ArgumentResolvers within single transaction? - spring

I am wondering if there is a way to wrap all argument resolvers like for #PathVariables or #ModelAttributes into one single transaction? We are already using the OEMIV filter but spring/hibernate is spawning too many transactions (one per select if they are not wrapped within a service class which is be the case in pathvariable resolvers for example).
While the system is still pretty fast I think this is not necessary and neither consistent with the rest of the architecture.
Let me explain:
Let's assume that I have a request mapping including two entities and the conversion is based on a StringToEntityConverter
The actual URL would be like this if we support GET: http://localhost/app/link/User_231/Item_324
#RequestMapping("/link/{user}/{item}", method="POST")
public String linkUserAndItem(#PathVariable("user") User user, #PathVariable("item") Item item) {
userService.addItem(user, item);
return "linked";
// simplified
public Object convert(String classAndId) {
return entityManager.find(getClass(classAndId), getId(classAndId));
The UserService.addItem() method is transactional so there is no issue here.
The entity converter is resolving the User and the Item against the database before the call to the Controller, thus creating two selects, each running in it's own transaction. Then we have #ModelAttribute methods which might also issue some selects again and each will spawn a transaction.
And this is what I would like to change. I would like to create ONE readonly Transaction
I was not able to find any way to intercept/listen/etc... by the means of Spring.
First I wanted to override the RequestMappingHandlerAdapter but the resolver calls are well "hidden" inside the invokeHandleMethod method...
The ModelFactory is not a spring bean, so i cannot write an interceptor either.
So currently I only see a way by completely replacing the RequestMappingHandlerAdapter, but I would really like to avoid that.
And ideas?

This seems like a design failure to me. OEMIV is usually a sign that you're doing it wrong™.
Instead, do:
#RequestMapping("/link/User_{userId}/Item_{itemId}", method="POST")
public String linkUserAndItem(#PathVariable("userId") Long userId,
#PathVariable("itemId") Long itemId) {
userService.addItem(userId, itemId);
return "linked";
Where your service layer takes care of fetching and manipulating the entities. This logic doesn't belong in the controller.


Putting Spring WebFlux Publisher inside Model, good or bad practice?

I'm working on a code audit on a SpringBoot Application with Spring WebFlux and the team is putting Publisher directly inside the Model and then resolve the view.
I'm wondering if it is a good or bad practice because it seems to be working but in that case, which component is in charge of executing the Publisher ?
I think that it's the ViewResolver and it should not be its job. What do you think ?
Moreover, if the Publisher is not executed by the Controller, the classes annotated by #ControllerAdvice such like ExceptionHandler won't work if these Publisher return an error, right ?
Extract of the Spring WebFlux documentation :
Spring WebFlux, unlike Spring MVC, explicitly supports reactive types in the model (for example, Mono or io.reactivex.Single). Such asynchronous model attributes can be transparently resolved (and the model updated) to their actual values at the time of #RequestMapping invocation, provided a #ModelAttribute argument is declared without a wrapper, as the following example shows:
public void addAccount(#RequestParam String number) {
Mono<Account> accountMono = accountRepository.findAccount(number);
model.addAttribute("account", accountMono);
public String handle(#ModelAttribute Account account, BindingResult errors) {
// ...
In addition, any model attributes that have a reactive type wrapper are resolved to their actual values (and the model updated) just prior to view rendering.
Doesn't come as a shock to me.
Actually seems to be a good trade off between complexity and efficiency when the Publisher is handling complex stuff.
It has the advantage of executing the Publisher only if and when needed.
Although it might be a problem if the ModelMap handler does not have the capacity to use it properly.
As for the exceptional cases, maybe you do not want it to be executed and just printed, thus failing faster.
As for the question about what is executing the Publisher, a specific ViewResolver can be used as it is the component responsible for the "rendering". IMHO that's it's job. I do not know if a standard ViewResolver can be used for detecting values vs publishers and handle those automagically, yet this seems completely doable and efficient.

