Window messages v/s COM connection point - winapi

I would like to communicate between two processes running on the same machine.
I don not have luxury to use any sort of general IPC(e.g. shared memory, pipe, sockets etc.)
I can able to use window messages to communicate between both the process.
please advice will it be faster to use COM connection point rather than window messages.
Is COM connection point also based on window message queue.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

please advice will it be faster to use COM connection point rather
than window messages.
It largely depends on how you use Windows messages to communicate between processes.
For simple cases like calling a COM method without arguments, a synchronous inter-process call will not be faster than using SendMessage directly, because of the reason explained below.
Is COM connection point also based on window message queue.
It is not based on window message queue. COM connection point is just a convention for implementing outgoing COM interfaces. However, the COM inter-process marshaller does indeed use hidden windows and private messages to marshal calls, when it comes to making an out-of-proc call on a connection point interface.
This is not specific to connection points and applies to any COM proxy interface you may have cached. Normally, you need to have a functional message loop inside both client and server processes for this to work properly.


Detecting socket connection using ZeroMQ STREAM sockets

I am building a new application that receives data from a number of external devices and needs to make it available to a number of different components. ZeroMQ seems purpose-built for the "data bus" aspect of my architecture.
I recently became aware that zmq STREAM sockets can connect to native TCP sockets and send/received messages. Using zmq throughout has a lot of appeal, but I have one problem that I don't know how to get around.
One of my devices needs to be set up. That is, I connect a socket to it, send it some configuration information, then sit back and wait for it to send me data. The device also has a "reset" capability (useful in some contexts), that requires re-sending the configuration information. Doing this depends upon having visibility to the setup/tear-down stage of the socket interface. I need to know when a new connection is established, so I can send the necessary configuration messages.
It seems that zmq is purposely designed to shield me from that knowledge. Is there a way to do what I want? Or should I just use regular sockets for this interface?
Well, it turns out that reading (the right version of) the fine manual can be instructive.
When a connection is made, a zero-length message will be received by the application. Similarly, when the peer disconnects (or the connection is lost), a zero-length message will be received by the application.
I guess all that remains is to disambiguate between connect and disconnect. Still looking for advice from the community, if others have dealt with this situation before.
Following up on your own answer, I would hesitate to rely on that zero length connect/disconnect message as your whole strategy - that seems needlessly fragile. It's not clear to me from your question which end is persistent and which end needs configuration information, but I expect that one end knows it's resetting and reconnecting, and that end needs configuration information from the peer, so it should ask for it with a message when it needs it, to which the peer responds with the requested information.
If the peer does not yet have the required configuration information before it receives some other message, it could either queue up that work or it could respond back with the need for the config, and then have the rest of the network handle that need appropriately.
You shouldn't need stream/tcp sockets to make that work, it should work with more standard ZMQ socket types, you just need to build the robustness into your application rather than trying to get it for free from TCP/socket actions.
If I've missed your point, and what I'm suggesting won't work for some reason, you will have to give more specific information about your network topology for anyone else to understand what a suitable solution might be.

Are there any Thrift-style RPC systems that allow callbacks?

After using several different messaging and RPC systems I have come to the conclusion that you eventually always need traditional RPC, and push events of some kind. Otherwise you inevitably end up with some polling hack.
For example, HTTP originally only supported RPC-style methods (GET and POST return a response immediately). People realised that push events were needed so hacked it using long polling. Eventually this was fixed with Server-Sent Events.
CoAP (a lightweight UDP-based version of HTTP) also supports push events by adding a 'monitor' option to GET requests. It's a pretty elegant solution.
But neither of those are Thrift-style RPC, by which I mean you write an interface definition file, and there is some tool that compiles that interface into native code for your language of choice. Thereafter you can just call remote procedures almost as if they are local ones.
So my question is, are there any Thrift-style RPC systems that let you subscribe to push events and call a callback (or similar) when an event arrives?
gRPC supports "streaming", which means a single logical RPC call can actually involve multiple messages in each direction.
Cap'n Proto supports object capabilities, which allows either side of the connection to send an object reference to the other side, to which calls can be made. For example, the client could call a method on the server and, as one of the method parameters, provide a callback object. The callback object implements some pre-defined RPC interface. When the server calls the callback object, it is making a call back to the client. In fact, Cap'n Proto connections are fully symmetric: there is no distinction at the protocol level between client and server.
(Disclosure: I am the author of Cap'n Proto, and was also the author of Protocol Buffers v2, though I am not affiliated with gRPC.)

