I'm testing log in/out functionality in my application. On log in, I'm inserting a database entry, as well as for log out.
My test setup with JMeter:
Recording a Test Plan using WorkBench -> Add -> Non - Test Elements
-> HTTP(s) Test Script Recorder. [Login/Logout]
Run the Test Plan.
On running the test plan, the user log in entry was inserted into the database, but on log out, the user entry was not deleted from the database.
Can someone suggest what I'm doing wrong?
Add Config Element -> HTTP Cookie Manager
It should work
Open J Meter via command prompt.
Click on File, click on Template, disable the "User defined variables", "HTTP default requests".
List item
Got this error while record script in jmeter 5.1
1.Create thread
2.Thread group
3.HTTP(S)Test settings recorder
when going to do start getting this error showing in screenshot which is shown in the top left of the page.
I see no error in your screenshot.
When you start recorder, JMeter pops up a window that stays on top even when you're using browser allowing you to name each transaction.
Note that if you create all this manually, you must add a Recording Controller as a child of Thread Group as per this documentation.
Alternatively, use menu File > Templates > Recording which will do the setup for you.
If you want to learn more about JMeter and performance testing, this book will help you.
Web Application recording gets Fail due to Semi-Colon presence at the end of JSON Form Data of a request.
Steps :
1) Set proxy for Web Application.
2) Installed the proper certificate to start the recording for JMeter.
3) Then started the recording.
4) In mid of recording flow, my recording gets stop.
5) When I explored the error then I got an error message in developer mode for respective request :
Browser: Chrome
Status Code:
500 Additional text encountered after finished reading JSON content: =. Path '', line 1, position 4646.
6) When I performed the particular step manually on my web application then it was working fine.
Please help me to resolve this issue. I am not able to complete recording of my Web Application flow.
If you configured JMeter for recording using Recording Template - update your question with the contents or recording.xml file. If not - retry your attempt using the aforementioned Recording Template.
If you don't have the template or don't want to use it add View Results Tree listener as a child of the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder and configure it like:
Another recording option is using JMeter Chrome Extension, it is non-invasive way of capturing browser requests and converting them into a JMeter test plan, in this case you don't have to worry about
I am new to JMeter and am trying to set up some performance tests. I set a JMeter project that contains this:
Test Plan
Thread Group
HTTP Request Defaults
HTTP Cookie Manager
Recording Controller
HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Constant Timer
The issue I am having is that when I record a run the recording works fine until I reach a specific page.
I start my test script recorder, navigate to this page: https://www.lawdepot.com/contracts/loan-agreement/ and when I click the "Create My Document" button the page will be stuck on the loading screen forever.
Is there a way to figure out what is happening? I checked the log view window and don't see anything helpful there.
I am trying to record a scenario where, after login, user clicks on a button that takes user to a page which has graphical data.
But just after Login and on click of button, the page keeps on loading continuously, however, manually it responds very fast.
I have confirmed security exception.
In case of any unexpected behaviour the first place you should take a look at is jmeter.log file - it normally contains enough troubleshooting information to figure out the cause.
You can increase log verbosity for the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder by adding the next line to user.properties file (located under JMeter's "bin" folder)
JMeter restart will be required to pick the property up.
Few other tips:
Try clearing your browser history (including cache)
Re-install JMeter dummy certificate
If nothing helps - there is an alternative option of recording a JMeter test via JMeter Chrome Extension
I'm using Jmeter to perform load test on Moodle application
I followed the below steps to replicate a simple "add company " test scenario
1: Recorded the browser actions through HTTP Test script recorder and created a test plan with thread user of 1
2: Added HTTP Cache Manager,Added regular expression extractor for retrieving dynamically generated session for login HTTP request.
For Http request of adding new company, addded user parameters containing new company name
I run the test, everything seems ok in the view results tree- response section (response code: 200,response message:OK), all the required variables are passed in the HTTP POST
PROBLEM: New company added through Jmeter test is not reflected in UI of the moodle action
Can any of you please let me know
Is there something I could be missing or anyway I can debug the problem?
P.S: I'm new to Jmeter and looked around a lot for data inputted through Jmeter not being displayed in the UI of the web application,dint find useful results.
The answer to questions of this sort is almost always that you missed some necessary dynamic value besides session ID which you did catch.
An HTTP200 response just means the server returned a "good" response. Which could also happily contain an error message.
I would check the actual html body of the returned response for any errors. Checking the log on the server side can give you clues to what went wrong sometimes. You should also try adding a cookie manager.
Run your test with 1 virtual user in GUI mode with View Results Tree listener enabled and inspect responses to see where your scripts fails. My expectation is that you simply cannot log in.
See Moodle-JMeter-LoadTest.jmx file for reference, it uses XPath Extractor to get session key and course id.
I don't think you can test using JMeter. Try JUnit Test cases instead http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/usermanual/junitsampler_tutorial.pdf