Spring: new() operator and autowired together

If I use Spring, which of these two methods is more correct.
Can I use the new() operator even if I use dipendency injection?.Can I mix both?
I would like to have some clarification on these concepts.
First method:
public String create(Model model){
model.addAttribute(new User());
return "index";
Second Method:
User user;
public String create(Model model){
return "index";
By using dependency injection does not mean that the use of new operator is automatically prohibited throughout your code. It's just different approaches applied to different requirements.
A web application in spring is composed of a number of collaborating beans that are instantiated by the framework and (unless overriding the default scope) are singletons. This means that they must not preserve any state since they are shared across all requests (threads). In other words if you autowire the User object (or any other model attribute), it is created on application context initialization and the same instance is given to any user request. This also means that if a request modifies the object, other requests will see the modification as well. Needless to say this is erroneous behavior in multithreaded applications because your User object (or other model attribute) belongs to the request, so it must have the very narrow scope of a method invocation, or session at most.
You can also have spring create beans with different scopes for you, but for a simple scenario of a model attribute initialization, the new operator is sufficient. See the following documentation if interested in bean scopes : Bean scopes
So in your use case, the second method is totally wrong.
But you can also delegate the creation of your model attributes to spring if they are used as command objects (i.e. if you want to bind request parameters to them). Just add it in the method signature (with or without the modelattribute annotation).
So you may also write the above code as
public String create(#ModelAttribute User user){
return "index";
see also : Supported method argument types
If you want your beans to be "managed" by Spring (for e.g. to use with Dependency Injection or PropertySources or any other Spring-related functionality), then you do NOT create new objects on your own. You declare them (via XML or JavaConfig) and let Spring create and manage them.
If the beans don't need to be "managed" by Spring, you can create a new instance using new operator.
In your case, is this particular object - User - used anywhere else in code? Is it being injected into any other Spring bean? Or is any other Spring bean being injected in User? How about any other Spring-based functionality?
If the answer to all these questions is "No", then you can use the first method (create a new object and return it). As soon as the create() method execution is complete, the User object created there would go out of scope and will be marked for GC. The User object created in this method will eventually be GC-ed.
Things can be injected in two ways in a Spring MVC applications. And yes, you can you can mix injection and creation if doing right.
Components like the controller in your example are singletons managed by the application context. If you inject anything to them it is global, not per request or session! So a user is not the right thing to inject, a user directory can be. Be aware of this as you are writing a multithreaded application!
Request related things can be injected to the method like the used locale, the request, the user principal may be injected as parameters, see a full list at Spring MVC Documentation.
But if you create a model attribute you may use new() to create it from scratch. I will not be filled by spring but to be used by your view to display data created by the controller. When created in the request mapped method that is ok.

Storing session data in controller

I'm new to Spring. I'm working on a MVC application that would works as follows:
1) user fills the form with data necessary to create the connection to some service
2) controller gets the data from input, create new object serviceManager and save this object e.g in some HashMap with serviceId
3) next time user wants to use this service, controller using serviceId reads data from HashMap.
So I simply need to store this HashMap throughout the whole session in my controller for future use. What would be the best way to accomplish that? Maybe creating serviceManager object each time and reading data from database is the proper solution? In my controller I'm already using #Autowired fields which perfectly serve the purpose, but they're defined in spring xml and I have to store the data dynamically.
Seems your requirement is kind of same with mine which I should keep the main data in the session and every time get the detail data from client and combine 2 kind of data to retrieve something from database. I just put the main part data in the session and then in the whole session that I can get it. I also try to use #SessionAttribute, but after tried dozens of time, I gave it up, it has a lots of problems. So if you can, I just recomment you to store the data in session, that's the samplest way.
I'm newish to spring myself, but as far as putting this in the session:
public class MyController() {
// Corrected as per Costi below
// public String someMethod(#PathVariable MyObject myObject) {
public String someMethod(#ModelAttribute MyObject myObject) {
#SessionAttributes will put a MyObject named myObject into the session, if it's not already there, and the #PathVariable pulls it down so you can use it in the method.
The curlys in session attributes aren't necessary for just one attribute, however, you can specify more than one, comma separated, when you use the array notation (which is to say: the curlys)