how to make COM connection point a pure Asynchronous communication

I have wrote one sample com server which implements com connection point. I am calling one method in this COM object which in turn calling some other method in my client code using connection point mechanism.
But all the above listed operation is synchronous communication. I would like to make COM server pure async so that if my COM server get some event it should fire the data back to its client.
please suggest how it is possible using COM connection point.
Note :- My COM server is running as a exe out of proc.
Thanks in advance!!!
Threading is never a minor detail in COM, just as it isn't in any runtime environment. You must observe the apartment state that the COM client program selected. And if it is STA, by far the most common selection, then it is your duty to fire the event on the thread that the client code selected. Ignoring that requirement just produces impossible to diagnose bugs in the client program.
So if you fire the event from a worker thread in your own code, the only way to get event handlers to run async, then you must marshal the interface pointer. CoMarshalThreadInterfaceInStream() or the easier-to-use IGlobalInterfaceTable gets that job done. Rock-hard requirement. It will run asynchronously when the client program opted-in by using COINIT_MULTITHREADED when it called CoInitializeEx(). The only thing you can do is publish the fact that your code is thread-safe by picking the ThreadingModel registry value, using "Both" or "Free".
Same as you do it without COM:
the client of your server object calls a method;
the method starts a background operation and returns;
The background operation can use a separate thread, an async I/O API, a timer API, etc. When the background operation has completed, it fires an event (calls a method on the client-provided sink interface);
the client handles the event.
Back to COM, all method invocations in COM are synchronous by default. When you fire an event on the client-provided sink interface, the call will block until the client returns. There's one exception to this behavior: IAdviseSink. The methods of this interface are asynchronous, if the callee resides in a different COM apartment from the caller. However, IAdviseSink is probably not what you're looking for.
The standard way to use asynchronous COM requires that the interface have an separate UUID for the asynchronous interface. IConnectionPoint does not have an async UUID, so you can't use ICallFactory to implement asynchronous COM.

How do I do multiple publishers with a single endpoint in ZeroMQ?

I'm attempting to do a pub/sub architecture where multiple publishers and multiple subscribers exist on the same bus. According to what I've read on the internet, only one socket should ever call bind(), and all others (whether pub or sub) should call connect().
The problem is, with this approach I'm finding that only the publisher that actually calls bind() on the socket ever publishes messages. All of my publishers that call connect() seem to fail silently and don't actually publish any messages to the bus. I've confirmed this isn't a subscriber key issue, as I've written a simple "sniffer" app that subscribes to all messages on the bus, and it is only showing the publisher that called bind().
If I attempt multiple binds with the publisher, the "expected" zmq behavior of silently stealing the bus occurs with ipc, and a port in use error is thrown with tcp.
I've verified this behavior with ipc and tcp endpoints, but ultimately the full system will be using epgm. I assume (though of course may be wrong) that in this situation I wouldn't need a broker since there's no dynamic discovery occurring (endpoints are known, whether ipc, tcp, or epgm multicast).
Is there something I'm missing, perhaps a socket setting, that would be causing the connecting publishers to not actually send their data? According to the literature I've seen on the internet, I'm doing things the "correct" way but it still doesn't work.
For reference, my publisher class has the following methods for setting up the endpoint:
: m_zmqContext(1), m_zmqSocket(m_zmqContext, ZMQ_PUB)
void ZmqPublisher::bindEndpoint(std::string ep)
void ZmqPublisher::connect(std::string ep)
So ultimately, my question is this: What is the proper way to handle multiple publishers on the same endpoint, and why am I not seeing messages from more than one publisher?
It may or may not be relevant, but The 0MQ Guide has the following slightly enigmatic remark:
In theory with ØMQ sockets, it does not matter which end connects and which end binds. However, in practice there are undocumented differences that I'll come to later. For now, bind the PUB and connect the SUB, unless your network design makes that impossible.
I've not yet discovered where the "come to later" actually happens, but I don't use pub/sub so much, and haven't read the "Advanced Pub-Sub Patterns" part of the guide in great detail.
However, the idea of multiple publishers on a single end-point, to me, suggests the need for an XPUB/XSUB style broker; it's not about dynamic discovery, it's about single point of contact and routing. Ultimately, I think a broker-based topology would simplify your application, and make it easier to identify problems.
Your mistake was that you call a single publisher with bind and others with connect. This is not supported with plain PUB-SUB pattern.
Plain PUB-SUB in ZeroMQ supports only two scenarios (see the image below):
single publisher, multiple subscribers
single subscriber, multiple publishers
In both cases, the party that is "single" must bind and the party that is "multiple" must connect. Otherwise, if you want many-to-many, you can use XPUB-XSUB or some other pattern.

Can a named-pipe client write to multiple instances?

After creating multiple instances of a named pipe (using CreateNamedPipe()), I use CreateFile() to form a pipe client.
When the client writes a message to the pipe, only one server instance gets it.
Is there a way for the client to write a message to all instances?
When a client connects to an instance of a named pipe, the manner in which the operating system chooses which server instance to make the connection to is undocumented, as far as I know. However, empirically it appears to be done on a round robin basis.
If you are prepared to rely on undocumented behaviour which may change with service packs and QFE patches, your client can keep closing its pipe handle and calling CreateFile again to get a new one - each time it will attach to a new server instance of the pipe. However, there is a problem with this in that the client would not know when to stop. I suppose you could invent some mechanism involving a response from the server to break the loop but it is far from satisfactory. This isn't what named pipes were designed for.
The real purpose of multiple server instances of a pipe is to enable pipe servers to handle multiple clients concurrently. Usually, the same server process manages all the instances.
You really want to turn things around: what you think of as your client should be the server, and should create and manage the pipe. Processes which want notification would then connect as clients of the named pipe. This is a pattern which can be implemented quite easily using WCF, with a duplex contract and the NetNamedPipeBinding, if that's an option.
No, a pipe has two ends. Loop through the pipes. A mailslot supports broadcasts but delivery isn't guarantee.
