Passing (this) between functions - d3.js

I'm trying to extend one rectangle using a drag handle without altering the other rectangles. I've tried to pass on the selected one using (this) but I can't get it to work. -drag right hand black bar. Any help with this issue or alternatives?
var dragright = d3.behavior.drag()
.origin(function() {
var t =;


D3 Selection Highlight (efficiency?)

I have a simple visual of many rects, over 100 I'd say. For aesthetic purposes I want to create a high light effect on mouse click. I also wanted to make this effect somewhat intuitive by removing that effect once the user clicks on a new rect. However I couldn't get this to work without resorting to a d3.selectAll() call, so I'm thinking this approach might not be ideal if this project gets any bigger. Here is the code:
.on('click.highlight', function() {
//set any previously highlighted rects back to normal color/brightness
.style('fill', function(d) { return d3.rgb(d.color)})'highlight',true);
//now it's safe to assign the current highlighted rect a brighter hue... i think
.style('fill', function(d) { return d3.rgb(d.color).brighter(.5)})
Though this code does what I wanted it to do, but presumably there could only ever be 1 other highlight rect to worry about at any give time. So again, I'm not sure that using d3.selectAll() is warranted here.
So anyway, is there a more efficient way? I'd like to keep it all within one .on('click') function if possible.
If you are looking to avoid use of .selectAll, you could create a selection of one rect that contains the last clicked rectangle. Each time you click on a rectangle:
unhighlight the previously selected highlighted rect
update that selection to reflect the most recently clicked rectangle
highlight the newly selected rect
I use the variable highlightedRect to hold the selection that will allow the above workflow:
var svg ="body").append("svg")
var highlightedRect =;
var rects = svg.selectAll("rect")
.attr("y",function(d) { return Math.floor(d/50)*12; })
.attr("x",function(d) { return d%50 * 12 })
.on("click",function(d) {
// Recolor the last clicked rect.
// Color the new one:
highlightedRect =;
<script src=""></script>

D3 v4: element 'snaps' to previous translate after programmatic transform

function zoomed() { svg.attr("transform", d3.event.transform); }
var zoom = d3.zoom().on("zoom", zoomed);
var svgMain ='body').append('svg').call(zoom);
var svg = svgMain.append('g') // All the drawing done here
When I translate svg programmatically with, 100, 100) then drag the element with the mouse, svg transform attribute snaps back to the value from before the drag.
It is almost as if the transform effected by is not stored or saved, and reverts to the transform stored in d3.event.transform.
This question seems to be hitting on the same issue, though for v3.
Seems like you are applying the zoom behavior to two different nodes - svgMain and svg.
Try running, 100, 100) instead of and see if it solves the problem.

How to dragover in this algorithm using d3.js drag.behaviour()?

I am trying to design an association miminap using d3.js. My goal is to position different items according to data and associate them using a drag function.
I try to calculate distance to different elements and if distance is lower than total radius, I consider this condition as a dragover. However drag function keeps selecting the node I drag instead of the node I drag it to.
var drag = d3.behavior.drag()
.on('dragstart', function() {})
.on('drag', function(d) {"circle")[0];
var minDist=1000;
for (i=0;i<nodes.length;i++) {
var r1=parseInt(;
var r2=parseInt("r"));
var dx=d3.event.x-parseInt("cx"));
var dy=d3.event.y-parseInt("cy"));
var dist=Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
if(dist<(r1+r2)) {
Why does my futile attempt to remove the node I drag by entering nodes.pop(this) does not work ?
I have added an editable codepen version :
Thank you for reading.

d3js how to scroll or tween properties

I have a div, #scrollable, with a scrollbar and I want to scroll to the end.
I can do it by setting the div's "scrollTop" property to the value of the div's "scrollHeight" property thus:
var scrollable ="#scrollable");"scrollTop","scrollHeight"));
but I can't figure out how, if at all, I can tween it.
var scrollheight ="scrollHeight");"#scrollable").transition().property("scrollTop", scrollheight);
doesn't work.
Thanks for any ideas.
You can use a custom d3 tween to transition arbitrary properties like scrollTop.
mbostock's Smooth Scrolling example demonstrates using a custom tween to scroll the entire document.
And here is the example adapted to your context (also viewable interactively on
var scrollable ="#scrollable");"#down").on('click', function() {
var scrollheight ="scrollHeight");"#scrollable").transition().duration(3000)
.tween("uniquetweenname", scrollTopTween(scrollheight));
function scrollTopTween(scrollTop) {
return function() {
var i = d3.interpolateNumber(this.scrollTop, scrollTop);
return function(t) { this.scrollTop = i(t); };

HTML 5 Canvas Mouse over event on element (show tooltip)

I am working on a visualization project. Based on my data I am plotting hundreds of small circle on canvas. I want to add a mouse over event so that whenever a mouse is the enclosing area of a circle it will show some node property from my data as a tool tip or as text on the canvas.
My current drawCircle method
function drawCircle(canvas,x,y,r)
canvas.strokeStyle = "#000000";
canvas.fillStyle = "#FFFF00";
canvas.lineWidth = 2;
I have looked into kinetic.js
But can't figure it out how I can call my drawCircle [repetitively] method using their library.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
If you still want to use KineticJS, you would put the Kinetic shape stuff inside your drawCircle routine. This is basically pulled out of their tutorial and stripped down:
function drawCircle(stage,x,y,r) {
var circle = new Kinetic.Shape(function(){
var context = this.getContext();
// draw the circle here: strokeStyle, beginPath, arc, etc...
circle.addEventListener("mouseover", function(){
// do something
If you don't want to use KineticJS after all, you will need to remember for yourself the positions and radii of every circle you drew, and then do something like this:
canvas.onmouseover = function onMouseover(e) {
var mx = e.clientX - canvas.clientLeft;
var my = e.clientY - canvas.clientTop;
// for each circle...
if ((mx-cx)*(mx-cx)+(my-cy)*(my-cy) < cr*cr)
// the mouse is over that circle
