Joomla/Virtuemart scripts not working on the product detail view - joomla

I have a Joomla 2.5.20 site with VirtueMart 2.6.4. I'm creating a template that among other things uses jQuery and Bootstrap. While the site works well in general, including VM's cart, I'm facing problems with the product detail view: no script from VirtueMart seems to be working: if I click on a thumbnail image, it won't change the main image. If I click on the main image, it will open in a new window instead of opening with Fancybox. The rating control won't allow me to select a star to rate the product.
I've been searching all over and every answer I've come up with say it's a jQuery conflict. While jQuery (v. 1.8.0) is there, I don't see where the conflict could possibly be.
The site is:
The URL to a sample where it's not working:
Any help will be really appreciated. Thanks in advance!


Joomla - Remove product image zoom function

I am relatively new here but am looking forward to the support and knowledge i can gain here.
I have recently taken over a Joomla site that has a custom shopping cart which as far as i can tell is called dnaCatalog. I have tried to Google it but came up nothing but the actual dna workings of Joomla and other such things.
What i would like to achieve is to remove the image zoom from the product images in the shopping cart. I have searched the admin back-end through the plugins and modules but cant find any reference to any form of image zoom so I am guessing its hardcoded into the theme or catalog.
I currently have the site on a testing server here...
I have just updated it to the current version of Joomla 3.6.5
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks in advance.
The zoom function is coded as a JQuery add on, you will find it at templates/quasar/js/jquery.loupe.min.js. The optimal way to solve this is to find the calls to the script above and remove them (be careful what you remove, you should know what you doing when editing the core files).
Alternatively look for the class called loupe which are associated to your images, this gives your images the zoom functionality.
The easiest (but dirtiest) way to solve this is to go to your templates css file
templates/quasar/css/template.css and on line 7127 add the CSS display:none!important;

Joomla 1.7 - can't find Meta Titles

we moved a site for a client a while back that someone else created. Its running on Joomla 1.7.
We want to do some light SEO work for them but I can't for the life of me find the Meta/SEO title field anywhere.
All the support posts I've looked at say its here or there but for me its not. It seems to be know where! In the meta options section when editing an artcile there is a description and keyword field but no title.
Some help would be appreciated. This client can't justify a new website.
we ended up upgrading this install to 2.5, still couldn't edit the meta titles anywhere. So I installed a plugin which gave me the title field but it had no effect! Can only assume the theme hasn't been put together properly. The conclusion is that its now quicker for us to just move them to WordPress where stuff works properly! :)
I'm working more with Wordpress than Joomla, but I think that you should download an extension if you want to have a meta-title in the pages. For the home page you can change it from Menu - Main menu - Home.

joomla 3.1 ajax module

ok so I have a main horizontal menu that appears on all pages, (company, products, about us) and I want another menu, (vertical accordion on the left side of the page) inside products:
--samsung galaxy s4
--iphone 4
--hp pavilion
and when I clic on any of the sections of the accordion menu the information about each product appears on the right using ajax. I have made the accordion menu as a custom html module and the same with the content that its supposed to appear on the right side (I used modules instead of articles).
Now I'm thinking that its probably better to create another menu for the accordion and that the content should be articles, but I dont know how to make it look like an accordion, and I still need help using ajax to show the content of each product.
the main thing is, I want to use ajax to replace one module for another when I clic on any section of the accordion menu. is there any way to do it, all I could find in google its how to change the main article of the page, for that i have to replace
jdoc:include type="component" and add an event with the url but that replaces everything and I just want to change the right module/article
something like this
I dont know if I explained myself well.
I used shaper helix 2 template
Any help would be appreciated.
Check for some extensions here:
An advice... you better forget ajax to load the catalog because as it used on the example the product pages are missed by search engines, as spiders and crawlers doesn't execute javascript. Try to search for that domain... results don't have any product.
Good luck!

Gallery of images with long descriptions in Joomla

I need to make something like gallery of magazine covers in joomla, and after clicking one image, it should open a page, where viewer would see an image of cover (that he could open in full size) and table of contents with links to some articles. Administrator should also be able to (reasonably) easily add a new covers with content to a gallery. I'm more like a Drupal guy, so I'm asking Joomla guys - what would be the best/easiest way to achieve this (including using extensions etc)? :)
You should be able to do that within the standard Joomla framework. In this case -
Have a main category that each issue would be a subcategory of.
Each issue of the magazine would be a new category, the magazine cover would be the image for that category.
Add the content as articles in the appropriate category
Display the parent category to get the listing of each issue.
Clicking the category would then display a list of links to the articles within the category.
This can definitely be accomplished with the K2 extension, but you can probably do it within the Joomla category/article framework with some simple template overrides.
To suit your needs, you will be best off using a Photo Gallery component and changing the link from opening an iframe/full size image, to an article OR a Portfolio component which I think might be the easier option.
One of my personal favorites is BT Content Slider. I have used it on multiple pages and adapted the code to suit our own needs and it works like a charm. Would also recommend it for you too.

Making a different type of home page in Orchard

I've just started with the Orchard CMS and I can see that I can create a page and have different widgets on them, but I need the homepage to have a different layout.
I'd like to have some sort of different cshtml file for the homepage, but I can't seem to work out how to do it from the documentation. I also need to have four text areas on the home page that aren't on the main page.
Can someone who has done this point me in the right direction?
You should use designer tools module if you are using Orchard 1.1 +. Just search for Shapes in the admin and install the tools. Then you can create Alternates by reviewing the shapes in-browser.
In your case you should be able to create a view with the name: Content-url-homepage.cshtml
This may help you, it's a post I found about making your own themes and is a fairly simple example but covers what you are looking for:
I wanted to display the content on my
homepage slightly differently than
other pages. My homepage has an ID of
11 so I was able to reference it with
a file called Content-11.cshtml. I
could also have created a template for
all blog post content using a file
called Content-BlogPost.cshtml had I
needed to do so.
You can try this to vary the homepage layout:
Orchard 1.1 will also give you a homepage alternate out of the box.