Exposing entities through services and partial responses

What do you think about exposing domain entities through services? I tried it in an application, but I came to the conclusion that exposing domain model to the client is not such a good idea.
Really easy to transport data from-to client
List item
(De)Serialization is really easy: just put jackson in the classpath and it will handle it. No extra logic is needed.
No need to duplicate entities POJOs. At least in early stages, the API resources will be pretty much the same as the domain model.
The API's get very tightly coupled to the model and you can't change the model without affecting the API
Partial responses. There are cases where you don't want to return all the fields of the entities, just some of them. How do you accomplish it?
So, let's take the following REST example. The following API declares that GET on the user resource returns the following information.
"address":"my street"
Usually, I would create a User entity, a user service to return the user and a REST controller to serve the request like this:
public #ResponseBody User getUser(#PathVariable Long id) {
return userService.findById(id);
Should I avoid returning the User entity?
If yes, should I create another class and handle myself the mapping between this class and the entity?
Is there a pattern for this?
How to accomplish partial expansion? (i.e. return only the firstName and lastName for the user)
P.S: using #JSONFilter and ObjectMapper to accomplish partial responses seems too heavyweight to me because you loose the beauty of spring data

Spring - Best approach to provide specific error messages in a validator from a DAO?

What is the best way to implement a validator in Spring that accesses a DAO object but needs to return different error messages based on the DAO error? Should the DAO method throw different exceptions that the validator turns into proper error messages? Should the DAO return an enumeration so the validator can handle each return type separately if necessary? I suppose the validator can pass the org.springframework.validation.Errors object to the DAO, but that seems to tie the two classes too closely together.
I believe the best approach is the enumeration approach to avoid the overhead of exceptions. Is there another way I should be considering?
Actually, the enumeration would probably have to be a reference passed into the DAO as that method had to return the actual object. Is this still the best approach?
Update 2
The issue is I need to retrieve information from the database in this particular case, not store it. In the validation class, I was checking if the value already exists (which is why it needed the DAO), and if it already exists that is an error that I would show to the user on the page. I do need to validate that all fields on the form were filled in, so maybe that's the only thing I use the validator for. Then, how do I handle the error where the value already exists in the database? The DAO is the only thing that will know that - what is the best way to communicate that error from the DAO to the web layer?
The DAO method is currently returning the user object it is retrieving from the database - I can return null if there is an error, but that doesn't give me any granularity into the error details - it's essentially a boolean at that point indicating if the record was found or not, but not why.
Validator accessing DAO is valid.
I Would suggest throwing exception over passing enumeration.
If given one more option I would suggest not throwing exception but returning null.
You may design your DAO methods in such a way that they would return the populated object if available, if not just returns null.
Take following example:
DAO layer :
class UserInfoProvider {
public void createUser(User user) throws UserCreationException {
// throws UserCreationException when something goes wrong while updating database
public User findUser(String username) {
// return user object if found
// else just return null
Validation :
class UserValidator {
public void validate(command, errors) {
String username = command.getUsername();
UserInfoProvider userInfoProvider;
User user = userInfoProvider.findUser(username);
if (user == null) {
errors.rejectValue("username","User not found");
You might consider using Spring security when you are using Spring MVC.
I suppose the validator can pass the org.springframework.validation.Errors object to the DAO, but that seems to tie the two classes too closely together.
I'm not understanding this. Why would you pass Errors to the DAO?
The point of validation is to prevent bad data from ever getting within sniffing distance of your database. You should be sending a response back to the source of the request informing them about any Errors you've encountered.
The only reason I can think of for passing such a thing to a database would be to track requests and responses as an auditing/tracking function.
If there are errors, the use case is done. The user needs to be informed, not your database.
If you're checking something like a username that has to be unique in a database, by all means do that check. But I'd do it as an AJAX call, as soon as it was entered, and if it already existed I'd simply tell the user so.
DAO should not know about web tiers. Bad design - too coupled.
Let the web tier inquire through an intermediary. The intermediary will make the query and send back the appropriate result. Your web page should have a controller and/or service of some kind that can be that intermediary.
Checking the database in your validator is a valid thing to do.
I am a bit confused about what sort of errors you are expecting your DAO to return though. Typically it will either return the requested object or NULL, and it is up to the caller (your validator) to know the reason why.
If you need to check that multiple fields don't already exist in the database, then just make multiple DAO calls.
