Choose: Install from Local Directory
Select the ksh.2012-08-06.cygwin.i386.gz as the Local Package Directory.
Complete Cygwin setup.
Restart Cygwin.

Activating a VirtualEnv using a shell script doesn't seem to work

I tried activating a VirtualEnv through a shell script like the one below but it doesn't seem to work,
source ~/.virtualenvs/pinax-env/bin/activate
I get the following error
$ sh 2: source: not found
but if I enter the same command on terminal it seems to work
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/pinax-env/bin/activate
So I changed the shell script to
source ~/.virtualenvs/pinax-env/bin/activate
as suggested and used
$ bash
to run the script .
That doesn't throw an error but neither does that activate the virtual env
So any suggestion on how to solve this problem ?
PS : I am using Ubuntu 11.04
Must run the .sh script with source instead of the script solely
and not
sh is not the same as bash (although some systems simply link sh to bash, so running sh actually runs bash). You can think of sh as a watered down version of bash. One thing that bash has that sh does not is the "source" command. This is why you're getting that error... source runs fine in your bash shell. But when you start your script using sh, you run the script in an shell in a subprocess. Since that script is running in sh, "source" is not found.
The solution is to run the script in bash instead. Change the first line to...
Then run with...
If you want the activation of the virtualenv to change the shell that you call the script from, you need to use the "source" or "dot operator". This ensures that the script is run in the current shell (and therefore changes the current environment)...
As a side note, this is why virtualenv always says you need to use "source" to run it's activate script.
source is an builtin shell command in bash, and is not available in sh. If i remember correctly then virtual env does a lot of path and environment variables manipulation. Even running it as bash wont work since this will simply create the environment inside the sub-shell.
Try . or source this basically gets the script to run in your current environment and all the environment variables modified by virtualenv's activate will be available.
Edit: Here is a link that might help -
On Mac OS X your proposals seems not working.
I have done it this way. I'am not very happy with solution, but share it anyway here and hope, that maybe somebody will suggest the better one:
In I have
echo 'source /Users/andi/.virtualenvs/data_science/bin/activate'
I give execution permissions by: chmod +x
And I execute this way:
Notice that there are paranthesis in form of ASCII code 96 = ` ( Grave accent )
For me best way work as below.
Create and pest below code
source "/home/"
python --version
python /home/
Give file permission to run like below.
chmod +x
Now run like below
and that's it, start my python based server or any other code.
ubuntu #18.0
In my case, Ubuntu 16.04, the methods above didn't worked well or it needs much works.
I just made a link of 'activate' script file and copy it to home folder(or $PATH accessible folder) and renamed it simple one like 'actai'.
Then in a terminal, just call 'source actai'. It worked!

autoconf using sh, I need SHELL=BASH, how do I force autoconf to use bash?

I'm running autoconf and configure sets SHELL to '/bin/sh'.
This creates huge problems. How to force SHELL to be '/bin/bash' for autoconf?
I'm trying to get this running on osx, it's working on linux. Linux is using SHELL=/bin/bash. osx defaults to /bin/sh.
I have similar problems on Solaris with GCC - and I use the 'standard' technique:
CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash ./configure ...
(Or, actually, I use /bin/ksh, but setting the CONFIG_SHELL env var allows you to tell autoconf scripts which shell to use.)
I checked the configure script for git and gd (they happened to be extracted) to check that this wasn't a GCC peculiar env var.
What are the "huge problems"? autoconf works very hard to generate a configure script that works with a very large percentage of shells. If you have an example of a construct that autoconf is writing that is not portable, please report it to the autoconf mailing list. On the other hand, if the problems you are experiencing are a result of your own shell code in not being portable (eg, you're using bashisms) then the solution is to either stop using non-portable code or require the user to explicitly set SHELL or CONFIG_SHELL at configure time.
It sounds like the problem you are experiencing is in the environment of the user running configure. On Linux, your user has SHELL set to /bin/bash, but on OS X it is set to /bin/sh. The configure script generated by autoconf does some initial tests of the shell it is running under and does attempt to re-exec itself using a different shell if the provided shell lacks certain features. However, if you are introducing non-portable shell code in, then you are violating one of the main philosophy's of autoconf -- namely that configure scripts should be portable. If you truly want to use bashisms in your shell code, then you are requiring your user to pass SHELL=/bin/bash as an argument to the configure script. This is not a bug in autoconf, but would be considered by many to be a bug in your project's build.
Autoconf is supposed to solve portability problems by generating a script which can run "anywhere". That's why it generates bizarre code like:
if test X$foo = X ; then ... # check if foo is empty
rather than:
if [ "$x" = "" ] ; then ...
That kind of crufty code probably once allowed these scripts to run on some ancient Ultrix system or whatever.
An configure script not running because of shell differences is like coming to a Formula-1 race with 10 liters of gas, and three spare tires.
If you're developing a configure script with Autoconf, and it is sensitive to whether the shell is Bash or the OSX shell, you are doing something wrong, or the Autoconf people broke something. If it's from you, fix whatever shell pieces you are adding to the script by making them portable.
Where is SHELL being set to that? What is being run with /bin/sh when you want /bin/bash?
configure scripts are meant to run anywhere, even on the horribly broken and non-Bash shells that exist in the wild.
Edit: What exactly is the problem?
Another edit: Perhaps you'd like the script to re-execute itself, something like this. It's probably buggy:
if test "$SHELL" = "/bin/sh" && test -x /bin/bash; then
exec /bin/bash -c "$0" "$#"
ln -f /bin/bash /bin/sh
:-P (No, it's not a serious answer. Please don't hose your system by doing it!)
